THE BURGENLAND BUNCH NEWS - No. 336 October 31, 2022, © 2022 by The Burgenland Bunch All rights reserved. Permission to copy excerpts granted if credit is provided. Editor: Thomas Steichen (email: BB Home Page: BB Newsletter Archives: BB Newsletters BB Facebook Page: TheBurgenlandBunchOFFICIAL Our 26th year! The Burgenland Bunch Newsletter is issued monthly online. The BB was founded in 1997 by Gerald Berghold, who died in August 2008. |
Current Status Of The BB: * Members: 3152 * Surname Entries: 9172 * Query Board Entries: 5896 * Staff Members: 14 |
1) THE PRESIDENT'S CORNER (by Tom Steichen) ![]() Our regular tidbits include the monthly BB Facebook report, book sales, the lack of a recipe (you should consider providing one!) and a humor item. The remaining articles are our standard sections: A Historical BB Newsletter article, Ethnic Events and Emigrant Obituaries (none this month). ![]() Inflation at 70-year High in Austria: Annualized inflation in Austria climbed in September to 10.5 percent, the highest it has been in 70 years. July 1952 is the last time a higher increase in overall consumer prices was observed. ![]() Daily needs rose even more sharply at 11.5 percent, as inflation is being driven by the high cost of household energy, be that natural gas or heating oil, electricity or gasoline/diesel. ![]() Food and non-alcoholic beverages rose by an average of 13.9 percent. The prices for meat rose by 15.3 percent, those for milk, cheese and eggs by a total of 20.3 percent. Bread and cereal products cost 13.3 percent more and vegetables eleven percent more. Oils and fats rose by 29.8 percent, led by butter at 39.6 percent. Fruit was just under four percent more expensive. There was also an increases of 15.7 percent for non-alcoholic beverages, mainly due to higher prices for coffee (plus 21.8 percent) and lemonade (plus 11.1 percent). In restaurants and hotels, prices rose by 10.5 percent, with catering prices up ten percent and accommodations 12.5 percent. Inflation in the overall euro area remained just below the ten percent mark in September (but still the highest since the introduction of the euro), leading to pressure on the European Central Bank (ECB) to take further countermeasures with another sharp interest rate hike. As in the US, the ECB had already raised its key interest rate in two steps to 1.25 percent and its deposit rate, which is relevant to financial markets, to 0.75 percent in the fight against inflation. ![]() ![]() Since then, the BG created a much more extensive memorial text, which I will share below. They also organized a memorial event for Joe in Poppendorf, his village of birth. That service included a gathering of the BG Board at the Paul Gibiser Inn, a commemoration with laying of a wreath at the emigrant memorial stone at the Poppendorf fire station (with festive musical accompaniment by an ensemble from the Musikverein Heiligenkreuz), a memorial mass in the Catholic Church with intercessions for Joe, followed by a get-together in memory of Joe at the Paul Gibiser Inn. Here is what they wrote: Joe Baumann, a life for the Burgenland Community Josef Baumann was born on August 12, 1928 to Josef & Karolina Baumann in Poppendorf, Burgenland. After elementary school in Poppendorf, he attended four classes at the Hauptschule in Fürstenfeld. After returning from work and military service in July 1945, he entered the service of the community of Heiligenkreuz i. L., where he worked as an employee and registrar until March 1955. Since the communities of Poppendorf and Heiligenkreuz were almost completely destroyed by the war, he actively helped to rebuild the two destroyed communities. Club life in his home town was particularly dear to him. In March 1955, like more than a hundred young girls and boys from Poppendorf before him, he emigrated to America, where, with two strong hands and a firm faith, he built a new life in New York. At first he worked there in various occupations such as bricklayer, unskilled worker, butcher, painter and decorator, until he found work as a clerk in a travel agency from autumn 1955 to the end of 1972. In 1972 he opened his own travel agency, which he ran with his wife Marion, who gave him his beloved daughter Maria, until his retirement. In America he met many compatriots from Burgenland who, like him, felt a strong connection to their old, ancestral homeland. In the commemorative number of the "Burgenland