These are our "T-Z" members. To see the rest, choose another section of the alphabet below.
Z Research-Only
Meet the Burgenland Bunch: (and find their ancestral villages on the Burgenland MAP)
John P Taborosi; East Syracuse, NY. SZABÓ in Rábagyarmat, Vas
megye (east of Szentgotthard), Hungary; TEMEL in Jabing, Bezirk Oberwart, Austria.
Uri Tadmor; Berlin, Germany. REINER, SCHLESINGER, Zelem,
Deutschkreutz. Nathan Reiner and Netti Reiner nee Schlesinger, born in Deutschkreutz c.1839. The couple married there and then
moved to Vienna where Nathan was a horse dealer who supplied horses to the k.u.k. stables. Afterwards the family moved to
Berlin. Nathan died in Berlin in 1901 and asked to be buried in his home town; Netti died in 1912 and was buried in Berlin. They
had four daughters and a son. One of their daughters was my great-grandmother, Hermine Feld (nee Reiner). She was born in Vienna
in 1877, lived in Berlin, and died in Kfar Vitkin, Palestine (now Israel), in 1944.
Marion Taicsich; Wheeling, IL. TAICSICH, Kroatisch Minihof,
settled in South Bend, IN.
Bernard Takacs; WINKELBAUER, Eberau. MAGDITS, Kroatisch Ehrensdorf.
TOTH, Iváncz and Nyogér (both in Vas Megye, Hungary). TAKACS, Kerta (Veszprem Megye, Hungary). All emigrated to and settled in
Northampton, PA. Religion: Roman Catholic. Maria Toth (1882-1924), daughter of Stephen Toth and Rosie Kutte/Kutasi, settled in
Northampton, PA, and married Stephen Takacs (1881-1929), son of Mihaly and Rozalia (Ver/Veer) Takacs of Kerta, Veszprem Megye,
Hungary. Stephen Toth, brother to Maria, born 1872 in Nyogér, Vas, Hungary, married Maria Mukits of Iváncz and he emigrated to
Northampton, PA, in 1905. His wife and daughter Anna (b 1896 in Iváncz), joined him in 1912). Joseph Winkelbauer (1891-1954),
son of Josef and Agnes (Unger) V/Winkelbauer, married Teresa Magdits (1891-1973), daughter of Georg and Catharina (Geosits)
Magdits of Kroatisch Ehrensdorf, settled in Northampton, PA. Frank Winkelbauer (1902-1973), brother to Joseph, settled in
Lydia Takerer; Plymouth, IN. TAKERER William & Theresa,
Alsoronok. Settled in Granger, IN 1952. William TAKERER born May 27, 1927 in Alsoronok. Left for America, June 1952. Married
Maria Baron in Heutingsheim, Deutschland, June 6, 1947. Mother of William was Theresa Takerer, husband Frank. Frank left her and
went to South Bend, IN, changed his name to Slater. Other children: Juli, Henry, John & Robert Takerer.
Denise A Talaski-Kern; Port Huron, MI. MAUTNER, Kalch,
PFISTER, Hungary, WERNER, Jennersdorf, Sankt Martin an der Raab, Felsocsatár, Hungary.
Scott Tallmadge; Port Huron, MI. ZOTTER, St. Martin an der Raab,
Vashegy. YOST, Welten. ROPPOSCH, Windisch Minihof. All settled in Port Huron (MI). Religion: Roman Catholic. I am also
researching the following family names from adjoining provinces and presently unknown areas of Austria: FIELDER (Styria and
Victor Talotta; SCHRAMPF, Kukmirn. RESSLER, Heiligenkreuz im
Lafnitztal. Both settled in Coplay. UNGER, Oberbildein. YANNI/JANNY/JANY, Gaas. TEKLITS, Szentpeterfa. FRISCH, Moschendorf. All
settled in Northampton. KORPITS/KORPITSCH, Mogersdorf. Settled in Whitehall. Religion: Catholic. John SCHRAMPF b.1895 married to
Stella RESSLER b.1902. Stella's parents Theresa (SCHUSTER) and Anton RESSLER were from Heiligenkreuz im Lafnitzal; Stefan UNGER
b.1900 married to Theresia YANNI or JANNY or JANY b. 1906; Elizabeth KORPITS or KORPITSCH b. 1890; Joseph TEKLITS married to
Mary Rose FRISCH b. 1907.
Dennis Tamweber; Denton, TX. TAMWEBER, Punitz. TANTSITS, Deutsch
Tschantschendorf. Both settled in New Jersey. Roman Catholic. John TAMWEBER (born April 27, 1893) married Teresia TANTSITS (born
May 13, 1896).
Patricia Tancredi; Ponte Vedra Beach, FL. WINDISCH, Strem, WUKOWITSCH,
probably Strem, GEISER, Molidorf, ERMLER.
Carol Johnson Tanczos; New Paltz, NY. TANCZOS, Tobaj. RICHTER,
MALITS, MULCZET, Rauchwart. Settled in NY.
Jayne (Janish) Tanis; Riverdale, NJ. JANISCH, KLUSONOVITZ, Kulm.
Ron Tansits; Greenfield Twp, PA. TANSITS, Güssing; GABERHELL,
Deutsch Schützen. Settled Scranton, PA.
Edward Tantsits; Allentown, PA. TANTSITS (TANCSICS, TANCSITS,
DANTSITS), ARTINGER, KLEIN; Langzeil (Güssing). Settled in Coplay, PA. POTZMANN (POTZMAN), Rosenberg (Güssing). Settled in
Coplay, PA, and the Lehigh Valley area.
Frank Tantsits [deceased]; Bethlehem, PA. TANTSITS (TANCSICS, TANCSITS, DANTSITS),
ARTINGER, KLEIN; Langzeil (Güssing). Settled in Coplay, PA. POTZMANN (POTZMAN), Rosenberg (Güssing). Settled in Coplay, PA, and
the Lehigh Valley area.
Nicholas Tantsits; Swansea, IL. TANTSITS, Langzeil, Coplay, PA.
Grandson of Frank Tantsits and grand-nephew of Ed Tantsits.
Joseph Tanzos [deceased]; Nazareth, PA. TANZOS (TANCZOS), Rehgraben; OSWALD, WOLFE,
Beth Tanzosh; Westfield, NJ. Matthias TANCZOS, from Sulz. Lucy
SAGMEISTER(?), POANDL, Eberau (?).
Joseph Tanzosh; Northampton, PA. TANCZOS, SAGMEISTER, TOSHNOVIAN and
POANDL, Sulz, Rehgraben, Eberau and Deutsch Ehrensdorf. Settled in Northampton, PA.
Matthew Tanzos; Nazareth, PA. TANCZOS, Rehgraben, settled in Nazareth, PA in 1914 and 1921. ZIMMERMAN, BILOVITS, TARNOK, Sulz, HUSZOVITS, NEUTENFELD, GERBAVSITS, MIKSITS, SVETITS, DERGOSITS, MIKOVITS, BREITFELLER, FRANKL, Rehgraben and Gerersdorf, JAGREHOFER, Eisenhüttl, settled in Northampton and Coplay PA 1907-1925, TAMANDL, OBOIKOVITS, POPOVITS, Neuhaus in der Wart, SCHEUCHER (SCHEUER), Deutsch Kaltenbrunn, OSWALD, SZAMER, GRABSITS, DERKITS, PANI, BOISITS, Güssing and Sankt Michael, BAUER, SCHOBER, HAMERL, Kleinmürbisch and Urbersdorf. Religion: Catholic.
Sara Tanzosh; Nazareth, PA. SCHNAKL, Deutsch Beiling, settled in
Nazareth, PA. Religion: Catholic.
Christina Tapler; Montreal, Canada. TAPLER, FISCHL,
SORGER, JANDRISOVITS, Güssing (Rosenberg and Neustift), Deutsch Tschantschendorf. Anna Sorger emigrated to Canada in 1956.
Johann Tapler emigrated to Canada in 1957.
Andreas Tarabec; Munich, Germany. REINECKER, Neckenmarkt,
Ödenburg/Sopron. WEILER, KASPAR, STANECK, Oedenburg/Sopron. Religion: Roman Catholic. Family moved from Sopron to Neckenmarkt
(Burgenland) and then later to Pottenstein (Niederösterreich). My grandmother Hermine Reinecker was the last of 16 children. At
least one (Josefa Reinecker), and I suspect a few more, were born in Neckenmarkt. My grandmother, Hermine Reinecker (married
name Tarabec) was the 16th and last child.
Tomas Nadorfy (Dreisziger) Tarafas [inactive]; Caracas-Venezuela. TARAFAS,
Pinkamindszent (Allerheiligen), Hungary; Vál, Hungary; Szombathely (Steinamanger), Hungary; Budapest, Hungary, to Venezuela,
Buenos Aires, and US.
Sue Tarantino; Champaign, IL. FABITS, Stegersbach. Settled in
Chicago, IL between 1910 and 1912. Related families in Stegersbach: FABITS: MARINITS, MURLASITS, SIDERITS; KRAMMER: DERKITS,
Peter Tarnai; Hilpoltstein, Bavaria, Germany. Simon FISCHER, born ca.
1715 in Neuiedl am See.
Angela Tarnok; Ridgewood, NY. TARNOK, Sulz, MIKSITS, Gerersdorf,
KOENIG, Gottschee, SCHATZ, Strem.
Fritz Tarnok; Glendale, NY. TARNOK, MIKSITS, Sulz and
Gerersdorf. To NYC and Allentown, PA.
Ingrid Taschek; Brussels, Belgium & Altbach, Germany. Rudolf
TASCHEK, Holling, Fertöboz, Hungary; settled Altbach, Germany, November 1948. Rudolf's parents were Franz TASCHEK from Kolnhof,
Kophaza, Hungary, and Johanna PILLER, from Holling, Fertöboz.
Shelly Taschler; Lehighton, PA. TASCHLER; Punitz. Settled in
Slatington, PA about 1903.
Donald R Taufer; Pensacola, FL. TAUFER Joseph, KOPPI Mary, Wallern,
settled Pierz, MN.
John Taus; Whitehall, PA. TAUS, LANG. Rosina "Lang" and Joseph Taus
(both of Krobetek) emigrated to Allentown in the early 1900s.
Elizabeth Taves; Slatington, PA. MAYER, WECHSLER, Neustift bei
Güssing, settled in Coplay, PA, Religion: Catholic.
Larry Taylor; Granger, IN. KUTROVATZ, Balf & Nádasd, Hungary,
LIPP, Balf, Hungary,WIEDER, St. Margarethen, FREWIRD (FRÜHWIRT). Andras Kutrovatz and Erzsebet Lipp settled in Chicago, IL.
Stefanie Wieder settled in South Bend, IN, in 1954. Magdalina Frewird (Frühwirt).
Norlene Tchida [inactive]; Tempe, AZ. TSCHIDA/TSIDA, WEGLEITNER, GRUBER, KOLLER,
VOLKERDORFER, IHOLBAUER, MAN, Illmitz. Settled in Marshall Co, SD.
George Tebolt [inactive]; Spencertown, NY. TIBOLD, EDL, SCHEIBELHOFER, HOLLINGER,
Bakonyszucs, Veszprem, Hungary. Mihaly Tibold and Marie Edl settled in NYC 1899. Georgius Tibold born about 1769 and Martinus
Edl and Anna Hollinger born about 1780.
Alexandra Techet; Boston, MA. TECHET, Kleinpetersdorf, Oberwart;
KNOPF, Kleinpetersdorf. Immigrated through Ellis Island Sep 12, 1911. Settled in Brooklyn, NY.
Frank Teklits; Warminster, PA. Researching: GESCHL, KOENIG
BARILOVITS - Szentpeterfa, (Hungary). Settled in Northampton, PA, in the mid 1920s.
Paula Teklits; Italy. TEKLITS. Sandor Teklits b 1928,
Szentpeterfa, emigrated to London, UK 1956.
Diane Telfer; Oregon. LANG, Illmitz, settled in Minnesota. FRANK,
Albert Casimer, GANGL, Felterony, HALBAUER, JANIOS, GASTNER, TSIDA. John Lang (b.1846 to Janos Lang and Kriztina Halbauer) and
wife Theresia Frank (b.1834 to Jacobus Frank and Maria Gangl) immigrated in 1886. Theresia's first husband Josephus Opitz (died
of TB in 1871).
Frank F Tellian; Salem, VA. UNGER, Deutsch Tschantschendorf, settled
New York, 1938, Religion: Catholic. Frieda Unger, born 08-13-17 in Deutsch Tschantschendorf. She was the daughter of Andreas
Unger, who was originally from Tobaj. She attended the local school where Karl Tunkl was her teacher. She emigrated to New York
City in 1938 and later married Frank Tellian, who emigrated from Gottschee (now part of Slovenia). In 1982 they moved to
Baltimore, MD and in 1988 they moved to Salem, VA. She died there in 2007.
Marilyn Fall Terrell [inactive]; Bowie, TX. UNGER, KOLLER, SEMBOLDT (SAMPL,
SZAMPL), ZIEGER, Neuhaus am Klausenbach, Bonisdorf, Mühlgraben, settled in McKees Rocks, PA, 1906-1908 and Escambia Co, FL.
Margaret Teuschler; BERG, TEUSCHLER. Settled in USA. Religion:
Roman Catholic
Sandra Thaler; Knoxville, TN. SCHERMAN, Deutsch Gerisdorf.
