Dedicated to Austrian-Hungarian Burgenland Family History
October 31, 2009, (c) 2009 by The Burgenland Bunch
All rights reserved. Permission to copy excerpts granted if credit is provided.
Our 13th Year, Editor: Johannes Graf, Copy Editor Maureen Tighe-Brown and assistant editor Tom
The Burgenland Bunch Newsletter, founded by Gerry Berghold (who retired in Summer, 2008, and
died in August, 2008), is issued monthly as email and available online. |
Current Status Of The BB:
* Members: 1752 * Surname Entries: 5620 * Query Board Entries: 4236
* Newsletters Archived: 190 * Number of Staff Members: 14 |
This newsletter concerns:
8) THE HUNGARIAN UPRISING OF 1956 (by Emmerich Koller)
12) "BORDER VILLAGES, ETHNIC TWINS"? (by Wilhelm A. Schmidt)
The popularity of our Homepage is growing month by month. In September, 2009, we had a record
12,500 - plus visits, with a daily average of 418

At 9th of October, Ed Tantsits wrote:
I am sending you the updates of the Districts. Frank Teklits talked with me and said it would
be a very good idea to include all the location names and the parishes they belong to. That it
would be good to see these together and we would not have to go elsewhere to do this research.
Thank you, Ed, for this good idea and your work!
I have added the updates to the LDS pages of several districts.
It is available under: |
I got some lists of Deportation and Emigration, so I have done this new feature. Whenever we
get additional lists, they can be added. And it's easy to correct and update in this way.
The first list was a deportation list from Pernau, which was published the first time at
NL-187. Now, Wilhelm Schmidt has corrected it and I have published it under:
The second was a emigration list of Schandorf - Cemba. Ferdinand Mühlgaszner gave it to me in
a meeting at his home. It is available under:
I also have set a link to the external deportation list from Wolfs - Balf, maintained by
Robert Steiner in Germany. |
the last NL (191) main theme, there was a short chronicle of Schandorf - Cemba. This was a
summary of the book "Schandorf - Cemba - Csem" that was put out by the Kulturverein
Schandorf. It has 216 pages, many pictures, and is written in German, with summaries in
Croatian and English.
Another book and CD of the Kulturverein Schandorf is "Schandorf - Cemba / Auswanderer -
Iseljeninki - Emigrants". Additionally, on the CD is a Powerpoint presentation with 225
pages that needs 100 minutes to play and has a background of Tamburizza- music. It is complete
and showable in three languages: German, Croatian, and English. (Ed: It's great, but takes a
while to load.)
All these goodies are available from:
Dr. Ferdinand Mühlgaszner (ferdinand(a) |
2009 November 12 - Bi-monthly meeting of the Burgenland Bunch of Missouri at the home of
Ronald E. Markland P.E.
15908 Wetherburn Road
Chesterfield, MO 63017 |
Last week, I started the final steps for the Gerry Berghold Sculpture. For people who don't
know about it, here's a little introduction.
After the death of Gerry Berghold (our Burgenland Bunch founder) last year, I had an idea to
make a monument (sculpture) for him.
First, I tried to find people or institutions in Burgenland who would be interested and would
support this project. I had some ideas about how it should look when finished, but I was not
sure about it, so I discarded them and started from the beginning. I had my final idea on my
US trip to Pennsylvania this past summer, and I told it to the BB staff members attending our
meeting in Northampton. But this idea also needed time to begin the realizing. I sampled some
materials I needed, but didn't have much time to do so.
My final idea, which will now become realized, is:
bronze-cast monitor-keyboard-mouse-mix that has the form of a Burgenland-map and Gerry's face.
It's the idea that each BB member would have his or her own sculpture on their desk, with
Gerry's face looking out of the computer monitor (in relief) to watch us continue his work.
But I know that I have to do it NOW. I got a lot of support from my friend, Paul Mühlbauer,
the founder and owner of the Sculpture-Park in Olbendorf.
So we made an agreement that I can use his studio and he will help me if I need it.
I really have no idea how I should finance all this material and the casting. But anyways,
maybe we can all start to think about it.
