(issued biweekly by Gerald Berghold)
(all rights reserved)
March 31, 1998

This edition of the newsletter contains articles on
- villages of Kroatisch Tschantschendorf and Tudersdorf
  (continuation of the Father Leser series),
- Reasons For Emigration,
- Some Offers of Genealogy Service,
- More on Definition of "Hold",
- Names of Donors,
- Language Disputes,
- Comments From Australia,
- Sister Cities, Northampton - Stegersbach
- and Eltendorf Visitors.

Situated west of Deutsch Tschantschendorf on the banks of the
river Strem. Probably founded by Croatian refugees in the early
16th century. First mentioned in a tax conscription of 1582 under
the name of "Beed Chench", Beed probably being the name of a
nobleman who owned the village. In 1605 already called "Horvath
Chench", the nobleman Franz FRANCICS paid tax for 2 houses.
Until 1788 part of the Croatian parish Sankt Nikolaus bei Güssing.
The Güssing baptism records of 1686-90 include the following
surnames of K.T.- inhabitants: CASZICZ, JELENCHICH,
JANDRISOVITS paid 30 florins for a cross. A church bell dating
back to 1641 survived WW-I. 186 inhabitants in 1745, 268 in
1850, today (1929) 216 in 45 houses, most people still speak
Croatian, but all speak German. About 25 people emigrated
to. (source: V+H Nr. 14/1957)

Newly founded in the 16th century, the territory having belonged
to Deutsch Tschantschendorf before. First mentioned in 1582 as
"Radovan Chench", in 1750 also called "Totter Csencs" or "Torrod", in
1850 "Radvancsencs" or "Tarodcsencs". Inhabitants in 1750: Mikule,
Matthias, Paul, Jure and Ive PANY (Jure and Ive being brothers),
Matte JANDRISOVICH. Inhabitants in 1789 apart from the PANY
KEGLOVITS. The dead were buried in Kroatisch Tschantschendorf
until 1867. Inhabitants: 1812: 76, 1832: 70, 1850: 82, 1920:
120. About 40 inhabitants emigrated to America.
(source: V+H Nr. 14/1957)

REASONS FOR EMIGRATION (from Fritz Konigshofer)

(Ed. note: at least through the second generation we have all heard
our immigrant ancestors tell why they left the "Heimat". The reasons
are many and varied. In addition they changed over time. Some
were as simple as wanting something better, others more
complicated. Frequently there was a host of reasons with one being
the trigger; the final straw as it were. This article, found and
translated by Fritz Königshofer furnishes an excellent summary of
reasons during one period of greatest emigration.)

Fritz writes:
The following article about the subject of emigration appeared in
the May 25, 1907 issue of "Der Volksfreund," a weekly German
language newspaper published in Szombathely. The author signed
his name "Veritas" (= truth) and his or her identity remains
unknown. The list of villages in the last paragraph of the article
suggests that the author might have lived in the area of Güssing,
Strem or Deutsch-Schützen. Many of the correspondents of Der
Volksfreund were local teachers, and "Veritas" might well have also
been a teacher. Translation follows:

The Emigration and its Consequences - May 25, 1907
"More than enough has already been written about this subject and,
as it looks, all the warnings, all the official measures against the
emigration, have had little or no effect, as the emigration troops
get ever larger, and more frequent too. Well, what is it that moves
our population that much toward emigrating? The motives and
reasons are very distinct.

There is the one who is too heavily indebted. As he finds it elusive,
despite hard work and thriftiness, to clear his debts, he sets out for
greener pastures. In another case, it is two hearts in love, who let
themselves be shipped to the other shore and, over there, marry
against the wish of their parents. There are others yet, and this
group constitutes the vast majority, who lead quite a comfortable
life in their home country: they have land and soil, a hard working
wife, good children, no or rather little debt, and still they don't want
to stay here. Encouraged and spurred on by the stories of their
neighbors, friends and acquaintances, who had already been in
America once, twice, or even three times, they also want to try it.

The interesting journey over the big ocean (which, however, quickly
loses all its appeal), the large, beautiful cities, the good wages, the
inexpensive food, and especially the cheap beer... who could resist
all these temptations? The reality naturally looks different because
the ones who have already been once or twice in America can
sometimes tell a lot, but then often can show little for it. The cases
are very few and far between, where - compared to the huge travel
expenses, life-threatening dangers and the like - one is able to gain
an adequate compensation.

Very rare is the case that one or the other manages to earn over
several years some hundreds, or perhaps thousands, and, let's say
he would have worked and saved during these times as
superhumanly here at home or in Austria as he did over there,
wouldn't he be likely quite well off too? Certainly.

