Lieder Buch Song Book
Am See steht des Wossa At the Lake Stands the Water
Am See steht des Wossa,
da Wein wochst am Strånd,

nia månchesmui rinna,
dei zwoa ineinand.

Holladaridio, holladaro, holladaridio, holladaro.
At the lake stands the water,
the wine grows at the beach;

but many times run
the two into one another.

Holladaridio, holladaro, holladaridio, holladaro.

Mit Flascherl, Tabletten,
mit Pulval und Pülln,

tuat heint jeda Haua
scho Apotheker spüin.

Holladaridio, holladaro, holladaridio, holladaro.

With vials, tablets,
with powder and pills,

today everyone are vinters,
already pharmacists play. 

Holladaridio, holladaro, holladaridio, holladaro.

Waonn d'Flåschn so re'n kunnt,
wås tat sie dånn sogn:

Wos auf mein Bauch steht,
is ollas dalogn.

Holladaridio, holladaro, holladaridio, holladaro.

If the bottle could talk
what would it then say:

"What is on my label
is all lies."

Holladaridio, holladaro, holladaridio, holladaro.

Da Baua presst d'Weinba,
solaong a wås gschpiat,

die sölbe Method
hots Finanzåmt ei'gfiaht.

Holladaridio, holladaro, holladaridio, holladaro.

The vinter presses the grapes
so long as he feels something;

the same method
the tax office introduced.

Holladaridio, holladaro, holladaridio, holladaro.

Am Himml da Mond is
mit via viertl vui,

des håb i scho drunga
ois Bui vur da Schui.

Holladaridio, holladaro, holladaridio, holladaro.

In the sky the moon is
with four quarters full.

I have already drunk that
as a lad before school.
Holladaridio, holladaro, holladaridio, holladaro.

Des Feia is rot und
da Raucha is schwoaz,

sogoa in da Höll do
regiert da Proporz.

Holladaridio, holladaro, holladaridio, holladaro.

The fire is red and
the chimney is black.

Even in hell
governs our two-party system. *

Holladaridio, holladaro, holladaridio, holladaro.

In da Schui frågt da Lehra:
Sog, Bui, wås wüllst denn wer'n?

I lern auf an Rentna,
nit tuin's mi mea stern.

Holladaridio, holladaro, holladaridio, holladaro.

In the school the teacher asks:
"Say, lad, what do you do want to become?"

"I learn to be a pensioner...
disturb me no more."

Holladaridio, holladaro, holladaridio, holladaro.

Zum Ähnl sågt die Ahnl,
Du kaufst da'a Blue Jean!

Sunst lås a mi scheidn
und ziag i nåch Wien.

Holladaridio, holladaro, holladaridio, holladaro.

To the grandfather says the grandmother:
"You must bluejeans buy.

Otherwise, let us divorce
and I'll move to Vienna."

Holladaridio, holladaro, holladaridio, holladaro.

Zur Ahnl sågt da Ähnl,
Vaziah nua nåch Wien!

I geh in di Rentn
mit i'a Denatscherin

Holladaridio, holladaro, holladaridio, holladaro.

To the grandmother says the grandfather:
"Move only to Vienna...

I go retire
with my young woman."

Holladaridio, holladaro, holladaridio, holladaro.

å like aw in english, saw, law....

*) There were two major parties in Austrian politics.
One had red as its characteristic color, the other black.

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Translation & midi melody by Tom Steichen edited by Johannes Graf