Name |
Housename |
Adr. |
Birthdate |
Emig. Year |
Emig. Address |
Bauer Andreas |
Bardošijevi |
95 |
16.9.1885 |
1902 |
Bauer Josef |
Bardošijevi |
95 |
1901 |
1902 |
Bauer Katharina |
Bardošijevi |
95 |
1894 |
Bauer Karl |
Jurkesov |
49 |
Bauer Michael |
Bardošijevi |
95 |
1879 |
1907 |
New York |
Bauer Agnes |
Bardošijevi |
95 |
1891 |
1907 |
New York |
Berszenyi Anna |
Michini |
33 |
Berszenyi Rosa |
Michini |
33 |
Berszenyi Stefan |
Vargini |
116 |
26.10.1902 |
1925 |
Berszenyi Katharina |
Vargini |
116 |
Berszenyi Anna |
Vargini |
116 |
27.08.1905 |
1927 |
Bencsics Wilhelm |
Tišljarovi |
135 |
13.01.1937 |
62/70 |
Chicago |
Bencsics Ingrid |
Tišljarovi |
135 |
13.08.1944 |
62/70 |
Chicago |
Bencsics Kornelia |
Tišljarovi |
135 |
05.08.1962 |
62/70 |
Chicago |
Bencsics Heidemarie |
Tišljarovi |
135 |
13.10.1968 |
1970 |
Chicago |
Csencsics Johann |
Rozalini |
88 |
15.04.1905 |
Kanada |
Csencsics Josef |
Fabiančićevi |
4 |
27.11.1894 |
1921 |
Hoffmann Theresia |
Fabiančićevi |
4 |
17.9.1898 |
1921 |
Csencsics Karl |
Fabiančićevi |
4 |
1921 |
Eine Person |
Cinajkini |
28 |
Eine Person |
Cinajkini |
28 |
Csencsics Helene |
Fabiančićevi |
4 |
12.04.1905 |
Dorner Andreas |
Agelini |
100 |
Dorner Josef |
Agelini |
100 |
Dorner Ludwig |
Agelini |
100 |
Dorner Ferdinand |
Agelini |
100 |
Dorner Koloman |
Agelini |
100 |
Dorner Karl |
125 |
14.10.1899 |
1930 |
Amerika |
Billisics Maria |
Dürnbach 72 |
1.3.1895 |
1930 |
Gabriel Georg |
Kolončevi |
1867 |
1907 |
Passaic |
Gabriel Maria |
Kolončevi |
1871 |
1907 |
Passaic |
Fabsits Karl |
Pesini |
81 |
Fabsits Johann |
Pesini |
81 |
Fabsits Johann |
Pesini g.,Grabantovi
h. |
94 |
24.09.1906 |
1927 |
Amerika |
Fabsits Michael |
Pesini d. |
8 |
Fabsits Anna |
Pesini d. |
8 |
Fabsits Karl |
Pesini d.,Štrukljini
h. |
8 |
01.05.1901 |
1922 |
Amerika |
Fabsits Stefan |
Pesini d.,Štrukljini
h. |
8 |
20.08.1903 |
Amerika |
Fabsits Josef |
Jokelinovi |
135 |
Fabsits Etelka |
Jokelinovi |
135 |
Fabsits Angela |
Jokelinovi |
135 |
Fabsits Ferdinand |
Jokelinovi |
135 |
Fabsits Maria |
Jokelinovi |
135 |
Fabsits Rosa |
Jokelinovi |
135 |
30.08.1914 |
Amerika |
Fabsits Johann |
Botkini |
112 |
17.04.1905 |
Fabsits Ferdinand |
Botkini |
112 |
Fleischacker Josef |
Štefurini |
130 |
11.9.1894 |
1923 |
Veszelits Anna |
Štefurini |
130 |
Fleischacker Eleonora |
Štefurini |
130 |
17.09.1925 |
Fleischacker Karl |
Šuokerovi, Pepičini
h. |
65 |
7.7.1898 |
1922 |
Fleischacker. Koloman |
Tručkini |
56 |
28.11.1905 |
1924 |
Fleischacker Karl |
Hercokovi |
01.12.1936 |
1961 |
Geicsnek Karl |
Kucerkini,Tručkini h. |
57 |
11.6.1895 |
1923 |
Geicsnek Karl |
Janini, Stuparičevi
h. |
25 |
25.8.1896 |
1921 |
Marlovits Karoline |
Kilenčevi, Španovi h. |
35 |
15.09.1902 |
1925 |
Gerlesits Robert |
Kejnjijevi |
127 |
30.12.1900 |
1923 |
Gerlesits Johann |
Kejnjijevi |
127 |
30.05.1930 |
Gruber Alexius |
Filipovi |
104 |
1950 |
Herits Ferdinand |
Bufovi g. |
82 |
Herits Josef |
Bufovi g. |
82 |
Holzmann Anna |
Jandrini g. |
54 |
1950 |
Holzmann Josef |
Jandrini |
131 |
5.10.1885 |
1925 |
Holzmann Ludwig |
Jandrini g. |
54 |
16.11.1894 |
Holzmann Emil |
Jandrini g. |
54 |
Holzmann Veronika |
Ličljini |
5 |
Horvath Franz |
Španovi |
36 |
1868 |
1907 |
Passaic |
Horvath Karl |
Španovi |
36 |
28.04.1911 |
Horvath Johann |
Španovi |
36 |
26.7.1883 |
1920 |
Passaic |
Horvath Maria |
Spanovi |
36 |
