Dedicated to Austrian-Hungarian Burgenland Family History |
February 28, 2018, © 2018 by The Burgenland Bunch
All rights reserved. Permission to copy excerpts granted if credit is provided.
Editor: Thomas Steichen (email:
BB Home Page:
BB Newsletter Archives: BB Newsletter
BB Facebook Page:
Our 22nd year. The Burgenland Bunch Newsletter is issued monthly online. It was founded
by Gerald Berghold (who retired from the BB in the Summer of 2008 and died in August 2008).
Current Status Of The BB:
* Members: 2609 * Surname Entries: 8236 * Query Board Entries: 5717 * Staff Members: 16
This newsletter concerns:
(by Jane Horvath)
1) THE PRESIDENT'S CORNER (by Tom Steichen)
month's collection of bits and pieces in Article 1 is a bit longer
than normal, mostly because I got a little long-winded for two of the pieces... but I'm hoping
you will survive that breeze!
Article 2 is by the Burgenland DNA Project co-administrator, Jane
Horvath. Jane provides what she calls A Sweet and Simple Explanation of
CentiMorgans and SNPS, which are terms used by DNA testing companies to quantitatively
show the relationship proximity between matches. And she uses a highly tempting appealing
analogy to help us understand... not fair Jane!
Article 3 is a member assistance article, one that presented An Interesting
Village Confusion that was a baffling puzzle... until, that is, I started playing with
German ↔ Hungarian translations. Read along and see how the puzzle was
Article 4 delves into how the Burgenland forests may have been used in the distant
past and how that use changed the landscape. My article is based on a 2014 paper that examined
the Landscape History of West Hungary's Öreg-Bakony Mountain Areas,
a forested area not too dissimilar from Burgenland's highlands.
The remaining articles are our standard sections: Historical Newsletter
Articles, and the Ethnic Events and Emigrant Obituaries sections.

New BB Staff Members: I am very pleased to announce the addition of three new
members to the BB staff: Patrick Kovacs, Vanessa Sandhu and Gerald Antal Gamauf.
Patrick Kovacs is joining us as the BB’s New Member "Greeter" (more formally
listed as “New Member Outreach”). His primary job is to welcome new members, review their
registration forms for completeness and accuracy, and provide initial direction to appropriate
resources. This is a role that Margaret Kaiser had faithfully fulfilled for a number of
Vanessa Sandhu is taking on the job of being the BB’s Email List Manager (a task I
am pleased to be relieved of). She will be keeping our email list up-to-date, adding new and
deleting old addresses.
Gerald Gamauf is our new BB Membership Editor, adding member entries to our
Membership page. He replaces Johnny Santana, who has filled the role these past two
Both Margaret and Johnny will remain as Contributing Editors on the BB
staff, continuing their other roles: Margaret as Szt. Gotthard, Jennersdorf and LDS Editor
and a BH&R staffer; and Johnny as our Facebook Liaison.
As I've asked each of our new staff members to share a bit of biographical information (which
will be presented immediately below), I will not do so myself. However, I will point out that
having competent, committed staff is the life blood of a volunteer organization such as the BB.
I am proud of all of our long-time staffers and am thrilled that we have been able to add such
excellent new staff members. My thanks go to each of them!

Patrick Kovacs Mini-Biography: I was born in Güssing, Burgenland, and grew up in
now live and work as an accountant in Vienna, but still commute home on the weekends.
I started dabbling in genealogy in about 1996 but it didn't become one of my main hobbies until
My ancestry, as far as I can tell, is 6/8 Burgenland, 1/8 Styria, and 1/8 Carinthia (two other
regions of Austria).
My Burgenland ancestors are spread over 23 villages, which makes research quite challenging.
Nevertheless I try to research every branch as thoroughly as possible, with a special interest
in emigrants.
The villages are: Bocksdorf (Csar, Potzmann), Burg (Besenhofer), Deutsch
Kaltenbrunn (Fullmann, Simandl), Eisenhüttl (Berczkovits), Großmürbisch
(Klucsarits), Großpetersdorf (Deutsch, Müllner, Scheck, Schmalzer, Unger), Heugraben
(Wukitsevits), Kleinpetersdorf (Krismanits), Kleinzicken (Jallitsch),
Kotezicken (Eyer, Simon, Wiesler), Kroatisch Tschantschendorf (Dragovits,
Jandrisevits, Keglovits, Klucsarits, Pvisznasics), Kukmirn (Bauer, Decker, Entler,
Hoanzl, Kogelmann, Muik, Pumm, Tamerler), Neuberg (Kovacs), Neusiedl bei Güssing
(Flamisch, Panner), Neustift bei Güssing (Fuchs, Gilly, Gröller, Pummer), Oberdorf
(Konrath), Olbendorf (Graf, Hasibar, Heinzl, Holpfer, Lebensorger, Muik, Müllner,
Pallisch, Paul, Peischl, Spielmann, Tury, Weber, Wegerth, Zieser), Ollersdorf (Csar),
Rohr (Sziener, Schabhüttl), Rohrbach an der Teich (Ertl), St. Michael im
Burgenland (Szeiler), Stegersbach (Kern) and Wolfau (Müllner).
I’ve done extensive research on some of these villages, so feel free to drop me a note if you
also have ancestors from one of these.
My other hobbies include reading, binge-watching TV shows, going out with friends, cooking,
cinema, attending the games of my hometown soccer team and last, but not least, traveling.

Vanessa Sandhu Mini-Biography: Hello Burgenland Bunch! My name is Vanessa
(Bammer) Sandhu.
will be helping out with the BB email list. I am a critical care nurse and mom to 3 wonderful
Genealogy is my favorite hobby. My Burgenland family hails from Woppendorf (Sinkovits and
Gabriel), Eisenberg an der Pinka (Kainz and Krutzler), Inzenhof (Pammer and Kurta)
and Kemesmál, Hungary (Spaits and Somogyi).
I feel lucky to have grown up in the Burgenland enclave of the Lehigh Valley, Pennsylvania. I
have so many wonderful memories of time spent with my grandparents, as well as all of their
delicious recipes! I am very proud of my Burgenland heritage. I want to make sure that future
generations are able to learn about our proud culture and traditions.
I am also a moderator of the Burgenland Bunch’s official Facebook page, so please
feel free to stop by to visit us!