Religion: Catholic
Connie Theisen; New Castle, CO. STEINER, DEMMER, GOLTL, WOLFRAM,
WURM, LEITNER, Gols, settled in HERNDON, KS. Religion: Lutheran. Mathias Steiner, born 11-2-1858 in Gols, died 1-11-1924 and is
buried in Herndon, KS. His wife Elizabeth Demmer, was born October 1860 in Gols, died 9-13-1950 and is buried in Herndon, KS.
They immigrated in 1883.
Arthur Thell; Inver Grove Heights, MN. THELL, Apetlon, settled in
Stearns Co, MN.
Charlie Thell; Freeport, MN. THELL, Apetlon (Banfalu). John
Thell, born 9 Oct 1869 to Martin Thell and Susana Tschida, emigrated 1888 to Stearns County, Minnesota. Brother Balthasar, born
12 Dec 1864, emigrated to Stearns County, Minnesota in 1889. My father is John Thell and my grandparents are John Thell and
Katherina Fichtinger. John Thell was born to Martin Thell and Susana Tschida who were married 6 Mar 1848. 13 children were born
to them, of which eight survived to adulthood. Martin Thell was born to Stephen Thell and Maria Tschida and had two possible
siblings, Eva 1 Dec 1826 and Josephus 29 Jul 1829. Susana Tschida was born to Joanes Tschida and Maria Pitzel and had five
Richard Thell; THELL, NEUBERGER, Apetlon. Settled in Omaha, NE
late 19th century.
Rudy Thell; St. Paul, MN. THELL, PITZL; Apetlon. Settled in North
Dakota (THELL) and Omaha (PITZL) first and then St. Paul, MN.
JoAnne (Schutzenhofer) Theobald; Danville, CA. SCHUTZENHOFER,
Grafenschachen (Árokszállás), settled in East St Louis, IL. Religion: Roman Catholic. Jozsef "Joseph" Schutzenhofer was born 25
Feb 1878 to Franciscus "Frank" Schutzenhofer and Constantia Uitz. He arrived in New York on 8 May 1903 via the ship "S. S.
L'Aquitaine, His Petition for Naturalization, dated 15 Apr 1910, included his wife Mary Ebner, whom he married on 3 May 1906,
and his first two children, Joseph and Mary. Joseph died on 4 June 1951 in Fairview Heights, IL.
Darlene Thiel; Pittsburgh, PA. CSANDL, Hagensdorf, settled in
Pittsburgh, PA. Religion: Catholic. Adolph Csandl, born Sept 1890 to Jozsef Csandl and Karolina Pail, emigrated to the USA in
1906, settling in Pittsburgh, PA. He had children Josephine and Karl, and died in 1918 in Pittsburgh due to the Spanish flu. His
descendants still live in the Pittsburgh area.
Lisa Thielman; Little Falls, MN. KRACKER, FLEISHACKER, St. Johann,
settled Lake Henry, MN.
Kevin Thom; Vancouver, Canada. Rosalie HERZOG, born Mar 10 1883
Burgenland, left for Wisconsin before 1902. Joseph WAPPEL, born Jul 6 1872 Burgenland, left for Wisconsin around 1902.
Joanne Thomas; Fridley, MN. THELL, PITZL, GRIEMAN, ANDERT.
Settled in Ramsey Co, MN.
Grieselstein. THOMAS and GUMHOLD both settled in Pittsburgh, PA. Religion: Roman Catholic. My Grandparents emigrated from
Grieselstein in 1925. Their names were John THOMAS and Terez GUMHOLD. They settled in Pittsburgh, PA. My grandfather's parents
were Mathias THOMAS and Barbara BUCHAS. My Grandmother's parents were Louis GUMHOLD and Johanna HIRCZY. They all appear to be
from Grieselstein. I have a picture of my Great-grandfather's (Mathias Thomas) grave that shows he died on November 7, 1922.
Michael Thomas; KAPPEL, GOLLATZ, Rohrbach an der Teich. Settled in
Chicago, IL. Religion: Roman Catholic. My Great-Grandparents Michael Kappel and Theresa Gollatz emigrated from Rohrbach in 1903
and 1904, returning at least once. They raised their children in Chicago.
Michael J Thomas; Downingtown, PA. TOMAS, Kleinmürbisch,
Güssing; settled Coplay, PA.
Robert Thomas; Lake in the Hills, IL. MARLOVITS, Durnbach
(Inced), KARLOVITS, Schandorf (Csem), RESETAR, settled in Chicago, IL. Stefan and Maria Marlovits, buried in Durnbach, had 13
children, including Frank (1885-1957), Theresia (1889-1972), Katarina (1897-1972), Marie, Andy and John (1903-1952), who all
emigrated to Illinois. Andrew and Bertha (Resetar) Karlovits had 6 children, three in Schandorf: Mary (1901-1986), Kalman
(1904-1967) and Agnes (1909-1929), and three in Chicago: Andrew (1914-1973), Joseph (1916-1992) and Stephen (1918-1952).
Stephanie Thomas; Mounds View, MN. STEINER, Rauchwarth,
settled in Minnesota. Religion: Catholic? Mathias Joseph Steiner, b 16 Dec 1882 to Mathias (age 41) and Susanna (age 40)
Steiner, d 16 Dec 1933 in St Paul, MN. He married Elizabeth (Strantz) Steiner, 12 Jul 1911, in New Canada Twp, Ramsey Co,
William Andrew Thomas; Green Bay, WI. THOMAS Andrew, THOMAS,
Roman, WERNER Marie, KANTNER Emma, KANTNER Ernst, Jennersdorf; FRANYI Anna, Eberau; YOST Michael, Graz. Settled in Pittsburgh,
Amanda Thompson; Vista, CA. KENESEI, Sorokujfalu, Sorokpolány,
Hungary, settled PA, 1900-1. KEGLOVITS; OSTOVITS, Weiden bei Rechnitz, PAPAI.
Wayne A Thornton; Woburn, MA. CZUPPON, KORPITS, STROBL;
Stegersbach, Szentpeterfa. Johanna Hilda CZUPPON (aka JANKA; aka ZUPPON), emigrated to the US from Stegersbach in 1913.
Robert Thullner; Herreid, SD. John THULLNER, b 1900, d 1973,
emigrated from Moncohhof in l92?. Many cousins still live in that village.
Marlene Krantz Thurston; Natick, MA. KRANZ of Gerersdorf;
Güssing area. Georg KRANZ came to the US in 1907 to Coplay, PA.
Elizabeth Gelbmann Tibbetts; Shoreview, MN. WEINHANDL,
Illmitz. GELBMANN, STIPL, Andau. All settled in St. Paul, MN; Andrew WEINHANDL in the 1880s(?). Religion: Roman Catholic. Andrew
Weinhandl, born 5/31/1871. Son of Mathias Weinhandl and Terezia Torok
Diana Tiberi; Washington, DC. BAUMGARTNER, FASSL; Litzelsdorf.
Settled in Buffalo, NY 1905.
Dolores Halper Tichenor; Downers Grove, IL. HALPER, Oberdorf, settled in Chicago, 1905. KONRATH, Oberdorf, LORENZ, Oberdorf, settled in Chicago, 1908. ASPAN. Religion: Catholic. Looking for the birth record of Franz Konrath, who married Maria Halper, the daughter of Stephan Halper and Anna Konrath. Franz and Maria were married (m:1878.01.22) with Franz's age listed as 32. When Franz passed (d:1911.01.31) his age was listed as 63. His parents were Franz Konrath and Anna Lorenz.
Otto Tillhof; Steinberg, Austria. TILLHOF
(TILLHOFF/DILLHOF/TILHOF), Steinberg an der Rabnitz (Köhalom). Settled in Kansas City, KS, Chicago, IL. SCHLEICHER, Steinberg
(Köhalom). Settled in Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma. FAJMAN (FAYMANN), Steinberg. About 1883, moved from Steinberg (Répczeköhalom)
to Uljanik (Slavonia, now Croatia); later, emigrated to Gary, IN.
Stephen Timar; Bronx, NY. TIMAR, VESZELOVITS. Szentpeterfa, Hungary. To
the US in the 1930s, settled in New York City.
Robert Lenore Tingerthal; Red Wing, MN. GROESS, PREINER,
DEML, MAMRIA; Halbturn. GROESS were vineyard keepers for Halbturn Estates.
SALZL, all from Wallern. Settled Minnesota, South Dakota, then Saskatchewan, Canada.
Albert Tischler; St. Paul, MN & Prague, Czech Republic. SATTLER,
Andau; TISCHLER. Settled St. Paul, MN.
Rick Tischler; Anamosa, IA. SATTLER, Emigrated 1888 and settled in St Paul, MN. WURZINGER, UNGER and REINPRECHT,
Andau, Neusiedl am See; POLCZER and CZENCZ, Sankt Peter, Hungary; TISCHLER.
Sabine A Tischler; Tübingen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany.
TISCHLER, GYORIG, Tadten. Religion: Roman Catholic. Anamosa, Iowa. Great-great grandparents MARTIN SATTLER (born 1848, Andau)
and MAGDALENA POLCZER (born 1856, Sankt Peter), emigrated in 1888 and settled in St Paul, MN. Also WURZINGER, PECK, REINPRECHT,
Robert L Tisinai; Machesney Park, IL. TISINAI, GOLLATZ, Dürnbach;
KOZARITZ. My grandfather was Steve TISINAI (1885-1957). There was another Steve TISINAI (1888-1970). He married a cousin
Magdelina TISINAI. I'm tring to findout which one goes with which 1857 household in Durnbach, and the names of each of there
KARNER, PHILLIP and BRUCKNER. Other surnames are NEUBERGER with COLBY and SCHNEIDER with KUMM. Common village seems to be
Mönchhof. Above surnames settled in the Stevens Point, WI area except Neuberger in Fond du Lac, WI and Schneider in Minneapolis,
Michelle (Rosenitsch) Tobin; England. ROSENITSCH, Neutal, settled in Toronto, Canada in 1927. SOMMER, Alsórönök. Religion: Catholic. Stefan Rosenitsch (b:1908.09.06) married Gisella (Stella) Sommer from Alsórönök (now Rönök) Hungary.
Frank Tobitsch; Brewster, NY. TOBITSCH, Tobaj; MORITZ, Burg; settled
Bronx, NY.
Christine Tolerico; NJ. KEDL, HUBER, Deutsch Bieling, settled in NJ. RADAKOVITS, Schallendorf, settled in NY. JAUTZ, Deutsch Tschantschendorf, settled in NY. Religion: Catholic.
Adalbert Tölgyes; Austria. FLECK, Bernstein, settled in New York and St. Louis. My great-granduncle, John Fleck (b.1881.11.09) emigrated in 1911. He married a manufacturess and lived near St. Louis. He originally wanted to go to St.Louis/Kirkwood (his cousin Joseph, born in 1870, already lived there). He submitted a naturalization-intention-application in 1917. He was recorded as part of the 1920 census in Chicago, IL., ward 23, as a tailor, working in a tailor company. His grave may be in the Oak Hill Cemetary in St. Louis, dates on the gravestone are (1881-1931).
Rita Tolotti; Macungie, PA. MALITS, Kroatisch Tschantschendorf, WIRTH, Rábafüzes. Religion: Lutheran. Frank Wirth (b:1927.07.01) settled in Allentown, PA. He married Martha Glaessmann. His parents Karl Wirth (b:1894.04.29) and Maria Malits (MALICH) (b:1902.09.11) married in 1922.
St. Peter, Hungary, to Stevens Point, WI, 1880.
Jim Tomasits [inactive]; Pittsburgh, PA. TOMASITS, Sankt Michael, brothers Joseph
and Frank settled in Pittsburgh, PA.
Christine L Tomich; Benbrook, TX. KATZBECK, JUD, Neuhaus am Klasenbach, settled in Chicago, IL. Religion: Lutheran.
Karin Tomisser; Austria. TOMISSER, settled New York, NY; BALDASTI,
settled Toronto, Canada; BOGATH, WAGNER, settled USA. All from Jabing.
Carol Tomkiewicz; Long Island City, NY. KERBACHER, Kirchfidisch.
Settled: Astoria / Long Island City, NY.
Matthew Tonay; Charleston, SC. TONAY, Markt St. Martin, settled
Allentown, PA. STRYNCKEK, settled Allentown, PA. Joseph (Josef) Tonay and wife Helen or Ilona
Jack Tonk; Gary, IN. TONK, NEMETH, K-Minihof, Geresdorf. Family
settled in South Bend, IN.
Anne M Torning; East Haddam, CT. KEGLOVITS, Sulz. Josef Keglovits,
born 1867 in Sulz bei Güssing (now Gerersdorf-Sulz), came to America three times and died in Sulz in 1954. I would like to know
more about his voyages to America (arriving at Castle Garden, NYC).
John & Anna Marie Torok; Allentown, PA. John: Mother maiden name
Theresa SAKASITZ, Grandmother maiden name NEUBAUER. Think grandmother came from Ubersdorf. John's father came from Hungary, I
think spelling of town was Kismer, southwest of Budapest. Anna Marie: Mother maiden name MARX, Joseph and Anna, Joseph from
Poppendorf and Anna from Steingraben. Anna Marie's father born in US. His father Louis BACHER came from Germany, mother Stella
came from Wollendorf.
Josef Torok; Whitby, Ontario, Canada. TOROK, Pinkafeld, settled
Whitby, Ontario, 27/4/1953.
Curtis R Torrey; Marshfield, MA. KOLLAR, HARODY of Rosenberg
(Roszahegy). Came to US in 1906 to New Jersey.
Zurndorf. My ggf of this line emigrated to the US in 1906.
