Lieder Buch Song Book
Loblied Praise Song
Wånn d'Vögal in' Wåld
so schön singan, dåß's hållt,

wånn die Nåchtigåll schlågt
und der Guggu laut schreit,

då hebts an' die Brust
und ma denkt voller Lust

an den Herrgott, der d'Welt håt erzeugt.

When the birds in the forest
so beautiful sing that it resounds,

when the nightingale cries
and the cuckoo loudly calls,

there this lifts everyones breast
and one thinks full desire

of God, which the world has created.

Wånn d'Schwålben zu uns ziagn
und die Bam so schen bliahn,

und die Blüemelan duften
in Wåld und in' Hain,

wer dås ålls betråcht',
und wer håt dås ålls gmåcht,

na, dås kånn jå der Herrgott nur sein!

When the swallows to us draw,
and trees so beautifully bloom,

and the flowers sweetly smell
in the forest and in the grove,

who this all conceived
and who this all has made,

that can, yes, only God be.

Wånn d'Sunn untergeht,
und der Mond hoch obn steht,

und die Sternlan hell leichtn
in einsamer Nacht,

då denkt ma so gern
an den Schöpfer, den Herrn,

der die Welt håt so wunderbår gmåcht.

When the sun goes down
and the moon high above stands,

and the stars brightly shine
in the lonely night,

there think one so gladly
of the creator, the God,

who the world has so wonderful made.

Traditional from Kirchfidisch
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Translation & midi melody by Tom Steichen edited by Johannes Graf