Gerald Gamauf Mini-Biography: I am Gerald Antal Gamauf, born in 1946 in Pinkafeld,
to Emmerich Gamauf, born and died in Pinkafeld, from a family of weavers (Weber),
and Emma Tschandl, born and died in Pinkafeld, from a family of coopers (Fassbinder).
I studied Mechanical and Industrial Engineering in Graz, Styria, and worked for IBM (in
Austria and abroad) in Software Engineering.
I have two divorced partners, three kids and three grandchildren.
For most of my adult life, I lived outside Vienna, currently in Maria Enzersdorf and Mödling,
I started in genealogy by digitalizing the research results of my oldest cousin from my mother's
side; therefore, he’s now cross with me. I use Smart matches
within this database let my family tree grow enormously.
Currently I call myself a Mentor and Consultant. I work with and for refugees coming to
Austria. What’s an easy task for me is worth a fortune for them. Also, I started to use cloud
computing in 2006, which changed my view of Applied IT [Information Technology]
drastically. Everything is much simpler nowadays (compared to my professional IT life of thirty+
years), so I can’t stop recommending it.

Months in the Languages found in Burgenland Records:
English |
Latin |
German |
Hungarian |
Hungarian |
Croatian |
January |
Januarius |
Jänner |
január |
Boldog Asszony hava |
prvi |
February |
Februarius |
Februar |
február |
Böjt elsö hava |
drugi |
March |
Martius |
März |
március |
Böjt második hava |
treci |
April |
Aprilis |
April |
április |
Szent György hava |
cetvrti |
May |
Maius |
Mai |
május |
Pünkösd hava |
peti |
June |
Junius |
Juni |
junius |
Szent Iván hava |
šesti |
July |
Quintilis, 5bris (rare) |
Juli |
julius |
Szent Jákob hava |
sedmi |
August |
Sextilis, 6bris (rare) |
August |
augusztus |
Kis Asszony hava |
osmi |
September |
Septembris, 7bris, VIIber |
September |
szeptember |
Szent Mihály hava |
deveti |
October |
Octobris, 8bris, VIIIber |
Oktober |
október |
Mindszent hava |
deseti |
November |
Novembris, 9bris, IXber |
November |
november |
Szent András hava |
jedanaesti |
December |
Decembris, 10bris, Xber |
Dezember |
december |
Karácsony hava |
dvanesti |
In the above table, versions of a month's name are separated by commas.
Some specific notes: In the Latin column, the "extra" names are the older names
derived from numbered months and the "short" forms of those numbered months. In the German
column, the "Jänner" term is an Austrian-specific variation. In the Croatian
column, the second entries are the informal, ordinal names: prvi (first), drugi
(second), treci (third), etc. month. It is, however, quite rare to see any of the
Croatian terms used in Burgenland records.

Pictures Need People Identified: BB VP Klaus Gerger wrote to say
"BB member and friend Reinhard Strobl from Kleinmürbisch found a photo
album in the attic of his grandparents' farmhouse. It contains photos from the 1910s,
1920s or 1930s taken in Allentown / Northampton, PA, at Lenhart's photo studio. Reinhard has no
information about the people and families in the pictures, guessing that they are friends or
relatives of his grandparents (and so from the Kleinmürbisch / Güssing area). But there is no
Reinhard put the pictures into an online album that Klaus moved to the BB server, asking that I
provide a newsletter notice about it, which I am glad to do in this note. Reinhard hopes that
some newsletter readers will recognize some of these pictures and share information about them
with him.
Here is Reinhard's request:

Who can help with information about old pictures from the 1910s / 1920s / 1930s made
in the US (Allentown, PA)?
My name is Reinhard Strobl. I’m a BB member since 2003 and doing genealogical research around
my home village Kleinmürbisch in the district of Güssing, province Burgenland in Austria.
At the loft in the house of my (great) parents I have found an interesting photo album with a
lot of old pictures most likely taken in the 1910s / 1920s /1930s. All of them seems to be
taken in the US—in Allentown, PA—studio
Lenhart’s. Most of these pictures I have scanned, but unfortunately I haven't found any
notice about the persons / families in the pictures—and, so far, I
wasn’t able to identify any person.
In my opinion, most likely the pictures show persons from the South Burgenland area who
emigrated to the US (perhaps with a relation to the village of Kleinmürbisch of district
The scanned pictures can be viewed via the following link (on the BB Webpage):
The web page shows thumbnails on the left side, with the selected picture shown with higher
resolution on the right area of the screen (and the file name below). By clicking on the
larger picture the full-sized picture is shown.
If any of the BB Newsletter readers have knowledge about persons / families shown in
the pictures, I would appreciate feedback. My email address is
Ich hoffe, du kannst mir in der Sache weiterhelfen.
(I hope you can help me in this matter.)
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Reinhard Strobl

Please contact Reinhard at the above email address if you can help.

Eisenstadt "Loop" Creating Trouble: You likely are unaware that a small planned
railroad construction project has created friction between Burgenland's capital city,
Eisenstadt, and its nearby neighbor, Wulkaprodersdorf. In fact, some 300 Wulkaprodersdorf
residents recently blocked local roads by marching in protest.

I'm sure you are asking "what is this Loop? ...I sure didn't know! A Loop is a
small piece of railroad that would add another connection between two railroad lines that
currently meet in a Y configuration (see "Proposed New Track" in map above; the existing track
is shown in thin, black lines). The problem with a Y configuration is that, if you are coming
down one arm of the Y and wish to go up the other arm, you have to stop at a station on the leg
of the Y, get off of your current train, cross the tracks, then wait for a train going in the
opposite direction and up that other arm of the Y. That is you have to do a "Stürzen"—a
flip (a change of direction)—to continue your journey. But a Loop, a small length
of curving track that goes between the arms of the Y, like this,
, allows a train to come down one
arm and go up the other arm, no flip (or second train) required!
Now your next questions are "why is this needed?" and "why is it causing problems?"
Well, need depends on your point of view... from Eisenstadt's point of view, which
is on one arm of the Y, a Loop lets people get on a single train in Eisenstadt and arrive
in Vienna 45 minutes later, a savings of 17 minutes over the best current two-train connection
and a reduction in hassle. And from a central railroad and government planning
perspective, it reduces travel time and improves quality of the Vienna-to/from-Eisenstadt rail
routes, thereby making public transport more attractive, increasing ridership, and shifting the
"modal" split in favor of rail over roads.
However, from Wulkaprodersdorf's point of view, things are not so positive. First, there
is already a train station in Wulkaprodersdorf that allows travel in both directions, from/to
the arms, as Wulkaprodersdorf is on the leg of the Y. Second, the Loop would be built
totally on the Wulkaprodersdorf hotter, taking farm land from it and adding more
train traffic, with its noise and pollution. Further, it would require moving the intersection
of two major local roads and construction of an awkward overpass roundabout to remove the
grade-level intersection of roads and rail (see map below). And all of this would cost some 20
million Euros that the locals argue could be better spent on other projects (the 20 Million
includes other changes that will be need to be made elsewhere along the route).