Community", which was published on the occasion of the 10th anniversary in 1966, he wrote, among other things: “I tried to help our compatriots in America as best I could. I feel so connected to my ancestral homeland that I often dream of it far away. I am not ashamed to say that I am homesick for the murmur of the woods, the green meadows and the quiet of my home village.” In order to promote this connection to the old homeland and not let it break off, he became co-founder and vice president of the Burgenland community in 1956, which was founded with the idea of building bridges to the Burgenland countries all over the world. He became one of the main pillars of this "heart bridge" to America, through which many thousands of compatriots were able to get in touch with their old home again, mainly through inexpensive joint flights, which he began organizing in 1959. Joe Baumann has spent 66 years, almost his entire life, in the service of his beloved homeland. The fact that he had a memorial stone erected in the center of the village in memory of those who had emigrated shows how deeply he remained attached to his home village of Poppendorf. From September 15 to 16, 2022, he passed away peacefully surrounded by his family at the age of 95. On Wednesday, September 21, 2022, he was buried in New York next to his beloved wife Marion, with the sympathy of his family and numerous citizens of Burgenland in America. ![]() Digitization of Lutheran Records in Austria: Patrick Kovacs notified me this past month that the Archive of the Evangelical Church in Austria stated that they began the digitization of the evangelical registers of Austria and Old Austria in September, with the Carinthian duplicates from 1849 being the first to be converted. Patrick inquired whether the Burgenland records would also be digitalized... which prompted an immediate "yes!" reply... but also a follow-up saying "Not yet. Burgenland is a special case anyway." Patrick then asked whether there exists an approximate schedule for when records might be available... but that question remained unanswered. I'll leave it to you to interpret these responses (or lack there-of!). ![]() Burgenland Calls on the Austrian Government to Act on Refugees: Currently, around 500 refugees are picked up at the Burgenland-Hungarian border every day. The Burgenland government sees this as a major failure on the part of the federal government and has been pointing out the worsening situation on the border for weeks. In an attempt to increase pressure on the federal government, it started holding media events in affected border communities. In Deutschkreutz this past month, the district party chairman, the regional manager and the mayors of the municipalities of Deutschkreutz, Frankenau-Unterpullendorf, Lutzmannsburg and Nikitsch gathered to trumpet the issues. District party chairman Heinrich Dorner noted that the local population is now highly insecure. Parents have to think twice about taking their children to the bus stop where there often is a crowd of refugees waiting for the police to transport them away. Other people no longer go for a walk in the evening because they are afraid. The Burgenland government says it has repeatedly written to the responsible members of the Federal Government asking then to tackle the problem... but get no answers. They argue that, until a European solution is found, the Austrian federal government must take short-term measures (beyond offering tents to house the refugees near the border). It is asking that the fast-track asylum procedure be modified to quickly dismiss refugees who have no right or claim to asylum. "These are the people who come to us from India, Pakistan and North Africa [where] you can do something relatively quickly," said regional manager Roland Fürst. The governing SPÖ Burgenland is also calling for an increase in federal help, as the local police, army and prisons are completely overloaded. Currently, each Austrian state has a refugee accommodation quota. Burgenland is at 102 percent of its quota, as it is the federal state most affected by border crossings. While the federal capital, Vienna, also exceeded its quota and Lower Austria is close to its target, other states lag far behind, with Carinthia and Tyrol bringing up the rear with around 62 percent of quota. Burgenland's quota is currently filled by legal asylum seekers, with about two-thirds being