5.9.1889 |
1920 |
Passaic |
Horvath Anna |
Španovi |
36 |
28.04.1911 |
1929 |
Passaic |
Horvath Johann |
Agelini |
79 |
11.11.1899 |
1929 |
Horvath Paul |
Agelini/Tucijevi |
79 |
08.06.1902 |
1929 |
Amerika |
Horvath Rosa |
Tucijevi |
79 |
Horvath Anna |
Tucijevi |
79 |
Horvath Stefan |
Tucijevi |
79 |
14.4.1898 |
1922 |
Chicago |
Horvath Stefan |
Ziečevi |
46 |
Horvath Katharina |
Ziečevi |
46 |
Horvath Josef |
Docini |
113 |
20.04.1913 |
Horvath Karoline |
Docini |
113 |
Horvath Koloman |
Luobičkini |
78 |
06.11.1901 |
1924 |
Horvath Ferdinand |
Hecljinovi |
41 |
13.07.1900 |
1923 |
Puhm Johanna |
Debelovi |
62 |
10.8.1899 |
1925 |
Horvath Helene |
Debelovi |
62 |
08.07.1929 |
Horvath Josef |
Debelovi |
62 |
Resetar Anna |
Ruožičini |
39 |
26.07.1909 |
Karlovits Johann |
Miškičini |
10 |
1.11.1899 |
1924 |
Kanada |
Antal Rosa |
Miškičini |
10 |
1935 |
Karlovits Johann |
Cikoševi,Tulijevi h. |
117 |
23.6.1898 |
1926 |
Karlovits Karl |
Tručkini h. |
57 |
12.03.1905 |
1908 |
Karlovits Vincent |
Hantuolovi |
2 |
11.04.1926 |
1953 |
Kanada Ont. |
Karlovits Elisabeth |
Viktorovi |
122 |
28.09.1926 |
1953 |
Kanada Ont. |
Karlovits Ladislaus |
Hantuolovi |
2 |
Karlovits Stefan |
Hantuolovi |
2 |
22.04.1905 |
Kiss Katharina |
Bufovi |
7 |
Bosits Maria |
Bufovi |
7 |
Hanslist Rosa |
Bufovi |
7 |
Berszenyi Ferdinand |
Bufovi |
7 |
Leszecz Ludwig |
Hajšini |
15 |
11.10.1899 |
1922 |
Dorner Anna |
Hajšini |
15 |
10.10.1903 |
Lesetz Veronika |
Debelovi/Hajšini |
62 |
Leszecz Maria |
Hajšini |
15 |
28.03.1921 |
Magdits Ladislaus |
Matokovi g. |
61 |
09.04.1905 |
1948 |
Magdits Johann |
Matokovi g. |
61 |
14.04.1905 |
1948 |
Magdits Anna |
Matokovi g. |
61 |
1948 |
Amerika |
Magdits Johann |
Magdičevi d. |
13 |
04.05.1907 |
1928 |
Magdits Ludwig |
Magdičevi d. |
13 |
Magdits Stefan |
Tildini |
90 |
14.3.1896 |
1913 |
Antal Rosa |
Tildini |
90 |
12.03.1905 |
Eisengrazn? |
Magdits Katharina |
Tildini |
90 |
Nov.29 |
Magdits Viktor |
Bankini |
91 |
01.05.1901 |
1922 |
Steier Helene |
Bankini |
91 |
18.05.1900 |
Magdits Maria |
Bankini |
91 |
01.11.1925 |
Magdits Stefan |
Bankini |
91 |
Magdits Alexander |
Lenkini |
30 |
6.10.1896 |
1924 |
Südamerika |
Bosits Johann ? |
Lenkini |
30 |
Magdits Ernest |
Lenkini |
30 |
17.03.1930 |
Magdits Josef |
Tildini |
04.03.1905 |
1907 |
Passaic |
Magdits Angela |
Karulijevi |
137 |
Magdits (Bruder) |
Karulijevi |
137 |
Milisits Josef |
Julini |
3 |
Kanada |
Milisits Anna |
Kovačevi nutri |
35 |
Kanada |
Muhr Josef |
Tručkini |
59 |
4.10.1888 |
1924 |
Muhr Anna |
Tručkini |
59 |
17.03.1915 |
Argentinien |
Muhr Ferdinand |
Tručkini |
63 |
10.09.1902 |
1924 |
Omischl Johann |
Hajšini |
29 |
14.10.1887 |
Omischl Josef |
Hajšini |
32 |
10.12.1896 |
1923 |
Orovits August |
Kovačevi |
138 |
31.8.1881 |
Karlovits Maria |
Štifterovi |
138 |
5.8.1884 |
Orovits Ferdinand |
Štifterovi |
138 |
14.03.1911 |
Bencsics Anna |
Dandini |
95 |
27.03.1905 |
Orovits Franz |
Kovačevi |
34 |
1932 |
Kanada |
Orovits Maria |
Kovačevi |
34 |
Orovits Anna |
Ziečevii |
46 |
1927 |
Kanada |
Orovits Maria |
Kulaševi |
46 |
Orovics Josef |
Kovačevi |
34 |
24.10.1898 |
1925 |
Puhm Josef |
Debelovi |
62 |
06.02.1901 |
1926 |
Dorner Anna |
Šečkerovi |
92 |
30.10.1905 |
1929 |
Resetar Agnes |
Ruožičini |
39 |
Resetar Stefan |
Ruožičini |
39 |
Kanada |
Resetar Anna |
Ruožičini |
39 |
Gruber Elfriede |
Fudačevi |
61 |
Kanada |
