Dedicated to Austrian-Hungarian Burgenland Family History |
October 31, 2014, © 2014 by The Burgenland Bunch
All rights reserved. Permission to copy excerpts granted if credit is provided.
Editor: Thomas Steichen (email:
Archives at: BB Newsletter Index
Our 18th Year. The Burgenland Bunch Newsletter is issued monthly online. It was founded by
Gerald Berghold (who retired Summer 2008 and died in August 2008).
Current Status Of The BB:
* Members: 2288 * Surname Entries: 7495 * Query Board Entries: 5379 * Staff Members: 17
This newsletter concerns:
3) HIANZISCH—THE UI-DIALECT (by Wilhelm Schmidt)
- ANSWER TO TAX QUESTIONS (the "Dica") - from Albert Schuch
1) THE PRESIDENT'S CORNER (by Tom Steichen)
this newsletter, after the bits and pieces here in my "Corner," our first full-length article
contains reader reactions to last month's transcription and translation of An 1885 Family
Document. It prompted a variety of responses!
Article 3 provides background into the nature of the Hianzisch, or more formally,
the ui-Dialect, explaining its origins in other languages while describing the
nuances that cause it to be a distinct dialect. It is the first such exposition I have seen and
we have Wilhelm Schmidt to thank for it!
Article 4 discusses an online book, the Historisches Ortslexikon (Historical
Gazetteer) put out by the Vienna Institute of Demography (part of the Austrian Academy
of Sciences). It contains historical population data, along with substantial documentation
to support the numbers. If you wish to best understand your emigrant ancestral villages, you
should take time to read this article, access the book and then ponder the data for your
In Article 5, I present an admittedly bemused look at a 1989 Burgenland Bank Advertisement.
I cannot imagine that such an ad would be allowed today and, truly, I was surprised it was
allowable in 1989... but read it for yourself!
The remaining articles are our standard sections: Historical Newsletter
Articles, and the Ethnic Events and Emigrant Obituaries sections.

Follow-ups to "Day of the Siege" Movie Review: BB Member Nina Egert wrote to
comment on the important September 11, 1683 date and to correct (tongue in cheek) my
"misinterpretation" ...she writes: "re 1683, tis a date that should place gratitude in the
hearts of us all---it gave rise to the first coffee house in Vienna."
She then quotes from Wikipedia (
real first coffeehouse in Austria opened in Vienna in 1683 after the Battle of Vienna, by using
supplies from the spoils obtained after defeating the Turks. The officer who received the coffee
beans, Polish military officer of Ukrainian origin Jerzy Franciszek Kulczycki, opened the coffee
house and helped popularize the custom of adding sugar and milk to the coffee. Melange is the
typical Viennese coffee, which comes mixed with hot foamed milk and a glass of water.
Other Wikipesia pages of interest on this topic are:

Emmerich Koller also chose to comment, saying: As a history buff I read with
fascination your review of the film [Day of the Siege]. You really ought to become a
professional film reviewer. No kidding! And I enjoyed the follow-up perspective by Hannes. [Day
of the Siege] is now on my list of movies to watch since I have Netflix.

St. Louis Gathering of Burgenländer and Descendants (Repeat): Theresa McWilliams,
our St. Louis Research staff member, wishes to announce an upcoming gathering of St. Louis
Burgenländers and descendants. The event will be held Sunday, November 2, 2014, 2-6 pm, at the
Community Center Cafeteria of the Holy Name of Jesus Catholic Church, 10235 Ashbrook Dr, St.
Louis, MO. As Theresa says: Come, enjoy meeting and conversing with other folks who share an
enthusiasm for their Burgenland heritage. Bring photos, memorabilia, favorite family recipes,
even a dish to share if you like, or just yourself. For more information, and to let us know you
plan to attend, contact Theresa McWilliams Erzählen
Sie Ihren Freunden! (Tell your friends!)

Village, Church and Regional Chroniks: Last month I introduced a new BB webpage,
containing titles to all the Burgenland Chroniks (histories) that I am aware of. I also
noted that I'm sure there are many more such histories available... so requested your help.
Retired BB staffer, Anna Kresh, was first to reply, mentioning a "regional" book,
"Der Bezirk Güssing im Wandel der Zeit", which covers all the villages in that Bezirk
(district). She commented that I "probably already know about this, and I don't think you
were covering Bezirks in your article, but let me know if you need more info on this."
Indeed, I did know of that book (part of a series, with a book for each of Burgenland's seven
districts) but, at the time I put the initial Chroniks list together, I chose not to
include books of this type. I have since reconsidered and added a section for Regional
books, which now contains all seven of these books plus a number of similar district-wide books.
I also include Robert Hajszan's books about the different Herrschafts.
Richard Potetz also wrote, pointing out village book "Jennersdorf, Porträt
einer Grenzstadt” (1977), noting that it also covers the full district but "with more
emphasis on Jennersdorf and the adjacent villages." He also pointed out that the Sankt
Martin an der Raab book also includes Neumarkt an der Raab, Oberdrosen, Doiber, Gritsch, and
Welten. I have added the Jennersdorf book and amended the Sankt Martin listing.
Beyond those, I also stumbled on some additional books and dissertations, which
I have added, bringing the village book count to 199 (some books cover more than one village and
quite a few villages have multiple books, resulting in an actual village count of 178). Adding
in the church book count of 14, and the regional book count of 16 gives a total of 229
Chroniks! (We also list books for a few bordering Hungarian villages.)
There are 171 official Gemeinden / Orte (Freistadt, Marktgemeinde,
Gemeinde or Stadtgemeinde) in Burgenland (composed from 328 Kastralgemeinden /
Ortschaften). We have listed books for 111 of these Gemeinden, leaving 60 to go.
Also, as noted above, our listed books cover 178 villages (Kastralgemeinden), leaving 150
to go. Assuming books for these Gemeinden and Kastralgemeinden exist, we are still
missing (or failing to identify Kastralgemeinden in) a fair number of Chroniks.
Therefore, I again ask you readers to help fill out this list by sending me
information about ones you know of but that I have not mentioned and to correct inaccurate or
incomplete listings.

on book "The Burgenländer Emigration to America": As I will do for a while, here is this
month's update on purchases of the English issue of the 3rd edition of Dr. Walter Dujmovits'
book “Die Amerika-Wanderung Der Burgenländer.”
As of October 30, 711 copies had been purchased, bolstered by a recent bulk purchase of 50
copies by someone! I must confess that this number of copies purchased is a major, extremely
pleasant surprise for me... I was thrilled when sales exceeded 200 copies... and now we are over
700! It appears Gerry Berghold was right when he campaigned for an English version so many years
ago. Given the recent upswing in purchases, the book rank is now 537, a new low (which is good,
as it means only 536 active books on Lulu have sold more).
Several months back, Lulu reduced its production charge for the book, allowing us
to drop its price and offer it for online purchase at a list price
of $7.41, plus tax & shipping. See the BB homepage
for a link to the information / ordering page and for any current discounts.