Here at home, most people obviously spend most of their life
criticizing, and consume most of their weekly earnings on Sunday in
the inn [Gasthaus], while grumbling about the bad times. This way,
nothing can be achieved anywhere. Aren't there very many among
our emigrated countrymen who, lacking the will to save, do also
extremely badly over there? In any case, it is true that the mass
emigration is bringing more misfortune than fortune upon many of
our countrymen.

Many family fathers have already been in America for years, live
there in concubinage, don't care the least about their wives and kids
at home. Due to the long separation, they become fully estranged
of each other, and, therefore, there are also many women here at
home who seek out a "comrade," and very soon the consequences
are there for all to see. For such couples, does any scope remain
for a happy life and reunion?

And lastly, how sadly looks the situation with the military draft.
Nearly not even the third part of the young men liable for service
are present when they are called. How bad for Hungary would it be,
if need were to emerge for an urgent mobilization. Indeed, even in
the birth records and in the number of children of school age, there
has been a significant reduction over the last 10 years in the areas
of the country where emigration has become prevalent.

And aren't there lots of emigrants who bid their old home country
goodbye forever, and make America their permanent residence?
Just in this very moment, there is an effort underway in
Northampton [Lehigh Valley (county), PA, later became Allentown
(ed. not so-Allentown has always been an independant city)] to
build a Catholic church. The congregation there consists completely
of emigrated workers from Hungary and meanwhile counts 3,000
souls. Most of them are from our county [Vas], namely from the
villages: Szentpéterfa [Postrum], Pornó [Pernau], Némethzas
[could this be misspelled and mean Némethásos... Deutsch Ehrensdorf?],
Lipócz [Steinfurt], Tobaj, and other places." (end of translation)


From George Eotvos: Dear Mr. Berghold, My name is George Eotvos and I
am the partner and research director of Family Tree Ltd., in Budapest.
Our company, Central Europe's largest genealogical and probate
research bureau, was established in Budapest in 1988. We undertake
work within the area of what was formerly the Austro-Hungarian Empire,
including: Hungary, Slovakia, Czech Rebublic, Austria-Burgenland,
Northern Italy, Transylvania, Croatia, Slovenia, former Yugoslavia and
the Ukraine. Please allow me to direct your kind attention to our web
page, located at Do not hesitate to contact
us if you have any questions! Thank you!
Best regards, George Eotvos, FAMILY TREE Ltd. Genealogical Research
Bureau - HUNGARY. Member of the National Genealogical Society (USA);
Phone: (36 1) 331 3569 / Fax: (36 1) 302 7388;


Hi Gerry, your newsletters are enlightening - to say the least - and
very informative. Can't get too deep into some of the subjects you
bring up, but I just wanted to add my two cents' worth to land
measures. From what I know we have in Hungary (learned in
school!): Kataszter hold = 1600 'négyszögöl' or Quadratklafter;
Normal or small hold = 1200. On the the last measure, I had a
discussion with a friend of mine not too long ago. He claims that
1200 was/is the norm, and small was 1000. The way I remember:
only 1200 and 1600 were counted for a hold. Will try and get some
better definitions.


Look for your ancestor! (from Albert Schuch)
This is an example of a list of donators as published in the
"Oberwarther Sonntags Zeitung" (these were advertisments paid for
by those who received the money). Here are two examples. I guess
Johann Glatz is Tom's grandfather, and Theresia Strock should be
Johann's cousin.

O.S.Z., 22 Aug 1923:
Spendenausweis. Für das Kriegerdenkmal (war memorial) in
Loipersdorf haben folgende Landsleute in Amerika gespendet (have
the following countrymen donated-money): John ZISSER, John
4 d, John URBAUER 2.50 d, John GLATZ, Michael KRUTZLER,
Elisabeth HOFMAN geb. FEIDL, Therese STROCK geb. GLATZ,
Alois PRADL, Karl TRIPAMER je 2 d, John KRUTZLER, John GALL
je 1 d. Zusammen 41.50 Dollar. Für diese Spenden dankt
herzlichst: Die Gemeindevertretung.

