Dedicated to Austrian-Hungarian Burgenland Family History
July 31, 2008, (c) 2008 G. J. Berghold - all rights reserved
Our 13th Year - Issued monthly as email by G. J. Berghold, BB Editor
and also available from:
Current Status Of The BB: Members: 1640; Surname Entries: 5378; Query Board Entries: 3934;
Newsletters Archived: 176; Staff Members: 15
This section of our 1-section newsletter concerns:
1. BB VP & BG Liaison Klaus Gerger To Visit
2. Correspondent Writes About Immigrant Father
3. History Of Urbersdorf
4. Leuchs Directory (1899-1904)
Klaus Gerger will again visit the United States. This time he says he wants to show his
teen-aged daughters Viki and Eva the "America" of their family immigrants and allow them to meet
their distant cousins. They have a full schedule beginning August 5 which includes Washington,
Northern Virginia (Winchester August 7), Allentown (August 8-11), New York-Flushing, Albany-East
Greenbush (August 12-16), Niagara (August 17-19), Detroit and Chicago (August 20-26).
They have arranged to meet relatives and some of the BB staff, but if any BB members wish to see
them, they will attend two public events in the Lehigh Valley at the Edelweisshaus (Northampton,
PA) on Friday August 8th and at the Coplay, PA Sängerbund on Sunday 11th. For the daughters,
this will be the trip of a lifetime.
This reminds me of my visits to the Burgenland where we did just the opposite-seeing Burgenland
and visiting distant relatives. I can assure you, there is nothing like it.
I want to thank you for the many interesting items in this month's Burgenland Bunch Newsletter
No. 175. There were two instances that were of personal interest to me.
Section 1, Number 3 of the last newsletter spoke of the displacement of the German people from
that section of Poland which was formerly Silesia (Schlesien). This is the land from which my
mother immigrated in 1924, but left behind many relatives. These relatives had to leave their
homeland with just the clothes on their backs and trek westward across Germany to where they
finally settled in West Germany. They lost everything and all they owned was confiscated.
Section 2, Number 7, spoke of military service during the reign of Emperor Franz Josef. My
father, Anton Hirschbeck from Burgauberg was conscripted at the age of 21 in 1909 and served
three years during peacetime. During that time, he served in several places: Sopron, Szombathely
and Vienna. When World War I was declared, he was among the first to be called back. He served
on the Eastern Front, mainly in Poland. He was captured by the Russians and sent to Minsk and
from there was transported via the Trans-Siberian Railroad to Chita and the Baikal Sea in
Siberia. From there he was sent back to the Ural Mountains where he was assigned to a lumber
camp near Ekaterinenburg. This was around the time that the Czar and his family were murdered
there. My father, with a few others, escaped the camp with the help of the revolutionaries and
made their way back to Austrian lines, traveling only at night so as not to be detected. When he
reported what had happened, they told him there were no other survivors from his unit. He was
sent home on a month's leave (urlaub) but in the meantime, the war ended with just a couple of
days left before he was scheduled to return to service. In 1922, he emigrated to the U.S. and
settled in the Bronx where his sister lived.
These are memories that I have of my father as we sat after supper and he told of his life in
Austria. These memories give me a very close bond with Burgenland. I don't know if any of this
would be of interest to put into a newsletter, but I felt the need to write to you with this
account of part of his life. I was and am proud to be his daughter. Each month I look forward to
receiving the Burgenland Bunch Newsletters and I thank you so much for making this possible.
Helen Boss,
- from Klaus Gerger
A few weeks ago, this book was published. The book tells the history of this small village from
its beginnings to the present. The text is all German. There are 235 pages and many photos and
reproductions. Within a short time this book was sold out. It is now necessary to print a 2nd
edition. If you are interested in a copy, please contact the Burgenländische Gemeinschaft (bg(a)
before end of September. The book costs Euro 15, - plus shipping.
