The BurgenlandNewsletter-L Mailing List
The former distribution service for the Newsletter of the Burgenland Bunch for years 1999-2007

The Burgenland Bunch Genealogy Group

Genealogists researching the multi-ethnic heritage of the Burgenland of Austria and adjoining areas of former West Hungary.

This mailing list is not used for posting and exchanging messages. Its use is solely for the delivery of a monthly notification that the current Newsletter is now available on the Burgenland Bunch website.

Membership in the Burgenland Bunch is free but requires is that you must, in some way, be involved in genealogical research concerning Burgenland.

If you'd like to join the Burgenland Bunch please visit the BB homepage and use the new member membership registration form found there.

As a member of the Burgenland Bunch you are automatically subscribed to this notification list.

You can quickly and efficiently find information (e.g. surnames, place names, etc.) that has been published in the newsletters by using the Search tool on the BB Homepage and specifying the "Search BB Newsletters only" option.


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Last Update: 22 Feb 2013