from Ukraine. There is no room for the economic refugees from India, Pakistan and North Africa who have no legal claim to asylum. ÖVP leader Markus Ulram also says there is an urgent need for federal measures, including a short-term distribution of legal asylum seekers to other Austrian states and subsequently to other EU countries. He also asks that all procedures be speeded up and deportations be carried out quickly. Much of this influx is caused by smugglers who often are caught at the Burgenland border and jailed. As a result, the Eisenstadt prison has been overcrowded since May. Intended for 175 inmates, counts of 200 to 220 are common, with about 70 percent of the inmates being in custody for smuggling. This also means additional effort for the Eisenstadt Regional Court, which hears nine to ten smuggling trials per week. Once detainees are convicted, they are transferred to other prisons to make room for new admissions. Not surprisingly, almost all smugglers are convicted, as "they are caught red-handed, there are no excuses." In most cases, they receive prison sentences of several years, both for general prevention and because smuggling is often accompanied by other offenses (for example, causing accidents or injuries when they try to escape, threatening police officers, or abusing the migrants they transport). By early October, over 250 smugglers had been arrested and over 55,000 refugees had crossed the border and were apprehended in Burgenland. Currently, 750 army soldiers are stationed at the border to assist police and provide transport of the apprehended persons to the registration offices in Burgenland. They note that he refugees are peaceful, but the smugglers are not. ![]() US Ambassador to Austria visits Burgenland: On Thursday, October 13, Governor Hans Peter Doskozil (SPÖ) received the new US Ambassador to Austria, Victoria Kennedy. She is the sister-in-law of former U.S. President John F. Kennedy. ![]() The one-hour conversation with the governor was primarily about getting to know each other. Before that, she had the opportunity to visit Eisenstadt a little. "I had a wonderful visit to the governor, I was able to visit Haydn Church, and also the Landesmuseum," Kennedy said in an interview. The Landesmuseum is still showing the exhibition "Our Americans" – stories of the many Burgenland emigrants who were drawn to America in large numbers. Victoria Kennedy first made a career as a lawyer before she met Edward ("Ted") Kennedy – the long-term senator who died in 2009 and was one of the brothers of President John F Kennedy. It was a second marriage for both. At the beginning of the year, Victoria Kennedy took over the post of US ambassador in Vienna and promised to visit all federal states, which she has been doing. ![]() Burgenland Municipal Council and Mayoral Elections: The SPÖ (center-left Social Democrats) was able to gain the most in the municipal council and mayoral elections. The SPÖ was previously the strongest party in all seven districts, yet still gained in all districts in this election. Throughout Burgenland, the SPÖ now holds almost 49 percent of council seats. In total, the SPÖ now has 86 mayors, the ÖVP (center-right People's Party) has 68 and four mayors come from smaller parties. Thirteen mayoral elections will require a run-off, as no candidate won a clear majority. The SPÖ has 1,623 council seats, the ÖVP 1,300, the FPÖ (far-right Freedom Party) 67 and the Greens 31 seats. 152 seats went to smaller parties. 48.8 percent of the mandate votes (council seat votes) went to the SPÖ, an increase of 4.39% compared to the 2017 elections. The ÖVP garnered 39.9 percent, a loss of 1.96%. The FPÖ came to 3.5 percent, which is a loss of 2.83%, and the Greens reached 1.6 percent of the vote, thus losing 0.22%. The ÖVP and SPÖ candidates will compete against each other in ten of the 13 run-off mayoral elections, with each party leading the plurality in 5 municipalities. Each party, as plurality leader, will also compete with a third-party candidate in a municipality; in the final municipality, the ÖVP candidate will compete with the plurality-leading third-party candidate. Added later: The SPÖ won nine of the 13 run-off mayoral elections and now has 95 mayors among the 171 municipalities in Burgenland, which beats the previous record of 93 mayors in 2002; the ÖVP won just three runoffs so has 71 mayors; 5 mayors are from smaller