Retired BB Staffer, Anna Kresh, wrote to say: Hello Tom, thought you may be
interested in this article appearing in the current newsletter of the Austrian American
Cultural Society in Pittsburgh:
"In a first for the Society, an author, Steven R. Roberts, has notified the Society of the
publication of his tale of teen-age Austrians who were conscripted into the German Army late in
World War II as fodder for the defense of an Eastern Front moving westward under the onslaught
of Stalin’s Red Army. Some information about the book, “Private Svoboda”, follows.
Svoboda is a just released book I’ve written based on the true story of a 14-year old
Austrian boy drafted in 1944 along with his classmates out of his eighth-grade boarding school
in Hallstatt. Naive and excited to get into the action, the boys are quickly relieved of any
notion of the adventure, romance and heroics of war.
Sent to the Eastern Front, one by one, Alex’s classmates fall as the deafening weapons of
battle expose the brutality of war and the unlikely chances of the boys surviving for another
day, another minute.
I thought this story might be of interest to your members. It is available in paperback,
Kindle and various other digitalized formats through Amazon and my web site"
Anna writes further: Wonder if our BB members would be interested in reading this?
I have not yet read it, but knowing several Austrians, including one of my cousins, who also
experienced this, I plan on doing so. Anna

Recipes from the German/Austrian cookbook of the Austria Donau Club: We are still
waiting for Frank Paukowits to resume sending materials; while he has his computer room back, he
now can't find the recipe book! ...but recipes will return (we hope!).

Decide: One year ago (Nov 2013) the Burgenland Wirtschaftskammer (Chamber of
Commerce) put out a new magazine with the initial cover picture being that shown to the right.
The picture's title slogan text was, "Hier steckt viel Burgenland drin" (Here is much
Burgenland inside).
Not surprisingly, it caused a bit of a stir, prompting SPÖ politician Verena Dunst to object,
saying, "It was a slap in the face of every Burgenland woman."
The magazine's chief editor rejected the criticism, claiming neither the image nor the headline
was sexist. His claim was that the image and text were intended to bring attention to
Burgenland-manufactured products: jeans from Mariasdorf and its zipper from Marz.
So, what do you think: inappropriate sexism or clever marketing? Or both?
Oh, that "small print" at the lower right (in case you noticed it), says "Made in Burgenland.
Everything you should know about Burgenland industry, read here! Win with Burgenland Industry;
valuable products, page 7."
Last month we gave a transcription and translation of Bob Chapman's handwritten but official
German-language family document from Lébény, Hungary. That spurred a number of worthwhile
comments, which I'll present here. First, I'll display the document in question again:

...and then present our final transcription and our two translations:
womit vom gefertigten Gemeindevorstand hiermit
bestätigt wird, dass Johann Göltl und seine Ehegat-
tin Eva Göltl geb. Schmitzhofer sammt seinen
Kindern: Paul, Stefan, Josef, Susanna, und Ka-
tharina in hiesiger Gemeinde die Zuständigkeit be-
sitzt, und dass derselbe während seines hierortigen
Aufenthaltes sowohl in politischer als auch in mann-
lischer Beziehung sich stets anstandslos verhalten, so
dass kein Hindernis gegen seine Reise nach Nord-
Amerika obwaltet.
Leiden Wieselburger Comitat
Ungarn am 17. Februar 1885
[circle with Hungarian text: Lébény Mezzo Város Petsétje]
Dudosits Nándor
Lárár István
Certificate [of good conduct]
Whereby the town's Board signed below hereby
confirms that Johann Göltl and his wife
Eva Göltl neé Schmitzhofer, together with his
children Paul, Stephen, Joseph, Susanna, and
Catherine, has home rights in this town,
and that he during the time he lived and worked
here always behaved impeccably in regard
to politics and human relations, so
that no obstacle obtains against his travel
to North America.
prepared by the community council whereby it herewith
attests that Johann Göltl and his wife
Eva Göltl neé Schmitzhofer, together with his
children Paul, Stephen, Joseph, Susanna, and
Catherine, are residents of this community
and that the same (he), during his stay in this place,
in both public and personal conduct,
comported himself without reproach, so
that there is no impediment to his immigration to North
Lébény, county of Moson in
Hungary, on February 17,
[circle with text: Lébény Market Town Seal]
Dudosits Nándor [Ferdinand] Lárár István [Stephen]
Judge / Magistrate
As I noted last month, the second translation is the more word-for-word literal translation
and, in general, was the one I found most satisfactory... however, I preferred the first
translation for the phrase "in hiesiger Gemeinde die Zuständigkeit besitzt" (has home
rights in this town).
Now let's move on to the new comments...

Jürgen Brandweiner wrote to say: in the transcription it
states: "sowohl in politischer als auch in mannlischer Beziehung." But it is not "mannlischer"
but "moralischer." I think that corresponds to the second translation with "personal
conduct." Kind regards...
Given Jürgen's hint, a re-look at the original document forces me to agree with his
transcription! I might, though, argue that a translation reads more straightforward as "both in
political and moral conduct."

Joe Jarfas was also moved to write, saying (in part): in
the (otherwise) excellent description and translation of the 1885 document: the judge is István
Lázár (guaranteed!) I know it looks like 'r', but it's a 'z'.
Again, I cannot even begin to argue against this interpretation, mostly because I absolutely
agree! I transcribed that part and committed the way-too-common transcription sin of forgetting
the writing was in Kurrent script, not Latin script. A well-written Kurrent
'z' looks very much like a Latin 'r' ...and I fell into the trap!
Joe went on to say: How old and obsolete the language is, is shown on
the stamp: LÉBENY market town's stamp, where the spelling of stamp: petsétje (pecsétje), I
think, became obsolete back in the 1860's.
When I provided the initial translation of the stamp's Hungarian text, I made the leap to the
modern spelling (pec...) largely because I recalled the word from other stamps and was aware
that Hungarian "officialese" spellings often differed from common spellings. So, despite the
fact that the word (as spelled on the stamp) was not in my dictionary, I was comfortable with my
translation. Nonetheless, it is good to know that Joe affirmed my assumption, though I am
surprised (but only a little, given it is officialese) that the word changed spellings in the
1860s but was still on a stamp in 1885!
Joe also commented: Two other little remarks regarding the text: both
[official] 'townspeople' were lawyers, likely fluent in German as well as Hungarian (and maybe a
few other languages). This certification must have been requested by the subject in German,
since by that time - 1885 - the official language of the bureaucracy was Hungarian. With regard
to the content of the note the 1st translation got it right: this is a certificate of good
conduct (or Erkölcsi Bizonyítvány).
And, in another comment, Joe largely agreed with me that there is cause to prefer the 'home
rights' interpretation of Zuständigkeit over a simple residency translation,
saying: Your interpretation of 'Zuständigkeit' comes close to the
true meaning with the 'right of domicile', used even on New York State and City tax forms. Could
not understand (especially with my limited English vocabulary back then [in the 1960's]) why
they made such a fuss about residency and having the right of domicile in the City. Years later
was I able to comprehend the fine distinction!
My reply to Joe (on this last comment) was that, to me, this “fine distinction”
was well worth emphasizing, which is why I preferred the first translation. I was not aware that
NYC had/has? a ‘right of domicile’ (but then I had no reason to know it). I do have a son in NYC
but he has never commented on residential privileges. However, my son who lives in Washington,
DC, benefited from a similar thing. He received a special tax deduction as a first-time
homeowner in DC when he moved there and still gets special parking privileges not allotted to
nonresidents. It’s not quite the same thing as Zuständigkeit but it is similar.