Eszter Tóth; Vac, Hungary. KRAUS, Loipersdorf, settled Modor, 1792,
EMRES, Buchschachen, settled Modor, 1779. Religion: Lutheran. Johann Michael Kraus was a Lederer Meister, he married in Modor
(Modra, Slovakia) Sep 18 1792. From his marriage record: his father Georg Kraus, mother Anna Maria Pöhm were in Loipersdorf.
Martin Emres was also a Lederer Meister, he married in Modor Feb 8 1779. From his marriage record: his father Matthias Emres,
mother Barbara Ritter were in Buchschachen. Both Johann Michael Kraus and Martin Emres married in the German Evangelical
(Lutheran) church in Modor.
Gerhard Toth; Sarasota, FL. TOTH, Pama.
John Toth; Tallman, NY. MARTH, Moschendorf, settled in Passaic,
NJ; TOTH, Gaas, settled in Passaic, NJ; MITTEL, Moschendorf, settled in Passaic, NJ.
Richard & Deborah Toth; Albuquerque, NM. GOLLATZ, STEINER,
Kirchfidisch. To Allentown, Coplay, PA.
Christine Toth-Hegel; Sewell, NJ. ERKINGER, WILFINGER, Deutsch
Kaltenbrunn. Settled Allentown, PA. Religion: Roman Catholic. Ludwig Erkinger (son of Joseph and Anna Wilfinger) settled in
Allentown,Pa. 1912.
Frank Toussaint; Chicago, IL. REHLING, Bad Tatzmannsdorf.
EICHBERGER, Grodnau. Settled in Chicago, IL, 1902.
Luke Toussaint; Glenview, IL. EICHBERGER, Grodnau, settled in Chicago, IL. Religion: Catholic.
Arran Townson; Sydney, NSW, Australia. KOLLER from Güssing
(Németujvár) to Austria. GROLLER from Güssing (Németujvár) to Austria. WOHLFARTH from Loipersdorf, Fürstenfeld to Austria.
ROTHENSTUMMER from Rozsahegy to Austria. Catholic. Searching for info on those ancestors who did not emigrate and remained in
Austria, relatives of my Grandmother of which moved to Australia in the late 1960s
Christina Trachta; Vienna, Austria. FARKAS; Nikitsch.
Settled in South Bend, IN. Religion: Roman Catholic. My great parents settled in South Bend, Indiana in the early 1920s. My
grandmother Jenny (Johanna) Farkas was born there in 1922. My great grandmothers name was Julianna Farkas. They returned to
Nikitsch before 1930. Two sisters of my great grandmother Julianna remained in South Bend, but we do not know their married
Philip Trattner; Elmhurst, IL. TRATTNER, Drumling, settled in
Chicago, IL. Johann Trattner, 1863-1922, husband to Elisabeth (Karner) Trattner, b 1869. Joseph Trattner, 1876-1904, husband to
Theresa Rosena (Gahl) Trattner, 1875-1904, Children William, Rose, Anna, John. I am curious as to any relation between Johann
and Joseph and immigration date.
Oslip, Zemendorf, Grosshöflein. George ZEMLYAK (changed to ZEMLOCK in America) arrived in Baltimore from Oslip on May 23, 1857
with his wife Barbara KERN and children. Barbara ZEMLYAK (nee KERN) originally came from Grosshöflein. She was the daughter of
Mathias KERN from Zemendorf and Elisabeth LANG from Grosshöflein. They settled in Outagamie County and then in Winnebago Co, WI.
I believe a SCHUMICH family from Oslip may have preceded them to that area.
Patricia Walakovits Traub; Philadelphia, PA. WALAKOVITS,
HACKER, Grossmürbisch. Settled in Coplay, PA.
Gene Traupman; Bethlehem, PA. TRAUPMAN/TRAUPMANN; Heiligenbrunn;
Frank, son of Rudolph and Josephine, brother of Rudolph, emigrated to Northampton, Lehigh Co, PA in 1905. Married Mary DOBITSCH
(DOBITCH/TOVIZH) of Königsdorf, daughter of Johann and Katherine, sister of Julius, Leopold, and Frank, in 1910. Moved to
Allentown, Lehigh Co, PA. In 1919, moved to farm outside of Emmaus, Lehigh Co, PA.
Mark Traupman; MILOSITZ, Wallendorf, TRAUPMAN, HOCHWARTER,
Olbendorf, MEITZ.
Sister Mary Traupman; Pittsburgh, PA. TRAUPMAN Ignaz,
Sumetendorf; FANDL Hermina, Urbersdorf; settled in McKees Rocks, PA.
Edmund Traupmann; Whitehouse Station, NJ. TRAUPMANN, PAUKOWITS,
Glasing, settled in New Jersey in 1928. Religion: Catholic. Krispin & Karoline (daughter of Andreas Paukowits) Traupmann
emigrated in 1928 to Passaic, NJ. Related to Fandl in Tobaj and also Guttmann, Bodisch, Strantzl and Pinter.
Annemarie Tringali; Massapequa, NY. CHAR/CSAR/TCHAR/TSCHAR,
HOBEL and RADINOVIC; Stegersbach.
Craig Trinkl; Wausau, WI. Charles TRINKL emigrated to Chicago, IL,
in 1901 and married Mary Ness in 1909; Rosa Trinkl emigrated to Allentown, PA, in 1906 and married Ludwig Himler in 1909, August
Trinkl emigrated to Chicago, IL, in 1904 and married Emma Husse in 1916. Franz (Frank)Trinkl emigrated to Limeport, PA, 1904;
married Cecelia Yost in 1908.
Frank E Trinkle; Palm Bay, FL. TRINKLE, Heiligenbrunn. Settled in
Nazareth, PA in 1911. Roman Catholic.
Frank W Trinkle [deceased]; Vacaville, CA; TRINKLE (TRINKL), Heiligenbrunn. Settled
in Bath, PA.
Laura Trinkle-Mulcahy [inactive]; Dundee, Scotland, UK. TRINKLE (TRINKL). WEBER.
Southern Burgenland-Güssing area? Settled: Allentown, PA about 1910-1916.
Alfred L (Troy) Tripamer; Virginia Beach, VA. Karl TRIPAMER,
Pinkafeld (Pinkafo), settled in Chicago, IL.
Manuela Tritremmel; Kalkgruben, Burgenland. TRITREMMEL,
Kalkgruben (Mészverem).
Pam Troje; Martin SCHWARTZBAUER and Katherine GARTNER, Ilmitz.
First settled in Pittsburgh, PA then in "the North End" St. Paul, MN.
Eileen Tropea; Smithtown, NY. SIMON, POMPER, Mischendorf, settled New
York City. Felix Simon and Anna Pomper emigrated to US in 1923 with infant son, Felix.
Alexander W Tschaar [deceased]; Pinopolis, SC. TSCHARR, CSAR, OBOJKOVITS,
Olbendorf. Settled in PA.
Arron Tschida; CA. TSCHIDA, Pamhagen, settled South Bend, IN.
Jeff Tschida; Colorado Springs, CO. TSCHIDA, GANGL Illmitz,
Pamhagen. Settled in Minnesota.
Joan Pepin Tschida; Michael TSCHIDA, Mary UNGER family of St. Paul,
MN. Related families are SALZER, GANGL, SCHULZ (all of St. Paul). Christian UNGER, Elizabeth HOPFER and HAAZ of Austria.
John Michael Tschida; White Bear Lake, MN. TSCHIDA, Apetlon. Settled
in St. Paul, MN.
Martin Tschida; Sewell, NJ. TSCHIDA from Apetlon to St Paul, MN.
KAINTZ from Wallern to Eden, SD. Catholic. Johan P Tschida immigrated to US in 1891 at age 16. Arrived with brother Paul and
another Tschida, Josef. Married Frances Kaintz from Eden, SD. Believe some of his family remained in Austria (Gregor).
Nicole Tschida; Woodbury, MN. TSCHIDA from Pamhagen to St. Paul, MN.
ANDERT from Apetlon to St. Paul, MN. Catholic.
Thomas J Tschida; St. Cloud, MN. TSCHIDA, Apetlon. Settled in Pierz,
Morrison Co, MN.
Wallern, settled St. Paul, MN 1900.
Donald (Rick) Tschogl; Las Vegas, NV. TSCHÖGL, Krensdorf
Karin Tsokanos; Oradell, NJ. SINKOVITZ, Steingraben, DUNST, Gaas.
Tricia Tubridy; Whippany, NJ. DEUTSCH, Strem, settled Allentown, PA
1921-1926, Religion: Catholic. Johann and Maria (Garger) Deutsch (b. 1866 Strem; emigrated 1926); daughter Johanna (Deutsch)
Bohrn (b. 1903 Strem, emigrated 1922).
Shirley Tuchner-Kresko; St. Paul, MN. ZEUG, TUCHNER, JUNG (YOUNG).
They settled in St. Paul, MN around 1880-4.
Loretta (Gartner) Tuchscherer; Courtenay, BC, Canada. GARTNER,
Illmitz. Settled in Canada. John GARTNER, emigrated ~1905. He settled in the Qu'Appelle area of Saskatchewan, Canada.
Barbara Tuider; Shorewood, IL. TUIDER, Oberdorf, settled in
Chicago, IL, 1921, HALPER, Oberdorf, settled in Chicago, IL.
Holly Tunkel; Santa Fe, NM. TUNKEL, TASCHLER, Pornoapati, Hungary.
John Tunkel, was born in Porno/Pornoapati on Sep 2, 1884. His father was Josephus Tunkel, his mother was Maria Taschler, both
also from Pornoapati.
Donna Muik Turcotte; Springside, SK, Canada. MUIK, Inzenhof.
Settled in Bruce, AB, Canada about 1926.
Béla Turcsányi; Budapest, Hungary. SCHMELTZER, REISS, KREBS,
LISTMAYER, STOTZ, MACHER. Zurndorf. Pusztavám and Lajoskomárom in Hungary.
Kevin Turk; Philadelphia, PA. TURK, TASCHLER, Gaas (Pinkakertes).
KROBOTH, Güssing, Settled in the US. Religion: Catholic. Antony Turk, born 1880, and wife Anna Taschler, born 1884, emigrated to
the US in 1912 and returned to Gaas in ~1919 with son Frank Turk, born in the US on 1 Jan 1913. Frank returned to US in 1930;
other children of Antony and Anna were John, Antony, Stefan, and Mitzi. Anna Kroboth, wife of Frank, was born 22 March 1913 in
Güssing and emigrated to the US in 1935.
Sharon Turner; Kansas City, MO. HUTFLES(Z), Janossomorja, St. John,
Austria/Hungary, settled in Kansas; WALTER, Szent Peter, Moson, Austria/Hungary, settled in Kansas; RIENER, Zanegg, Moson,
Austria/Hungary, settled in Kansas; BROKAMP/BROCKAMP, Oldenburg, Germany, settled in Kansas; KUHLMAN, Damme, Germany, settled in
Kansas; KUEMPER, Osterfeine, Germany, settled in Kansas; WELLERDING/VELLERDING, Steinfeld, Oldenburg, Germany; BERGER, Ovar,
Gadendorf, Hungary - Gois, Moson, Magyarovar, settled in Kansas.
Michael Turnyanszki; Patterson, NY. GASPAR, Moschendorf
(Nagysároslak). Brothers Frank and John both settled in northern New Jersey, while brother Paul settled in Pennsylvania.
Religion: Roman Catholic. Frank Gaspar, who settled in Northern New Jersey (Passaic/Clifton/Nutley) is one of 13 children. He
had a brother, Father John Gaspar, who was a longtime priest of St. Stephens Magyar Church also in Passaic, NJ. The only other
sibling I know of was my great uncle Paul who settled in Pennsylvania - possibly Lancaster, Scranton.
Karron Twa [inactive]; Holland, MI. TRINKL Stefan, Strem. Early 1900s settled in
Grand Haven, Ottawa Co, MI. Married Emily Baker, had two sons Steven & Cletus.
Bob & Margie Uhlemeyer; Wyandotte, OK. Ludwig EICHHOLZ/EICHHOLCZ,
Marie JUREK, Joseph & Rose FISCHER, Nieznanowice, parish of Rudolphsheim (Slovakia?), Grodnau, Goberling (district of Oberwart).
Settled in St. Louis, MO.
Edward Ullinger; Seminole, FL. Johanna SCHATZ, Strem. Her sisters are
Mary, Sabina, Theresa and brother John immigrated to the New York area.
Del Ulreich; Arlington Heights, IL. BRENNER, Wolfau, settled in Chicago, IL, ULREICH John, Wiesfleck, SHILLER, Wiesfleck, settled in Bellwood, IL, 1900, SIMANDL Theresa, Wolfau, emigrated to Bellwood, IL, 1906. Religion: Lutheran.
Fred Ulreich; Ada, MI. ULREICH, Oberwart, settled in the US.
Religion: Lutheran. Names are Alexander Ulreich Sr, Elizabeth Wagner Ulreich, Alexander Ulreich Jr (Sandor), John Ulreich
John Ulreich; Fort Worth, TX. ULREICH, Oberwart, settled in
Chicago, IL, 1923. WAGNER, Oberwart, settled in Chicago, IL, 1929. Religion: Lutheran. Alexander and Elizabeth Ulreich, buried
Chapel Hill Gardens South Cemetery, Oak Lawn, IL.
Michael Ulreich; Chicago, IL. ULREICH, Michael and Louise,
Schmiedrait, Schonbrunn(?), emigrated to Chicago in 1922.