This is a proposal that has been 12 years in planning, but if approved in February, construction
will start in 2020. Thus, "push has come to shove" and the local protest movement is in action.
From their point of view, it is a proposal that only benefits others and costs them, so it is a
problem... and they want others to know how they feel, even if they add to those problems via
protests and road blockages. Not surprisingly, though, they are less opposed to the alternative,
more expensive route shown on the upper map, as it is in someone else's backyard!

BB Email Link Problem:
has come to our attention that email links on the BB Surnames Pages did not work as
intended in a certain situation. The problem appeared when gMail was the default
mailer and the Chrome browser was used (both are Google products).
Our Surnames Pages are set up using frames, a coding technique that creates
multiple sub-windows within the main window (each sub-window being in its own frame).
That technique allows us to have a top menu with the title and backlinks, a side menu
with the alphabetic subsets listed, and the data region where the actual surnames
listings appear.
In the surnames listings, the researcher's name is underlined, indicating it has an email link
tied to it. Clicking such a name should cause your email program to open up a message
composition window with the To: email address and Subject: title filled in, so
you can send a message to that researcher. However, doing so in the Chrome browser with
gMail as your mailer resulted in a blank data region rather than opening gMail.
Almost certainly, this was a Chrome problem, as they removed some support
frames a number of years ago. We presume that every other web-based mailer behaved
similarly with Chrome (but haven't tested that presumption). Mail programs that are
installed on your local device (like Outlook or MS/Mail) work as intended
with Chrome and frames.
We are exploring solutions for this problem and think we have found a fix, which we have
implemented. However, if your system is configured with Chrome and gMail and your
attempt to contact a fellow researcher still fails, I suggest you find that researcher on our
Members Pages and use the email link there; those pages do not use frames so will
work OK. And then contact me and tell me that the frames-related problem still exists!
In addition, if you have some other configuration and our email links do not generate an
email window for you, please tell us what browser and email configuration you use and how it
fails... we'll try to fix those too.

Recent FamilySearch Records Additions: Below is a small sample of the record sets
that added in the past two months. As always, I provide this to remind
you that their collection is not static and that it remains worthwhile to periodically repeat
your family name searches. The sample below adds up to over 4 million new records ...but that is
only a fraction of the 128 million total records added during this time!
Collection |
Indexed Records |
Digital Images |
Australia Cemetery Inscriptions, 1802-2005 |
533,711 |
0 |
BillionGraves Index |
466,370 |
466,370 |
California County Birth & Death Records, 1800-1994 |
667,208 |
0 |
Kansas State Census, 1915 |
0 |
301,658 |
Massachusetts Naturalization Records, 1906-1917 |
92,745 |
71,908 |
Missouri State & Territorial Census Records, 1732-1933 |
16,190 |
0 |
New Hampshire Naturalization Records, 1906-1993 |
7,296 |
0 |
New Jersey State Census, 1915 |
0 |
1,950 |
New York Book Indexes to Passenger Lists, 1906-1942 |
1,611,859 |
0 |
Vienna Jewish Births, Marriages & Deaths, 1784-1911 |
44,952 |
0 |
Vienna Population Cards, 1850-1896 |
291,952 |
188,034 |

Book on Pilgersdorf: BB Member JoAnne Middaugh passed along a request for information
about emigrants from Pilgersdorf that is intended as part of a chapter in a new book about that
town. The request is from Rudolf Schabl, from Austria, who is supporting the author, Professor
Josef Schermann, in this research. It seemed like a good cause so I'm passing the request along
to you...

Rudolf Schabl writes: My name is Rudolf SCHABL from Austria. Some time ago, I started to
create the family tree for our family: Schabl (in USA Schable), Lindner, Hofer, Baumgartner,
Zettl, Schermann, Puhr etc., available on:
The reason for my letter is as follows:
I support Mr. Prof. Josef Schermann, a historian, who is currently writing a
book about Pilgersdorf, a village in Burgenland, Austria. This village was previously
known as Pörgölény, when it was a part of Hungary during the monarchy.
This book also contains a chapter on emigrants to the USA and Canada. Since we
don't have very much data from these people, I thought it might be able to get some more
information this way. I am therefore sending this letter to as many people as I can find about
MyHeritage (a database for genealogical research), who may have ancestors from
Pilgersdorf. Although I have found some data via MyHeritage, they are often not really
I kindly ask you to inform descendants of emigrants from Pilgersdorf about my project. Perhaps
some of them are still living in your neighborhoods? The book is expected to be published in
about one year. Therefore it would be great to receive your feedback within the next weeks/few
I would be very grateful for the following data of the emigrates / relatives from
Pilgerdorf / Pörgölény to USA and Canada.
• The exact name and, if available, the date of birth and place of birth,
as well as the dates of family members, that traveled with them or followed them.
• The date of emigration and from where they left by ship and where they arrived in the
• Where they have settled or traveled further in the USA.
• Since most of these people are no longer alive, the date and place of death would also
be of interest.
If someone is looking for information of his ancestors or relatives in Austria, I am of course
willing to help as far as I can. Do not hesitate to contact me. I would like to express my
sincere thanks for your support!
Best regards from Austria,
Rudolf Schabl
Tel.: +43 676 70 85 716

for book "The Burgenländer Emigration to America": Here is this month's update on
purchases of the English issue of the 3rd edition of Dr. Walter Dujmovits' book "Die
Amerika-Wanderung Der Burgenländer."
Current total sales are 1268 copies, as interested people purchased 14 more books during this
past month.
As always, the book remains available for online purchase at a list
price of $7.41 (which is the production charge for the book, as we purposely
choose not to make a profit so we can avoid dealing with the income tax consequences and
so you can obtain the book at as low a cost as possible!), plus tax & shipping. See the
BB homepage for a link to the information / ordering page and
for any current discounts (and there is at least one discount on price or shipping available
most of the time... if not, wait a few days and there will be one!).

Burgenland Recipes: This recipe comes from BB member Pauline Greenlick. Her
grandmother is from Neuberg and worked in the kitchen of Kaiser Franz Josef (1830-1916), who was
fond of a very similar dessert called Schmarrn. After emigrating to the US, she would
make this dessert for Pauline's family when they visited. When Pauline traveled to Neuberg in
the late 90's, her cousin served something similar to this recipe, so her grandmother's dish
still lives on.
(from Pauline Greenlick)
2 eggs
1/4 cup of sugar (or less to taste)
1/4 tsp. salt
1/4 cup of milk (or more as needed)
1/4 - 1/2 cup of flour
For serving:
a little bit of powdered sugar
- Beat the eggs, add 1/4 cup of milk and beat in the remaining dry ingredients. If needed, add a
bit more milk so that the mixture pours easily.
- Pour the above into a pan and scramble.
- Serve on individual plates and dust lightly with powdered sugar.

