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House numbers and "heads of house" in: |
Rehgraben 1858, district of Güssing |
House Nr. | Surname | Given Name | village |
6 | Svetits | Josef | |
7 | Sloklikovits | Josef | |
9 | Schabhüttl | Andreas | |
8 | Andre | Mathias | |
11 | Svetits | Mathias | |
10 | Svetits | Paul | |
12 | Tancos | Johann | |
13 | Gerbavtsits | Mathias | |
17 | Miksits | Josef | |
18 | Sloklikovits | Juliana | |
29 | Tancos | Lukas | |
20 | Svetits | Mathias | |
22/a | Tancos | Josef | |
22/b | Miksits | Anna | |
21/a | Dragovits | Elisabeth | |
21/b | Dragovits | Katharina | |
49 | Rehgraben | Gemeinde | |
23 | Tancos | Michael | |
24 | Tancos | Mathias | |
16 | Schabhüttl | Johann | |
15 | Husovits | Josef | |
1 | Barkovits | Michael | |
2 | Neutenfold | Johann | |
53 | Rehgraben | Gemeinde | |
4 | Dragovits | Franz | |
5 | Dragovits | Josef | |
3 | Dragovits | Michael | |
43 | Miksits | Johann | |
44 | Wilfinger | Josef | |
45 | Miksits | Stefan | |
46 | Geosits | Josef | |
47 | Pendl | Josef | |
48 | Wallusch | Josef | |
25 | Dragovits | Michael | |
52 | Dragovits | Mathias | |
26 | Dragovits | Paul | |
27 | Dragovits | Katharina | |
28 | Tancos | Georg | |
29 | Tancos | Lukas | |
30/a | Dumitrovits | Michael | |
31 | Dragovits | Andreas | |
32/b | Tancos | Mathias | |
33 | Tancos | Mathias | |
34 | Tancos | Eva | |
35/a | Schmucher | Johann | |
35/b | Tancos | Mathias | |
36 | Tancos | Michael | |
37 | Tancos | Elisabeth | |
51 | Tancos | Josef | |
38 | Tancos | Andreas | |
39 | Dragovits | Gregor | |
40/b | Tancos | Mathias | |
40/a | Tancos | Georg | |
41 | Tancos | Johann | |
42 | Tancos | Michael | |
50 | Bathyany | Philipp | |
The spelling of the names is as in the original land-register and not always correct. | |
Credits | |
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by Klaus Gerger, November 10, 2000 |
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