Richard Ulreich; Cary, IL. Louise ULREICH from Schmiedrait to
Chicago. Michael ULREICH from Schönherrn to Chicago. Michael born 1900. Louise b 1901, immigrated to US 1922.
Garth Ulrich; Spalding, SK, Canada.
ULRICH/ULLRICH/ULREICH/ULLREICH. Seek to establish connection between Oberwart area families of these names and those of the
same names just across the Burgenland-Lower Austria border where my ancestors were from (villages of Hochneukirchen and
John Ulrich; Lees Summit, MO. ULRICH, Berstein, settled in
Kansas City, MO. Religion: Lutheran. Joseph Ulrich, born Dec 11, 1871, and his brother, Samuel, settled in Kansas City, MO. I
believe my grandfather had another brother that did not immigrate to the US. I am trying to find the name of that brother.
Monica Dorner Unangst; Slatington, PA. DORNER, Szentpeterfa, Hungary,
settled Northampton, PA.
KRACHER, MIRTH, Rudersdorf, Eltendorf; UNGER, ZOTTER, Güssing. Unger ancestors came to McKees Rock, PA in 1891.
Franz Unger; Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Pauline Unger
GALOVICS; Eisenberg an der Pinka. Franz UNGER; St. Kathrein.
Jennifer Unger; Niles, MI. UNGER, Großmürbisch and Glasing,
settled in Allentown, PA, South Bend IN, Niles, MI. JANDRASITS, Großmürbisch, KLUCSOVITS, Steinfurt, settled in Allentown, PA.
KLYUCSARITS, JANDRESITS, Großmürbisch. MESZER, Gaas. MRAKOVITS, St. Nicholas. Religion: Roman Catholic.
John J Unger; Ridgewood, NY. UNGER, Tobaj, Güssing, Gläsing.
Parents migrated to US in the 30s.
Ludwig Unger; Bethlehem, PA. UNGER, Poppendorf; EICHNER, Rudersdorf.
Settled in Bethlehem, PA.
Maxwell Unger; Madison, WI. UNGER, Königsdorf, settled in
Milwaukee, WI.
Paul Unger; St. Louis, MO. UNGER/UNGAR, HANZL, Deutsch Schützen;
settled in St. Louis, MO.
Robert M Unger; Borlänge, Sweden. UNGER, Glasing, settled Sweden. My
father come through Finland to Sweden during WW-II.
Ronald Louis Unger Sr [deceased]; Chicago, IL. UNGER, GALOVITS (GALOWITSCH, GALOWITZ), CZARTLER (ZARTLER), JANISH, FANG, MATTIS RÁCZ, BENDOKOVITS, Neumarkt im Tauchental. To Chicago 1900s-1920s. Religion: Catholic. Frank Unger, born 9 Jun 1877 in Neumarkt to Josef and Maria (Rácz) Unger, in 1902 married Jozefa (Josephine) Galovits, born 16 Jun 1882 in Neumarkt to Istvan and Maria (Zartler) Galovits. Frank emigrated to Chicago, IL in 1905. Jozefa emigrated in 1906 with two children, Franz (age 3) and Maria (age 8 months) to join Frank in Chicago. Jozefa's parents, Istvan Galovits and Maria Zartler, emigrated to Chicago in 1922. Adolph Fang Jr. married Anna Galowitsch, had daughter Anna Marie Fang in 1922 in Neumarkt and they emigrated to Chicago in 1923. Johann Janisch married Emma Galowitsch and they emigrated to Chicago in 1922.
Ronald Louis Unger Jr; Chicago, IL. UNGER, GALOVITS (GALOWITSCH, GALOWITZ), CZARTLER (ZARTLER), JANISH, FANG, MATTIS RÁCZ, BENDOKOVITS, Neumarkt im Tauchental. To Chicago 1900s-1920s. Religion: Catholic. Frank Unger, born 9 Jun 1877 in Neumarkt to Josef and Maria (Rácz) Unger, in 1902 married Jozefa (Josephine) Galovits, born 16 Jun 1882 in Neumarkt to Istvan and Maria (Zartler) Galovits. Frank emigrated to Chicago, IL in 1905. Jozefa emigrated in 1906 with two children, Franz (age 3) and Maria (age 8 months) to join Frank in Chicago. Jozefa's parents, Istvan Galovits and Maria Zartler, emigrated to Chicago in 1922. Adolph Fang Jr. married Anna Galowitsch, had daughter Anna Marie Fang in 1922 in Neumarkt and they emigrated to Chicago in 1923. Johann Janisch married Emma Galowitsch and they emigrated to Chicago in 1922.
William J Unger; Orland Park, IL. UNGER, Deutsch Schützen,
settled in St. Louis, MO. William, son of Anna and John Unger from Eisenberg, came to America around 1924. Grandmother Anna
Standor raised him and his brother, John, in Deutsch-Schützen until 1930 in house 104.
Margaret Upton; Princeton, NJ. SPITZER, EINHORN from Eisenstadt
(Kismarton). Went to Budapest then immigrated to US in 1930s.
Richard Urbauer; Kingston, WA. URBAUER, Buchschachen. ZAPFEL, Loipersdorf
(district of Oberwart). Settled in Sutton, NE.
Judy Funk Utley; San Antonio, TX. PORTSCHY/PORTSCHE, Gols, settled
Janet Vales; Chicago Ridge, IL. LORENZ, BRUNNER, Neuberg; OSWALD,
Tom Valleskey; Reno, NV. SCHWEIGL. Nickelsdorf, ESCHENLOHN,
Moson. Leonardus Schweigl married Maria Lakner on 19 Feb 1865 in Oravicza Montanus (Romania). They had thirteen children there.
Leonardus came to Oravicza alone as a young man. His parents are Leonardii Schweigl and Theresia Eschenlohn, of Moson, Hungary.
A quick search of the 1812 Land Census showed that the family name Schweigl was in Burgenland and the family name Eschenlor was
in the town of Moson.
Jennifer Valosen; Edgewater Park, NJ. ZUMPF, Aschau. Mathias Zumpf,
of Aschau, born 1 Jan 1874. My grandfather is Frank Matthew Zumpf.
Carole Vanderhyde; Punta Gorda, FL. HAMERL/HAMMERL, ARTINGER,
JOST/TOST, Szentmiklos (Vas). OFNER, Niederosterreich. All settled in Kleinmurbisch. Religion: Roman Catholic.
Alan Varga; Bloomingdale, IL. VARGA/VARGO in Dürnbach (Vincjet),
FLEISCHAKER/FLEISCHACKER/FLEISHAKER in Schandorf (Ciemba), all settled in Chicago, IL. Religion: Catholic. Rosina Fleischaker arrived in New York on (18.01.1923). Rudolf Varga arrived in New York on (15.09.1923). They were married on (28.04.1928). Rudolf's older brother Joseph had already emigrated to Chicago in 1910, as did his older sister Theresia. Rosina's older brother Karl also emigrated to Chicago, (18.09.1922). The 1930 US Census shows that Rudolf and Rosina had moved to the same residence as Rosina's brother Karl and sister-in-law Mary.
Elizabeth Varga; Melbourne, Australia. SIPÖC, Mosonyszentjános.
Settled in Hungary 1922.
Tibor Várkonyi; Budapest, Hungary. MOÓR, MÓR, MOHR, MUER,
MÜER, MÜIER, MWER in Rechnitz and Oberwart-Unterwart. My GGGGGFather cames from Rechnitz to Tapolca around 1720-1740, and I
search back to 1327 in Burgenland, the "Orvidék".
Steven Vass; Ypsilanti, MI. VASS, Istvan. Uncle Laszlo Vass in
Oberpullendorf. My grandfather moved to Budapest and my father was born in Budapest.
Patricia Mirth Vazquez; Brandywine, MD. MIRTH, Eltendorf, settled in NY on 1900.01.18. Andreas John Mirth Jr., emigrated aboard the Friesland ship. He moved to Sheridan, NY, and died on 1953.08.10. His father was Johann (or Janos) Mirth and was married to Theresa (or Tressie) Blesl (Blaezl, Plessl) on 1897.08.08. I am looking for names, origins, and dates for their parents, who are believed to be buried in Eltendorf.
Rich Venturi; Willits, CA. NOVAKOVITZ, KREMSNER, HOLPER, Stegersbach,
settled in Chicago, IL.
Betty Venturini; France. MIRTH (MERTH/MOERTH),
Tamas Vertesi; Györ, Hungary. WENDL, STROBL, Rechnitz;
HIRCZY, Grieselstein; KRENN, Jennersdorf. Stefan Wendl in 1909; Johann, Josef and Franz Wendl in 1921-22 from Rechnitz to
Brooklyn, NY.
Guttenbach. All settled in Chicago, IL (WAGNER in 1923 and 1928; RADAKOVITS/RADAKOVITZ in 1925). Religion: Roman Catholic. Frank
Wagner married Katarina Radakovits (or Radakovitz) They came from Guttenbach to Chicago. Frank came in 1923. Katarina came in
1925. Regina Wagner (9/15/1922) and her sister, Justina Wagner, came to Chicago from Guttenbach in 1928.
Annemarie Vink; Ede, Netherland. KNAUSZ, WAGNER, SCHWARZL.
Mühlgraben, Neuhaus am Klausenbach.
John Vitopil; Hilltop Lakes, TX. LEIER, SCHILLINGER; Pamhagen.
Entered US through Galveston, TX 1887. Settled in Bryan, Brazos Co, TX.
Ann (Stumpf) Vitovitch; Northampton, PA. STUMPF, Eisenberg;
SZENDI, Kroatisch Ehrensdorf. Settled in Coplay, PA.
Elizabeth Vlahovic; West Haven, NSW, Australia. POSCH, Pinkafeld.
Mr grandfather's name was Reinhold Posch and his parents owned a pub. His brother migrated to Chicago.
Johann Vlasich; Großwarasdorf, Austria. VLASICH,
Großwarasdorf. Gisela BABITS moved from Großwarasdorf to Chicago, IL.
Patrick Vlaskovits; Austin, TX. VLASKOVITS, Poschendorf (Bozsok),
settled in USA. Catholic.
Judith Vodopia; Delray Beach, FL. OSWALD, Jabing; KEGLOVITZ, Sulz,
settled New York. Anton Oswald was born in 1887, Theresia Keglovitz in 1888? Other family also immigrated to the United States.
Ed Vogel; Airmont, NY. HEINRICH, Stadtschlaining, settled in the
Kay Kurtz Vogel; Fogelsville, PA. ZOTTER, Kukmirn, DEUTSCH,
Deutsch Kaltenbrunn, KURTZ, Raabfidisch (Rabafüzes), Hungary, WALLITSCH, STROBL, HIMMLER, settled Allentown, PA. REICHL, settled
Coplay, PA.
Joyce Vogrin; Huntington Beach, CA. STROHRIGL, STRORIGL from
Harka (Harkau), (Magyarfalva), Sopron Megye, Hungary. Settled in Chicago.
STEFANITS, STEFAFNICH, HODITS, HORVATH, Schachendorf, Schandorf and Dürnbach. Settled in Chicago, IL, Passaic, NJ, Muskegon, MI
and McKees Rock, PA.
Craig Vollman; Mount Pleasant, NC. VOLLMAN/VOLLMANN, BAUER,
PERSONHOFER. Rudersdorf and Fürstenfeld, Styria. Settled in Lehigh Valley, PA.
Ramona Vorgert; Plano, TX. Joseph LEHNER of Apetlon, wife
Susanna PITZL, emigrated in 1879 arriving in Philadelphia aboard the SS Switzerland. They settled in Stearns Co, MN.
Jana Wachsler-Felder; Rochester, NY; WACHSLER; Austria, Yugoslavia,
Hungary. Decendants in Boston, Israel, New York, Texas and other states.
Michael Wachter; Deutsch Schützen, Austria. KÖRPER,
Alexandra Wagner; Maintal, Germany. Frank WAGNER, Güttenbach,
married to Katharina Radakovits, settled Chicago 1923. WAGNER, HAJSZAN, Güttenbach; BEUTL, GIGLER, Heiligenkreuz.
Alois Wagner; Cambridge, Ontario, Canada. WAGNER, Deutch Minihof,
settled in Montreal, Canada.
Carol Wagner; Fairfax, VA. WAGNER, Jabing. Settled in HoHoKus,
NJ. KROPFL, Gaas. Settled in West New York, NJ.
Carol Wagner; Bronx, NY. WAGNER, TOBITSCH, Tobaj, MARAKOWITZ, Punitz, WEBER, Deutsch Tschantschendorf, Religion: Catholic. Steve Tobitsch and Theresa Weber emigrated in 1907. They were married in NY in 1909 and are buried in Holy Rood Cemetery, Long Island, NY. Gus Wagner married Theresa Marakowitz in Tobaj in 1921 and had their son Anton in 1922 and then, emigrated to the US. Gus Wagner’s siblings Anton and Agnes also emigrated to the US in 1932 and 1938. Gus’ son Anton married Helen Tobitsch and was a butcher at Anton Wagner’s pork store on Castle Hill Ave in the Bronx, and provided all the meat to Castle Harbor. Anton (d:1990.08.09) died in Tobaj. Helen Tobitsch has 6 siblings with 3 brothers and 1 sister married to spouses from Burgenland. There are 12 first cousins all first generation from Burgenland.
Christopher Wagner; Rumney, NH. SOMMER, SZOMMER, SZABARI,
Kleinmürbisch; KRAXNER, Inzenhof; IMRE, Zahling.