We no longer have a "regular" source for Burgenland recipes. As evidenced above, a few readers
have shared favorite family recipes, and we do have a reserve for a couple of months now, but if
contributions stop coming in, we'll be begging again! So, please consider sharing your favorite
Burgenland recipes or recipe books with us. Our older relatives sadly aren't with us forever, so
don't allow your allow your favorite ethnic dishes to become lost to future generations. Send
your suggestions to BB Recipes Editor,
Alan Varga. Thanks!

Cartoon of the Month:

(by Jane Horvath)
(cMs) and SNPs (“snips”) are terms used by DNA testing companies to show the relationship
proximity between matches. Generally, the more closely related two people are, the more cMs and
SNPs they share. It seems like a simple enough concept, but scouring the internet for a
reasonably basic explanation turns up a lot of jargon that leads to even more questions.
According to the experts from the International Society of Genetic Genealogy (ISOGG),
"A centiMorgan (cM) or map unit (m.u.) is a unit of recombinant frequency which is used
to measure genetic distance. It is often used to imply distance along a chromosome, and takes
into account how often recombination occurs in a region." 1
While that may be an accurate definition, ISOGG assumes the reader already has an
understanding of genetic recombination. Maybe the definition for SNPs will be a little
"A single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP, pronounced snip) is a DNA sequence
variation occurring when a single nucleotide adenine (A), thymine (T), cytosine (C), or
guanine (G]) in the genome (or other shared sequence) differs between members of a species or
paired chromosomes in an individual." 2
Although this is technically accurate and useful information for genetic researchers, it can
be argued that the average genealogist does not need to obtain immediate mastery of this complex
topic. It may be unorthodox, but understanding cMs and SNPs can be a whole lot easier if we look
at genetics as something more familiar and delicious, like a chocolate bar.

Like chromosomes, chocolate bars have segments. Below, we have a pair of these figurative
chocolate chromosomes, each with seven segments. The centiMorgans are the six “break”
points between the segments.

Each chromosome has a different number of centiMorgans, and this number varies
slightly depending on the testing company. Chromosome 1, for example has about 280cM, while
chromosome 21 only has about 70 cM.3 This means there are
about 280 “break” points where DNA segments are likely to split and rearrange with each
generation on chromosome 1.
If this piece of chocolate were to fall on the ground, it will likely break at one or more of
the recessed spots between the squares. Let’s imagine that this chocolate bar isn’t perfectly
uniform and some of the break points are weaker than others. When dropped, the weaker spots
would be more prone to breaking, just as certain parts of DNA segments are more prone to

In genetic recombination, each parent contributes one entire chromosome to each of the 23
pairs a child inherits. Let’s say the broken chocolate chromosome above came from your mother.
This chocolate segment is made up segments from your mother’s ancestors. The other chromosome in
the pair, from your father, may have “broken” in another place entirely. Though some spots are
more likely to break, or recombine, than others, the process is ultimately random.
Although you received half of your DNA from each of your parents, the percent distribution
begins to vary as the distance between you and the ancestor increases. Grandparents each
contribute approximately 25% to your DNA, but it is common to share more with one of the four
grandparents than the other three.

In the image above, this is the (not yet broken) segment inherited from your mother. The
tinted squares show their origin and, in this example, the segment contains more DNA from your
mother’s paternal grandfather than from her other grandparents. In this way, siblings may
inherit entirely different sections of DNA from their grandparents and great-grandparents, and
so on.
Unlike break points on chocolate bars, which divide equally-sized squares, centiMorgans
do not occur between identically-sized bits of genetic code. As previously stated, a cM is not a
unit of length, but a unit of recombinant frequency. To better illustrate this concept, I
present the very strange-looking pairs of chocolate bar segments below.

Each chromosome in a pair has the same number of centiMorgans (ignoring the X and Y
chromosomes for now—they play by their own rules) and the image above represents two different
pairs of 7cM chromosome segments. With only cM values to compare, both of these have the same
genetic significance, even though one is clearly longer. And to reiterate, a cM is a spot on a
chromosome segment that is likely to split and recombine. This is why we count the spaces
between the chocolate sections and not the sections themselves.
A segment from either of these pairs could refer to a 7cM segment showing “in-common-with”
one of your DNA matches. It’s even possible for the smaller segment to have more genetic data.
This is where SNPs come into play.
A strand of DNA is represented by combinations of the letters A, C, G, and T. These letters
represent the individual building blocks of our DNA, called nucleotides. The code we each
inherit from our parents is a replica of segments of our parent's code—with a few exceptions.
About once every 300 nucleotides, one of the letters will change. This change is called an SNP.
Below are two nearly-identical lines of code. The top line represents the code from a parent and
the bottom line represents the code inherited by their child. Look closely you’ll see the letter
G in the second strand is the only difference between these two lines of code.
That G is a sort of genetic “typo,” 4 or a nucleotide
that has mutated. A nucleotide that has mutated is aptly called a single nucleotide
polymorphism, or SNP. Although the word “mutation” sounds bad, its actually a
normal part of human evolution and it is from these mutations that we are able to use DNA
testing to identify relatives. When two people share enough of these “typos,” it can be assumed
they received these bits of code from a common ancestor and are therefore related.
To illustrate SNPs, I’ll throw some sprinkles on this chocolate segment.

