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Rönök, Hungary (not in Burgenland)
Combined villages of Alsó- and Felsö-Rönök, is now Rönök, Hungarian village of 440 in District of Szt. Gotthard, Vas
Northeast of Szentgotthárd on the E66 (Hung. Rt. 8), 8 km east of the Heiligenkreuz international border crossing
(second Hungarian village east of the border crossing).
First recorded in 1318. Near the Burgenland border along the Rába river. Neo-Gothic church of St. Emerich stands next
to the border and has been magnificently restored. Closest Burgenland village is Inzenhof.
Felsörönök (Oberradling) - it is its own parish. First recorded in 1318. Population in 1873 was 766 RC and 55
Lutheran. Lutherans went to church in Eltendorf.
Alsórönök (Unterradling) - parish was Raba Szent Mihaly (now Vas Szent Mihaly). Lutheran inhabitants went to
Körtvelyes (now Eltendorf, Burgenland). Population in 1873 was 647 RC, 165 Lutheran.
Family History Library microfilms:
Catholic: Római Katólikus Egyház, Felsőrönök [FHL INTL Films 601492 -94]
The following, translated by Emmerich Koller, is from the
Magyar Katolikus Lexikon (Hungarian Catholic Encyclopaedia)
Rönök, until 1950 Alsó- and Felsörönök (Lower and Upper Rönök), located in the County of Vas, in the
diocese of Szombathely, vicariate Körmend-Szentgotthard.
The parish existed already in 1332. The church was dedicated to Saint Imre (Emmerich). The church of
today church was built in 1907. The Turks occupied it in 1526. In 1618 the inhabitants first became Reformed then
Lutheran. In 1789 the church was rededicated. Since 1951 the church is not usable.
The official language in 1880 was Hungarian, in 1910 German, in 1940 German and Hungarian.
The pastors were: 1452 Kelemen, 1789 Stibler János - administrator, 1793 Hubertus OFM - admin., 1794
Eisner István - admin., 1799 Schrammel János, 1807 Mittl István - admin., 1809 Schmitzl Mihály, 1831 Griller Antal, 1835
Spreiczenbart Lipót, 1864 Czigler József, 1879 Reichl Ferenc, 1886 Eberhard József - admin., 1887 Herczeg Miklos -
admin., 1895 Bartl József - admin., 1941 Zadravec Mátyás - admin., 1945 Németh István - admin., 1948 Lautz Alfred -
admin., 1949 Kömives János - admin., 1951 Weber Antal - admin., 1980 Farkas Antal - admin., Since 2000 the parish is
administered from Szentgotthard.
Inhabitants in 1840: 556 Rom. Cath., 30 Lutheran, total 586; in 1910 there were 802 Rom. Cath., 43
Lutheran, 6 Jewish, total 851; in 1940 787 Rom. Cath., 32 Lutheran, total 819; in 1983 209 Rom. Cath., total inhabitants
In 1948, 4 teachers teach 120 students in its elementary school.
Schem. Sab. 1914:65 - Schem. Sab. 1977:42 -MKA 2000:536
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