O.S.Z., 30 Sep 1923:
Spendenausweis und Danksagung.
Zur Anschaffung (for the purchase of) einer zweiten Glocke
(double church bell) in der evangelischen Gemeinde (Lutheran
District of) Loipersdorf kamen uns von unseren lieben Landsleuten
(received from our dear countrymen) in Amerika nachstehende
Spenden zu Händen, wofür wir unseren innigsten Dank (official
thanks) zur Oeffentlichkeit bringen. Besonders danken wir Frau
Theresia STROCK, geborene GLATZ in Chicago und Herrn Josef
KOCH in St. Louis, für ihre große Mühe, mit welcher sie die
Sammlung einleiteten und durchführten. Aus Chicago kamen uns
folgende Spenden zu: Johann GROSZBAUER, Loipersdorf, 6 Dollar,
Nikolaus und Theresia STROCK, Loipersdorf, Theresia KERN,
Loipersdorf, John KOCH, Loipersdorf, Johann URBAUER,
Loipersdorf, Johann GLATZ, Loipersdorf, Herr und Frau GALL,
geb. (born) ZIRMANN, Theresia LEHNER, Loipersdorf, Maria
RINGBAUER, geb. URBAUER, Joff BÖHM, Kitzladen 22, Josef
BÖHM, Kitzladen 22, Samuel URBAUER, Loipersdorf, Maria
FEICHTINGER und Samuel URBAUER, Loipersdorf, je 5 Dollar,
Josef WELTLER, Kitzladen, 3 d, Samuel KERN, Allhau 226, Theresia
SONNENBERG, geb. RINGBAUER, Theresia KOCH, Loipersdorf,
Johann RINGBAUER, Buchschachen, M. KOCH, geb. BRUNNER,
Loipersdorf, John HASING, Chic. Ill., Elisabeth RITTER, geb. KERN,
Loipersdorf, Th. WELTLER, Kitzladen 3, Cécilie KRAUSZ,
Loipersdorf, John WELTLER, Kitzladen, Josef GROSZ, Wolfau 139,
je 2 d, Maria RITTER, Wolfau, Maria FEICHTINGER, Buchschachen,
Samuel HIRTZER, Allhau, Alexander HEIST, Pinkafeld, Samuel
VISPKOCIL, Chic. Ill., BLÖCKMANN, Chic. Ill., Samuel MARTH,
Buchschachen, Anna WELLES, geb. DANIEL, Herr und Frau
PFEILER, Allhau, Theresia SCHRANTZ, Schreibersdorf, Josef
GOGER, Kemethen, Johann WILFINGER, M. REHLING geb.
HERMANN, Kitzladen, Elisabeth BITERS, Kukmirn, Josef KUH,
Drumling, Michael RITTER, Wolfau, John REITTER, Chic. Ill., Josef
IGLER, Wolfau, Tobias ZAPFEL, Riedlingsdorf, Johanna PAUSZ,
Stuben, Frau MAYER, Chic. Ill., Maria WELTLER, Buchschachen,
Josef KERN, Allhau 276, Josef FLASCH, Wolfau, Josef GRASSEL,
Allhau 149, Josef HIRTZER, Allhau, Anton TITZ, Chic. Ill., Anna
RITTER, geb. BRUNNER, Buchschachen, Rosa IGLER, Wolfau,
Samuel MUSSER, Allhau, John BRUNNER, Buchschachen, Franz
PAUSS, Buchschachen, Josef PAUSS, Allhau, je 1 Dollar, Maria
KIRNBAUER, Wolfau, 0.60 d, Mi SCHREDER, Chic. Ill., Maria
URBAUER, Buchschachen, Karl BECK, Chic. Ill., Frau UIDL, Allhau,
Johann MÜLLER, Wolfau, John ZUMPF, Bernstein,
Elisabeth SEIBOLD, Allhau, Josef GROSZ, Wolfau, Th. BISCHOF,
Allhau, John SCHUH, Eberau, Maria HOLL, Allhau, Elise UIDL,
Allhau, Samuel FEICHTINGER, Buchschachen, Theresia ULREICH, je
0.50 d, Mi BECHER, Chic., Mi KRAUS, Chic., Frau KREITZ, Chic.,
Mi HAWLIK, Chic. Ill., Eduard KOHLHAUSER, Steiermark, je 0.25
d. Aus St. Louis kamen uns folgende Spenden zu: Josef KOCH,
Loipersdorf, Josef LEHNER, Loipersdorf, Josef PIFF sen.,
Loipersdorf, Johann GROSZBAUER, Loipersdorf, Alois WEBER,
Loipersdorf, je 5 d, Josef PIFF jun., Loipersdorf, 3 d, Johann
KURTZ, Buchschachen, Johann WEBER, Loipersdorf, Josef RINGBAUER,
Loipersdorf, Josef LEHNER, Kitzladen, je 3 d, Adolf EBERSBACK,
Deutschland, Karl NADLER, Grafenschachen, je 1 d. Loipersdorf,
23. September 1923, Das evangelische Presbyterium A. B., Josef BHM,
m.p., Kurator Ernst POLSTER, m.p. Lehrer.