As previously stated, SNPs occur about once every 300 nucleotides, but that is only an
average. There are portions of certain chromosomes that have much fewer mutations than others.
Like the sprinkles on this chocolate bar, they are not evenly spaced. Although the second
chocolate segment from the left may be the biggest, it has the fewest sprinkles, or the smallest
number of SNPs.
In DNA testing, the SNPs in your code are compared to the SNPs of other users in their database.
Each testing company has a threshold, or minimum criteria in order to show another user as your
match. Usually, this is a combination of number of matching SNPs along with a minimum cM count.
Per 23andMe:
"Our simulations have concluded that we can confidently detect related individuals if
they have at least one continuous region of matching SNPs (Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms)
that is longer than our minimum threshold of 7cM (centiMorgans) long and at least 700 SNPs."
FamilyTreeDNA’s criteria focuses less on SNPs and more on cMs:
"A match is declared if two people share a segment of 9 cM or more, regardless of the
number of total shared cM. However, if there’s not a block that’s 9 cM or greater, the minimum
of 20 shared cM with a longest block of 7.69 cM applies … Criteria for X-chromosome matches: 1
cM and 500 SNPs for both males and females; matches must already meet the autosomal DNA
matching criteria." 6
Hopefully this far-from-clinical analogy helps to demystify centiMorgans and SNPs. For the
beginner, understanding the very basic concepts is really all that’s needed to get started. I
recommend visiting the International Society of Genetic Genealogy 7 or any of
these ISOGG-approved blogs 8 for more advanced DNA resources.
Ed: The "Morgan" in centiMorgan was named after Thomas Hunt
Morgan (1866–1945), the American Nobel-prizewinning geneticist often described as the father
of modern genetics.
A recent new Hungarian member presented us with the following as the village his ancestors
emigrated from: Nyulas Borostyánkő. Here is the complete form data:
Subject: BB New Member Information
Sender_Name: Prátser András
Town_State_Country: Magyarország
Village_1: Nyulas Borostyánkő
Settled_1: Nemeskér Sopron megye
Religion: evangélikus
text: Született kb 1850
When asked about this by BB staffer, Margaret Kaiser, I replied:
Magyarország = Hungary
Nyulas = Jois (Neusiedl am See, Burgenland)
Borostyánkő = Bernstein (Oberwart, Burgenland)
I assume a comma was intended to be placed between these two places [I assumed wrongly,
Nemeskér, Hungary, is just ~3 miles into Hungary east of the Oberpullendorf district.
I wonder if Jois (Nyulas) was just a temporary stopover on the Pratscher migration to
Nemeskér. If so, it was quite out of the way! [it wasn't!]
Született kb 1850 = born about 1850.
A Georg Pratscher lived in Bernstein house 138 in 1857.
There is a Janós, born 2 Sept 1850 to Mátyás & Anna Pratscher in the Bernstein
Lutheran records: The parents are labeled as
Röthelslagi, implying from Röthelslag, which I presume is some variation on
Redlschlag [which is near Bernstein].
Margaret apparently shared this information with András, because I received a
message from András saying:Köszönöm az információt! Pontosítom a lakóhelyet:
Nyulas = Hasel (Ober-Pratscher és Unterhasel Bernstein mellett)
Which I translated (with both GoogleTranslate and a translating dictionary's help) to:
Thanks for the information! I clarify the place of residence: Nyulas = Hasel (near
Ober-Pratscher and Unterhasel Bernstein)
That threw me into a bit of a spin because nothing I have ever seen suggests that Hasel
(Ober- or Unter-) has ever been called Nyulas.
After some research into this, I wrote back (again with both GoogleTranslate
and a translating dictionary's help) to András saying (I'll give you my
intended English version too):
’Hasel’ soha nem hívtak ’Nyulas’, András.
=(in English)
'Hasel' has never been called 'Nyulas', András.
Német / Magyar
Hasel = mogyoróbokor
Hase = mezei nyúl
Kaninchen = nyúl
Ez magyarázhatja a helynévvel kapcsolatos zavart.
=(in English)
German / Hungarian
Hasel = hazelnut
Hase = hare rabbit
Kaninchen = rabbit
This may explain the confusion associated with the place name.
That is, I suspected that there was a confusion between the German words Hasel and
Hase, which translate into English, respectively, as Hazel(nut tree) and hare
(as in a specific type of rabbit) and into Hungarian, respectively, as mogyoróbokor
(hazelnut) and mezei nyúl (hare rabbit). To be honest, I was hoping my attempt to
translate between German and Hungarian would be more helpful than harmful ...but I
truly wasn't sure about that when I sent it!
Evidently, I did OK, as András replied:
Köszönöm a pontosítást. A téves fordítás a családi hagyományból fakad.
Oseim adták így tovább, valószínu ok tudták rosszul...
=(in English)
Thanks for the clarification. Wrong translation stems from family tradition.
My ancestors went on, they probably knew they were wrong ...
So it appears András was making reference to Hasel, and I think Oberhasel
specifically, which is only 2 km south-southeast of Bernstein and within its Gemeinde,
but not large enough to be considered even an Ortsteil; it's just a named populated
place. The fact is that the birth record I noted in my first message implies that the parents of
Janós Pratscher were legal residents of Redlschlag (which is an Ortsteil of
Bernstein)... but they could have been physically located in Oberhasel anyway or moved there
some time later before moving on to Nemeskér, Hungary.
Further, it appears that his ancestors liked to play word games, as András notes... nyulas,
in Hungarian, means abounding in rabbits/hares, so they went from Hasel to Hase
in German and then nyúl to nyulas in Hungarian to rename their place of
emigration. Perhaps Oberhasel had a lot of rabbits too back then!
As an interesting side comment, I'll note that it seems likely that Ober- and
Unter- Hasel are in an area that once was a hazelnut tree forest and was, therefore, named for
those trees. Hazelnut trees were considered quite valuable, as were most other nut-bearing
In the
excerpt from an old Hungarian map shown here, the area was labeled “Haselgrund vel Hasel
Hauser”, which is a curious mix of German and Hungarian, translating to “Hazel ground
with Hazel Homes.” If this had been expressed only in German, it would be: Haselnussgrund
mit Hasel Häuser ...and solely in Hungarian, something like: Mogyoróföld val vel Mogyorós
I find this extra interesting because I had written a pending article (which will now follow
below this article) concerning the old use of forests in West Hungary, and nut trees are part of
that discussion.
Now back to András' family research: One thing I noted was that the maiden name
was not listed for the mother in the 1850 birth record for Janós Pratscher. Searching forward in
the Bernstein records did not reveal any more births by a Mátyás & Anna Pratscher couple.
However, working backwards does provide a birth record for a Mátyás Pratscher born April
7, 1848, with parents Mátyás Pratscher and Anna Kirnbaur, again labeled Röthelslagi.
Mátyás is also listed as a varga (shoemaker). And there is one for Mária Prátscher,
born October 26, 1844, with the mother's surname written as Kirnbauer; and a Rosina
on September 4, 1841, though this time the mother is just listed as Ánná Prátser, though
some of the witnesses match with those of Mátyás and Mária, making it likely these
are the same parents; and another Rossina on April 4, 1840, but this time the mother is
listed as Kirnbaur again; and Josef on March 17, 1839, with mother Anna being a
Kirnbauer this time; then Erzebeth on November 18, 1837, which seems to be the
earliest child, at least in these records. I do have a suspicion that Mátyás & Anna may
have married (and possibly first lived for a while) in another village (likely Anna's), as the
marriage for the couple does not appear in the Bernstein records. One would assume that her
village was reasonably nearby... but I didn't look for it; have to leave something for András to
And a late follow-up: Just recently, I received a message from András that
indicated I had found the wrong Janós Pratscher, wrong mostly because Janós was actually born
in/near Bernstein in 1814! Given András originally said that Janós was born "about 1850," it is
not surprising that I found the wrong one (one born in 1850!). In fact, he tells me that,
correctly, it was a marriage for Janós that was "about 1850," and it took place in
Nemeskér, Hungary. Unfortunately, the available Bernstein records go back only to 1828,
so we can't find his 1814 birth record. Regardless, it was fun figuring out the Burgenland
villages involved!
Burgenland has numerous so-called "highland" areas, in actuality being low mountain ranges, hill
land, and interfluvial ridges and plateaus extending from or cut into the edge of the Austrian "Bucklige
Welt" (humpbacked world) as it stretches into Burgenland. Listed roughly north to south,
these areas are the Leithagebirge (Leitha Range), Drassburger Hügelland
(Drassburg Hill Land), Rüster Hügelzug (Rust Ridge), Rosaliengebirge
(Rosalien Range), Ödenburgergebirge (Sopron Range), Landseergebirge (Landsee
Range), Hill and Terrace Lands of Oberpullendorf, Bernsteinergebirge (Bernstein Hill
Land), Günsergebirge (Köszeg Range), and the South Burgenland Hill and Terrace Lands.
Much of this land, especially the ridge and plateau tops and the lower slopes of the
has been deforested over the centuries and turned into farmland and vineyards. But, in the
distant past, it was mostly covered by dense forests, small patches of which still remain in the
steepest areas.
An area similar to this is the Öreg-Bakony Mountains, found in western Hungary just to
the north of Lake Balaton, and not that far southeast of Burgenland itself. Large areas of it,
too, have been deforested and turned into farmland and vineyards. Recently, I found a paper,
written in 2014, concerning the history of the land in that area. The citation is:
Facts to the Landscape History of the Öreg-Bakony Mountains, Dénes Saláta, Károly
Penksza, Ákos Malatinszky, Árpád Kenéz; Institute of Environmental and Landscape Management,
Szent István University; Gödöllo, Hungary; 2014.
Under my presumption that the land-use histories of the two areas are similar (as they
both were under Hungarian rule throughout the cited era), I though it would be informative to
share what these authors say about the landscape of the Öreg-Bakony Mountains. As such, I will
edit and paraphrase what they say, though I will begin with a direct quote:
"Historically there were three basic vegetation types in the Carpathian basin. These types
were treeless areas, wood steppes and closed forests. Human cultures settled on the treeless and
wood steppe areas first. As the population of each ethnic group expanded, so did the need for
more and more arable land, making the deforestation and transformation of closed forests an
essential part of life. The settlements and memories of these transformation procedures have
remained in traditional forest use, pasture management and agriculture. The examples of wood
pastures and grazed forests are very poignant; they are the last models of a vanishing
management system called clearing farming."
As mentioned in the paper's title, the authors studied the Öreg-Bakony Mountains, concentrating
on two micro regions within it containing 36 villages and settlements believed to be
representative of the Bakony Mountains and its management and farming traditions. In particular,
the traditional forest use from the 9th to the 19th century was examined by using data that they
believe provided an understanding of the diverse ethnographical, historically geographical,
agricultural history and forestry history. Using their literature review, the stories of elder
inhabitants, and the evidence still in place, they constructed a reasoned forest and land use
They found that initially after the Hungarian conquest of the Carpathian Basin in the late 9th
century, the forests were used by the settled communities at no cost. Royal wooded properties
were also established from the commonly used forests and were called wood provinces.
The primary use of forests in the 10th century was for acquiring food, particularly via hunting.
Cutting of wood was unsystematic, though the need for wood began to grow as the volume of glass
