Sankt Martin an der Raab: Catholic Church Records

These databases are courtesy of Ferenc Zotter, who indexed Catholic marriage and death records from Sankt Martin an der Raab (Hungarian: Rába-Szent-Márton) for MACSE (Magyar Családtörténet-kutató Egyesület = Hungarian Society for Family History Research; and made the databases available to us. The source for the 1700-1828 data are the images found on The source for the 1828-1895 data is FamilySearch digital record collection # 4620349, with marriage data here:; and death data here:

The transcriptions of birth records for the Sankt Martin an der Raab Catholic parish consist of the complete transcription of the 2,830 birth records for the years 1700 to 1736, the 3,989 birth records for the years 1737 to 1769, and the 6,497 birth records for years 1770-1817. Given (first) names have been standardized to a single Latin form but surnames were transcribed as recorded (with modern-day versions of some surnames shown in parentheses). Copyright for the transcriptions remain with Ferenc Zotter.

The transcription of marriage records for the Sankt Martin an der Raab Catholic parish for the years 1797 to 1828 consists of the complete transcription of the 880 marriage records. Given (first) names have been standardized to a single Latin form but surnames were transcribed as recorded (with modern-day versions of some surnames shown in parentheses). Copyright for the transcription remains with Ferenc Zotter.

The transcription for the Sankt Martin an der Raab Catholic parish for the years 1828 to 1895 consists of the complete transcription of the 1,854 marriage records and 7,624 death records from 1828 through early 1895. Given (first) names have been standardized to a single Hungarian form but surnames were transcribed as recorded. Copyright for the transcription remains with Ferenc Zotter.

Sankt Martin an der Raab (Hungarian: Rábaszentmárton) was also the official Catholic recording location for:
- Doiber (Döbör),
- Eisenberg an der Raab (Vashegy),
- Gritsch (Grics, Gercse),
- Neumarkt an der Raab (Farkasdifalva),
- Oberdrosen (Rábaör, Felsőstrázsa),
- Unterdrosen (Alsóstrázsa),
- Welten (Velike),
- Windisch Minihof (Tótlak, Kistólak, Kistótlak).

Dedicated to Austrian-Hungarian Burgenland Family History

Sankt Martin an der Raab Catholic Church Records

Births Marriages Deaths

last revised: 31 Dec 2024


page edited by: Tom Steichen

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