Matt Boisen was also moved to write (in part): Your article about the village
recommendation/Zeugnis and discussion that followed prompted me to write and to include a
scan of my own family Zeugnis, which was translated twice, once about 50 years ago and
again 10 years ago. The older translation was full of errors; for example, "Comitat Ungarn"
was translated as the town of "Corrital, Hungary" and "Bezirk Güns" as "Ganz
County" and they didn't know what "Vas" meant, so it was not included in the
translation. Even my rudimentary German language skills told me there was more to this, so I
engaged the help of a local woman who was a native German speaker and she provided me with this
Municipal Letter of Recommendation
We the members of the village council of Lebenbrunn, in the borough of Güns, in the county of
Eisenburg (Vas), Hungary, certify herewith, that Mr. Franz Böhm, Roman Catholic, age 42*,
profession of carpenter, has had his permanent residency with his whole family (consisting of
his wife and three** children) in this community. He has earned through his diligence and hard
work, as well as through his moral way of life, the admiration and the affection of all the
members of this community. This recommendation has been written for him because he is
immigrating to America.
Signed at Lebenbrunn on 4 April, 1888.
Joseph Grossinger
Chairman, Village Council
[**there were actually four children]

This document actually started me on the road to the Burgenland Bunch and the discovery of the
old country, the villages and counties of the Austro-Hungarian empire and the subsequent
partition and creation of Burgenland, so it occupies a prominent place in the annals of my
family history.
The Zustandigkeit discussion also prompted me to try to read the Zeugnis again. I
have a terrible time reading handwritten German of this time, so I hope that the above is an
accurate translation.
Do these "municipal recommendations" have any equivalent to the "útlevéls" that were used
as passports in Hungary? Thanks! Matt Boisen

My first reaction is that Matt's document is quite similar to Bob Chapman's,
both in content and tenor, as translated. I did not study it carefully (and still have not,
though I invite all interested readers to do your own transcription and translation) but I will
note that the word Zustandigkeit is present in the document. Instead, I'll quote the part
of my reply to Matt that answered his question concerning an útlevél:
Hi Matt, ...As for similarity to an útlevél (which is the Hungarian word for passport), it
is not similar at all. Passports were issued by either the government of Austria or of Hungary,
but not by a local village. However, a Zeugnis likely was needed to qualify for a passport (as
well as having proof that your military service obligations and any debts had been satisfied).
I’ve not seen a Hungarian útlevél older than 1898, but by then they were formal multi-page paper
booklets much like modern passports. I have seen older Austrian Reise-pass(es), which were
single-paged, pre-printed (except for personal specifics… name, etc.) and adorned with the crest
of Franz Joseph. I’d assume the older Hungarian versions were similar… but cannot verify that.
I’d love to see an older one!
He replied (in part): I was under the impression that the early Hungarian
passports were not much more than these handwritten documents, but it makes sense that the
letter of recommendation would have been the first step in the process. It's odd that I have
this fragile bit of brown paper but not the passport, if indeed, anything more was issued in
1888. Unfortunately, this is the only document I have from the old country. I don't even have
photos of these people until they were well into their 70s, and their children were well into
And I replied further (in part): Austrian passports were fairly formal even back
in the 1830s… but then only the upper classes moved about enough to need them. Here are a few
sentences from an article I wrote for Newsletter 219:
It was in 1832 that Emperor Francis Joseph the First issued the first emigration patent that
recognized the concept of “legal emigration” in Austria-Hungary. This was unimportant before the
development, starting in 1846, of railway systems in Hungary, since people seldom had
opportunity (except for military reasons) to travel long distances outside the country.
Consequently, there was no need for emigration laws or even a formal passport. A simple
reference written on a sheet of paper was still widely accepted in lieu of a passport in the
1870s (in fact, that is where the Hungarian word for passport, útlevél, comes from... it
translates literally to road/travel letter). As for passports, the traditional travel letters
were sporadically replaced with formal passports starting in 1856.
I then commented to Matt that "I wonder if foreign passports were confiscated when people
came to the US and committed to stay, or if they were not even issued if you did not plan to
come back?"
I followed that up with a short note: "While looking for something else, I came
across these sentences in a 1998 BB newsletter (per Fritz Königshofer while discussing excerpts
from Hungarian newspaper “Der Volksfreund" for years 1910 to early 1914):
To keep the emigration in some check, new measures were introduced. For instance, in
1911 possession of a passport became an obligatory requirement for leaving the country.
"So it appears that a passport was not a formal requirement for emigration in 1888."
However, the article I quote from above (from BB Newsletter 219), which was about
the 1903 Hungarian Emigration Act and its companion 1903 Passport Act, makes it
clear that 1903 was the year when passports were first required for emigration.