Susits Rosina |
Barićevi |
22 |
02.05.1913 |
1930 |
Südamerika |
Susits Maria |
Barićevi |
22 |
Susits Martha |
Barićevi |
22 |
1930 |
Südamerika |
Stefanits Johanna |
Troskini |
9 |
Stefanits Stefan |
Troskini |
9 |
Veraszto Franz |
Gejzini |
38 |
1925 |
Argentinien |
Veraszto Maria |
Nacijovi |
23 |
Veraszto Michael |
Nacijovi |
23 |
Takacs Helene |
Debelovi |
62 |
1936 |
Toth Angela |
Šundijevi |
87 |
Toth Anna |
Šundijevi |
87 |
23.3.1894 |
1908 |
Varga Maria g. Puhm |
Debelovi |
62 |
Chicago |
Varga Ernest |
Debelovi |
62 |
1928 |
Chicago |
Wolff Mary g. Varga |
Debelovi |
62 |
1931 |
Chicago |
Veszelits Ferdinand |
Šteforini |
130 |
Veszelits Teresia |
Šteforini |
130 |
Veszelits Karl |
136 |
1907 |
Wukits Stefan |
Vidanovi |
1923 |
Amerika |
8) THE HUNGARIAN UPRISING OF 1956 (by Emmerich Koller)
On the 4th of
November fifty-three years ago, a terrible tragedy was unfolding in the heart of Hungary. A
popular uprising that began on October 23 was coming to a premature and bloody end. In the
early hours of this day, an overwhelming force of Soviet troops and tanks attacked Budapest,
and Hungary's hope for independence and freedom vanished under a hail of Russian shells and
Far from these tragic events in the
capital city, in my
village near the Austrian border, people were glued to radios trying to find out what exactly
was going on. While listening to a broadcast from Radio Budapest on the first day of the
uprising, I heard many gunshots in the background. Later I learned that the armed conflict
began at the radio station where that broadcast originated when the AVO, Hungary's hated
secret police, fired upon demonstrators. Now, thirteen days later, my father listened with
dismay and fear to the desperate plea for help that Imre Nagy, Hungary's Prime Minister, sent
out to the free world. Despite earlier promises, especially through CIA-sponsored Radio Free
Europe in Bavaria, no help materialized. By mid-morning, my father had reached a very
important decision. He gathered us around him to inform us that we had to escape to Austria
As a fourteen-year-old boy, I was a bit scared but also excited by this new development and
started packing what I could carry. I did not yet know the underlying reasons for my father's
fateful decision. As we trudged through the mud towards the border, loaded down with whatever
we could carry - we lived very close to the Iron Curtain and knew where it was safe to cross -
Father finally had time to share with his family of ten people the reasons for our leaving. He
was escaping from the clutches of the secret police that had made his life intolerable in the
past years. He also couldn't see us continue suffering the deprivations and indignities placed
on us by Hungary's tyrannical Stalinist regime. As we said good-bye to Grandmother, who at the
last minute decided to stay behind, we made a promise to her that we would be back just as
soon as things got better again. Sadly, for years after our escape, the situation at home
became worse instead of better and Grandma died of a broken heart waiting for her family's
When we stepped
onto Burgenland's soil near Bildein at about noon that Sunday, we didn't know that we were
just the front-runners of a massive exodus that unfolded in the following days and weeks.
Before the border was closed tightly again, 200,000 Hungarians left their homeland with only