Jessie Klein Wagner; Minneapolis, MN. KLEIN, Illmitz, settled
Ramsey Co, MN abt 1897. LEIER, Wallern, settled Ramsey Co, MN 1882.
BOLDASTY/BALDASZTY, BOGAD/BOGOD, FORKES/FORKAS, NIKO. Jabing, Oberwart. Settled in Dubuque, IA in early 1890s.
Josh Wagner; Roslyn, SD. STEINER, Halbturn (1880s); SAMSON,
Wallern / Halbturn (1881); KEINTZ, Wallern (1882); SATTLER, Andau; WACHTLER, St. Johann, Hungary; REGNER, Halbturn. All settled
Eden, SD.
Karl Wagner; Friday Harbor, WA. WAGNER, Neuberg. FASSEL,
Neuburg. Settled in Chicago, IL.
Sarah Wagner; Las Vegas, NV. PINSKER, Oberkohlstätten. Settled in
Sublimity, OR. KAPPEL, Oberkohlstätten. Settled in Mt. Angel, OR. KOLLER, KAUFMAN.
Thomas James Wagner; Vacaville, CA. WAGNER, Kohfidisch and Gaas. Leopold
and brother Rudolph Wagner were born in Kohfidisch. Rudolph moved to Gaas, to become the village blacksmith there. They both
came to Allentown, PA 1920-30.
Walter Wagner; Richmond Hill, NY. WAGNER, Jabing, settled Chicago, IL
1890's. Franz & Rose (Simon) Wagner came to the US about 1905, They had five children: Frank, Rose, Walter, Rudolph and Julius.
Dave Wainfor; Shipley, West Yorkshire, UK. GYÖRGY, Oberwart, Unterwart, CSERNÁNTSKY, Oberwart, Religion: Catholic. Therezia Gyorgy (b: 1879.10.24) from Oberwart, Jonas Gyorgy (b: 1842.01) from Unterwart and Anna Csernantsky (b: 1841.03.21) all emigrated to Vienna.
Kevin Walakovits; WALAKOVITTS, Grossmürbisch. Settled in Colby,
Stella Laponuke Walbert; Lehighton, PA. MARTH, Moschendorf
(Nemetsaroslak), settled in Northampton, PA in 1902; MATYS, Eisenberg an der Pinka, settled in Northampton, PA in 1902;
MIRAKOVITS, Güssing Bezirk, settled in Northampton, PA; ROZNER, Strem; SZAYER, Moschendorf (Nemetsaroslak); GABER, KRALLER,
Güssing. Religion: Roman Catholic. Maria Mirakovits (Mirakovics) daughter of Georgius (Gyorgy) Szayer, 1811 - 30 Apr 1861, and
Josefa Tukovits, 1813 - 27 May 1845, married Mikaly Marth, born 3 Apr 1856 to Josef Marth and Terezia Rozner from Strem.
Katarina Matys (Mattis) was born 1 Nov 1887 in Eisenberg an der Pinka to Karl Matys and Maria Matys. Katarina was orphaned and
married Mikaly Marth, at age 14 in Güssing. Daughter Stella died at age 2 in Austria of diptheria, and daughter Rosa was born in
1908 and immigrated in 1914. Katarina and Mikaly married again in PA in 1906. I am hoping to learn more about my Matys/Mattis
Illmitz. Settled in North Dakota and Minnesota.
Alfred Waldhofer; Yonkers NY. WALDHOFER, Tobaj, settled New York
KOPITAR. St. Michael. Settled in Passaic, NJ.
Theresa Walker; Union, NJ. HOLZER, Kohfidisch, BARTOLOVITSCH,
Krobotek, settled Allentown, PA. Researching Joseph Holzer, wife Augusta Bartolovitsch Holzer and daughter Alice Holzer Toth.
Susan Wallace; Port Huron, MI. MAYER, Poppendorf, POETZ, Neumarkt an der Rabb. Religion: Catholic. Louise Rose Mayer and Herman Joseph Fiedler emigrated through Allentown, PA to Port Huron, MI. They were married (1921.01.26) in Port Huron, MI where they remained. Louise’s parents, Aloisia Barbara Potetz and Josef Mayer settled in Inglewood, CA.
Stefan Walles; Vienna, Austria. Adolf WALESZ, Kleinmürbisch, settled
Coplay 1920, 1934 back to Langzeil; SOMMER, Inzenhof.
Carolyn Wally; Minocqua, WI. ZAPFEL, Michael; FASCHING, Caroline,
Wiesfleck. Settled in Chicago, IL about 1900. ZAPFEL, Tobias; BRAUNSTEDTER, Theresia, Wiesfleck. Settled in Wiesfleck (?),
Brenda Walter; Slatington, PA. NIERER, Rauchwart, NEUBAUER,
Tschanigraben, all settled Coplay, PA. Joseph A Nierer Sr. and Rose Neubauer are my great-grandparents.
Joseph F Walter; Champlain, NY. WALTER, WEISS, WEISZ, LURWIG,
ELLER, KRONEISZ, KITTLER, DORY, HANASZEK; Kimle, Magyarovar, Györ. Settled in western New York in 1905.
Judith Walters; Washington, DC.
BARILITSCH/BARILITS/BARISITS, ILLEDITS, Drassburg. Barilitsch settled in Mödling (Lower Austria). Religion: Roman Catholic.
Franz Barilitsch (variously spelled) was born in Drassburg. As a youth of 14, Franz accompanied a group of men from Drassburg,
who were driving cattle to Vienna for sale. Franz did not return to Drassburg but, rather, became apprenticed to a butcher in
Mödling, Lower Austria, where he married and raised a family. His daughter, Anna Barilitsch, emigrated to southern Maryland. As
far as I know, my other Barilitsch relatives remained in Burgenland/Austria.
Wendy Walters; Savage, MN. PECK, UNGER, Andau, BAUMGARTNER,
PECK, Sankt Johann, all settled St. Paul, MN. Pecks arrived 1903 in Stevens Point, WI, then to St. Paul, MN, by 1905.
Anita Walthier; Oak Lawn, IL. LORENZ, settled Chicago, IL.
ASPAN, (OSPAN), TUIDOR, HALPER; all from Oberdorf. Josefa Lorenz immigrated to Chicago in January 1959. I am president of the
Chicago Jolly Burgenlaender Club.
Pam Walton; Suffolk, UK. URBANITZKY, Eberau. Settled in
Bavaria. Also, settled in the United Kingdom in 1947. My grandfather was the village doctor in Eberau. My grandparents then
moved to Bavaria, not sure when, possibly late 1930s. My mother moved to Austria to go to university, married a Scottish man (my
father) and settled in England in 1947; she remained in the UK until her death in 2003.
Leslie Wander; Cape Coral, FL. ULREICH, Aschau im Burgenland.
Settled in Chicago, IL in 1910. Religion: Lutheran. Carolina Skarra (nee Ulreich), born 17 August 1891 in Schmiedrait, moved to
Aschau, settled in Chicago, d. 30 May 1967. Carolina married Andrew Skarra in 1920 in Chicago.
Jessica Wapotish; Barrington, IL. WINKLER, Sankt Martin an
der Raab. Settled in Chicago (IL). ZOTTER, KAHR, KERN. Religion: Roman Catholic. Anna Winkler was born 11/1/1876 to Alois and
Anna (nee Zotter) Winkler. Anna married Joseph Charles Wapotish (born in Graz), and came to the United States in the early
1900s. Her son (Joseph, Jr.) was born in Pennsylvania, and they then moved Chicago (IL). After her husband died, she returned to
Sankt Martin an der Raab. She then returned to Chicago and remarried at 78 years old. She died on 7/11/1967, age 90. I know Anna
had siblings: Theresea (Winkler) Jost, who immigrated to Pennsylvania; Alois Winkler; Emma Winkler; Fannie Winkler.
Franz Wappel; Vienna, Austria. WAPPEL, Neustift an der Lafnitz.
Looking for the uncle (and descendants) who immigrated between 1912 and 1916 to USA. His name was Johann Wappel.
Tony Wappel; Fayetteville, AL. WAPPEL, MIKULA, Neustift an der
Lafnitz. WAPPEL settled in East St. Louis (Illinois) between 1900 and 1910. My grandfather was Frank WAPPEL, born October 27,
1888, to Janos WAPPEL and Rosalia MIKULA. He came to the US about 1902. His brothers came later. Janos (Johann) was born at
Neustift a/d Lafnitz 59 on June 16, 1859; he died May 5, 1934. His wife Rosalia MIKULA (born in 1857 and died March 9, 1917).
The only child to remain was August WAPPEL, born April 13, 1895 and died October 17, 1932 at Neustift a/d Lafnitz 59. His
daughter was Emma MAYERHOFER. I am trying to discover more about Johann WAPPEL and Rosalia MIKULA, especially Rosalia's
birthplace and parents. I believe she was married to a GROSS/GRASS before marrying Johann WAPPEL.
Joyce Thomas Ward; La Mirada, CA. TOMASITS, settled in Pittsburgh,
PA. Frank Paul Tomasits was born in Austria-Hungary (possibly Nemesmedves or Vas Szent-Mihaly, Hungary) in 1877; wife was
Josephine ? from Germany, born 1880; they immigrated to Pittsburgh, PA, in 1899. Frank's brother Josef immigrated a few years
Judith Ware; Lyle, Washington. FLACKER, Illmitz, settled in
North Dakota.
Lisa Warner; Bethlehem, PA. ROTHDEUTSCH, Heiligenkreuz, St.
Gotthard (Nagyfalva), Mogelsdorf. August ROTHDEUTSCH immigrated in 1912, initially to sister Carolina in Northampton and then
settling in Coplay.
Tom Wartha; Oakton, VA. WARTHA, WALLISCH. Settled in South Bend, IN
early 1900s.
Gregory Wartman; Dresher, PA. ERNST, Zahling. LAGLER,
Neumarkt im Tauchental. Both settled in Allentown, PA. TAMERLER, Kukmirn. Settled in Allentown/Whitehall, PA. WAGNER, Weiden bei
Rechnitz. Franz ERNST, born 1894 in Zahling, immigrated to the United States 1913, to his sister Celie GROLLER, and
settled in Allentown, PA. His family was Lutheran. Johann LAGLER, born in Neumarkt im Tauchental in or around 1885, married
Theresa WAGNER of Weiden bei Rechnitz. Both the LAGLER and WAGNER families were Catholic.
Susan M. Watkins; Anderson, IN. TEUCSITS, Kroatisch Minihof, BUCZOLITS, Nikitsch. Johann Teucsits and Therese Buczolits were married in 1919 and had a daughter, Maria (1928.04.10), and they settled in the U.S. I am looking to locate my relatives. I have cousins in Vienna, relatives in Nikitsch, Franz and Christs Balogh John and Franca Balogh. I am not sure if they are alive. I also have cousins who would be around 68-72 named Hubert Domnonavits and Helie Domnonavits, they are Catholic.
Bob Watson; Tacoma, WA. DUH, Boreča, Slovenia, settled in
Bethlehem, PA. KOLTAI, Šulinci, Slovenia, settled in Harrisburg, PA. BOGAR, LUTHER. Adam Duh (born 12-21-1885 to John Duh and
Helen Bogar) emigrated from Boreča to Bethlehem in 1903. In Bethlehem, Adam married Teresa Koltai (born 2-26-1885 to Jonas
Koltai and Fanny Luther), who had emigrated around 1905 from Šulinci or Selo (Slovenia). The Koltai family resided in Šulinci in
1910 and 1947 (and probably for the years between). Stephen Duh, Adam's brother, emigrated to Bethlehem in 1904, as did Teresa's
sisters: Anna, Elizabeth and Etelka (between 1905 and 1915). These families were members of the Windish community of South
Bethlehem and were also well established in Hellertown, PA.
Don & Judy (Decker) Watson; Watchung, NJ. Franz (Frank) DECKER,
born Kukmirn, abt. 9/18/1921, came to America abt. 1926, settled with parents (who arrived earlier) in Chicago, IL. Franz
(Frank) DECKER, born abt. 1899, we think in Kukmirnl. Came to America around 1923, and settled in Chicago, IL. Emma HOETZL
(spelling is probably incorrect), born abt. 1899, near Kukmirn, came to America with husband Frank DECKER abt. 1923, and settled
in Chicago, IL. Emma had brother and sister who settled in Allentown, PA.
Irene Marie Kuch Watson; Salinas, CA. KUCH, Aschau, Goberling,
settled Chicago 1920 and 1912, FASCHING, Aschau, settled Chicago 1913, KUH, Goberling.
Trish Watson; Toronto, ON, Canada. SZIVESSY, maybe Eisenstadt (not
sure), Settled in Canada.
Sheila Way; Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada. BRENNER, Aschau.
William Wayne; Cleveland, OH. FORJAN, Inzenhof, settled in
Ohio. SOLDERITS/SOLDERITSCH, Inzenhof, settled in Pennsylvania. My father, born in Inzenhof/Graz, emigrated in 1926 at age 13.
He changed his name from Solderits to Wayne in 1939. Grandmother's maiden name was Forjan and she left a brother named Herman.
Margie Ann Kuch Weaver; Kalamazoo, MI. KUCH, Aschau, settled in
Chicago, IL. FASCHING, BRENNER, WEHOFER, Aschau. KALCHBRENNER, HOTWAGNER, GLATZ, KUH, Goberling. Religion: Lutheran. Josef Kuch
(b 11 Jun 1886) emigrated to Chicago, IL, May 1911, and his wife, Maria (Fasching) Kuch (b 14 Aug 1888) to Chicago Oct 1912.
