Invitation to Burgenland Bunch Family History
The Province (state) of Burgenland in southeastern Austria was parts of the Vas, Moson & Sopron Megye (counties) of
Hungary prior to 1921. Thousands of people from this area emigrated to the United States and elsewhere. If you are
interested in the Burgenland area, consider joining our group.
Fill out the "New Member Information Form" at the link on our home page.
Our geographic area includes the Burgenland's contiguous border villages and we restrict non-Burgenland queries to only these areas. (For the Burgenland's borders, see any good encyclopedia or explore the Burgenland Bunch Map Site.)
The New Member Information Form requests that you provide information about the family surname(s), Burgenland village(s) of origin, and destination(s) of those family. Membership applications without at least some of this information are automatically rejected because they provide no basis for the BB membership to help you and they provide no value to the existing membership. We are an information exchange organization, providing basic Burgenland knowledge but also remaining dependent on our membership to provide family-specific value to each other.
Upon receipt of your data, we will add it to our membership, surname and village lists. Our rules are simple: no dues or other obligations; just provide the above data and use common courtesy.
We are not a commercial organization and our listings may not be used for commercial purposes. We are available only through the internet. Previous newsletters (our archives) and our website homepage lists may be read on-line or downloaded. We do not send our newsletters via surface mail nor do we include members who are not on the internet. We cannot help with non-Burgenland family history and will not answer such queries.
You may also list family names and questions on the WorldGenWeb Burgenland Query Board (address at end of this
invitation). This, in addition to the Burgenland Bunch Website, will give wide exposure to your data. Such listings,
however, may make your e-mail address available to the world at large and can result in additional family history
contacts. We are not responsible for junk mail! E-mail addresses on this site are encoded to prevent automatic systems
from harvesting them but such techniques are not infallible. Mention the BB or Burgenland Bunch in the subject heading
of all mail to members in order to identify yourself.
If you are a novice to Burgenland family history research, we suggest you read our "frequently asked questions" and some
of the earlier articles available in our newsletter archives.
* Answer Burgenland-related questions.
* Provide a monthly newsletter website containing Burgenland-related articles.
(note: if our email newsletter is not received for any reason, it is always available
from our archives;
issue date is always the last day of the month)
* Identify Burgenland villages, parishes and districts.
* Identify subject records, books, maps, publications and their sources.
* Provide a medium to link to other researchers and data sources.
* Provide the "how to" of Burgenland family history.
* Provide English-language articles of Burgenland History and Culture.
* Share trip reports, family histories and Burgenland news.
* Suggest where and how relatives may be found.
* Find your ancestors (we can suggest where they may be found).
* Research records for you (we can tell where but you must do the searching).
* Send you a genealogy (building one is up to you).
* Translate foreign language documents (but we can offer help).
Our staff are volunteers, donating their time and expertise in the interest of world-wide Burgenland family history.
You repay us by sharing your family data and cooperating in our venture. We urge members to exchange data in a courteous
and cooperative manner; not to do so defeats the purpose of our organization. We hope to hear from you.
NOTICE (Terms and Conditions):
The Burgenland Bunch (BB) was formed and exists to assist Burgenland descendants in their research into their heritage
and, toward that end, reserves the right to use any communication you have with us (email, letter, phone conversation,
data upload, etc.) as part of our information exchange and educational research efforts.
• If you do not want your communication to be used for this purpose, indicate that it is "confidential"
and we will abide by that request.
• Correspondents who communicate with the BB without requesting confidentiality retain
their copyright but give a non-exclusive license to the BB allowing us to forward to BB members, publish in our monthly
newsletter or on our website, and/or subsequently and permanently archive all or parts of such communications.
Tom Steichen, Greencastle, PA,
Vice President
Klaus Gerger, Wien, Austria,
Gerald J. Berghold (deceased)
Managing Editors:
Home Page & Newsletter Editor, Tom Steichen, Greencastle, PA,
Membership Editor, Zac Stubits, Kutztown, PA,
Surname & Villages Editor, David Hofer, Alvarado, TX,
Links/URL and Recipes Editor, Alan Varga, Bloomingdale, IL,
Houselists and Maps Editor, Klaus Gerger, Wien, Austria,
BH&R, Frank Paukowits, Flushing, NY,
E-mail List Manager, Vanessa Sandu, Orefield, PA,
Contributing Editors:
DNA, Frank Paukowits, Flushing, NY,
New Member Outreach, Patrick Kovacs, Wien, Austria,
Lehigh Valley Enclave, Robert Strauch, Allentown, PA,
St. Louis Research, Terry McWilliams, Bellefontaine Neighbors, MO,
Szt. Gotthard & Jennersdorf, Margaret Kaiser, Northvale, NJ,
Facebook Liaison, Johnny Santana, Brentwood, NY,
Research, Willi Schmidt, Allentown, PA,
Burgenland, Klaus Gerger, Wien, Austria,
Croatian Burgenland, John Lavendoski, Austin, TX,
The Burgenland Bunch homepage (website) can be found at:
We can also be reached from:; click on
Burgenland Bunch (this address also provides access to the German/English language Burgenländische Gemeinschaft web
Use our website to access our membership, village and surname lists, archives, newsletters, internet links, maps,
instructions, ethnic song book, frequently asked questions and other information. While we would like you to join our
group and list your family data with us, feel free to use our resources even if you do not join.
Burgenland Bunch Newsletter © 1997-2025 by The Burgenland Bunch. All issues archived on the BB Website.
Newsletter and List Rights Reserved. Permission to Copy Granted; Provide Credit and Mention Source.
COMPLETE BB NEWSLETTER ARCHIVE INDEX available at or from our Home Page.
Auf Deutsch:
Geschichte des Vereins:
Im Sommer 1996 von Gerry Berghold auf der Basis von e-mail-Kontakten zu anderen Burgenland-Amerikanern gegründet. Erster
e-mail-newsletter "THE BURGENLAND BUNCH NEWS" am 11. Jänner 1997 an die Mitglieder versandt. Diese Homepage besteht seit
25. Jänner 1997. Deutschsprachiger Artikel über den Burgenland Bunch, veröffentlicht in der Zeitschrift "Volk und
Heimat" (Ausgabe 2/2000). Für weitere Informationen in deutscher Sprache senden Sie bitte ein e-mail an
Klaus Gerger.
Dem "Burgenland Bunch" beitreten:
Wenn Sie dem Burgenland Bunch beitreten, auf der Webseite mit der Mitgliederliste eingetragen werden, und die
Newsletters per E-mail erhalten wollen, müssen Sie das "New Member Information
Form" (elektronisches Beitrittsformular) ausfüllen. Das Formular fragt nach Ihrem Namen, Wohnort, Land und E-mail
Adresse, den von Ihnen geforschten Familiennamen, falls bekannt auch den Herkunftsorten im Burgenland bzw. angrenzenden
Gebieten, sowie, falls zutreffend, den Orten der Emigration. Versuchen Sie bitte, alle Daten einzuschließen.
Abweichungen können dazu führen, dass Ihre Anmeldung nicht behandelt werden kann.
The Burgenland Bunch
This page was last updated on 26 Sep 2022