Member Tom Glatz does a little searching and reports the following
re the above: "Albert - I brought the list of donors to the Jolly
Burgenlaender Fasching Dance on Friday evening. I was right. All of
these people were members of the Peace Evangelical Church in
Chicago. There are some descendants who always go to this dance.
One in particular, Willard Grassl, whose parents were from Allhau
was present. We have believed that we are related for some time.
He also has records that the pastor extracted. Unfortunately he
doesn't have a computer to join us. I wish he could. Perhaps he
needs a little encouragement to go farther than he has. He doesn't
know about things like the LDS archives, etc.. I am gradually trying
to explain all of this to him. We will be meeting at my home soon.
Anyway, he knew almost all of the people that were listed as
donors, including Theresia Strock. I gave him a copy of the list. He
said he would bring it to church today to show everyone. Thanks
again for sending me this info!"

QUESTION ABOUT LANGUAGE DISPUTES (Fritz Königshofer to Tom Grennes)

Language disputes might have contributed reasons for emigration,
but I do not think they were a main cause. It is true that the
Hungarians tightened the screws on official language use from the
late 19th century onwards. They insisted that children learn
Hungarian at elementary school, and insisted on the use of the
Hungarian village names; changed even the remaining purely
German village names, just to have a Hungarian official form for all
of them. There were also very lively politics (clerical-conservative,
pan-Germanistic, patriotic-Hungarian etc.). However, I was recently
able to browse through all issues of the Volksfreund from 1891 till
1909, a German weekly published in Szombathely, and found no
reference to the nationalization pressure contributing to
emigration. On the other hand, who would have dared writing
about such a subject? Probably nobody. I'll ask my father, who
lives in Austria, and has a lot of knowledge of the driving forces of
that time (though he was born only in 1915).

I do not think that a village's language changed. People continued
to use German or Croatian in daily life, and it remained also the
language at the village schools, besides the requirement to teach
the children Hungarian. There was a commission from Szombathely
that traveled one region of Western Vas county each year to check
how effective the teachers were in teaching the small children the
Hungarian language. After they returned to Szombathely, they
decided who would receive large to small monetary premiums for
success in teaching Hungarian. My great-grandfather was never
among the receivers! I do not know whether there was a change in
the official language in 1903, and what this would have meant. I
could think that it meant that civil registration (birth, marriage,
death) had to be reported in Hungarian, but I doubt it. The writing
of the records was in Hungarian from the introduction of civil
registration in October 1895 onwards, at least the duplicates which
are in the archives in Budapest. The Hungarians also encouraged
Hungarian postmasters and notaries to fill the "official" positions in
the larger villages, and the Catholic church did the same with the
priests. My grandfather Koloman Königshofer received his first
permanent teacher post in Rauchwart (in about 1913 or 14)
because the Hungarians wanted to retire the teacher Karl Beidl for
his lack of command of the Hungarian language, while my
grandfather, educated in Cakovec, spoke it better than German.
Ironically, a few years later he ended up in Austria and had to teach
in German. And during the Third Reich, he was moved to Upper
Styria, because the Nazis did not want bi-lingual teachers along the

My great-grandfather Adolf Königshofer wrote an article about the
reasons for emigration (he lists mostly economic or adventurous
ones), and I copied another article on the same subject. (Ed. Note-
see third article in this edition).


Libraries and Archives

I see the Austrian National Library is already online. They are
currently working on an English language (index) version. Similarly,
there is an excellent bi-lingual (index) Hungarian electronic library.
As an observation, at this infant stage of Internet development and
growing public awareness, the expansion of internet Libraries so
far is really quite remarkable given human nature. Eventually I
expect we'll see identical access to records available online as is
currently accessable in the libraries themselves, however (and
unfortunately for us) I am of the opinion this will take many years
yet (> 10), especially for the less contemporary 'stack' or archived
material to be made available.

I look forward to a day when we all have 100 MBPS bandwidth
access with little or no limiting bottleneck elsewhere, & the
capability of using it in proportions other than as directed by a TEL
company as is proposed with the initial 10 MBPS ethernet cable
modem system. (ie: 64k uplink and all the rest for downloading the
equivalent of what will be subtle telemarketing.)

LDS in Australia

For the information of BB members generally, if it is not already
known, the LDS records are available within Australia. Contacting
the Church of Latter Day Saints last week revealed each Australian
Capital city has several LDS Family Research Centres accessable to
the general public. Of couse, records to the extent held in Salt Lake
City are not immediately accessable. Records not available locally
are available from Sydney which usually takes a week, and those
unavailable within Australia as yet are sourced from Salt Lake City,
which unfortunately takes about 3 months. Nevertheless, the LDS
records are available from Australia.