Their children, Johann (b 7 Oct 1908) and Caroline (b 12 May 1910) emigrated to the US with their aunt, Theresa Rosina
(Fasching) Gamauf and her children, May 1921, and joined their parents in Caseville, MI.
Patricia Weaver; Boone, NC. PETERKA, Battyanfelva. First came
in 1905 to Bethlehem, PA. Returned to Battyanfelva. Later returned with husband Jakob MÜLLER from the Muria region of Austria.
Lived in Bethlehem, PA. Latter settled in Bramwell, WV.
Anne Webb; Harrisville, RI. Researching NIKL, DEUTSCH, Glasing.
Settled in Coplay, PA, returned to Glasing, then back again to Bronx, NY. Also LODER, KISS, TUNKOVITS, Harmisch; IFKOVITS,
Deutsch Tschantschendorf. Settled in Northampton, PA, then returned to Harmisch.
Kathleen Webb; Lynnwood, WA. FREY/FREI, KRENN, LAMPL, HARNWOLF,
KIRCHKNOPF, UNGERIN, RÖPP, KROMER, Agfalva (Agendorf), Hungary, Sopron Megye. Frey/Frei and Lampl migrated from Agendorf to
Loipersbach. Settled in Chicago, IL, 1906-7 and 1910.
Micki Mersich Webb; Laporte, IN. John MERSICH of Grosswarasdorf
married Mary MIHOLIC of Grossmutschen. They settled in South Bend, IN. My father is Martin MERSICH.
Daniel Weber; Burgenland, Austria. WEBER, Mühlgraben, Neuhaus am Klausenbach, all settled in New Britain.
Ella M (Knopf) Weber; Silverton, OR. KNOPF, Deutsch-Schützen,
settled in Coplay, Allentown, PA. Had a brother by the name of Josef who is buried in Deutsch-Schützen.
Hope Weber; Gadsden, AL. PREININGER, Settled in Coraopolis,
PA. WEBER, Settled in McKees Rocks, PA. Frank J PREININGER b 1884, imm. 1903, married to Cecelia, imm 1906. Samuel WEBER b.
1890, imm 1907, married to Mary, b 1892, imm 1909.
John Weber; Charlestown, RI. WEBER, Krottendorf bei Neuhaus am
Klausenbach, settled in New Britain, CT. UITZ, Minihof-Liebau, settled in New Britain, CT. Lutheran.
Joseph N Weber; Newark, DE. ZOTTER, LANG, MANDL, DEUTSCH
(DEUTZ), SCHÜTZ St. Martin a.d. Raab, Neumarkt a.d. Raab, UnterDrosen, Jennersdorf. ZOTTER, LANG, and MANDL immigrated to the
Pittsburgh, PA area.
Margaret Rose (Peggy) Weber; Minneapolis, MN. WEBER, SCHLAGEL
(SCHOGL), BURGER, KAINTZ, GROSINGER. Steinbach, Kirchschlag, Pilgersdorf; settled in St. Cloud / Watkins / St. Paul areas of MN.
Marilyn Kainz Weber; Savanna, IL. Andreas KAINZ, Tadten & wife Anna
KOPPI, Wallern; settled Pierz, MN. They arrived in the US on 8.20.1879 aboard the steamship Lessing.
Marty Weber; Tulsa, OK. KARNER, Königsdorf. Settled in Pleasant
Valley, OK in 1890s, Texas, Oregon, and California in 1910 to 1920. FLASCH, Wolfau. Settled in Pleasant Valley, OK in 1896.
HACKER, Eltendorf. Settled in McKees Port, PA in 1890s, Pleasant Valley, OK in 1896. All Lutheran.
Roman Paul Weber; Highlandville, MO. WEBER, SCHLAGEL (SCHOGL), BURGER,
KAINTZ, GROSINGER, REIDINGER, REINHOFER, SHERMAN, and STIFTER. Steinbach, Kirchschlag, Pilgersdorf, Bubendorf, Deutsch Geresdorf
and Gschorholz.
Ronald August Weber; Northville, MI. WEBER from Jennersdorf to
Pittsburgh, PA. ZIEGER from Gritsch to Pittsburgh, Pa. DAX from Jennersdorf to Pittsburgh, PA. Searching for ancestry
information on August Weber and Rosa Dax from Jennersdorf. Met and were married in Pittsburgh, PA 10/13/03. Had a son August
Weber Jr. 8/08/04 before returning to Jennersdorf in 1906. Rosa died in 1906 and August (Sr) remarried and had other children.
August Weber Jr. returned to Pittsburgh, PA 5/14/28 to live out the remainder of his life. He married Marie Zieger from Gritsch.
Also searching for family ancestry background regarding Joseph Zieger born 10/05/1887 in Welten. Married Maria (Mary) Zotter
born 04/02/1892 in Gritsch. Arrived in USA 10/07/22 and settled in Pittsburgh, PA. Was told Joseph once owned a farm in Gritsch.
Wayne D Weber; Lemont, IL. KUCH, Samuel & Maria LASHOBER
from Schonherrn. Six of their children settled in Chicago. WEBER, Wenzel & Maria WINKLER from Inzerdorf by Vienna. Their son
Johann settled in Chicago.
Robert J Wechsler; Coplay, PA. WECHSLER, SOMMER, Kleinmürbisch,
TAMELER, Glasing, GILLY, Neustift bei Güssing, TAMELER, Kukmirn, KARNER, Güssing; all settled Coplay, PA. Frank Wechsler
1862-1937, Ida (Sommer) Wechsler 1880-1953, John Tameler 1889-1933 emigrated around 1902, Julia (Gilly) Tameler 1889-1918, John
Tameler 1846-1914 emigrated around 1902, Theresa (Karner) Tameler 1848-1915, emigrated around 1902.
John Wedekin; New York, NY. PETZ, BESLANOVITS, St Nikolaus;
PANNY, Güssing; all settled New York, NY.
Joan Johnston Wedemeyer; Oak Forest, IL. BRANDSTETTER, SINGRABER,
Catholic, Lutheran. Karl Brandstetter born 31 May 1880, Wiesfleck, went to Chicago early 1900s. Maria Wiederer born 8 Nov 1886
in Wolfau, went to Chicago early 1900s. Louis Singraber born 29 Jun 1880 and Marie Putz Singraber born 5 Oct 1880, went to
Chicago 1909.
Jane Wegleitner; Lakeville, MN. Martin F WEGLEITNER, Martin B
GARDNER, Anna B GARTNER, all Illmitz, settled St. Paul, MN 1885-8. Martin arrived here at age 15 or 16. His father died shortly
after he was born, and he was raised by his step-father. I have been told he changed his name back to WEGLEITNER when he came to
the US. His stepfather's name was GARDNER. His wife's maiden name was GAARTNER.
Roberta Weiant; Gettysburg, PA. DRAGOSITS, POANDL, RUISZ, SIMON.
Kukmirn, settled in Coplay and Allentown, PA.
Tom Weichmann; Buffalo, NY. STIFTER, Glashütten bei Langeck,
settled in Buffalo, NY.
Gary L Weiland; Bethlehem, PA. GRABNER, Limbach, settled
Allentown. Cecelia Weiland (Grabner) is my grandmother. Born 1891 in Limbach, Austria.
Robert Weiner; Syracuse, NY. WEINER, Kohfidisch,OSWALD,
Kirchfidisch, settled all Buffalo, NY. Josef & Maria (Oswald) Weiner emigrated to the U.S. in 1905 and settled in Buffalo, NY in
1906. Josef Weiner (1878-1963) was the son of Josef Weiner & Rosalia (Paukovits) Weiner. Maria Oswald (1884-1921) was the
daughter of Petrus (Peter) Oswald & Julianna (Pelenmann) Oswald.
Becky Weinhandl; Maplewood, MN. WEINHANDL, Illmitz and
Apetlon areas, settled in and around St. Paul, MN.
Erwin Weinhofer; Toronto, ON, Canada. WEINHOFER, Güssing. Settled in
Toronto, Canada.
Franz Weinreuter; Schwaigern, Baden-Württemberg, Germany.
HOLZHOFER from Agfalva (Agendorf), Hungary to Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Lutheran. Maria Holzhofer and parents Michael and
Maria (Pöpperl) Holzhofer were deported to Neckarelz, Baden-Württemberg, Germany, during the eviction of 1946, then lived in
Fahrenbach and then Schwaigern, Baden-Württemberg, Germany.
WOLKERSDORFER, KIERIEN, FLEISHHAKER, TSCHIDA, JANDL, HORWATH and LENTSCH in Pamhagen, but have also researched some in Wallern,
Apetlon, and Illmitz.
Laurie Weinzettel; Mendota Heights, MN. WEINZETTEL, WEINZETTL,
WEINHANDL, Apetlon; WACHTLER, PINGITZER. Settled at Mendota Heights, MN.
John Weinzettle; Fort Myers, FL. WEINZETL, Pamhagen. Settled
in Pittsburgh, PA.
Vicki Hedge Weisfeld; Princeton, NJ. HEGYI from Kondorfa to S
Bethlehem, Pa., 1911. Catholic. My grandfather, Ferencz Hegyi (Heggus on ship manifest) immigrated with a group of Kondorfa
young men in 1911. Frank married Maria Krausz from Dobsina, Hungary, now the Slovak Republic, and eventually settled in
Michigan, working for many years at the Ford Rouge plant.
Paul Weiss; Penetang, Ontario, Canada. WEISS, KRIEGLER, HAUTZINGER,
SCHUSTER, BONENSTINGL, KISS, HUSS, St. Johann, St. Peter, Zanegg.
Joanne Haas Wells; Allentown, PA. HAAS, Güssing, KLEE, St Nikolaus,
all settled Allentown, PA, Religion: Catholic.
Serena Wells; Graniteville, VT. KAPULUK, New York, about 1916 or
Frank Nicholas Wendland; Bellvue, CO. WENDLAND. EICHBERGER,
Grodnau. Settled in Chicago, IL, 7 Mar 1902. REHLING, TOLLMER, Bad Tatzmannsdorf. ARTNER, Unterkohlstätten. EICHBERGER and
REHLING settled in Chicago,IL, 7 March 1902 and 5 Oct 1902, respectively. Religion: Roman Catholic. Frank Charles Eichberger b.
10-Apr-1884, Theresa Rehling b. 31-Aug-1886, Marie Artner b. 5-Jun-1867, Josef Rehling b. 6-Mar-1858, Josef Rehling b.
15-Mar-1825, Georg Rehling b. 1772, Theresia Tollmer b. 18-Jan-1830.
Elsie Wendlandt; Prescott, AZ. TASCHEK, HOLLENDONNER, PISSLER,
STAMPF. Rechnitz, Markt Neuhodis. Settled Chicago, IL; Darlington, WI.
Eric Wendlandt; Walnut Creek, CA. TASCHEK, HOLLENDONNER,
PISSLER, BRUNNER, Rechnitz. Settled in Chicago and Darlington, WI areas.
Nancy Wendling [inactive]; Walnutport, PA. OBEREKER, Joseph, FASCHING, Bertha &
Frank, RABEL, Elizabeth, Heiligenkreutz, emigrated to Allentown, PA.
Monica Jurasits Weninger; Warrington, PA. TANCZOS,
HAFNER, KNOPF, HABETTER, Unterbildein; HAMERL, Deutsch Ehrensdorf. Settled in Northampton, PA.
Vicky Weninger; Allentown, PA. YANGER, YOUNGER, JANGER, UNGER;
Zahling. Settled in Allentown, PA. BOANDL/BOUNTL, Vienna. Settled in Allentown in 1913. WENINGER, NEMETH, FISCHER, STUMPHOUSER,
Ratoth, Veszprem Megye. Settled in Bethlehem, PA.
Thomas Wenzel; Yoakum, TX. WENZEL, REISNER, Pilgersdorf. Settled in
Yoakum, TX about 1892. To USA on June 19, 1882 via New York on the ship Elbe.
Marie-Thérèse Wéra; Quebec, Quebec, Canada. RAIDL Joseph, MAGEL
Pauline, Sopron, settled Paris, France. RAIDL Sandor, Budapest, settled Brassov, Romanie. RAIDL Gyula, Budapest. Joseph RAIDL
migrated to Paris and Pauline MAGEL came to join him there (1881), got maried (27 Feb 1881) and had a son Joseph (1881-1943) in
Paris. Both the father and the son are buried in Paris in Bagneux cemetery. My mother, Jacqueline RAIDL, migrated to Canada in
1954, and died in Quebec City.
Andreas Werderits; Hannersdorf, Burgenland. WERDERITS, Hannersdorf,
settled Chicago. Francine GATSCH was a cousin to my grandfather Richard Werderits.
Ann Werner; Denver, CO. WERNER, Neudorf (bei Parndorf?),
NOWAK, Marchegg, Lower Austria, settled in Fort Wayne, IN. Valentine Werner, born 1887 in Neudorf, Hungary, came to US in 1907
with the Nowaks from Marchegg.
Jabing. Lörincz/Lorenz settled in New York City (NY) in 1936. Religion: Roman Catholic. Johann Lorenz, born October 20, 1911 in
Jabing, Austria-Hungary to Janos Lorincz and Jusztina Baliko, both also born in Jabing. Several of the Lorenz children emigrated
to the United States, including Julia (b. 1905, emigrated 1923, d. 1945), Therese "Resi" (b. 1909, emigrated before 1935, d.
1996), Johann (b. 1911, emigrated 1936, d. 1987) and Paulina (b. 1913, emigrated 1935, d. 2005).