manufacturing, mining, metallurgy and other wood-based industries started to thrive.
[Ed. note: Burgenland has a history of similar industries in its more mountainous, forested
By the 11th Century, every easily-usable land area had been cultivated, so it became important
to enforce protection of the forests. Evidence for this is in the word ardó, found in the
geographic names from the 11th Century such as the Ardó settlement. Ardó comes
from the contraction of erdo (forest) and óvó (protector). The protectors kept the
forests safe and managed the woodlands. As populations expanded, hunting remained important but
soon became secondary to grazing, acorn foraging and other uses.
Based on the still-existing farming traditions, the authors concluded that a huge number of
livestock needed an equally huge amount of forage, which came from the forests. Feeding of
foliage was widely used, with the ash species being the predominant species used for forage
feeding, a fact enshrined in numerous geographical names in the research area (for example, the
Koris [Ash] Mountain).
Closed forests, in the traditional system, were mostly used for grazing, acorn forage, cutting
of tree foliage for fodder, and collection of fallen leaves. However, after the
easily-cultivated fields had all been claimed, the crucial need for more arable land drove the
population to deforest the woodlands. The first phase in the transformation of the sometimes
thick and impenetrable forests was the so-called occupation, before the real clearing
There were several types of clearing work, depending on the geographical situation and habits of
the settled population. The easiest way was the burning of forests; however, this was the most
dangerous method and was forbidden early on in Hungary. Exceptions to the burning rules were
made for forest workers, who made small fires for everyday use (cooking and heating), and for
burning of harmful shrubs or poisonous plants on pastures.
During the process of clearing or the forming of wood pastures and grazed forests, the
vegetation was often grazed first to utilize the available shoots and foliage. After grazing,
the stripped forest was cleared to make useable fields. This clearing work was tedious, and
workers were often motivated by concessions, for example, the clearers could keep the logs and
the harvest of 1–3 years from the cleared field or, later, half of the yield.
De-stumping of trees was one of the most problematic portions of the work, as was the removal of
prickly shrubs. Shrubs were cleared “with fire and iron” and grazing. There were three basic
methods for de-stumping. The first was completed when the trees were cut down, with the roots
cut out or not, depending on effort required. The second was the so-called stubbing
overthrow, when roots were dug around (without cutting the tree) and were pulled out and
overthrown with the help of the tree’s own weight. The third method was drying (called
ringing in forestry terminology) when the outer bark was cut around, allowing the trees to
dry out. Sometimes trees were just hammered around the trunk in order to damage tufts [dense
clumps of trees]. In the earliest times, people simply excised the trees and started cultivating
among the stumps in the field. The evidence for drying, clearing and other such activities can
be found in geographical names, like aszó (dried), irtvány (clearing) or
csonkás (truncated).
noted above, grazing livestock was useful during clearing, as fresh shoots and leaves
could be utilized as forage while the over-grazing opened the forest for the foresters. Tree
species in the area (except for beech) shoot well from their trunks and roots, so their shoots
could be grazed by animals. Cattle, hog and sheep were the most important species in the
Hungarian livestock keeping-and-grazing customs. Forests were important sources of forage,
especially in those areas where the proportion of open grasslands was low, as in the Bakony
Mountains. The importance of grazing in forests could be demonstrated by the fact that sheep
farming ceased in the Börzsöny Mountains due to a ban on grazing in forests. Grazing needed to
be regulated from early times because some of the animal species grazed excessively or their
shepherds damaged the trees. One of the most favorite foods of grazing animals were fresh shoots
with leaves and buds, therefore animals were occasionally driven illegally into the forbidden
parts of the forests to graze young saplings. In addition, shoots situated in the foliage of
trees were also regularly cut and given to animals. These abuses later generated severe
The importance of grazing in forests was clear, but forest meadows were also important.
However, the authors state that yield and quality of grasses in forests is lower than in
meadows, with an annual yield of forest grasses per acre of only 300-600 pounds and a per acre
forage value equal to about 150 pounds of meadow grass. Thus, one should expect noticeable
destruction by grazing livestock in forests.
Cutting the foliage of trees for feeding used to be a common practice. The most suitable species
for foliage fodder were ashes, limes, willows, maples, poplars, black locust, mulberry,
oaks and hornbeam. Branches thinner than one inch were cut back to one third of the foliage
(likely in June), bound into sheaves and dried. Withered sprouts were collected with carts, and
were transported into stacks or haylofts for storage. This way livestock could be fed with green
forage during winter even in years with very cold weather. The annual cutting of branches in
this manner causes lasting damage, therefore it became forbidden quite early. It was allowed
later only by necessity, for example in 1863 when Hungary suffered from a severe drought.
According to historical experience, 125 pounds of foliage fodder is equal to 100 pounds of
medium quality hay from meadows (a surprisingly high value!).
As a source of forage for livestock, forests played their most important role in hogs
foraging for acorns. Forests producing great numbers of acorns were considered of high value,
equal to the most valuable forests providing wood for construction (per the price in Werboczy’s
1514 Tripartitum book of laws). These two types of forests were considered 16 times more
valuable than any other type of forests.
yield per acre was 300-600 pounds in beechnut forest and 450-750 pounds in oak forest, so
fattening one hog required about six acres of forest. The authors note that about 150,000 hogs
were raised in the Bakony Mountains in 1847 (implying use of over 900,000 acres of forest for
acorn foraging). Beechnut and oak acorns had great importance in sheep farming as well. Thus it
was common for nobles in the area to the keep livestock in their forests and/or to lease the
acorn yield of their forests (for several hundreds of Forints per season in 1842).
A secondary forest use in connection with livestock keeping was the collection of fallen leaves
for bedding. This type of use caused damage in the forests similar to the cutting of shoots.
During the collection for bedding, dry fallen leaves and parched grasses were raked together and
carried away from forest floors, removing the natural supply of nutritive, organic soil matter,
so this type of forest use was also soon forbidden in most of the forests. Such usage damaged
the forests and their soils, as did the turning up and treading down of soil by foraging
There were no treeless pastures in the Bakony Mountains until the mid-18th century. Between the
mid-19th and mid-20th century, grazed areas were kept cleared of brush and weeds by the owners
of the common pastures via spring pasture clearings. The tools for such clearing efforts, mainly
the mattock, sickle and thorn cutters, were pointed out by interviewees.
Besides livestock keeping, industries based on wood as raw material or fuel
severely changed the woodlands as well. Although the domestic wood-carving industry was
significant in the region, it had little impact on the forests, unlike lime burning, charcoal
burning, pearl-ash making and glass manufacturing.
Lime was important for everyday life, agriculture and industries, to such an extent that
even poor people bought the lime powder remaining after lime burning. The process involved
transporting locally mined limestone to a lime-kiln that was stoked for 3 or 4 days with wood.
The most suitable species for fuel wood were Turkey oak, sessile oak and beech. With a typical
kiln producing 25 tons of lime per batch and requiring a half pound of wood for each pound of
lime produced, the demand for wood was large.
Charcoal burning was another activity in the Bakony Mountains. It provided
materials for households and industry. For a burning, ten to twelve cartloads of locally-cut
beech trees were carefully stacked on flat ground into conical-topped, circular piles averaging
30 feet in diameter, with a protected "firing hole" (tunnel) into the middle of the stack. The
outer surface was covered with a mesh of smaller branches and dry twigs and then that mesh was
covered over with a mixture of soil, the powder from previous burnings, and dead fallen leaves.
The stack was fired from the center via glowing embers placed through the firing hole and, once
burning was well underway, the firing hole was filled in with more wood and sealed like the rest
of the stack. A burning lasted for 6 to 7 days, being attended throughout to repair damage to
the cone and open vent-holes, top to bottom, as needed for proper carbonization. After cooling,
the charcoal was separated out and sold.
Another local profession in the Öreg-Bakony Mountains was pearlash-making, the most
important component being potassium carbonate that was prepared, traditionally, by washing wood
ash in lye. It was used primarily for glass production, whitening, tanning and saltpeter
production and was internationally traded as early as the 14th century. Pearlash was produced by
this traditional method in industrial amounts from the mid-18th Century to the early 19th
Century, causing the destruction of nearly 6 million acres of forest in the Hungarian Kingdom
during those few decades. In 1756, 600 tons of pearlash was produced by 41 kilns in the Bakony
Mountains alone, and in 1864, export of pearlash from Hungary exceeded 3,600 tons.
Making wood ash for the production of pearlash was originally done by putting a glowing tinder
into a hollow of a tree and waiting until the tree burned out from the inside. But that was not
a safe method (mostly because of the potential for forest fires), risked damage to the ash from
only produced a sackfull of ash from even a large tree. Burning wood above a stone-lined pit and
collecting the ash was safer and allowed for volume production, so became the standard method.
The largest amount of pearlash could be produced from raw foliage, bark, and the young sprouts
and branches of leafy trees (as burning temperatures had to be kept low to enhance the potassium
carbonate concentration). Even then, it was a low-yield process, producing only 1.45 units of
pearlash per 1000 units of beech wood and only 0.45 units of pearlash from 1000 units of pine
With locally produced quick-lime, charcoal and pearlash, glass production soon
attained high importance in the Öreg-Bakony Mountains. Glass had been known from the time of the
Hungarian Conquest and formal glass production grew continuously from the Middle Ages into the
17th Century, when glass become part of even peasant households. Glass was made from
locally-found sand or pebbles with high silicon dioxide content, limestone and pearlash by
fusing (via charcoal heat) and coloring with metal oxides. The woods huta and hütte
(glass-house) in old geographical names provide evidence for the importance of this craft in the
[Ed. note: I'll end by again noting that these same industries—lime burning, charcoal
burning, pearlash production and glass making—were popular in Burgenland too, implying similar
usage of the native forests and a resulting similar destruction of them.]
Editor: This is part of our series designed to recycle interesting articles from the
BB Newsletters of 10 years ago. Below is part of an article from 10 years ago by Gerry Berghold
telling of the ethnic-owned businesses in his "home" neighborhood in Allentown. I'm sure most of
us older BB members can take a similar walk down "memory lane" recalling the small businesses
that once populated our own home neighborhoods... I know it brought back memories for me!