Burgenland Bunch As An Aid To Research

I have had considerable success so far. I have established the
following since joining the BB.
1. That my father's birthplace, the village of Rohonc still exists, and
it's German name (Rechnitz).
2. That Rohonc changed name to Rechnitz in (approx) 1921 as a
consequence of Trianon and the newly formed Burgenland being
ceded to Austria.
3. That my grandmother's (previously unknown) maiden name was
Heissenberger. (Yet to be confirmed in writing, but probability 100%)
4. That she and her family most probably lived in Rechnitz or came
from the immediate surrounding farming region.
5. That she and my grandfather lived in Rechnitz from 1911
trhough 1919 after which they moved back with their young family
to Steinamanger (Szombathely) to remain within the borders of the
new Republic of Hungary.
6. Some other interesting information surrounding my grandparents.
7. That many Heissenberger live in Rechnitz today. Leading to the
reasonable deduction that of the many Heissenberger still living in
Rechnitz today, some are almost certain to be direct descendents
(grandchildren) of my grandmother's siblings. (I'm unsure what
relationship term this makes them to me) -ed. note- mostly 2nd

A check of the current (online) Austrian Telephone book revealed
many Heissenberger still living in Rechnitz today. Confirmed for me
by a local Rechnitzer <smile> (born Güssing, previously resident
Rechnitz, currently resident Wien, parents now reside in Rechnitz)
who I have befriended.


(Ed. note: immigrants clustered in various regions. After the first
intrepid emigrant found a congenial place to settle, the word went
out! Soon relatives and friends joined. Naturally many were from
the same village or region. One such combination is the subject of
this article. Newspaper syntax and content has been modified)

This article is The Morning Call Newspaper Company, Date:
Wednesday, February 28, 1990 Page: B03, Edition: FOURTH,

Northampton has a long-distance relationship with its sister city,
Stegersbach, Austria. But the communities have found ways to be
closer together. There is no ongoing program, but there are special
events that both towns observe. Last summer, for example,
Stegersbach celebrated its 700th anniversary. Observances were
held in Stegersbach and Northampton, including flag-raising
ceremonies on the same day. Now, Northampton officials are
planning a July dedication of a monument made of Pennsylvania
black granite and inscribed with the official seals of the
communities and noting their sister-city relationship. The
monument will be on a plot between trees south of the replica of
the Wilson Block House on Laubach Avenue near 15th Street. The
Block House, built in the mid 1700s, is the oldest building in the
borough and is on the borough seal. Borough council approved
plans for the monument and a surrounding mini-park in September.
Borough Manager Gene Zarayko recently introduced a rough draft
of the proposed monument and announced the July 15 dedication.
The monument will be 32 inches high and 4 feet wide. The finishing
work will being done by Northampton Memorial Co. Zarayko said
long-term plans for the mini-park call for two fountains near the
monument. There is a similar park, with a monument, in
Stegersbach. That monument also features the seals of both towns.

The two boroughs became sister cities in 1974, when the late
Anthony Pany was mayor of Northampton. In 1984, Mayor Paul
Kutzler and his wife, Irene, visited Stegersbach for the celebration
of the 10th anniversary of the sister-city relationship. That
celebration was held on the Northamptonplatz, the street where the
Austrian park is located.

Another way the towns stay in touch is an annual visit by the
Burgenlaendische Gemeinschaft representatives. Each year, the
young lady selected as Miss Burgenland makes an official visit to
Stegersbach. The Gemeinschaft, sponsor of the Queen's Ball,
provides the free trip to Austria. The Gemeinschaft is a world-wide
organization dedicated to fostering and preserving Austrian
traditions. (Article includes a PHOTO by FRAN KITTEK, The
Morning Call, CAPTION: The planned site of the sister-cities
monument, along Laubach Avenue.)


Franz Koller from Burgenland has a great web site with pictures and
German text. Surfing it recently I found short histories of
Jennersdorf and Poppendorf with some very nice pictures in color
as well as a few older ones. Add this URL to your file.
From: Koller Franz Michael


(Ed. note: When last in Eltendorf, I stayed at Rudi Mirth's
"Kirchenwirt" Gasthaus. When Bob Unger visited Eltendorf, he
stayed there also. He and Rudi's son Mathias became good friends.
A visit to the US was arranged. Following is Bob's email concerning
that visit-next issue will have a sequel).

"I thought you would be interested in an update on the visit by
Matthias Mirth and his friend Christian Webber. They arrived on
schedule here in San Diego at 9 pm on 6 March via Delta Airlines,
traveling from Vienna > Atlanta > San Diego. Renate Dolmanits
(BG) helped them in getting tickets and making flight
arrangements. They are scheduled to leave at 9 am on 26 March.
We are thrilled in having them as our guests. The first thing that
Matthias did upon arriving at our house was to call his mother and
tell her that they had arrived safely. It appears that Mrs. Mirth is
understandably a little worried about having her youngest travel so
far from home. In preparation for their visit I had explored various
options for telephoning to Austria. I found that AT&T has a special
plan which costs $3.00/month, then 35 cents for each minute of
calls to Austria. Then my wife learned of another option, one that
has no monthly fee, and only costs 29 cents/minute for a call to
Austria. For those interested in this 29 cents/minute to Austria
service, AAA World Calling, just call 1-800-347-0222 and request
info. World Calling also has cheap rates to practically any country
in the world, for example 23 cents/minute for calls to Germany, 38
cents/minute for calls to Hungary, etc.

When we stayed with the Mirths in Elderdorf, we gave them a book,
written in German, illustrating and telling about the attractions
here in San Diego. So upon arrival they had somewhat of an idea of
what they wanted to see and do locally. Yesterday they rented a car
and are off on their own. Their first stop will be Las Vegas, with a
side trip to the Grand Canyon. Then they will drive through Death
Valley on their way to San Francisco. While in the San Francisco
area they plan to see some big redwoods, Alcatraz Island, some
wineries, etc. After that they plan to return to our home in the San
Diego area, stopping in Los Angeles for the sights there. When we
heard about their dream trip, I took them to the local AAA and got
them a stack of maps covering everything they wanted to see or
visit. I also went to our local library and got them videos on
specific areas of interest. They thought the video of the helicopter
ride of the Grand Canyon area was the best. It has been a
wonderful experience for my wife and me seeing them be so excited
about seeing and experiencing the places they have only heard
about and dreamed of visiting." (Ed. just the reverse of a trip to the
Burgenland - it would be great to have their impressions!)


(issued biweekly by Gerald Berghold)
March 31, 1998
(all rights reserved)

This edition of the newsletter continues the articles on
- the villages of Mariasdorf started in edition 31A
- plus some south Burgenland Vignettes.

Karen Barnard sent us a list of the inhabitants of 5 villages in 1857 & 1770
and the inhabitants today, culled from a book she acquired. These are the last three.

TAUCHEN village (name with house number first)

1. Altes Schulgebäude Tauchen
Von Michael Hutter gekauft
Adolf Hutter
Today: Reinhard Hutter, Gast- und Kauf-haus

2. Michael Fasching
His daughter married Josef Höfler, their daughter married Karl Ochsenhofer.
Josef Ochsenhofer
Today: Wilhelm Ochsenhofer Family

3. Johann Zumpf
Today: Herbert Zumpf Family

4. Michael Hermann
Verkauft an Michael Ulreich
Michael Ulreich
Albert Ulreich
Today: Albert Ulreich Family (the son of Albert Ulreich)

5. Johann Wallner
Durch Kauf an die Familie Marth
Today: Hans Marth Family

6. Michael Wehofer
Samuel Ulreich
Gustav Ulreich
Today: Gustav Ulreich Family

7. Johann Mühl
Today: Johann Mühl Family

8. Gottlieb Hanzmann
Gottliev Hutter
His daughter married Robert Kirnbauer, their daughter married Hans Kalchbrenner
Today: Johann Kalchbrenner Family

9. Johann Karner
Johann Hutter
Today: Zweitwohnung von Familie Oberst Erwin Ladanszky-
Dewald aus Wien

10. Johann Ofenbeck
Johann Hotwagner
Johann Artner (Kauf)
Today: Reinhold Artner Family

11. Johann Ulreich
Dietl Family
Today: Theresia Reichl Family (Kauf)

12. Adam Ofenbeck
Karl Benedek
Karl Benedek
Today: Reinhold Benedek Family (son), Zweitwohnung

13. Samuel Hutter, MahlMühle, Parz. 48
Michael Hutter
Daughter Anna Hutter married Gustav Treiber.
Das Mühlengebäude ist heute verfallen.
Anstelle des Wohnhauses steht der Neubau der Familie
Gustav Treiber

14. Samuel Hutter
Gottlieb Hutter
Josef Hutter and Maria
Today: Theo Hermann Family (Enkel)

15. Michl Herrmann. Die Sägemühle und die Mahlmühle
standen im Miteigentum von Michl Herrmann und Georg Kirnbauer.
Beide Mühlen bestehen heute nicht mehr.
Graf Richard Hutter, Kauf N. N. (Wiener)
Today: Franz Hofstätter of Hofneukirchen

16. Georg Kirnbauer
Robert Kirnbauer
Today: Wilma Kalchbrenner (daughter)

17. Adam Ofenbeck
Samuel Kalchbrenner
Today: Zweitwognung Robert Mild Family (Vienna)

18. Georg Wehofer
Today: Hans Wehofer Family

19. Michl Ofenbeck
Today: Johann Ofenbeck Family

20. Johann Wilfinger
Michael Zumpf (Kauf)
Johann Zumpf
Today: Emilie Zumpf Family

21. Mathias Grabenhofer
Zumpf (Kauf)
Georg Herrmann
Today: Luise Mühl Family

22. Georg Herrmann
Johann Zumpf
Today: Johann Ulreich (gehört zu Haus Nr. 23)

23. Johann Ulreich
Today: Johann Ulreich Family

24. Mathias Ulreich
Today: Herbert Ulreich Family

25. Michl Hanzmann
Today: Gustav Hanzmann Family

26. Michl Herrmann
Auf dieser Parzelle steht das Bürogebäude des ehemaligen
Tauchener Kohlenbergwerkes

27. Mathias Grabenhofer, Mühle
Georg Hutter
Johann Hutter


1. Franz Fleck and Maria nee Stubenvoll, Wagner und Söllner
Später war dies das bekannte Gasthaus Fleck und dann Pleyer
Today: Robert Klein Family, früher auf Nr. 21 wofnhaft

2. Michael Neubauer
Today unoccupied; owned by Johann Pleyer Family, Nr. 5

3. Barbara Marth
Today: Edmund Marth Family

4. Josef Polster, Inhaber eines halben Lehens
Today: Alois Polster Family

5. Mathias Kappel and Theresia nee Grabner, Csismenmacher
Dessen Nachfolger ab etwa 1870: Josef Pleier, der 1870 auf
dieser Adresse ein Grundstück in Mariasdorf kaufte. Today:
Gasthof Johann Pleyer

6. Mathias Schermann, Inhaber eines halben Lehens
Today: Alois Schneeman Family

7. Maria Peier, Inhaberin eines halben Lehens
Today: Josef Hagenauer Family, vormals Postmann und Bayer

8. Johann Zumpf
Im Grundbuch Mariasdorf ist um 1860 registriert: Josef
Zumpf, Maurer, 1. Gattin: Barbara nee Grug, 2. Gattin: Anna nee Bayer
Today: Josef Zumpf Family

9. Johann Böhm
Laut Grundbuch Mariasdorf: Johann Böhm and Theresia nee
Klein, farmer
Today: Johann Böhm Family

10. Mathias Amtmann
Today: Josef Grabenhofer Family

11. Josef Hofmeister
Today: Zweitwohnsitz des Dombaumeisters Architekt Dipl.-
Ing. Kurt Stögerer aus Wien

12. Josef Poster
Besteht heute nicht mehr.

13. Johann Polster
Today: Eduard Janisch Family

14. Graf Franz Batthy
ány aus Jormannsdorf
Today: Theresia Laschober Family, vormals Klein

15. Josef Hofmeister
An dessen Stelle steht das Einfamilien haus der Familie
Werner Laschober

16. Johann Simon
Today: Johann Hotwagner Family

17. Mathias Paier
Besteht heute nicht mehr

18. Johann Friedl
Today: Josef Pratscher Family

19. Mathias Weixelberger
Today: Adolf Weichselberger Family

20. Johann Klenner
Today: Walter Klenner Family

21. Mathias Klein
Heute Zweitwohnsitz von Frau Frieda GroB aus Wien
22. Johann Peier
Today: Frau Maria Bayer, Nr.23

23. Mathias Peier
Besteht heute nicht mehr, gehört zum Haus der Frau Maria
Bayer, Nr. 23

24. Franz Mikolitsch
Besteht heute nicht mehr

25. Anton Janisch and Katharina nee Schuh, Hafner and Söllner
Today: Maria Höfler Family

26. Mathias Marth
Today: Frau Anna Zumpf

27. Johann Marth
Today: Maria and Karoline Marth

28. Mathias Schmid and Maria nee Martin, Söllner
Today unoccupied, owner: Karl Glavanovits in Stadtschlaining

29. Johann Hotwager and Rosina nee Neubauer, Csismenmacher and Söllner
Besteht heute nicht mehr. An dessen Stelle befindet sich die
Abstellhalle des Landwirtes
Richard Hotwagner, Nr. 35

30. Johann Janisch and Theresia nee Wölfel, Söllner
Today: Josef Janisch family

31. Johann Hofmeister
Today: Hans Mühl Family, vormals Hotwagner

32. Johann Klein
Today: Anton Fuderer Family, vormals Zieserl

33. Johann Reindl and Rosalia nee Böhm, Drechsler
Today: Eduard Ischepp Family, vormals Polster

34. Josef Peier
Today: Johann Graf Family

35. Schulhaus der Gemeinden Bergwerk, Neustift und Sulzriegel
Today: Richard Hotwagner Family

36. Mathias Gamauf
Today: Gustav Gamauf Family

37. Rosina Jany
Today: Frau Maria Hermann

38. Samuel Trattner
Today: Gasthof und Gemischtwarenhandlung
Ernst Koller

39. Johann Reindl
Today: Friedrich Pratscher Family, vormals Wenzel

40. Johann Fuith, Bauer und Söllner, ledig, grossjährig
Later: Karl Fuith and Anna nee Bendenkovitsch, Söllner and Borstenviehhändler,
Mitbesitzer: Anton Fuith
Today: Johann Grosinger Family

41. Michael Zumpf and wife, Anna, farmer
Today: Frau Karoline Frühwirth

NEUSTIFT (bei Schlaining)

1. Johann Klein
Today: Johann Kuh Family, vormals Klein

2. Michael Klein, 1859 als Richter genannt
Today: Maria Katzbeck nee Klein Family

3. Michael Wenzel
Today: Albrecht Koller Family, vormals Trattner

4. Johann Wnzel
Today: Frau Maria Neubauer nee Nothnagel

5. Johann Wenzel
Today: Adolf Zourek Family, forher Pfeiler-Tischler

6. Johann Weixelberger
Today: Gerhard Weichselberger Family

7. Josef Kurz
Today: Karl Neubauer Family

8. Mathias Ulreich
Today: Karl Kerschbaum Family

9. Josef Nothnagel
Today: Josef Nothnagel Family

10. Stefan Nothnagel
Steht Heute Leer, vorher Hans Fleck

11. Mathias Klein, 1859 als Geschworener genannt
Today: Frau Emma Kirnbauer nee Klein

12. Johann Saurer
Today: Otto Gamauf Family

13. Michael Werthner
Today: Josef Leyrer Family

14. Mathias Trattner
Today: Frau Theresia Gabler nee Trattner

15. Johann Klein
Today: Gustav Klein Family

16. Michael Schnalzer and Theresia nee Rabelhofer, farmer
Today: Zweitwohnsitz von Frau Margarete Krejci aus Wien

17. Johann Fleck
Today: Karl Böhm Family

18. Johann Trattner
Today: Rudolf Böhm Family, vormals Gamauf

19. Maria Gamauf
Today: Theresia Gamauf Family

20. Johann Nothnagel
Heute zum Teil abgetragen für das Einfamilienhaus H.

21. Mathias Grabenhofer
Today: Anna Kirnbauer nee Grabenhofer Family

22. Mathias Trattner
Today: Frau Helene Trattner

23. Graf Franz Batthyány aus Jormannsdorf, Wirtshaus
Today: Mag. Norbert Ulreich

24. Mathias Wenzel
Today: Johann Wenzel Family

25. Johann Werthner
Today: Adolf Hutter Family, vormals Werthner

26. Stefan Fleck, Baustelle, Parzelle Nr. 46
Gehört heute zum Hof Karl Böhm, Nr. 17

27. Johann Nothnagel
Besteht heute nicht mehr.

That's it! Hope someone can use it - Karen


Inns ("Gasthäuser") in Poppendorf: From the articles in Der
Volksfreund about life in Poppendorf and environs, mostly recorded
by my great-grandfather, I can make out at least four different
Gasthäuser (inns). Besides the Gasthof Berghold, there were inns
by Josef Medl, Johann Mödl [sic], and Matthias Flamisch. These
inns served in turns for various events such as the ball of the fire
brigade or the meeting place for various assemblies (like the
Sängerverein -- i.e., the village choir society). This was the
situation as gleamed from stories of the early 20th century.

Industries in the area: It appears that Szent Gotthárd was
somewhat a local industrial center, as at least six different
factories get mentioned, namely, a tobacco factory, a scythe
factory, a steam saw mill (built 1912), a silk spinning mill, erected
in 1913, a soda water production, and a clock factory. The clock
factory might have been the place where your close relative
(granduncle?) originally learned his job. If it burned down, then it
was probably rebuilt later, since Der Volksfreund mentions it in 1911.

Church(es) in Poppendorf: Apparently, a catholic church was built
in Poppendorf in 1909. This was obviously not a parish church as
the parish was in Heiligenkreuz, but it was a full-blown church
(rather than only a chapel) nevertheless. Der Volksfreund reports
that after the erection of the church the village decided to spend
3,700 crowns for the acquisition of two bells (also in 1909), and
the paper also reports about a subsequent voluntary collection to
buy some pieces for the interior of the church in 1910.

Burgenland emigration: Are you aware that there had been an
exhibition (Burgenländische Landesausstellung) in Güssing in
1992 which dealt with the subject of emigration? My father has
the catalog from this exhibition and I was able to read it when I
visited him last month. (ED. Note - I believe Fritz is speaking of a
337 page publication called "...nach Amerika; I have a copy). The
catalog includes an article by Dr. Dujmovits. At that time (1992),
the article stated that for about 170 villages in the Burgenland the
first ever emigrant had been precisely established. Dujmovits'
article includes a list of all these villages and the name(s),
birthyear(s) and year of emigration of the respective first
emigrants. For instance, the first ever emigrant from Mogersdorf
had been a Maria Dax.


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