A final word: As I noted to Matt, I would love to see an early (pre-1900)
Hungarian passport (útlevél). If you have one in your collection of family memorabilia
and are willing to scan and send the images to me, I would be extremely pleased to share it with
the BB readership. Please consider doing so!
3) HIANZISCH—THE UI-DIALECT (by Wilhelm Schmidt)
I learned Hianzisch as a toddler. During the first five years of my life, I heard little else
spoken. As far as I know, all the people in my home village – Pernau, Pornóapáti – also spoke
Hungarian. But I only learned a few words of it. In my Meltsch grandparents' household, only
Hianzisch was spoken.
I knew that the dialect was called Hianzisch from the time I was small. I learned that it was
referred to as the ui-dialect only after I began researching my genealogy and the history
of my home village. I came across discussions of the dialect, which identify it as a form of
Bavarian, with the ui diphthong (double vowel) as its distinctive feature.
Further reading taught me how German itself developed. It is an Indo-European language, of which
there are two basic types, usually distinguished by the word for hundred in each:
satem and centum. The first group includes Sanskrit, Iranian and Greek; the second
Italian, Celtic and German.
German separated from the other languages in the centum group by undergoing a consonant
shift. The consonants d, b, and g were replaced by t, p and k. For example, the word for ten
in Latin is decem, in Old German, it is ten. The shift occurred well before the
time of Christ, and characterizes the languages of northern continental Europe: Dutch, Danish,
Swedish and Norwegian. The Angles and Saxons brought it to England. It was also the form of
German spoken by the Goths, Suevians, and Vandals. In Gothic, for instance, ten is
A second consonant shift occurred in the southern part of present-day Germany around 500 AD,
when the Celts living there at the time adopted German. In this shift, z or ss replaced t, pf or
f replaced p, and ch or h replaced k. Ten, for instance, came to be pronounced zehn.
This shift was studied by the Grimm brothers, the same that collected German fairy tales.
This second consonant shift led to a change in the pronunciation of the vowels, especially in
Bavarian. Sometimes the vowels are stretched – Hase (rabbit) to Haas. Sometimes
they are turned into diphthongs – Herz (heart) to Heaz. The umlauts in German are
also turned into diphthongs – müde (tired) into miad. The actual German diphthongs
are given different pronunciations: Ei (egg) becomes Oa. While German has only
three diphthongs, Bavarian has twenty-four.
But not even Bavarian contains the ui- diphthong. Curiously, this diphthong does appear
in dialects derived from Bavarian, such as Tyrolean and Styrian – perhaps due to the influence
of Romance languages, in which there are words containing it. But even in these languages and
dialects, it is not as pervasive as it is in Hianzisch. In Hianzisch, u is invariably
elongated to ui: Mutter to Muida, Bub to Bui, Schuhe
to Schui. Dozens of examples could be given. An o within a word is similarly
transformed: Holz to Huilz; as is ie: schiessen to schuissn. “Ui”
is also used by itself as an exclamation.
To me, nonetheless, the ui- diphthong is not its defining feature. It is its mellifluous
sound, which has been referred to as the singing of the Burgenländer. Hianzisch is spoken mostly
with the cavity of the mouth. Consonants, produced at the front and the back of the mouth, are
softened or even dropped. Pernau is pronounced Bernau. The dropped letters are r
and g: Vater (father) – Voda, and genug – gmui. The harshest sound
in the dialect is ts, as in hiaz (now).
The dialect engenders the generally cheerful disposition of its speakers. Singing and dancing –
and a little juizn – comes natural to them. I can't carry a tune or play a musical instrument,
and I have two left feet. But I am temperamentally upbeat, something I attribute to being a
discovered an interesting pdf document concerning Burgenland on the website for the Vienna
Institute of Demography of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (the particular page is
research-groups/demography-of-austria/historisches-ortslexikon/). This page contains
information about, and links to, the various parts of the online "Historisches Ortslexikon:
Statistische Dokumentation zur Bevölkerungs- und Siedlungsgeschichte" (Historical Gazetteer:
Statistical Documentation on Population and Settlement History). This is a multipart web
publication that documents the historical settlement history and population counts for the
states, counties, districts and villages of Austria.
The pdf link for the Burgenland part is:
Also of interest is the introductory section (link entitled "Erläuterungen zum Historischen
Ortslexikon" [Notes to the Historical Gazetteer]), which can be found at
diverse_Publications/Historisches_Ortslexikon/Ortslexikon_Einfuehrung.pdf. It contains an
introduction to and explanation of the Ortslexikon, as well as an Appendix that has the
Austria-wide data, a list of references and, most importantly, an explanation of the many
abbreviations and notations used.
While the document is in German, the key portions are simply numbers, so understanding the raw
data is not difficult... that is, assuming you also understand the abbreviations and notations
that modify their basic meanings.
My goal in this article is to provide a list of the most important and/or most common
abbreviations and notations and to provide translations of them, as well as explanations when
such explanation may help understanding. I'll also provide an example listing or two to help you
understand the data.
To give credit where credit is due, note that Fritz Königshofer acted as my sounding board when
some of the more obscure notations confounded me. However, if there remain errors, they are
mine, as I did not ask him to review the completed article!

I begin with a loose translation of some of the text from the introductory section
noted above:
The Historische Ortslexikon is a statistical documentation of the Austrian
population and settlement history and includes information on population figures and houses.
It is used to quantitatively support demographic, historical settlement and
culturally-informative work, and offers a wide range of data on regional and local history.
The main purpose of this documentation is the inclusion of data from the early statistical
(late 18th to mid-19th century) and the "pre-statistical" periods in the quantitative
description of the population and settlement history, with the classification of older data
into time series ranging up to the most recent data.
The data collection is supplemented annually and is available to users by means of the website
of the Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (Institute of Demography of the
Austrian Academy of Sciences) free of charge. Data cited are from the general source "Historisches
Ortslexikon (Angabe des Bundeslandes)" [Historical Gazetteer (of the Federal State)], as
well as specified sources for particular details.
Information on the population status derives from standard population censuses from 1869 to
present, from earlier censuses (ecclesiastical soul censuses, military conscriptions, Census
1857) in the "early statistical" period from 1754 to 1857, and from tax, manorial,
ecclesiastical or military sources in the "pre-statistical" period.
The Editor of the Historisches Ortslexikon is Dr. Kurt Klein, before retiring an
employee (most recently, Vice President) of the Austrian Statistical Office (now
Statistics Austria) and a lecturer at the Institute for Economic and Social History
at the University of Vienna.