Robert Wessel; Onancock, VA. SCHNACKL, Deutsch-Bieling.
Settled New York City, 1923, then Yaphank, Long Island, appx. 1940.
Victoria Westover; Baltimore, MD. Amelia HARNISCH, believe born in
Bruck an der Leitha (Lower Austria). I am trying to find info from a marriage certificate to find out who my grandfather was or
a birth certificate for my mother Ernesta Harnisch.
Bob Wheaton; Glen Allen, VA. SAURER, Jabing.
MERCSAMITSCH. (Mercsanits), Neuhaus. Settled in Chicago. Grave in Neuhaus.
Kim Whelan; Fort Lauderdale, FL. JACKSITS (JAKSITS),
Eisenhüttl, Kukmirn, settled in New York. BERKOWITZ, Eisenhüttl, Magyar?, settled in New York. SINKOVICS, Kukmirn. Paulus (Paul)
George Jacksits m. Katherine BERKOWITZ, Julius Berkowitz m. Rose ?, and Andrew (Andreas) Jaksits m. Julia SHINK.
Courtney Joy Whitcraft; St. Paul, MN. Rudolf and Emelia (nee
STEINER) TISCHER emigrated from Podersdorf, settled in St. Paul, MN.
Donna White; Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada. WILFINGER,
PICHLER, Olbendorf. I am trying to find my father's family. His brother's name was Joseph WILFINGER. He had two sisters Hedwig
and Theresia. I know that Theresia had twin boys, Eric and Edmond and a daughter Inge. These children would be about 65 years
VerDean Whitescorn; Modesto, CA. WEITZKORN, possibly Tarnopol,
Galicia then Krensdorf (Tormafalu), then England. Husband's grandfather settled in England abt 1880-5. Do not know if given name
was also changed as last name was Maurice William WEITZKORN (now Whitescorn).
Pam Whitney-Dziuk; Elk River, MN. SALZL, KOPPI, STROMMER, Wallern.
JANISCH, Niederoesterreich. GRAISY, Neusiedl am See. All settled in Minnesota. Catholic or Lutheran.
Julia Wieber; St. Johns, MI. BEISCHLER (BEICHLER) and UNGAR (UNGER).
Deutsch-Schützen. Settled in NYC, later in Cleveland, OH.
Arnold V Wieder; Rio Vista, CA. John WIEDER, Neustift bei
Güssing, Theresa SALBER, Königsdorf, settled Bethlehem, PA.
Josef Wiederer; West Chester, PA. WIEDERER, Wolfau. Emigrated to
Canada in 1951.
John M Wieger; South Bend, IN and Stuarts Draft, VA. WIEGER,
Sopron, settled in South Bend, IN. Grandmother was born in Neckenmarkt.
Joyce (Trinkl) Wieting; Lake in the Hills, IL. TRINKL,
Limbach. Charles and August TRINKL both settled in Chicago (1901 and 1904, respectively). Franz/Frank TRINKL settled in
Limeport, PA in 1904. Rosa TRINKL settled in Allentown, PA in 1906. Religion: Roman Catholic, or Lutheran. Charles, born 1886,
married Mary Ness in Chicago in 1909. August, born 1889, married Emma Husse in Chicago in 1916. Franz, born 1880, married
Cecelia Jost in 1908. Rosa, born in 1891, married Ludwig Himmler in 1909.
Christy Wappel Wild; Valparaiso, IN. WAPPEL, settled Northwest IN
and Chicago area. HALWACHS, all Neustift an der Lafnitz. Ferdinand Wappel married Rosa HALWACHS. Ferdinand's parents were
Frances Wappel and Anna KIRCHSTEINER. Also interested in Josef Wappel / Josephine ZANKL family.
Laurie Wild; Montgomery, IL. WILD, settled in St. Louis, MO 1889.
THOMASCHITZ, Kittsee, settled in St. Louis, MO 1889. SIDAKOVICH, settled in Louis, MO 1878. FOX.
Scott Wiley; Mountain City, TN. DEUTSCH, Deutschkreutz. Settled in
Vienna. Religion: Jewish. My maternal grandmother Alice Deutsch Planz' father, Simon Deutsch, was born in Deutschkreutz in 1846,
to Karl Deutsch and Theresa Dux. Simon moved to Vienna and married Fanny Bauer. Alice was born there in 1886 and emigrated to
the U.S. In 1908.
Suzanne Filips Wiley; Aurora, CO. FILIPOVITS, GROSS, Gaas.
GARGER, KURZ, KROBOTH, Tobaj. GOBER, Gaas, Strem. All settled in New York (Garger also in Argentina). Josef Filipovits son of
Martin and Hermine Gober.
Guenter Wilfinger; Vienna, Austria. WILFINGER, Deutsch Kaltenbrunn,
settled in Chicago, IL, 1933. Frank WILFINGER emigrated to Chicago.
Jill Wilke; Anaheim, CA. Joseph KONRATH, Oberdorf, settled in
Chicago, IL, in 1905, then Wisconsin in 1906. HALPER, Rotenturm, Michael and Frederich KOPFER, JABERICH.
Constance Willegal; Waukegan, IL. MAYER, Podersdorf am See,
Illmitz, Apetlon, settled St. Paul, MN 1903-1905; SCHWARTZBAUER, Apetlon, Illmitz, settled Mandan, ND 1905, Religion: Catholic.
Mayer family members to U.S. include John (father), Theresia, Albert, Katharina, Joseph M and Oswald J. Mother, Catharina
(Lentsch) and five other children (Joannes, Julius, Nicolaus, Oswald and Maria) are buried in Podersdorf am See. Schwartzbauer
family members to U.S. include Joseph (father), Anna (Schmierer)(mother), Catherine, Anna, Elizabeth, George and Andrew.
Christine Williams; Brookfield, WI. HAFENSCHERER/HAFENSCHER,
Woppendorf (Varujfalu), settled in Chicago, IL in 1907; EBERHARDT, Woppendorf (Varujfalu), settled in Chicago, IL in 1910;
BESENHOFER, PRANGL, Woppendorf (Varujfalu). Alois Hafenscherer (son of Michael) shortened his name to Hafencher in America (arr
1907) - his brother and sister Andrew and Maria changed theirs to Hafenscher. I believe another brother Johann remained in
Woppendorf at least till 1950's. Rosina Eberhardt came in 1910 and she married Alois. Michael Hafenscherer, living in Woppendorf
in 1857 was married to Teresa Woppel. Anna Prangl was Michael's 2nd wife resulting in another Hafenscher branch here in US.
Joyce (Panny) Williams; Poughquag, NY. PANY, PANI, PANNY, Tobaj.
GERGER, Sankt Nikolaus. All arrived in NY 11 Dec. 1929, moved to Coplay (PA), and then back to NY. Religion: Roman Catholic. (1)
Karoline Pany not married to Felix Gerger when she gave birth to 1st born Alois Pany (30 Sept.1904 Tobaj). She later married
Felix. Her other children Joseph & Felix, had father's surname (Gerger) but not Alois (still Pany. Panny when he died). (2)
Alois married Anna Gerger (b.23 Jan.1910 St. Nikolaus) on 10 Jun.1928. (3) Son Wilhelm Pani, Panny born 3 Sept.1928 in St.
Nikolaus. All three came to America 11 Dec. 1929.
Lois Williams; Redmond, WA. WASHENBERGER from Apetion to
Stephanie Schmidt Williams; SCHMIDT, Mogersdorf. GOLLINGER, Inzenhof.
Both settled in Allentown, PA. Religion: Roman Catholic. Both were born in 1883.
Marlene Williamson; Otorohanga, New Zealand. WOLFSBAUER
from Andau (Tarcsa) who emigrated to New Zealand in 1875. EDVEL, POTZMANN, RONGISCH, ULBER from Szentjanos and Szentpeter.
Michael Williamson; Northville, MI. ETTL, Neusiedl am See.
Settled North Dakota 1913.
Sandra Hoffmeister Wills; Henderson, NV. PÁNI, PÁNY, PÁNNY,
Pustazentmilhaly, settled in Chicago, IL, in 1915. ERTLER, Rohrbach, to Chicago, IL. TOMASITS, OSWALD, Rohrbach,
Pustazentmilhaly. Istvan Pány (born 1820? - died 1896, Tudersdorf?) was the father of Josef Pány who married Theresia Ertler.
Linda L Wilson; New Lenox, IL. PAUSZ, Weinberg (Wiesfleck),
BUNDSCHUCH, Weinberg & Reidlingsdorf, PRATSCHER, BRUCKNER, PUTZ, SCHONHERRU, Oberschützen, all to Chicago.
Mischele Wilson; Belleville, IL. SEPER, FARKAS, SZABO, Unterwart.
settled in St. Libory, IL.
Alicia Wilson-Croteau; Phoenix, AZ. SCHLAGEL, (SCHLÖGL),
STIFTER, Bubendorf (Pilgersdorf). Settled in Winsted, Crow Wing Co, MN.
Katherine Wiltsie; Middletown, Connecticut. POLZER, Kohfidisch, settled in the U.S. around 1909.
Andrea Winbauer; Salt Lake City, UT. SEITZL, Illmitz, settled
in Mandan, ND. Rosa Seitzl to Mandan, ND.
Roberta Windish; East Greenville, PA. WINDISCH, Jakobshof, KROBOTH,
Gerersdorf, settled Egypt, PA 1906.
Donna Gaal Winkelmann; St. Clair, MO. GAAL, JANISCH from
Oberwart; LANG, PALFI from Unterwart; settled in St. Louis, MO
Michael Winkler; Chicago, IL. WINKLER, RIESCHL, KORBELYI, LANG,
Hungary), KORBELYI from Beo-Sarkany (Bosarkany, Hungary). WINKLER and RIESCHL families settled in central Wisconsin area in
mid-1870s and 1880.
Joseph Winpisinger; Cape Coral, FL. WINPISINGER, Wimpassing.
Religion: Catholic.
Ward William Winton; Hayward, WI. HOLLANITSCH/HOLLLENITSCH,
PINGITZER, BAUER, IKLESAYER, Illmic/Illmitz. All settled in St. Paul, MN; 1886, 1886, 1889, and 1889/1890, respectively.
Religion: Roman Catholic. Martin Hollanitsch, born 1855, Illmitz, immigrated 1886 to St. Paul, MN; Barbara Pingitzer, 1856 to
1930, married to Martin, emigrated the same, buried Calvary Cemetery, St. Paul. Joseph Hollenitsch married Julia Bauer,
immigrated to St. Paul, MN 1889.
Margaret Wipper; Marietta, NY. VALLI, Baumgarten, settled in New
York, NY. John Walle/Valli was born 24 Jun 1888 in Baumgarten. His father was Antal Valli, b. 20 Nov 1844, in Bátaszék, Tolna,
Hungary. His mother was Anna Amand, born 17 Jul 1852 in Veszprem, Hungary. She died 25 MAR 1934 in Brooklyn, NY. Anna emigrated
with children John and Constance on 29 Sep 1902. Looking for the location and date of death of Antal Valli.
Tom Wirtz; Reedsburg, Sauk Co, WI. MOSER, KOLLER; Glashuetten bei
Langeck, Lockenhaus. Settled in Watkins, MN.
Karen Wizevich; West Hartford, CT. POLZER, Kirchfidisch; settled
NYC 1907. Francesca and sister Josephine Polzer emigrated to NYC from Kirchfidisch around 1907. They were preceded by their two
brothers, George and Karl around 1903-4.
Cathy Wolf; Cleveland, OH. GABRIEL from Woppendorf. John Gabriel
married Josephine Horvath in late 1800s. My grandma Josephine Gabriel was born 12/10/1897. She was one of 15 children. Her
address was #1 Woppendorf, Burgenland, Austria. She came to America in 1922. Her father's parents were Anna Berhart and Frank
Gabriel. Her Mother's parents were Rosina Woppel and Andrew Horvath.
Edward Wolf; Frankfort, IL. FARKAS, WOLF, GOGER, family name was
Farkas. Jabing to Chicago soon after WW-I. John GOGER from Wolfau in 1923; went to school in Markt Alhau, lived in Kitchner,
Ontario and Bashaw, Alberta, Canada. In 1928 he came to America and settled in Chicago, where he was a butcher. A nephew and
family remain in Kemeten.
Franz Wolf; Schützen am Gebirge, Austria. HANNABAUER, Rust. ALTMANN,
Donnerskirchen. LEBELL, Großhöflein.
Gary Wolf; Gilbertsville, PA. EICHNER, Rudersdorf. LACKNER,
Kukmirn. WOLF, Kaltenbrun. Settled in Allentown, PA.
Janet Heintzel Wolf; Erie, PA. HEINZL, GRAF, PALISCH, Olbendorf
(Ober). Settled in Allentown, PA in 1905; then Erie, PA in 1907.
Janet (Vinci) Wolf; Chicago, IL. GRAF/GRAFF, KIENEGGER, SINGRABER,
DONGISCH) in Andau, Tadten and in Janossomorja (Hungary). Ancestors settled in western Kansas in 1880s-1890s.
Martin Wolf; Mühlgraben, Burgenland. WOLF, KNAUS, HOLZMANN, POGLITSCH,
JUD, WEBER, PREM, ZIEGER, Mühlgraben. Settled in New Britain, CT or PA.
Robert Wolf Jr [deceased]; New Britain, CT.
KATZBECK; Bonisdorf. KOLLER, MEITZ; Sotina, Slovenia. Some family members emigrated to St. Louis, MO at the beginning of the
20th century.