their clothes on their backs and maybe a few possessions in their hands. From all corners of
the country, refugees stole their way westward, to the safety and freedom in Austria. Once the
escapees made it past the dangers and obstacles of the Iron Curtain, the people of Burgenland
were ready to welcome their dispirited and traumatized guests with neighborly generosity and
The brutality with which the Russian forces crushed the revolution may have precipitated the
exodus, but the reasons for leaving had been piling up during eight years of communist terror.
Hungary's communist party took control of the government in 1948. Until Stalin's death in
1953, life in Hungary had become almost unbearable. The leaders of the regime initiated a
reign of terror in Hungary that was harsher than in all other socialist countries, even
harsher than in the Soviet Union. Throughout the land, people were persecuted, tortured and
even executed on trumped up charges against the state. Tens of thousands were imprisoned or
were taken to forced labor camps. On the eve of the revolution, the number of purge victims
had reached over 200,000. Show trials, in which even communist political leaders like László
Rajk were condemned to death and prominent religious leaders like Cardinal Mindszenty to life
in prison, made a mockery of the justice system. Those who didn't end up in prisons or forced
labor camps were coerced into spying and informing on each other. Friends and neighbors, even
children, could no longer be trusted. Fear, mistrust, deprivation and a total disregard of
human rights were the hallmarks of Hungary's Stalinist era.
For the small farmers
in villages like Pornóapáti/Pernau where my family lived, the agrarian policies were the most
difficult to take. Soon after they seized control of the government, the communists introduced
the failed policies of the Soviet Union, complete with the persecution of the so-called
kulaks, a strong push for collectivization, excessive delivery quotas and a counterproductive
tax system. By the early 1950's, Hungary, a land that used to produce a surplus of food
supplies, moved to the brink of starvation. These were the years when I often stood in line at
the village store for an entire family's ration of half a loaf of bread or a small bottle of
cooking oil.
After Stalin's death in 1953, Hungary experienced a very modest thaw; persecutions became a
little less vicious, arrests a bit less frequent. In February 1956, Khrushchev denounced the
crimes of Stalin. Poland reacted with a popular uprising in June; Hungary followed in October.
Both uprisings were put down brutally by Russian forces. Thirty-three years later, the system
collapsed on its own accord, exposing the flawed ideology and philosophy upon which it was
built. And although great progress has been made since then in the embrace of the EU,
long-term consequences of the damages that the socialist governments of Eastern Europe have
caused linger to this day.
On October 23rd,
1956 a national uprising broke out in Hungary. This uprising was put down by the Soviet troops
on November 5th. Over 200,000 Hungarians fled the country. The "BRIDGE at ANDAU" at that time
was indeed the last possible way into freedom for many.
The late American best-selling author James A. Michener had then been "reporter on the spot."