I'll now follow with an example dataset entry, picking Wallern as my example
merely because it is a village where my ancestors added to their population counts!
Wallern im Burgenland
22 Urlehen (1510). – 1509: 28, 1510: 22(3 öde), 1526: 22(2 öde), 1569: 25, 1571: 26, 1589: 28
H, 1675: 63, 1696: *360 E, 1713: 303 E, 1715: 49(11 Sö), 1720: 74(21 Sö), 1734: 600 E, 1767:
73(35 Sö), 1787: 97-829, 1821: 131-887, 1828: 102-850, 1836: 888, 1843: 916, 1850: 959, 1863:
1063, 1869: 186-1243, 1880: 211-1359, 1890: 203-1239, 1900: 199-1347, 1910: 247-1613, 1923:
280-1612, 1934: 303-1812, 1939: 1878, 1951: 369-1895, 1961: 454-2001, 1971: 486-2061, 1981:
539-1995, 1991: 625-1978, 2001: 653-1978, 2006: 1912, 2011: 688-1803, 2012: 1762, 2013: 1749.
1767: 28 Ganz-, 40 Halblehen, 35 Söllner. - *1830: 26 Ganz-, 44 Halblehen, 24
Söllner, 37 Holden. – 1865: 26 Ganz-, 44 Halblehen, 24 Söllner, 36 Holden, 24 Kurialisten. -
1696: samt Pamhagen 1020 E. Geteilt im Verhältnis der Häuser 1675.- Q 1509: Loibersbeck Josef,
Am Waasen, Volk und Heimat 19/1966. – 1526: Urbar Forchtenstein (Breu, Kroatensiedlung
Burgenland). – 1569: HKA Urbar 1196. – 1589: Urbar Forchtenstein, HKA Urbar 1196. – 1767,
*1830, 1865: Unger Konrad, Entwicklungsgeschichte von Wallern im Burgenland (private
What you see above is a typical layout of the data. The village name is bolded then the
standard population data follows in the same-sized but not bolded text.
Beneath that, in smaller text, are two separate sections (divided by a "Q", which appears in the
third line in this example). The first section in smaller text are "notes" keyed to particular
years; the second section (after the "Q") contains "local" references for particular years.
These reference citations are abbreviated here but are given in full at the end of the document.
Before I explain this entry more fully, I'll show one more example, as it adds to
the basic layout of the data (this time I use Halbturn as my example, as it is the other village
to which my ancestors contributed population!).
Neuanlage 1672: 55 Höfe. - 1532: 5 aufr., 1696: 750 E, 1698: 66, 1700: 72, 1713: 556 E, 1715:
73(32 Sö), 1720: 76(33 Sö), 1763: 933, 1787: 140-1156, 1802: 1127, 1821: 136-1150, 1828:
146-1218, 1829: 1316, 1836: 1262, 1843: 1287, 1850: 170-1607, 1856: 189, 1857: 1763, 1863:
1961, 1869: 274-2093, 1880: 312-2473, 1890: 301-2263, 1900: 294-2429, 1910: 330-2460, 1923:
309-2170, 1934: 363-2201, 1939: 2142, 1951: 406-1995, 1961: 452-1917, 1971: 536-1913, 1981:
607-1896, 1991: 635-1856, 2001: 690-1880, 2006: 720-1888, 2011: 741-1898, 2012: 1904, 2013:
Wiederbesiedlung nach Verödung 1672. - Q 1532 (Urbar Ungarisch-Altenburg),
1698, 1700, 1802, 1829, 1850 (H), 1857, 1998: Brettl Herbert, Halbturn im Wandel der Zeiten,
1999. – Neuanlage 1672: Siedlungsnamen und Siedlungsformen als Quellen zur
Besiedlungsgeschichte Niederösterreichs, Studien und Forschungen aus dem
Niederösterreichischen Institut für Landeskunde 8, 1986, 118.
Ab 1815: 48 H angelegt.- 1821: 40-250, 1828: 49-236, 1829: 259, 1869: 340, 1873: 334, 1934:
Die Siedlung liegt auf ungarischem Staatsgebiet.
1532: 6 aufr., 1821: 21 E.
Auf dem Hotter der verödeten Siedlung (ungarisches Staatsgebiet) wurden ab 1815
die Kolonistensiedlung Albert-Casimir und 1938 Varbalog angelegt.
Wittmannshof OB
*1785: 8 E, 1821: 35 E, 1828: 5-49, 1829: 52, 1857: 89, 1869: 125, 1872: 100, 1881: 313, 1894:
201, 1910: 248, 1923: 16-280, 1934: 265, 1951: 16-224, 1961: 16-132, 1971: 12-73, 1981: 11-19,
1991: 5-13, 1998: 7 E.
1824/29 Errichtung von Kolonistenhäusern (vorher Weichselhof).
What I want you to notice here are the three named entities appended, with no intervening
blank line, to the Halbturn entry (Albert-Casimir, Pfingsttagsmarkt, and Wittmannshof OB).
These are what the documentation calls Ortschaftsbestandteile (i.e., village
constituents or parts). More fully, they call them "topographic units below the village
level" and some include abbreviation/notation "OB" after their names when they are still
associated with the main village. These Ortschaftsbestandteilen are included only when
separate information from older sources were available about them.
You may rightly ask why Albert-Casimir and Pfingsttagsmarkt do not have the "OB"
notation appended to their names. The answer is 1) that Albert-Casimir is now in Hungary
and is no longer associated with Halbturn, though it was before 1921, as the note below its
entry indicates; and 2) Pfingsttagsmarkt no longer exists, which is why it is also
enclosed in parentheses.
[As an aside, I will note that this is the first time I was made aware of this
place called Pfingsttagsmarkt (Pentecost Day Market). The note below its entry tells me
that "From the Hotter (the land associated with a village) of this deserted settlement (in
Hungarian territory), the colonial settlement Albert-Casimir was created in 1815 and Várbalog in
1938." I will also note that the references for the main Halbturn entry include a Chronik
book entitled "Halbturn im Wandel der Zeiten," a book I was not aware of until seeing it
listed here. Lastly, the first note under Halbturn, "Wiederbesiedlung nach Verödung 1672"
(Resettlement after obliteration in 1672) makes it clear that this village was totally
destroyed, presumably by the Ottomans. I'm not surprised at that fact, although it is yet
another item first brought to my attention by reading this entry.]

I now want to take a moment to show one dataset in detail, so I will return to the
Wallern entry. However, I will put the data in "linear" form, rather than the reported compact
form, to better show and discuss it. So here is the Wallern data again:
Wallern im Burgenland
22 Urlehen (1510)
1509: 28
1510: 22(3 öde)
1526: 22(2 öde)
1569: 25
1571: 26
1589: 28 H
1675: 63
1696: *360 E
1713: 303 E
1715: 49(11 Sö)
1720: 74(21 Sö)
1734: 600 E
1767: 73(35 Sö)
1787: 97-829
1821: 131-887
1828: 102-850
1836: 888
1843: 916
1850: 959
1863: 1063
1869: 186-1243
1880: 211-1359
1890: 203-1239
1900: 199-1347
1910: 247-1613
1923: 280-1612
1934: 303-1812
1939: 1878
1951: 369-1895
1961: 454-2001
1971: 486-2061
1981: 539-1995
1991: 625-1978
2001: 653-1980
2006: (670)-1912
2007: 1865
2008: 1872
2009: 1853
2010: 1814
This entry starts out with cryptic line: "22 Urlehen (1510)."
Urlehen are the farms and lands as subdivided or assigned when the original settlement
was created. Farms that were added later (e.g., by expanding the settlement, were not Urlehen).
Terms Urhöfe and Urhuben can also be used. Urhöfe refers to a "full or
whole" Urlehen, and is often used interchangeably with Urlehen; however,
Urhuben refers only to a "half" Urlehen/Urhöfe. Thus the interpretation is that
Wallern was established (founded) in 1510 with 22 original "whole" farms.
Interestingly, the next two lines seemingly confuse this:
1509: 28
1510: 22(3 öde)
The first line above indicates that Wallern had 28 houses (or household units) in 1509 while the
second line claims only 22, but with "(3 öde)" appended, which means 3 were desolate /
deserted / unoccupied. I can only presume that the settlement was "under development" in
1509, given it was not "officially established" until 1510.
[Another aside: Other sources indicate that Wallern (Bala in
Hungarian) is mentioned in documents from as early as 1269. This seems to call into question
this 1510 "founding" date. I have no explanation for this discrepancy! Do write to me if you can
explain it.]
The next set of interesting lines are these:
1589: 28 H
1675: 63
1696: *360 E
1713: 303 E
1715: 49(11 Sö)
The "H" in the 1589 line indicates that this is specifically a "house" count rather than a
household count.
The line for 1696 has two notational items: First, the "E" indicates that this count is of "Einwohners"
(residents/inhabitants) rather than farms.
Second, the asterisk * says that this is "fuzzy" data, being estimated or calculated in some
way. In this particular case, the note for 1696, "samt Pamhagen 1020 E. Geteilt im Verhältnis
der Häuser" says "with Pamhagen 1020 residents, shares in proportion to the houses,"
implying that there must have been a total population count of 1020 people between Pamhagen and
Wallern [Wallern was affiliated with Pamhagen at the time] and that 360 (35%) were calculated to
belong to Wallern because Wallern had 35% of the total houses.
Skipping to 1715, we see that the house count of 49 has "(11 Sö)" appended to it. This
indicates that 11 "houses" were Söllner or Söllhäuser families (a classification
that includes Kleinhäusler, Keuschler, Bergler, Hofstettler,
Untersässen, Inquilini or Kurialisten, all of which would, typically, have had
1/16 or less of the land area of a full farm).
The last set of lines I will point out are:
1734: 600 E
1767: 73(35 Sö)
1787: 97-829
I'll start with year 1787, where we have two numbers separated by a dash. The 97-829 pair
of this entry signify 97 houses with 829 total inhabitants. Now I'll jump back to the line for
year 1734. In this line, because the "E" is the last to appear in this time sequence (see
full list above), it takes on an additional meaning: all single (non-paired) entries below this
also represent inhabitant counts, not house counts.

As I mentioned above, the time series data is followed by notes and then "local"
references. Both contain valuable information and are well worth reading and
translating. Again, I'll re-list the Wallern notes and references in a "linear" format, so they
are easier to read:
1767: 28 Ganz-, 40 Halblehen, 35 Söllner.
– *1830: 26 Ganz-, 44 Halblehen, 24 Söllner, 37 Holden.
– 1865: 26 Ganz-, 44 Halblehen, 24 Söllner, 36 Holden, 24 Kurialisten.
– 1696: samt Pamhagen 1020 E. Geteilt im Verhältnis der Häuser 1675.
– Q 1509: Loibersbeck Josef, Am Waasen, Volk und Heimat 19/1966.
– 1526: Urbar Forchtenstein (Breu, Kroatensiedlung Burgenland).
– 1569: HKA Urbar 1196.
– 1589: Urbar Forchtenstein, HKA Urbar 1196.
– 1767, *1830, 1865: Unger Konrad, Entwicklungsgeschichte von Wallern im Burgenland (private
First, note that the individual entries are keyed to years and divided from each other by an
n-dash (–), with references further separated from notes by the "Q". From these entries, we see
that the houses/farms are broken out into Ganz-[lehen] (full fief), Halb-lehen
(half fief), Söllner, Holden and Kurialisten for years 1767, 1830 and 1865.
We also see the note I mentioned for how the "fuzzy" data for year 1696 was calculated.

At this point, I'll provide two lists that may help you understand these data,
with the first being a list of commonly used abbreviations, complete with the
German words they stand for and an English translation/explanation:
Abbreviation |
German |
Translation/Explanation |
Ang. |
Angesessene |
residents, settlers |
aufr. |
aufrechte (d.h. nicht verödete) Häuser |
upright (ie not deserted) houses |
Bh, BH |
Bauernhäuser, Bürgerhäuser (in Städten und Märkten) |
farmhouses, mansions (in cities and markets) |
E |
Einw. Einwohner |
inh. Inhabitants |
E. |
Ende (in Verbindung mit Zeitangaben) |
end (in conjunction with times) |
Fam. |
Familien |
families |
FSt |
Feuerstätten |
fireplaces |
G |
Gemeinde |
community |
GL |
Ganzlehen |
full fief |
Gr.B. |
Grundbuch |
land registry |
H |
Haus |
house |
H |
Hälfte (in Verbindung mit Zeitangaben) |
half (in conjunction with times) |
h.G. |
heutige Gemeinde |
current community |
Hh |
Haushalte |
households |
HL |
Halblehen |
half-fief |
HR |
Hochrechnung |
extrapolation |
Hschft. |
Herrschaft |
landlord |
HSt |
Hofstatt |
paddock |
Jh. |
Jahrhundert |
century |
K |
Katastralmappe aus dem Franziszäischen Kataster |
cadastral parcels of the Franziszäischen land |
KG |
Katastralgemeinde |
cadastral village |
Klh |
Kleinhäuser |
small houses |
Komm. |
Kommunikanten |
communicants |
L |
Lehen |
fief |
lf. |
landesfürstlich |
country royalty |
M. |
Mitte |
middle |
OB |
Ortschaftsbestandteil |
town constituent (topographic units below the village level) |
o.J. |
ohne Jahresangabe |
without year |
Q |
Quelle(n) |
source(s) local sources/references, e.g., Ortschroniken or Heimatbücher |
Repr. |
Repräsentation |
representation |
Sess. |
Sessionen (Lehen oder Lehenteile); Sessionalisten (Besitzer von Lehenteilen) |
Session (fief or feudal unit of land measure for a full farm); Sessionalisten (owners of
fiefs parts) |
Sö |
Söllner, Söllhäuser (auch Kleinhäusler, Keuschler, Bergler, Hofstettler, Untersässen,
Inquilini oder Kurialisten) |
Söllner, Söllhäuser (incl. Smallholders, Keuschler, Bergler, Hofstettler, Untersässen,
Inquilini or Curialists) |
Stpfl |
Steuerpflichtige |
person liable for tax |
Stt |
Stadtteil |
district |
urk. |
Urkundliche Erstnennung |
documentary first mention |
urspr. |
ursprünglich |
originally |
VL |
Viertellehen |
quarter fief |
Wf. |
Wehrfähige |
# of military conscriptable men |
ZH |
Zerstreute Häuser |
scattered houses |
ZBez |
Zählbezirk |
enumeration district |
ZSpr |
Zählsprengel |
enumeration sub-district |
z.T. |
zum Teil |
partly |
The second is a list of commonly used words and phrases, complete with a
translation to English:
German |
English |
Angaben für |
information for |
Ansässigkeit/en |
residence/s |
Arme |
poor (unfortunate) |
etwa |
about (circa) |
Ganz(e)- |
full / whole |
Halb(e)- |
half |
Hofstätten |
farmstead (but often Söllner farmsteads) |
Juden |
Jews |
neue |
new |
öde/ödes |
deserted (desolate) farms |
ohne |
without |
Ort entstand im 15.Jh |
village was founded in the 15th century |
Pastor |
priest/minister |
Porte(n) |
tax unit assigned to the portal entrance(s) to a farm courtyard [became a way to count
farms] |
Richter |
judge / mayor |
samt |
with |
Siedlung/en |
settlement/s |
Stammgüter |
family estates |
Viertel-lehen |
quarter farm |
* |
"fuzzy" information |
? |
information that seems not credible |
(###) |
estimated/constructed count |

In closing, I'll again state that this Ortslexikon contains important and
interesting information that can be a valuable addition to the understanding of your family
history. I suggest you take the time to decipher the details for your ancestral villages and
incorporate it into your thinking and any histories you write.
looking for something else (as I so often do), I stumbled across a bank advertisement in the
Newsletter of the Burgenländische Gemeinschaft (page 14 of the MAI/JUNI 1989 edition). I
found it to be both interesting and curious, at least based on our 2014 banking standards.
As you can note from the thumbnail to the right, it is a full-page ad presented in English. The
header and trailer text are large enough in the thumbnail so you can read them there... but the
main text is too small, so I have extracted and reprinted it below. Clearly, the ad was targeted
at Americans with money (given the choice of English and topic).
I found it interesting for a number of reasons. First, there is the obvious pride in the bank's
evolution from local savings and loan cooperatives to a full-fledged international bank system
(c. 1989) that still handles the daily local transactions, as shown in the initial paragraphs.
Then there is the curious third paragraph, concerned with bank secrecy and tax avoidance! The
next paragraphs lay out why 1989 Burgenland is a great place to invest and why Raiffeisen is the
bank to do it through. Lastly, it mentions its real estate subsidiary that offers Burgenland
apartments, properties and land for sale... they will even carry out construction for you.
I wonder how many BG readers took them up on their offer of banking help?

Here is the ad text:
The past decades have left their mark also on the Raiffeisen cooperatives. Over the years the
former savings associations and loan banks have become modern universal banks that give
financial advice to people from Burgenland in all their day-to-day money transactions.
Wherever you live in Burgenland, at Stegersbach, Heiligenkreuz, Eberau or Jennersdorf, you just
go to your local Raiffeisen bank und they will handle all your money transactions for you, no
matter whether you intend to raise a loan, open a savings account, cash a cheque, convert
dollars into schillings or place a buy order for IBM shares on the New York Stock Exchange.
Clients may base their decisions on the current stock exchange prices, which their local
Raiffeisen bank, in collaboration with Raiffeisenlandesbank Burgenland, the regional clearing
bank at Eisenstadt, routinely offers them via Reuters.
You may open a securities account with a Raiffeisen bank, either in your name or anonymously,
using a password of your choice (e. g., "Neusiedler Lake"). Nobody will want to know your name
when you make your investment in any international currency you choose. And we would like to
draw your attention to the fact that Austria is internationally among the countries with the
tightest banking secrecy, which is even better than in Switzerland, for instance. In no case are
we allowed to pass on information to the tax authorities.
There are a good many reasons why an investment in Austria, and particularly in Burgenland, is
an easy and promising undertaking: a favourable tax situation, no strikes, a sufficient number
of qualified people, state subsidies for newly established companies and companies settling in
Austria, as well as Burgenland's importance as a "gate to the Eastern bloc".
As a member of the UNICO Banking Group Raiffeisen has widely-branched international ties, which
are a great asset to the clients and partners of Raiffeisen Burgenland.
The Raiffeisen Banking Group alone has a Province-wide network of about 170 outlets in
Burgenland; all types of banking transactions can therefore be carried out in almost any village
of Burgenland - in some cases with the support of Raiffeisenlandesbank Burgenland, the regional
head institute in Eisenstadt, the Provincial capital.
Raiffeisen Burgenland offers its services to clients at close to 170 places in the Province. A
special type of services is provided by the Raiffeisen subsidiary "Neue Eisenstädter", a
nonprofit housing company, which sells freehold flats and flats let for rent, finds plots, and
supervises and carries out the construction work. The company also accepts orders from overseas
It is no longer a secret that building and living in Burgenland is getting increasingly
attractive; this is, above all, due to the facts that building plots are rather cheap, housing
costs low and the infrastructure is good.
Editor: This is part of our series designed to recycle interesting articles from the
BB Newsletters of 10 years ago. We do this, of course, because we continue to attract new
members to the BB, who likely have not read these old articles (they are in our Archive section)
and because the articles are simply worth reprinting again (as some of us older members may
have forgotten their content!).
For this month, however, I did not find a suitable article from ten years ago, so I've stepped
back further, to February 1998. I chose this article because the word "porta" is key to the
content of this historical article and also appears in Article 4 above... and this article is a
much more complete explanation than I was able to provide in Article 4. Enjoy!

February 15, 1998
ANSWER TO TAX QUESTIONS (the "Dica") - from Albert Schuch
We have the Income Tax--our ancestors had the "Dica" -- among others.
Concerning the "Dica": I wrote earlier that I thought the amount of this tax varied
constantly depending on decisions of the "Reichstag" (parliament, also called "Landtag";
only the nobility and ranking clergy were members). Below you'll find a short extract
(translated) of an article on the Hungarian tax system in 1780 that hopefully will shed a little
more light on this question.
Source: Heinrich Marczali: Ungarns Steuersystem im Jahre 1780. In:
Ungarische Revue 1882, p. 235-254.
Noblemen didn't have to pay taxes, so when in 1715 the Hungarian parliament pledged a permanent
contribution to the cost of the Austro-Hungarian army, this was to be paid by the citizens of
the free towns, and by the farmers and workers living in the villages. This "war tax" amounted
to 2.1 million florins in 1724 (for the whole country), it rose to 2.5 million florins
in 1728-9, to 3.2 million florins in 1751, to 3.9 million florins in 1765, and to
around 4.4 million florins in the early 1880's. This was not considered to be a large
sum, but the peasants had to pay in cash, and cash was scarce. The parliament just made the
overall decision on the total tax. In subsequent negotiations (called "rectificatio portarum")
it was up to each county (Comitat, Megye) to keep its share of "portae" as low as
possible. The traditional tax unit was called "porta" (an equivalent of 688 florins,
50 Denars [note: 60 denars/florin]), "porta" having long lost its
original meaning of "farm (house)" (in German: "Hof") [ED: porta
being Latin for gate/gateway; the modern English word portal being derived
from the Latin form also].
In order to further divide the tax liability among the communities and individuals, an
artificial tax unit named "Dica" was created. The farmer, his family, his cattle, his
land, his agricultural products etc. were all measured in equivalents of a "Dica" or a
part of a "Dica". The price of labor and agricultural products varied considerably from
Comitat to Comitat, and thus so did the money equivalent of a "Dica". In
places where people could sell their products easily, the tax was relatively high. This applied
to all Comitats at the Austrian border, because the Austrian, especially the Viennese
market was close, the soil was fertile, and population density was high. The western and also
the northern Comitats (now mostly Slovakian territory) had to pay relatively many "portae",
and the money equivalent of a "dica" was relatively high.
Apart from this war tax, the people also had to pay the "Domesticalsteuer", a tax
covering the cost of the Comitat and community administration, amounting to approximately
1/5 to 1/4 of the war tax. In Comitats with a large population, the individual share was
smaller. Marczali gives a few interesting figures for the Ödenburg (Sopron) Comitat, but
he doesn't say to which year they apply. I guess it would be for 1780 (I conclude this from the
title of the article).
The whole Comitat Sopron had to pay 127,371 "dica", and the money equivalent of
one "dica" was 1 florin, 33 kreuzer (note: 60 kreuzer/florin)
war tax and 37 kreuzer domestic tax. 3/4 of the tax had to be paid in the winter, since
the farmers were expected to have money from the sale of cattle and corn at this time of the
(end of extract)
Saturday, November 15: Stiftungsfest of the Alpenrose Schuhplattlers at the
Lancaster Liederkranz. Music by Maria, John, & Chip. Info:
Sunday, November 30: Variety Show from Germany & Austria at the Lancaster
Liederkranz. Info:
Sunday, November 2, 3-5 pm: "Salute to Vienna" Concert: music by the great Austrian
Masters. New Britain Symphony, Welte Hall, 1615 Stanley Street. $23. Austrian deserts will
be available at intermission. (Sponsored in part by the Austrian Donau Club of New Britain.) For
more info:
Friday, November 7, 7 pm: Heimat Abend. Austrian Donau Club, 545 Arch Street, $3.
Music by Joe Rogers and his band.
Friday, November 21, 7:30 pm: Heurigan Abend. Austrian Donau Club, 545 Arch
Street, $3. Music by Schachtelgebirger Musikanten.
Sunday, November 2, 2014, 2-6 pm: St Louis Gathering of Burgenländer and Descendants,
at the Community Center Cafeteria of the Holy Name of Jesus Catholic Church, 10235 Ashbrook Dr,
St. Louis. Contact Theresa McWilliams at for more
information or to say you plan to attend.
Rosa Dalkner (née Korpitsch)
E. Dalkner, of Coopersburg, Pennsylvania, passed away on October 2, 2014 at the age of 74.
She was born in Deutsch Minihof, Austria to the late Johann and Rosa (Granitz) Korpitsch and was
married for the past 41 years to her loving husband John.
Rosa sang with the Lehigh Sängerbund Chorus and enjoyed gardening and tending to her flowers.
Survivors: husband John; sons: David Dalkner and Peter and wife Eleanor Dalkner; granddaughter
Hazel and sister-in-law Gertrude Korpitsch.
She was predeceased by her brothers Herbert and Hans Korpitsch.
Services: A viewing will be held on Tuesday, October 7th starting at 9:00AM until a Mass of
Christian Burial at 10AM both will be at St. Joseph's Catholic Church in Coopersburg. Contributions: Can be made to the Hospice of St. Luke's Hospital.
Published in Morning Call on Oct. 4, 2014