Rudolf Wolf; Flanders, NJ. WOLF, Edlitz and Ober-Bildein,
PALKOWITS, Kroatisch-Ehrensdorf, LUISSER, Edlitz and Ober-Bildein, SCHMID, Moschendorf. All emigrated families settled in NY, NJ
and PA areas.
Tina Wolf; Moettlingen, Germany. KALLINGER, PILLER, Fertoboz (Holling),
Hungary, to Altbach, Germany.
Laura Wolfer; Chester, NH. WOLFER, Kohfidisch, settled in
New York, NY. Religion: Catholic. Joseph John Wolfer, born 1908, son of Joseph Wolfer and Maria Holser, emigrated to New York,
naturalized 1935.
Paul A Wolfgeher; Independence, MO. Joseph WOLFGEHER,
Piringsdorf; settled Kansas City, MO.
Tom Wolkerstorfer; Minneapolis, MN. WOLKERSTORFER, POLLREIS,
Paul D Wolkovits; Panorama City, CA. WOLKOVITS, GEIGER, Gaas;
settled in Passaic, NJ.
Peter Wollinski; Elderslie, New South Wales, Australia.
JANISCH, PELZMANN, Bocksdorf, settled in Sydney (Australia) in 1952. Roman Catholic. Maria Janisch was born Nov 21, 1914 in
Bocksdorf to Anton Janisch and Anna Pelzmann. Migrated to England in 1936; repatriated back to Austria in 1944. Migrated back to
England in 1950; finally migrated to Australia in 1952, where she lived out the rest of her life.
CeCe Womack; Inola, OK. KNEBEL, MICHLITSCH. Settled in South Dakota.
Nancy Wood; New Jersey. HIRCZY, Jennersdorf, settled in New York
City, NY. MISCHINGER, Grieselstein. SOMMER. Religion: Roman Catholic. Maria Sommer married Johann Hirczy. Their daughter
Josephine Hirczy (born Feb 1901), married Anton Mischinger (born Jul 1896) in 1924 in NYC. They were both from Jennersdorf.
David Woodard; Sauk Centre, MN. DENK, Wallern.
Jolene Woodard; Osakis, MN. DENK, Wallen, settled Todd or
Stearns Co.
Bernadette Marx Woodring; Coopersburg, PA. MARX from
Poppendorf to Allentown & Zionsville, PA. PAMMER from Geresdorf to Allentown & Zionsville, PA. Catholic. John Marx, b 02/24/1885
in Poppendorf, settled in Allentown, PA, then moved to a farm in Zionsville, PA. His sister, Anna Marx GLOBOSITS, born 1892;
brother Joseph, born 1888. Mary Pammer Marx, from Geresdorf, b 9/1/1894, settled in Allentown, PA, moved to a farm in
Zionsville, PA. Great-grandmother: Anna Frisch Pammer, born 1893 Geresdorf, settled in Allentown, PA.
Judy Woods; Maywood, Cook Co, IL. REHLING, TRATTNER, TRIEBER.
Settled in Chicago, IL, 1904.
Lauren Woods; Brighton, MI. SCHMALZER, Hannersdorf
(Samfálva), settled in Milwaukee, around 1910.
Stacy Woods; Banks, OR. GOESCHEL (GÖSCHL), GMAHL, Gols, settled in
Lincoln, NE. WURM, JOHANNES. Religion: Lutheran. Johann Göschl (1854-1922), wife Elisabeth Gmahl (1856-1952), and daughter
Susanna (1879-1952) emigrated c.1879-1886 from Gols, eventually settling in Lincoln, NE.
Charles Worman; Port Saint Lucie, FL. MIMLITSCH, Parndorf,
Deutsch Kaltenbrunn, ERKINGER, Deutsch Kaltenbrunn, MINILICS, Parndorf, all settled Allentown, PA 1892. Religion: Catholic.
Lawrence Worrilow; Wetumpka, AL. KAUFMANN, Nagyesztergar,
Bakonykoppany, Hungary; ZOPF, Felsoronok, Oberradling, Hungary; settled Bethlehem, Northampton, PA. Lawrence (Lörincz) Kaufmann
and Wilburga "Sophie" Zopf. Lawrence had two brothers named John and Joseph who emigrated from the same area. Wilburga's sister
Susanna married Joseph Kaufmann.
Lisa Wörz; Vienna, Austria. HOLPER, Güssing area, siblings of Karl
Holper, son of Adolf and Dorothea (Puschnik) Holper, emigrated 1900-1940 to the USA.
Mary Wozniak; Galloway, NJ. FURST, FANDL, Urbersdorf, settled in
New Jersey. Religion: Catholic. Frank and Johanna (Fandl) Furst.
Darcy Wright; Clayton, NC. FASSL/FASSEL John and HALPER HELPER
Theresa from Litzeldorf to Buffalo, NY.
Jacob Wright; Vancouver, WA. TSCHIDA, Illmitz, settled 1890s?
Family lived in Tacoma, WA after emigratging in the 1800's. My grandfather was Joseph John Tschida III.
Michele Wucker; New York, NY. and Milwaukee, WI. WUKOVITS;
Stegersbach. Vincent Wukovits to Milwaukee in 1905-6; married Mary ZWICKOVITS and worked at Usingers Sausages. Related names:
Patricia Wuensch; North Haledon, NJ. BAUER, Fürstenfeld, KARNER, Mogersdorf, settled in NY and PA. Religion: Catholic
Sue Wukovits; Lancaster, NY. WUKOVITS (WUKOVITZ, WUKOVIC,
WUKOVITSCH), Stinatz. Julius & Agnes (FABSITS) Wukovits.
Stephanie Wukovitz; Seattle, WA. WUKOVITZ, VUKICSOVITZ, WUKOVITS,
Eisenhüttl. Religion: Roman Catholic.
Barbara Wunderler; West Kingston, RI. WUNDERLER, WEINHOFER;
Güssing. John and Mary (Weinhofer) Wunderler settled in Allentown, PA.
Annemarie Wundsam-Nixdorf; Österreich. BIEHLER, Sopron. RINGHOFER,
Sopron. FRÖHLICH, Sopron. SALAMON, Sopron. LINDT, Sopron. PORCA, Sopron. Katholisch und Evangelisch.
Manuel Wurm; Nickelsdorf, Austria. WURM, Nickelsdorf, NICKO (NICKA), Zurndorf. I have carried out detailed research on the surnames Wurm and Nicko (and many others) that have been placed in a relatively large "village family tree" at https://webtrees.wurmweb.at.
Phil Wurm; Oberlin, KS. HERZOG, RUMPELTES and WURM from Gols,
settling in Decatur and Rawlins Counties of Kansas.
(JANDRASITS), EBERHARDT. Brunnergraben, Gamischdorf, Rauchwart. Frank Wurm Jr. and his wife Mary Hanzl immigrated to the US in
1903 and 1904. They first settled in Egypt, PA.
Randy Wurzer; Lakewood, CA. WURZER, Deutsch Gerisdorf, parish
Pilgersdorf. Settled in Howard Co, IA in 1864 then Umatilla Co, OR in 1881. HOLLER, FASCHING, also Deutsch Gerisdorf.
Ralph Wuscher; Puyallup, WA. WUSCHER, Henndorf. Frank Wuscher
settled in Seattle area and Tony (Anthony?) Wuscher settled north of St. Louis, MO in 1908.
Stefan Wutschek; Mannersdorf an der Rabnitz, Burgenland. WUTSCHEK,
Mannersdorf; Fertöszeplak, Hungary.
C R Wyatt; Heanor, Derbyshire, UK. SCHUH and RINGBAUER,
Riedlingsdorf and Loipersdorf.
Heidi Wyndham; Alberta, Canada. GUTTMAN, Nagynarda
(Großnahring/Velika Narda), Hungary. Josip (Josef) Guttman, born 1875 in Nagynarda to Stejpan (Stefan) and Maria (Kosagovic)
Guttman, settled in Djakovo, Croatia, about 1890. He married Marijia Miksic and had daughter Maria there.
Diane Yandrisevitz; Coplay, PA. SEMLER, Kleinmurbisch. BIEBER,
Güssing. All settled in Coplay, PA.
Wayne E Yanish; Eaton, CO. YANISH. Gerisdorf, settled in
Winstead, MN, in the early 1880s. Catholic faith.
Melissa Yates; Annandale, VA. PAMER, Felsorönök, Hungary, settled in
Coplay, PA. Louis (Alajos) Pamer (now Pammer), son of George & Mary (Mulzet) Pammer, emigrated around 1903. Siblings were:
Janos, Terez, Ferenz, Maria & Roza.
Helga Yautz; Bayonne, NJ. WAGNER, Punitz; SVETITS, Steinfurt.
Stephen Yautz; Stirling, NJ. JAUTZ, Tobaj; WAGNER, Punitz.
NEUBERGER. St. John (Mosonszentjanos) St. Peter (Mononszentpeter) or Janossomorja, Hungary. Ancestors settled in Nebraska,
Kansas and Minnesota in the 1880s.
Laura Yoho; Naperville, IL. Karl and Pauline (PANNY) HALWAX. Karl
Halwax was born in 1903 in Kotezicken. Pauline Panny was born in 1905 in Tudersdorf, house #2. They came to the US in 1922 and
1923 and settled in Chicago. Grandmother's name changed to BANNY.
Bethany Young; Appleton, WI. HARAMI, Markt Hodis, settled in
Fond du Lac, WI, in 1907. Frank Haramy (Harami), b 3 Aug 1879 married Marie Wampel in 1903 and had daughter Theresa in 1904.
They settled in Fond du Lac, WI, in 1907. I believe Franz' parents were Josef Harami and Magdalene Pataki.
Christina Young; Schnecksville, PA. HORWATH, Reinersdorf;
settled Rockdale, Lehigh Valley, PA.
Lary Yud; Olney, MD. Franz JUD (Frank YUD) and Fanni MEITZ
arrived in the US on April 15, 1912 aboard the Lapland and settled in Chicago. Franz Jud is the son of Michael Jud and Josephine
Halb Jud from Neuhaus am Klausenbach.
Elizabeth Yurasits; Bowie, MD. researching JURASITS, MILISITS,
ZIMITS, NEMETH from Szentpeterfa, Hungary. Settled in New York City, Northampton & Stockertown, PA.
Lou Yurasits; Pittsburgh, PA. JURASITS, Szentpeterfa, Hungary, to
Northampton, PA.
John Zach; Seminole, FL. ZACH, WUNDERLER, Gerersdorf. Alois Wunderler
and Angela Zach settled in New York City in 1938.
Gayle Zahran; Alexandria, Egypt. POSCH and WALLNER, Altschlaining,
settled 1906 in Yorkville, New York City.
Magda Zakanyi [deceased]; Toronto, Ontario, Canada. SZMOLYAN, UNGER, SKVARICS,
HABETLER, OSZTOVICS, RUPANOVICS. Bandoly (Weiden), Fusthegy-Sirokany (Raurigel-Allersgraben), Hodasz (Hodis).
Elisabeth Zalka; Vienna, Austria. ZETHOFER, Riedlingsdorf. ZALKA,
Pinkafeld. Samuel Zethofer emigrated to the US ca. 1913.
Otto S Zapecza [inactive]; Lawrenceville, NJ. Otto ZAPECZA, Mosonmagyarovar,
Hungary, and wife Erika KOVACS, St. Michael im Burgenland, settled in Garfield, NJ, 1952.
Richard J Zapfel; North Oaks, MN. ZAPFEL. Riedlingsdorf.
Margot Zappe; Vienna, Austria. WEBER, Grodnau, 5 brothers of Anna
Weber (b. 1890) emigrated from Grodnau to Chicago, ca. 1905.
Jessica Zartler; Orlando, FL. ZARTLER (ZARTL), Oberdorf,
Neumarkt, Kemeten, Drumling, Pinkafeld. Settled 1858.
Kathy Zawislak; St. Paul, MN. SCHÖTTL, Breitenbrunn, settled in St. Paul, MN. HIRSCH, Winden am See, settled in Montana. THELL, Pamhagen, settled in St. Paul, MN. HOFFMAN, Winden am See, settled in St. Paul, MN. LEURER, Pamhagen, settled in Saskatchewan, Canada and St. Paul, MN. Religion: Catholic. Kathy is conducting research on behalf of a friend.
Ronald Zechmeister; Plymouth, MN. ZECHMEISTER, Halbturn
(Féltorony). settled in St. Paul, MN. Religion: Roman Catholic.
Robert Zecker [inactive]; Philadelphia, PA. ZECHER, Deutsch Jahrndorf, settled in
Pusztavam (Ondod), Fejer Megye, Hungary, then Passaic, NJ. ZECHMEISTER, Zurndorf, settled in Pusztavam, Fejer Megye, then
Passaic, NJ. FARKAS, Ragendorf (Rajka), settled in Pustavam, Fejer Megye, then Passaic, NJ. BERYDOLT, Deutsch Jahrndorf, settled
in Pusztavam, Fejer Megye. MAIDLINGER, Ragendorf (Rajka) and Deutsch Jahrndorf, settled in Pusztavam, Fejer Megye. ZOELLER,
Strass-Sommerein (Hegyeshalom). KOPP, Strass-Sommerein (Hegyeshalom). WODAL (VODAL), Ragendorf (Rajka), settled in Pusztavam,
Fejer Megye. CREUTZ, Zurndorf. PINTER, Zurndorf. MACHER, Zurndorf, settled in Pusztavam, Fejer Megye. WURM, