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Szentgotthárd, Hungary (not in Burgenland)
(including Zsidahegy, Máriaújfalu, Rábatótfalu, Rábafüzes, Farkasfa, Jakabháza).

The small town lying along the river Rába was first recorded in 1187. In 1183, a Cistercian monastery had been founded here by king Béla III. The remains of the medieval church and original monastery can still be seen built in the walls of today's modern theatre. Next to the theatre rises one of Hungary's grandest Baroque churches with adjoining monastery, both magnificent examples of architecture with sumptuous furnishings and decorations.

Historically, Szentgotthárd's name is most memorable for the gigantic battle fought here in 1664, when Grand Vizier Mehmet Koprülü's Turks were defeated by an Imperial army under the leadership of general (count) Montecuccoli. [Note: The battlefield was close to Wallendorf in today's Austria, and in Austria the name of the battle also goes by the place Mogersdorf.]

The present day town was formed by the gradual amalgamation of several small settlements such as Farkasfalva, Jakabháza, etc., which have, however, up to now retained their partial geographical separation. Máriaújfalu, in itself an amalgamation of Rábakisfalud and Talapatka, has a water reservoir in the middle of a scenic forest.

Szentgotthárd has a frontier station to the Austrian border. Recently, it has seen significant industrial developments (Opel, Vossen). The population is 8,662.

Source: Vas Megye Településeinek Atlasza, Peter Göndöcs, publisher, 1997, published by HISZI-MAP Kft., 5700 Gyula, Corvin utca 3, Tel/Fax: +36-66-463610, 463323, Hungary. All rights reserved. Reprinted by permission. Copies available in Hungary for 2,500 Forints.

Family History Library microfilms:
Catholic: Római Katólikus Egyház, Szentgotthárd [FHL INTL Films 602020 - 21];
Római Katólikus Egyház, Kéthely (Szentgotthárd, Vas) [FHL INTL Film 602022 -23, 1529716 Item 6];
Római Katólikus Egyház, Dobra (Szentgotthárd, Vas) [VAULT INTL Films 700745 - 46]
Lutheran: Evangélikus Egyház, Dobra (Szentgotthárd, Vas) [VAULT INTL Film 700747]
Civil: Szentgotthárd (Vas). Anyakönyvi Hivatal [FHL INTL Films 2227441 Item 2, 2227442 Items 1-2, 2227443 Items 1-3, 2227444 Items 1-2]; Rábatótfalu (Vas). Anyakönyvi Hivatal [FHL INTL Film 1764295 Item 3-5]
Jewish: Izraelita Hitközseg, Szentgotthárd (Vas) [FHL INTL Film 642937 Item 7]
Military: Szentgotthárd. Hadkiegészítő Parancsnokság [FHL INTL Film 629870]

In 1899-1904: Large community of 1452 inhabitants; chair district Kékes; Court of Justice in Szombathely; Has municipal court, tax office, chair judicial office, Notary office, land register, fire associations, Royal Hungarian Cigarette factory, first Hungarian Clock factory, stock corporation.

Businesses & Proprietors:
Gasth. (restaurant / Inn): Hegedüs Lajos; Hittaler Ede; Kloiber Fr.; Nagy Béla, auch Weinhdl.
Café (Coffee Shop): Klein Franz, auch Casino
Advokaten (Lawyer): Desits Julius, k. Notar; Gergits Fabian; Dr. Kollossa Kálmán; Molnár N.; Schaffer N.; Szücs Istvan; Usz Gábor
Notare (Notary): Desits Julius; Molnár Gyula; Wehofsils Karl
Apotheker (Pharmacist): Kollossa Imre
Baumeister (Architect): Lang Josef
Bank- u. Creditinstitute (Bank & Credit Institution): Rába-Lapincsthaler Sparkassa-Aktien-Ges.; Sanct Gottharder Sparcassa als Aktien-Ges. Errichtet 1871; Selbsthilfs-Genosenschaft für Szent-Gotthárd u. Umgebung; Szentgotthárd általános takarékpénztár r. t. (Sparcassa)
Bretterhdl. (Board Lumber dealer): Lang Heinrich; Omischl Josef
Buchhdl. u. Buchdrucker (Book Dealer & Printer): Wellisch Béla
Eisenhdl. (Hardware Merchant): Einbeck Carl, auch Spezereiw. (also Spices) ; Luthár Ludwig, auch Spezerei- u. Gemischtwarenhdl. (also Spice and Groceries merchant) ; Omischl Josef, auch Gemischtwaren- u. Bretterhdl. (also Groceries and Board Lumber dealer)
Elektrizitätswerk (Electricity Generating Works): Szent-Gotthárd villamossági részv. társ.
Gutsbes. (Estate Owner): Abthei St. Gotthard
Kurzwarenhdl. (Notions dealer): Grünbaum E.; Grünbaum Josef; Sábor & Pollák
Lederhdl. (Leather Dealer): Lang Móritz; Lipp Carl; Mayer N.
Manufaktur- u. Schnittwarenhdl. (Drapery Manufacturer & Dealer): Fellner Eduard; Grünbaum Josef, auch Modew. (also Fancy Articles Dealer); Grünwald B.; Sábor & Pollák
Mehlhdl. (Flour merchant): Hambeck Josef; Hoffmann Eduard; Lang Móritz
Mühle (Mill): Wassermühle der Abtei. (Water Mill of the Abbey)
Produktenhdl. (Produce dealer): Friedrich Jac.; Günsberger Jakab; Lang Móritz
Schuhwarenhdl. (Shoe wares dealer): Mayer Ignácz
Sodawasserfabr. (Soda water manufacturing): Szent-Gotthárdi szik-vizgyár részv. társ.
Spediteure (Forwarding Agent): Sábor & Pollak
Spezerei- u. Gemischtwarenhdl. (Spices and Groceries Dealer): Einbeck Carl; Friedrich Jakob; Grünbaum Josef; Hertz Sándor; Herz N.; Hoffmann Eduard; Lang Móritz; Leitner's Anton, Nachfolger Jakob Friedrich; Luthár Ludwig; Mayer Jakob; Mayer Ignátz, auch Schuhwarenhdl.; Omischl Josef; Phillipp Max.; Schmied József
Tabak-Gross-Verschleiss: Friedrich Jakob
Uhrenfabr. (Watch manufacturing):: Elsö-magyar óragyár részv. társaság
Weinhdl. (Wine Dealer): Nagy Béla
Ziegelei (Brick works): Szt-Gotthárdi elsö téglagyár részv. társaság.

Source: Leuchs Adressbuch, Band 18: Ungarn, Kroatien und Slavonien, 1899-1904, 9.Ausgabe
(Leuchs' Directory, Volume 18: Hungary, Croatia and Slavonia, 1899-1904, 9th Edition)

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