This is the table of contents:
Historische Entwicklung von Urbersdorf
Die Anfänge von Urbersdorf
Herrschaften im Grenzraum
Die grundherrschaftliche Ordnung
Urbare und Konskriptionen (Steuerverzeichnisse)
Die Entwicklung des Grundbesitzes bis 1848
Maria Theresianische Reformen
Das Werden des Burgenlandes
1938 - 1945
Russische Besatzung
Die Gemeindeverwaltung von 1945 - 1971
Urbersdorf - Ortsteil der Großgemeinde Güssing
Sanköhaz und Limbachhof
Ortsansichten früher und heute
Bauweise der Häuser früher und heute
Gewerbe ab 1922
Entwicklung der Landwirtschaft
Kulturflächen in der Katastralgemeinde Urbersdorf
Entwicklung der Landwirtschaft im 20. Jahrhundert
Arbeiten in der Landwirtschaft
Hochzeiten früher und heute
Geschichte der Kirche
Tod und Begräbnis
Solar und Biomasseanlage der Fernwärme
Freiwillige Feuerwehr
"Die Jugend"
Jagd, Jagdausschuss, Jagdgesellschaft
Der Stausee
Anhang: Urbersdorfer Mundart
4. LEUCHS DIRECTORY (1899-1904)
- courtesy of BB staff
Contributing Editor Margaret Kaiser writes: I found something of interest.
Ancestry has the following address book on-line:
Leuchs Adressbuch, Band 18: Ungarn, Kroatien und Slavonien, 1899-1904, 9.Ausgabe
Comitat Vas begins on page 1060a and runs to page 1092a. There are many Burgenland towns listed,
for example, Jennersdorf, Eltendorf, Kukmirn, Lockenhaus, Pinkafeld, Heiligenkreuz, Rabafüzes,
Rechnitz, Stegersbach, Tatzmannsdorf (includes an article about Heilquellen fuer Trinkkur,
etc.), Stadt Schlaining, Eisenburg and many more places. There is also a section for Moson
The Jennersdorf listing gives:
1. Hungarian/German place name
2. Basic information such as: Kleingemeinde mit 2054 Einw. Stuhlbez. Szentgotthard, Gerichtshof
Szombathely, Bezirksger. Szent-Gotthard
3. Then follows information on the following listing categories, followed by names of business
Bank- u. Creditinstitut, Cementwarenfabr., Lebzelter, Spezerei-, Eisen- u. Gemischtwarenhdl., &
As one would expect, larger locations, such as Körmend and Güssing have a great many more
listings (a page or more).
Now here is the question: How can we best use this information relative to BB? Does Tom want to
use this information in the town lists. Some other way? Shall I write an article on how to
access this information for the newsletter?
I am copying Maureen as I see many Jewish surnames listed which may be of interest to her with
her project.
Please consider and advise. I can probably send you a sample page (just indicate a town you
would be interested in seeing). Some of these Comitats are likely Croat; so you can ask for one
of these if you can tell me the Comitat you are interested in.
So put your thinking caps on and let me know your advice. Whatever we do with it, could amount
to a great deal of labor, but fun and hopefully informative research-wise.
Contributing Editor Fritz Königshofer replies: This looks like a "Yellow Pages,"
but actually with more info than a normal Yellow Pages.
Villages Editor Tom Steichen replies: Village "description" information, quite
similar to what is here, can be found elsewhere online and/or is already incorporated into the
Village pages or the village descriptions. What is unique is the connection of family names to
particular businesses or types of business. Such "turn-of-the century" information could be
interesting to many Burgenland family researchers. We already list some family names associated
with particular villages in particular time periods but all precede this period by one or more
I do not have an Ancestry account, so do not have access and thus will not be transcribing such
info. However, if anyone wants to take on such a project, I would be pleased to add an
appropriate list of names with occupation/business in ~1900 to existing village histories
(should someone create such lists).
P.S. I very recently learned that a widowed great-aunt in North Dakota supported her family of 4
young children by running a grocery store after her farmer husband was accidentally shot to
death at a wedding celebration. That bit of knowledge provided closure on a question that had
bugged me for a number of years. So, yes, I personally know the value of such info!
Margaret writes again: OK - Here is a sample of a complete town entry:
Rechnitz: Grossgemeine mit 4000 Einw. Stuhlbez. Köszeg, Gerichtshof Szombathely,
Bezirksger. Köszeg. Notariat, Feuerwehr u. gewerbeverein, Sparcassa
Cafes: Wieselmann Jakab; Wieselmann Ignácz
Apotheker: Simon Géza
Bäcker: Hefler János; Schmal G.; Stracka Ferencz; Szamalowitsch Fr.; Winkler, J.
Bank- u. Creditinstitute: Aushilfs-Verein. Rechnitzer Sparkassa-Aktien-Ges.
Binder: Fehér Isván; Tonner S.
