Lieder Buch![]() |
Loblied | Praise Song |
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Wånn d'Vögal in' Wåld so schön singan, dåß's hållt, wånn die Nåchtigåll schlågt då hebts an' die Brust an den Herrgott, der d'Welt håt erzeugt. |
When the birds in the forest so beautiful sing that it resounds, when the nightingale cries there this lifts everyones breast of God, which the world has created. |
Wånn d'Schwålben zu uns ziagn und die Bam so schen bliahn, und die Blüemelan duften wer dås ålls betråcht', na, dås kånn jå der Herrgott nur sein! |
When the swallows to us draw, and trees so beautifully bloom, and the flowers sweetly smell who this all conceived that can, yes, only God be. |
Wånn d'Sunn untergeht, und der Mond hoch obn steht, und die Sternlan hell leichtn då denkt ma so gern der die Welt håt so wunderbår gmåcht. |
When the sun goes down and the moon high above stands, and the stars brightly shine there think one so gladly who the world has so wonderful made. |
Traditional from
Kirchfidisch![]() ![]() |
back to Burgenland Bunch Songbook |
Translation & midi melody by Tom Steichen | edited by Johannes Graf |