February 29, 2008
Few Burgenland immigrants arrived with more than $20 to see them and their families through the
initial stage of emigration; many had less (my maternal grandfather had $14). Economic
conditions at the time of heavy immigration were such that this just might cover expenses for a
few weeks. Getting a job quickly was very necessary. Fortunately American mills and heavy
industries were in need of labor. Industry in the Lehigh Valley of Pennsylvania, for instance,
was expanding rapidly at that time.
A year or two in a mill, industrial site, brewery or construction firm often provided incentive
for some immigrants to establish a small business. Perhaps a boarding house, franchise tavern or
small neighborhood store or service catering to local ethnic immigrants was possible. Prior to
the supermarket, there were many neighborhood stores and small service shops handy to
neighborhood residents. It's estimated that Allentown had over 600 stores in the early years of
the 1900s as well as 60 barbershops. Very few were prosperous, but a living could be obtained or
a low-paying job supplemented. By the late 1950's, most neighborhood stores were a thing of the
My early Allentown neighborhood was an ethnic enclave in the Tenth Ward vicinity of Jordan and
Allen streets. I can remember many local businesses operated by immigrants, some by
Burgenländers. A few follow and their names reflect families to be found in southern Burgenland,
from the districts of Güssing and Jennersdorf.
Heider Butcher, 500 block Jordan Street, later operated by Paul Biery. My grandmother and
others made daily trips to purchase meat and groceries for the day. It was also a time to
exchange gossip and speak German.
Fandl Butcher, 4th & Allen Streets, along with nearby Farkas and Zecky (Hungarian)
Butcher. These were noted for ethnic sausage products and also carried a line of
Ring Family Mom & Pop Store, 500 block Jordan Street - open early and late for candy, ice
cream, bread, or lunch products. Did not survive the Depression.
Berghold & Eder Coal Company (operating from 1920s-1960s). Coal yard at Sumner Ave.
Started by granduncle Josef Berghold (Poppendorf) in conjunction with partner Eder (Rudersdorf
area). Josef worked first in a local brewery, later took over a brewery franchise tavern, and
then opened a grocery, finally the coal business.