parties. ![]() ![]() The 78-year-old former leader of the Greens garnered broad popularity by projecting calm during times of national crisis, including the collapse of the government in 2019 and the resignation of Chancellor Sebastian Kurz a year ago over corruption allegations. The Austrian president performs a largely ceremonial role, but also has sweeping powers that mean overseeing periods of transition and turbulence. The president is the commander in chief of the army and can sack the whole government or the chancellor. "A majority is easily said, but an absolute majority means more votes than all others (candidates) combined, and one must take that very seriously. I was not at all sure that it would happen but it did, and I am very pleased," Van der Bellen said. Voter turnout in Burgenland for the Presidential election was 70.49 percent. ![]() ![]() Greetings, Burgenland Bunch! I hope that you are having a wonderful month. We have been keeping busy in our Facebook group. We welcomed quite a few new members this month, bringing our grand total up to 1931! Come research with us! Member Gerhard Lang shared a great video from Member Roland Schuller’s YouTube channel “Polsen kocht pannonisch’s Beste”. He shows the process for preparing Sautanz Grammeln. You can see it here, but prepare to be hungry afterwards! Continuing on the subject of delicious Burgenland cuisine, Member Lisa Severin shared a very nice photo collage of her zwetschkenknödel (plum dumpling) making process. She was also kind enough to share her family’s recipe! Member Theodore Stern made 2 polls for the group to participate in: one was a poll which sought to find out how our Burgenland elders viewed their nationality. This poll had 268 participants. Topping the list was Austrian (68%), followed by German (12%), Croatian (6%) and Hungarian (6%). Also represented in the responses were Burgenländer, Magyar, Slovenian, Romanian, and Slovakian. The second poll inquired about the locations where Burgenländers settled abroad. This poll had 358 respondents. Among our group members, 26% of them listed the Lehigh Valley in Pennsylvania as their ancestor’s new home. 18% settled in Chicago, 14% settled in the New York/ New Jersey Metro area, 8% came to St. Paul, Minnesota, 4% went to St. Louis, Missouri, and 4% went to New Britain, Connecticut. The remaining respondents stated that their families settled in Canada, South America, and other locations within the United States. Member Fred Knarr and his wife Mary shared lots of great photos and videos from the Coplay Sängerbund’s Weinlesefest, held on October 16. Member Heidi Frank shared lots of photos from her recent trip to Burgenland, including some from the Landesmuseum Burgenland in Eisenstadt. Member Carol Mobley had a phenomenal trip to Burgenland. She met up with her cousin Christian Saurer, who was a gracious host and took her to see all of the beautiful sights in Burgenland. We all enjoyed traveling with you in spirit! A big congratulations to member Jude Marie, who wrote and published a family history book focused on her family who lived in Troy, New York. Entitled “Four Families, One City”, the book includes the history of her Gerger family from the Güssing area. A recent check on Member Ingrid Schuster’s Gedmatch Ancestor Project “The Burgenland Bunch” shows a count of 217 kits. If you have a kit that you would like to have added to the project, let us know and we would be happy to add it! Just a head’s up if you live in the Lehigh Valley: The Coplay Sängerbund’s Heritage Committee will be hosting a Schnitzel Dinner on Saturday, November 19th, 2022 from 5-7 pm. The menu includes pork or chicken schnitzel (with or without Jaeger mushroom sauce) spaetzle or mashed potatoes, applesauce or red cabbage, green salad and a roll with butter. The cost is $15. Tickets are required. The Coplay Sängerbund’s Heritage Committee is also hosting a Silvester Feier on Saturday, December 31, 2022 starting at 3 pm. A champagne toast will be held at 6 pm, to coincide with 12 midnight in Vienna. There will be a hot buffet meal, beer, wine, soda, water and juice. Cake and coffee will be served after 5 pm. There will be hats, noisemakers and traditional songs from Vienna’s New Year’s Eve Ball. Music will be provided by the Emil Schanta Band. Seats are limited and reservations are required. Cost is $30 per person and is due with the reservation. For tickets (or further