Thereafter, he wrote a book about the dramatic events, entitled "The BRIDGE at ANDAU". This
was, Michener writes, possibly the least important bridge in Europe. But the twist of fate
would have it become one of the most important bridges in the world for a couple of weeks.
The Andau chronicle tells you about these events:
On Sunday,
November 4th, the roar of tank engines and the rattling of the chains of armored vehicles
approaching the national border was in the air. The people held their breath, wondering what
would happen. Our firefighters went to the border and marked it with red-white-red flags. ...
In the next few days the first refugees arrived. From day to day, the flow of refugees
swelled. Thousands came from all over Hungary via the Einser channel to Andau, into the
freedom of the West.
This small, insignificant and yet world-famous ANDAU BRIDGE had been blown up a little bit
later. Shortly before Christmas 1956, the future U.S. President Richard NIXON came as the then
Commissioner for Refugees to Andau to get a picture of this refugee disaster. The population
of Andau had been in continuous use for the refugees.
Here again, the local chronicle:
The municipality and the people of Andau accomplished great humanitarian work in those days
and weeks, which today would be impossible to imagine. The schools, the kindergarten, the
cinema and all public spaces have been provided for the accommodation of refugees. Today the
"BRIDGE at ANDAU" stands again. It is not only a monument that commemorates the ill-fated
times of a divided Europe, but also a symbol of helpfulness, tolerance and
togetherness across all political boundaries.
James A. Michener
"If I ever had to flee, so I hope that it can be to Austria"
Text excerpts from James A. Michener's book "The bridge at Andau"
At Andau there was a bridge. Could someone reach it, he found the way into freedom.
Only an insignificant bridge, neither wide enough for a car nor strong enough for a
motorcycle. It's rickety .....
Those generations who had once built this bridge could not, of course, know the role this
bridge of simple planks and beams will play one day. .......They came out of the reeds of the
marsh land, from the mud and the dirt, right across the swamps and via the Einser channel,
across the bridge with the rickety beams.
Yes, that's the way they came. Then we heard a dull bang, but nothing was to be seen. A
refugee, who had kept hidden until then, took his opportunity. Breathless he came running
towards us: "They have blown up the bridge!"
On November 21, 1956, the bridge was blasted by Soviet troops.
This is the path that was received as the "escape road" in 1956 in world history. That road
was used by the Einser-channel, which forms the border with Hungary, on the historic bridge
Andau as the last escape route of many thousands of people.

After the breakdown of the Iron Curtain, a group of artists made 1992-96 an international
Symposium "Flucht und Vertreibung", and then placed their works at the "Street of
Escaping" between Andau bridge and Andau village.
More than 90 sculptures are left and right at the road and also at the Andau-bridge area
beside the Einser-channel in a outdoor gallery of unique proportions.
In the BB newsletter 187A, a list of families deported from Pernau/Pornóapáti, Hungary, on May
26, 1946, was published. The list was submitted by Emmerich Koller. But he did not prepare it,
and no one I have asked seems to know who did. The names on the list, both first and last, are
given in Hungarian, suggesting a Hungarian origin.
I immediately noticed discrepancies on the list. I recognized the first name on it, but knew
that a person by that name was deported with her mother and four sisters, not alone. I think
it refers to an old woman, living across the street from us in Schwabhausen, whom we called
Resi Muam. Her last name, I have since found out, was Eder, not Schmidt. Worse than this
misnaming, the list completely omitted two families and erroneously numbered the members of
others, including my own. From former Pernauer, I also learned that the list contained
families that left the country either prior to deportation or during the rebellion in 1956. My
list does not include those who left of their own volition.
Quite a few people besides Emmerich Koller aided me in the compilation of a more accurate
list: Felix Pehr (left in 1956); Emerich Gratzl, Maria (Wölfinger) Legath, Margaret (Meltsch)
Binder, Kamilla (Steger) Welke, Theresia (Schmidt) Rotter, and Pauline (Windisch) Mueller (all
DPs, i.e., "Displaced Persons"). There are other deportees still living that I wish I could
have contacted, but I was unable to find their current whereabouts.