Branntweinhdl.: Rechnitz Brüder
Conservenfabr.: Erste österr.-ung. Einbrennsuppenmassafabrik von Bogdány. Besonders geeignet sin
diese Suppen-Conserven für Suppen-Anstalten u. Ausspeisungsvereine für Schulkinder; die Kinder
erhalten durch selbe eine gute, kräftige Suppe zum billigsten Preis.
Drechsler: Stracka Jos.; Stracka P.
Eisenhd.: Arnstein; Fleck Károly; Pfeifer Samuel
Färber: Spitzer M.
Fleischer: Bächer J.; Eberhard G.; Holzer J.
Friseur: Petrowitsch Fr.
Gerber: Hackl A.; Weisz S.
Glaser: Eberhardt J.; Wolf
Gusbes: von Szajbely Julius
Hutmacher: Krepfel J; Strini Jos.
Kalkbrennereien: Klener M.; Ungár Gebr.
Lebkückner u. Wachszieher: Huszár Ed., Stelzer A.
Lederhdl.: Grauer Ede, Würczburger Samuel
Manufaktur- u. Schnittwarenhdl.: Goldenberger Ignatz, Goldberger Rosa, Reinfeld Alex, Schönwald
Mehlhdl.: Unger Ant.; Unger K; Unger L.; Winkler J
Mineralwasserfabr: Holzer A
Mühlen: Ausbacher Paul; Kernbauer Mathias, Prager Antal; Reicher Antal; Stelzer A.; Simon Teréz;
Winkler Karl
Photograph: Stern Ios.
Produktenhdl.: Schabsel Leopold (Mehl); Ungár Gebr.
Sattler: Ebenspanger Johann; Weber Josef
Schlosser: Beiernsteiner Antal
Schmiede: Brádl Josef; List Ferenc; Németh István; Ringhofer Karl
Schneider: Liszt Jos.; Peterka Karl; Taschek
Schuhmacher: Adler K.; Hatwagner Jos.; Höfler Josef
Seiler: Benedek Frigyes; Pranger J.
Spengler: Arnstein Heinr.
Spezerei- u. Gemischtwarenhdl.: Engel Mór; Fraukl H.; Guttmann D.; Pollak, Wwe; Reinfeld Alex;
Schabsel Leopold; Schmal gustav; Spiegler A.: Spiegel Gottlieb, Spielman Ignatz, Takács Mihály,
Wber J.; Weis Lipót; Wirth J
Suppenmassafabr.: Erste öst.-ung. Einbrennsuppenmassa-Fabr. b. Bogdány
Tischler: Hodics Ferd. (Kunst-); Klaus Fr. (Kunst-); List J.; Weber Joh.
Woll- u. Baumwollabfälle: Spiegel
Editor replies: These are just great. A thumbnail of the village at a point of
time. I'd sure like to see Eltendorf, Poppendorf (I know it's not among the group) Güssing and
Villages Editor Tom Steichen replies: I've formatted up the Rechnitz entry in the
manner that I think I would use as a village "history". See Like Gerry, I think these
would make very nice village history thumbnail entries. Great idea Margaret!
Editorial note: Since this exchange in early July, Margaret has transcribed and Tom has added
the “Leuchs Adressbuch” data to the online Village Histories of 37 villages. An additional 30
entries have been transcribed and are being formatted currently. Additional entries will be
transcribed and formatted as time permits.
NOTICE (Terms and Conditions): The Burgenland Bunch (BB) was formed and exists to
assist Burgenland descendants in their research into their heritage and, toward that end,
reserves the right to use any communication you have with us (email, letter, phone conversation,
etc.) as part of our information exchange and educational research efforts.
• If you do not want your communication to be used for this purpose, indicate that it is
"confidential" and we will abide by that request.
• Correspondents who communicate with the BB without requesting confidentiality retain their
copyright but give a non-exclusive license to the BB allowing us to forward to BB members,
publish in our monthly newsletter or on our website, and/or subsequently and permanently archive
all or parts of such communications.
The Burgenland Bunch homepage (website) can be found at:
We can also be reached from the Burgenländische Gemeinschaft web site.
Use our website to access our lists and web pages.
BB NEWSLETTER ARCHIVES (reached via Home Page hyperlinks)
Burgenland Bunch Newsletter (c) 1997-2008 by The Burgenland Bunch
All rights reserved. Permission to copy excerpts granted if credit is provided.