Burgenland Bunch

Member List

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These are our new members members. To see the rest, choose a section of the alphabet below.

A-D     E-H     I-L     M-P     Q-S     T-Z     Research-Only

Meet the Burgenland Bunch: (and find their ancestral villages on the Burgenland MAP)

new members

Peggy Horne; Highland Falls, NY. BAUER, Rábafüzes, Hungary, settled in Coplay, PA. SPANITZ, Kukmirn?, Győr-Moson-Sopron, Hungary. I am adopted, my biological father is Franz Joseph Bauer and Julia Spanitz? my aunt. I am curious about the living conditions and experiences of my ancestors, and why they immigrated to the United States.

new members

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Some older e-mail addresses are obsolete! We have no way of updating these addresses unless YOU send US an update. Two undelivered newsletters cause your automatic removal from the newsletter distribution list. It may take a while to get reinstated.

Burgenland Bunch Members Pages are maintained by Zac Stubits
Any comments or suggestions are welcome.

These pages were last updated Jun 29, 2024

The Burgenland Bunch, © 2000-2024, all rights reserved.