information) for either event, please contact Emil or Cathy Schanta at (610) 262-8372. They can send tickets (or hold them at the door), but they do need payment by check or cash. Checks should be made out to Emil Schanta (not the club). Unreserved tickets will NOT be available at the door; prior reservations are required. The Coplay Sängerbund is located at 205 S. 5th Street, Coplay, PA 18037. Until next time, stay safe and healthy! Vanessa ![]() ![]() Current total sales are 1693 copies, as interested people purchased 5 more books during this past month. As always, the book is available for online purchase at a list price of $8.89 (which is the current production charge for the book, as we purposely choose not to make a profit so we can avoid dealing with the income tax consequences and so you can obtain the book at as low a cost as possible!), plus tax & shipping. Unfortunately, the price above is somewhat higher than in previous months, as our on-demand publisher, Lulu, has raised is printing prices by 9.5%, meaning we must charge more. See the BB homepage for a link to the information / ordering page and for information about current discounts (there is at least one discount on price or shipping available most of the time... if not, wait a few days and there will be one!). The book is an excellent read for the Burgenländers in your family. ![]() Burgenland Recipes: (none this month; please consider sharing one!) ![]() ![]() However, whenever we use up our unpublished recipes, this recipe section will become dormant. So, if you have a favorite family recipe, please consider sharing it with us. We will be happy to publish it. Our older relatives, sadly, aren't with us forever, so don't allow your favorite ethnic dish to be lost to future generations. You can send your recipe to BB Recipes Editor, Alan Varga. Thanks! ![]() Humor Of The Month: ![]() |
2) HISTORICAL BB NEWSLETTER ARTICLES Editor: This is part of our series designed to recycle interesting articles from the BB Newsletters of 10 years ago. Somehow, I had become "out-of-sync" as last month's entry drew from October (rather than September) 2012. To straighten this out, I go back 20 years this month... to 2002, where Bob Strauch shared a short excerpt about the composer of the popular WW-II song, Lilli Marlen. While the song has little to do with Burgenland, I'm sure some of our ancestors sang it when they served in WW-II. ![]() THE BURGENLAND BUNCH NEWS No. 111A October 31, 2002 "LILLI MARLEEN" COMPOSER DIES (courtesy Bob Strauch) Excerpt from (c) 2002 The Washington Post Company By Associated Press, Wednesday, October 23, 2002; Page B06 FRANKFURT, Germany -- German composer Norbert Schultze, 91, whose song "Lili Marleen" struck a chord with World War II soldiers fighting on fronts from Europe to Asia, died Oct. 14 in Bad Toelz, near Munich.... In 1938, he set to music the words of a World War I-era poem by Hans Leip about a soldier who is called to the front, leaving behind his sweetheart who waits for him in the lamplight.... Although the Nazis banned the song, it spread like wildfire through barracks, hospitals and bunkers on both sides of the front -- wherever there were lonely soldiers longing for their left-behind lovers.... The song was translated into about 30 languages and was performed by countless singers, including Marlene Dietrich, Edith Piaf and Greta Garbo.... ![]() The above is what Bob supplied. I've decided to add to it below with a few additional words about the song and the lady who made it famous, Marlene Dietrich. Dietrich first recorded the song in 1944 for the Morale Operations Branch of the U.S. Office of Strategic Services (OSS) as part of the Muzak Project musical propaganda broadcasts designed to demoralize enemy soldiers. Marlene recorded several German-language songs for OSS use, including "Lili Marleen." The song quickly became the theme song on the German-language OSS radio station. Dietrich also performed "Lili Marlene" live in Europe for Allied troops, and its success there prompted a re-recording and official release in 1945 (the OSS recording remains unissued). The song has since been "translated" into many languages, with many variations. Below is one English translation along with the German original. Further down is a YouTube video of Dietrich singing an English version of the song, one quite different from either the original German text or the translation below.
3) ETHNIC EVENTS LEHIGH VALLEY, PA Friday, Nov 4: The Alpenländers at the Lancaster Liederkranz. Info: Saturday, Nov 5: Button Box Night at the Hungarian Hall in Northampton (Ss. Peter & Paul Society). Info and reservations: & (610) 261-9131. Sunday, Nov 6: Dave Betz Band at the Coplay Sängerbund. Info: Friday, Nov 11: Kermit Ohlinger at the Reading Liederkranz. Info: Friday, Nov 11: St. Martin's Day Children's Fest at the Lancaster Liederkranz. Info: Sunday, Nov 13: Josef Kroboth Orchestra at the Coplay Sängerbund (Country-Western Dance). Info: Saturday, Nov 19: Dave Betz Band at the Evergreen Heimatbund in Fleetwood. Info: Sunday, Nov 20: Emil Schanta Band at the Coplay Sängerbund. Info: Friday, Nov 25: Kermit Ohlinger at the Reading Liederkranz. Info: Sunday, Nov 27: Maria & John at the Coplay Sängerbund. Info: NEW BRITAIN, CT Friday-Sunday, 1-8 pm: Biergarten is open. Austrian Donau Club, 545 Arch Street. ST. LOUIS, MO (none) UPPER MIDWEST (none) |
4) BURGENLAND EMIGRANT OBITUARIES Wilhelm (Willie) Stangl ![]() He has been the beloved husband of Gwen (née Kuster) for 57 years; dearest father of Alex (Kim), Rob, and Suzie (Joe); and loving grandfather of Rosie and Lucas. Willie is also survived by his brother, Stefan, and his nephews Stefan (Regina) and Fredi of Bildein, Austria. Willie grew up in post-war Austria in Bildein near the Hungarian border, despite his penchant for probing left-behind artillery with the aid of his trusty slingshot. Willie immigrated to St. Louis in 1961, sponsored by his Uncle Stephen and Aunt Anna Zax, and cousins Dorothy, Carol, and Stephen. He soon met Gwen at a St. Patrick's Day dance, altering his life forever, and subsequently was proud to become a US citizen. Throughout his life, Willie was a faithful Catholic and a devoted father whose sardonic humor belied his love for his family. A talented machinist by trade, Willie could keep most household appliances running indefinitely. Willie also had an affinity to make anything grow and cultivated a beautiful garden and bird sanctuary which he relentlessly defended from local wildlife. The world will be less lush without him tending it. Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. Visitation will be held Sunday, October 16, 4:00-8:00 PM at Collier’s Funeral Home, 3400 N. Lindbergh Blvd (St. Ann). A funeral Mass will be celebrated on Monday, October 17, at 10:00 AM, Holy Spirit Catholic Church, 3130 Parkwood Lane, Maryland Heights, MO 63043. Interment St. Philippine Cemetery 4057 Towers Rd., St. Charles, MO. 63304. Those wishing to honor Willie's memory are encouraged to consider making a charitable donation to Catholic Relief Services ![]() Robert Feutl ![]() That's why Robert landed in Toronto in 1956, soon finding auto body repair work. He rose to body shop manager at Kingsway Collision, but moved to Ken Shaw Toyota for the last half of his career. Robert loved talking politics, reading newspapers, following the stock market and spending time with his family, especially his grandchildren. He was predeceased by his wife, Mimi; and first wife, Anna (Sissi). He is survived by his sister, Emma; children, Rita (Gordon) and Robert; grandchildren, Emma (Ben), Sarah, Michael and Nicole; and his great-grandson. We will celebrate his life Saturday, November 5th, 2022 from 4-6 p.m. at the Mount Pleasant Funeral Centre in Toronto. In lieu of flowers, please donate to the Heart & Stroke Foundation of Canada or the Alzheimer Society of Canada. Published by Toronto Star on Oct. 29, 2022 |
END OF NEWSLETTER (Even good things must end!) |
Burgenland Bunch Newsletter, copyright © 2022 by The Burgenland Bunch |