Fiedler's Café (2nd & Gordan Streets) - earlier Golatz Café. Operated by immigrant
Fiedler from the Neustift bei Güssing area, later operated by his son Eddie, the building now
turned into a parking lot. At first there were rooms for newly arrived immigrants, later
Freeman's Dairy Home Delivery Man, 500 block 4th St. If you needed dairy product before
next delivery, he'd supply it from a walk-in cooler behind his home. Home delivery available
until the 1960's. Name not known but family spoke Hianzisch.
Oberecker Bakery Home Delivery - Oberecker was from Heiligenkreuz. Great German
bread, Kaiser and Poppy Seed Crescent Rolls.
Jaindl Turkey Farm on the outskirts of Allentown - now a national business. Started by
Jaindl immigrant from the Rudersdorf area.
Ralph Denhardt's Luncheonette, 4th & Tilghman Streets. Great hotdogs, ice cream, papers,
etc. May not have been a Burgenländer but may have married one. Many Burgenland customers.

Berghold Produce Market on Hamilton Street, still in business but now located at the
Fairgrounds farmers' market [closed in 2017]. Started by immigrant granduncle Franz
Berghold (Poppendorf) after exchanging a brewery job for a small farm in Limeport.
Sorger Family (with a 2-story brick house) provided a small apartment for immigrants just
There were others (shoemakers, tailors, notion stores, produce vendors, taverns etc.) with names
no longer remembered by me. I doubt if many are still in operation but they all served as a step
up for descendants.
While no Burgenland immigrants known to me achieved professional status, their first and future
generations will now be found among educators, doctors, accountants, the legal profession, etc.
Five of my seven-member "street gang" went on to college. This was the promise of America.
Major purchases by immigrants were made in the large establishments at the Hamilton Street
shopping district, later supplanted by shopping malls and mostly owned and operated by
Pennsylvania German later-generation immigrant descendants. I wonder how many are now owned,
operated or staffed by descendants of Burgenland immigrants, the fruit from the earnings of an
immigrant ancestor's first job or business.
Lest we forget, an old German saying covers the first three "Auswanderer" generations:
- "Der Erste hat den Tod, Der Zweite hat die Not, Der Dritte erst hat Brot."
- "The first has the death, the second has the need, the third one has bread."
Sunday, March 4: Schlachtfest at Holy Family Club in Nazareth. Music by the
Josef Kroboth Orchestra. Info: (610) 829-2723.
Saturday, March 17: Bockbierfest at the Reading Liederkranz. Entertainment by
Die Alpenländer and the Edelweiss Schuhplattlers. Info:
Saturday, March 24: Bockbierfest at the Lancaster Liederkranz. Music by Heidi &
Heimatecho. Info:
Friday, March 3, 7 pm: Heimat Abend. Austrian Donau Club, 545 Arch Street, $3.
Music by Frank Billowitz.
Friday, March 17, 7:30 pm: Heurigan Abend. Austrian Donau Club, 545 Arch Street,
$3. Music by Schachtelgebirger Musikanten.
Pauline Janny (née Szoldatits)
Janny, 89, of Allentown, Pennsylvania, passed away February 19, 2018 in Hospice House St Luke's,
She was married to the late Jozsef Janny.
Born in Szentpéterfa (Petrovo Selo/Prostrum), Hungary, she was the daughter of the late Ferencz
and Maria (Rumpel) Szoldatits.
Pauline was a member of the Cathedral Church of St. Catharine of Siena. She worked as a
seamstress in NY. Along with her late husband she enjoyed traveling back to their village in
Hungary and spending time with extended family.
Survivors: Brother, Ferenc and wife Helga Szoldatits of Germany; sister in law, Aranka
Szoldatits in Hungary; nephews, Joe and wife Linda Szoldatits of Bronx, NY, Al and wife Jennifer
Szoldatits of Schnecksville, PA, Stephen Szoldatits and companion Lori Muzzelo of Schnecksville
and niece, Maria and husband Brian Miller of Fredericksburg, VA.
Predeceased by her siblings, Jozsef, Alfonz and Anna Keschl and sister in law, Catherine
Services: A Mass of Christian Burial will be held at 10:30 am Saturday, Feb. 24 at Cathedral St.
Catharine of Siena Church, 18th & Turner Sts., Allentown, PA. Call 9:30-10:30 am at church.
Arrangements by: Robert Weir Funeral Home, 18th & Turner Sts. Allentown, PA. Interment in Our
Lady Of Hungary Cemetery, Northampton, PA. Contributions: Cathedral Church of St. Catharine of
Siena, in Pauline's memory.
Published in Morning Call on Feb. 21, 2018
END OF NEWSLETTER (Even good things must end!)
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