Hannes Graf and Elfie Resch quickly responded to my plea for a Burgenland pickle recipe in newsletter no. 107B. Elfie writes and Hannes translates:
The tradition pf preserving fruits and vegetables and providing the cold season vitamin requirement with fruity tidbits, heart-warming Sauerkraut, cucumbers and French beans is nearly gone in Austria. All products are produced in factories very cheaply. To take the glasses or boxes from the shelves of the supermarket is much easier. Homemade takes a lot of time. For some years organic-farmers have also been offering homemade canned products at the weekly markets. Even with expensive prices, the homemade canned products sell with enthusiasm.
At the middle of July in the Seewinkel, the harvest of the cucumbers begins. A slowly growing type is the best one for "Essiggurken" (pickled or vinegar gherkins) and "Salzgurken" (cucumber pickled in brine). But the Austrian paradise for cucumbers is not the Burgenland, but the north of Lower-Austria around the town of Retz.
The basis of all cucumber tidbits are "Feldgurken", cucumbers growing in the field (not in glasshouses). All other sorts are unsuitable. They are either too weak (less turger) and become mushy or have no taste.
We need the following supplies:
- 1/2 - 1 Liter glasses (jars) with screw tops are ideal for pickles and gherkin with mustard seeds (Senfgurken)
- 3 - 5 Liter glasses with sealing ring
- a big bowl for pre-fermenting
- 5 - 10 liter high grade steel pot for the marinade
- 1 ladle of high grade steel
- 1 sieve of high grade steel
- 1 vegetable peeler
- 1 little brush
Sheets as a base for the glasses. The glasses stand on wet sheets because they don't crack when the hot marinade is poured in.
Very important: All utilities must be absolute fat-free. Better wash one more time. One crumb of bread can start the cucumbers fermenting and change the taste.
Here is one of two basic recipes with variations:
(from Elfie Resch and Hannes Graf)
The best size for this are cucumbers between 2 and 6 centimeter (3/4" - 2 1/2"), they are spelled "Gurkerl" in German. Big differences in the size is not good as they won't fill the jars properly and they need a different time to ripen. In Austria there is a word, "the cucumbers must self biTten".
- 6 p. 1 Liter glasses with screw top
- 4 kg cucumbers
- salt
- 1,5 liter wine vinegar
- 300 - 375 g sugar
- dill flowers
- 1 tablespoon mustard seed
- 10 - 20 pepper seed white
- 4 bay leaves
- garlic
- onions
- eventually 3 carrots
Put the cucumbers in the big pot (10 Liter), then pour 6 - 7 Liter water over it and for every liter water 75 g salt. The cucumbers should be covered with water. Then take the pot to a cool place and forget it for 12 to 24 hours. After this time, brush the cucumbers very carefully and dry them piece by piece. Remove bad points from the cucumbers and put in the glasses with 1 - 2 cloves of garlic, also a dill flower.
The vine vinegar, 1,5 Liter water, 1 tablespoon Salt and the sugar (another variation is to substitute honey for the sugar-use a half quantity of honey, but only if you like sweet cucumbers); bring to boil, add the bay leaves, the mustard seed and the white pepper to the pot. Pour the hot marinade over the cucumbers in the glasses till they are covered. Close the glasses and on the top (cover). When cool, put on a shelf and forget them for 2 months. After this time they are "self bitten". They go well with all food with which you normally eat a salad.
Have much fun by the pickling and Guten Appetit!
Elfie Resch,
Translated by Hannes Graf