Rudolf Zotter
6 July 1936 in Poppendorf, died 29 September 2014 in Queens, New York.
Rudolf Zotter of Franklin Square, L.I. died on Monday, September 29, at the age of 78. A native
of Poppendorf, Austria, he was the husband of the late Anna and devoted father of Peter Zotter
and Rudy Zotter. He is also survived by four grandchildren. A Mass of Christian Burial was
offered at St. Matthias Church, Ridgewood, followed by interment at St. John Cemetery, Middle
Village, under the direction of Morton Funeral Home/Ridgewood Chapels, 663 Grandview Ave.,
Published in the Times Newsweekly on Oct 2, 2014

Rudolph Dobrowits
"Rudy" Dobrowits of Federal Way, Washington, joined his beautiful wife Frances in heaven on
October 8, 2014.
Rudy was born on April 27, 1923 in Grosspetersdorf, Austria to Johann and Teresa Dobrowits.
Rudy worked for Metropolitan Life for 29 years and was the head jester for his band, The
Jesters, for over 40 years. His love of family and his humor brought great joy to all who knew
Rudy is survived by his children Dawn (Bo) Colello, Duane Dobrowits, Dalene (Marvin) Sheets and
Dwight (Julie) Dobrowits; 9 grandchildren, 11 great- grandchildren.
A rosary will be held 7:00 PM Tuesday, October 14, and a funeral mass will be held 10:00 AM
Wednesday, October 15, both at St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church in Federal Way. Burial with
military honors will be held at Mountain View Cemetery in Auburn. Please visit for more information and to sign the families online guest register.
Published in The Seattle Times on Oct. 12, 2014

Olga Sente (née Illigasch)
Ann Sente, a resident of Vernon Hills, Illinois, passed away Oct 8, 2014, at the age of 86.
She was born July 3, 1928 in Güssing, Austria to Florian and Anna Illigasch.
Olga was a devoted mother and wife, wonderful friend to many, and active volunteer. She loved
giving back to her church and community. Her interests included opera, traveling, painting and
Olga is survived by her daughters Carol and Clare Sente, and her grandchildren Natalie and Jake
Machtig. She was preceded in death by her husband Theodore, daughter Christine, and siblings
Adolph, Elli and Irma.
Friends of the family are invited to offer condolences on Friday, Oct 17, 2014 at Lakeview
Presbyterian Church, 1100 Lakeview Parkway, Vernon Hills, IL from 9:30-10:30 a.m. and attend the
memorial service beginning at 10:30 a.m.
In lieu of flowers, donations may be made in Olga Sente's name to Rainbow Hospice, 1550 Bishop
Court, Mount Prospect, IL 60056.
Published in Chicago Tribune from Oct. 12 to Oct. 13, 2014

Gisela Wunderler (née Ponstingl)
A. Wunderler, 94, of Allentown, Pennsylvania, died Wednesday, October 15, 2014 in her son's
Gisela was the wife of the late Joseph J. Wunderler. They were married 62 years.
Born in Henndorf, Burgenland, Austria she was the daughter of the late Joseph F. and Anna
(Janesch) Ponstingl.
She was a sewing machine operator at the former Harvey Clothing in Quakertown for 20 years
before retiring in 1999. Gisela was an avid gardener and devoted mother and grandmother to her
children and grandchildren. She was a member of St. Paul's R.C. Church, Allentown for 67 years
and sang in St. Joseph's Church choir in Limeport and was a member of the altar society.
Survivors: Sons, Joseph C. and wife Happy of Blue Anchor, NJ, James and wife Diane of Emmaus;
daughters, Mary Phy and husband David of Emmaus, Rosanne Miller and husband Jeffrey of
Bloomsburg; brothers, Aloyious F., Charles J., John J. Ponstingl; sisters, Margaret A. Sokasitz,
Cecilia C. Ponstingl, Elizabeth A. Hussey; grandchildren,James, Justin,Jarett, Amanda, Michael,
Marcy, Andrew, Gregory, Jessica; great grandchildren, Brooke, Luke, Jacob, Hunter, Owen, Pierce,
Services: Family and friends may gather for a viewing 9:00- 10:00am Monday, October 20, 2014 in
the K.V. Knopp Funeral Home, Inc. 46 E. Susquehanna Street, Allentown followed by a 10:30am Mass
of Christian Burial in St. Paul's R.C. Church 920 S. 2nd Street, Allentown. Interment to be held
at Calvary Cemetery in Limeport immediately following the Mass. Contributions: May be made to
the Church,18103 or Life Choice Hospice 200 Dryden Road Suite 3300, Dresher, PA 19025.
Published in Morning Call on Oct. 16, 2014

Jean Atchley (née Heritsch)
Atchley passed away in her sleep October 2, 2014 in Ventura, California after a long, joyful and
fulfilling life.
Born February 18, 1923 in Kleinpetersdorf, Austria, she was a daughter of the late Ferdinand and
Gabriella (Waschitz) Heritsch.
At age 5, she immigrated to the United States with her parents and sister Marie via Ellis
Island. Her family settled in Chicago where she completed her education. As a young adult Jean
worked as secretary for Armour Meats in Chicago. It was in Chicago that she met and married
Carrol N. Atchley. Shortly after their wedding the newlyweds moved to California to start a
family. Jean was a resident of Ventura County for 50 years. She retired from Camarillo State
Hospital after a fulfilling career as a secretary and teachers aid at the school for
developmentally disabled children within the state hospital. Jean enjoyed gardening, reading and
travel especially visits to family members and friends.
Jean was preceded in death by her husband Carrol N. Atchley, daughters Barbara Atchley, Anna
Marie Atchley, son James Atchley and sister Marie Loome.
She is survived by her daughters Mary Aragon, Theresa Bridges (Allen) sons Carrol L. Atchley
(Diane), Richard Atchley (Mary) and grandchildren Devin, Ryan, Rachel, Claire, Jennifer,
Christina, Nicholas, Tony and 2 great grandchildren.
Her funeral service will be held Saturday October 25th at 11:00 AM at Joseph P. Reardon Funeral
Home, 757 E. Main St., Ventura, CA 93001 followed by burial at Ivy Lawn Memorial Park, Ventura.
Our family would like to thank the staff of The Ventura Townhouse, Dr Benjamin Lish and staff,
and Assisted Hospice for their exceptional quality of care.Condolences may be left at
Published in Ventura County Star from Oct. 22 to Oct. 25, 2014
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