I forwarded my tentative list to Gizella (Schmalzl) Bogdan, a friend of my mother, living in
Pernau. She prevailed upon the current village notary, Kovacs Geza, to amend it. The original
list provides only the names of the heads of the families and the number of people in each
family. The list he sent me provides the names of all family members. But it has some of the
same shortcomings as the original list. One family is entirely omitted, as is my sister (at
less than a year old, the youngest person deported), and I am consigned to another Schmidt
family that was childless.
The number of people on the notary's list is 90. The same number appears on a memorial plaque
in Pernau. The total number reported by the village priest, Gyorgy Illes, in a letter to his
bishop two days after our expulsion, without giving names, is 92. This number must be
considered the most authoritative. My list contains several more names, including two men that
returned to Pernau from a Russian prison camp in 1948, unaware of the deportation. They joined
their families in Germany, and should therefore be counted. But I am not sure about some of
the names, and urge readers to verify my list. (e-mail:
A final remark: all the names on my list are given in German. This reflects their true
ethnicity and my lingering antipathy for the nation that deported me. |
12) "BORDER VILLAGES, ETHNIC TWINS"? (by Wilhelm A. Schmidt)
On the topic. "Border villages, ethnic twins" at the end of BB Newsletter 48A, a correction is
in order. The idea that the mentioned villages on opposite sides of the border are ethnic
twins, one mostly German and the other mostly Hungarian, is a misperception.
the separation of Burgenland, all these villages were part of Hungary and had Hungarian names.
Simultaneously, all of them were inhabited by ethnic Germans and had German names. Other pairs
of villages up and down the border could be mentioned. Curiously, the four that are cited have
an interesting relationship to my birthplace, Pernau/Porno (Pornóapáti since 1899). They
belonged to a member of the Jak family back when, and were bequeathed to the Cistercian
monastery in Pernau in 1233. With the exception of Deutschschützen, all of them already
existed late in the 12th century. This village, adjoining the monastery on the west, was
inhabited by archers in the employ of the Counts of Güssing. At the time the monastery was
founded, the land belonged to the Jaks, but then reverted back to the Wildoners. Originally,
the archers had settled in a village immediately to the north of Pernau. After Croatians
migrated to that village around 1548, they founded a new village. To distinguish the two
villages, the old became Kroatschützen/Horvatövö, and the new one became
Deutschschützen/Nemetlövö. Höll, southwest of Pernau, was originally part of
Oberbildein/Alsobeled, the village due south of Pernau. Its name is supposedly derived from
the "hel" in Hettföhelly, meaning "Monday market," which was the name of the estate that
became Oberbildein. Eberau/Monyorokerek (=Stein am Hazelrund) and Prostrum
(=Gesindeacker)/Szentpertfa, two villages below Unterbildein/Felsobeled, also were given to
the monastery in Pernau, as were two other properties still further south, the forest of
Moschendorf/Nagysaroslak and the mill at Allerheiligen/Mintszent. (See 750-year Festschrift
for Deutschschützen.)
As late as the end of World War II, the inhabitants of all these villages were largely German
speakers. Croatian was spoken only by part of the population of Kroatschützen and Prostrum.
Pernau was still staunchly Hianzisch during my early childhood. Only the priest, the teacher,
the doctor, and the village notary were Hungarian. Official business was conducted in
Hungarian, but Mass was said in German. Instruction was both in German and Hungarian. I only
learned a few words of conversational Hungarian.
With the exception of Allerheiligen, the "Hungarian" villages in the above pairs were
initially designated by the Treaty of Trianon to be part of Burgenland. The reason for keeping
them in Hungary differs for each of the remaining three. Kroatschützen was apparently
indifferent about its alliance. The inhabitants of Pernau wanted to be part of Austria, but
Prince Franz of Bavaria, the owner of the estate (the monastery grounds), persuaded the border
commission to keep it in Hungary. Despite protests in Prostrum, the Austrian government
exchanged this "Croatian" village for a "German" village elsewhere along the border.
Evidently, the grounds for pairing the villages on opposite sides of the new border is
historic accident, not ethnicity. Between the world wars, commerce and kinships kept following
their centuries' old patterns. It was the iron curtain that completely altered the situation.
All the roads crossing the border were closed, and Hungary achieved its long desired
linguistic hegemony. Concomitantly, the Hungarian language became obsolete in Burgenland, and
cultural diversity disappeared there as well. Only due to this loss is a pairing of the
villages on opposite sides of the border on linguistic grounds valid. |
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