Lieder Buch![]() |
Losts auf, Buima, kemmts von Schlafn | Listen up, lad, come from sleeping |
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Losts auf, Buima, kemmts von
Schlafn,' hörts denn nit das Jubelgeschrei? Wollts denn nit von Schlaf erwachn, i los schon a gute Weil! In den Wolken hör ich singen ja so schön die Engelein, i bin aba liegn bliebn, hab glost, was das Ding sollt sein. |
Listen up, lad, come from
sleeping, hear you then not the joyful shouting? Will you then not from sleep awaken, I listen already a good while! In the clouds hear I singing, yes, so beautiful the angels, I am still there remaining, have listened, what the event shall be. |
Als i mi tua
recht ausraunzn, da wars scho hellichta Tag; da siach i ein Englein glänzn, der hat glei die Botschaft bracht: "Nun, ihr Hirten auserkoren, stehet auf alle zumal, Christus Jesus ist geboren zu Bethlehem dort in dem Stall!" |
As I myself quite slept
enough, then was it already broad daylight; there see I an angel shining, that had directly the message brought: "Now, you chosen shepherds, arise altogether, Jesus Christ is born in Bethlehem there in the stable! |
Gehts, eilts, Buima,
tuats gschwind trachtn, sonst kommen wir alle zu spät, Eier, Milch, Schmalz muaß ma mittragn, daß das Kind was z'essen hat. Aba Butta war schier bessa, war schö lind und war schö fein, denn was Kräftigs kanns nit essen, 's Buiwal is no zart und klein. |
Go, hurry, lad, make faster, otherwise come we all too late, eggs, milk, butterfat must we carry with, so that the child has something to eat. But butter would be much better, would be delightfully soft and delightfully fine, because something tough it cannot eat, the baby boy is still tender and small. |
Traditional from Apetlon![]() ![]() |
back to Burgenland Bunch Songbook |
translation & midi melody by Tom Steichen | layout by Johannes Graf |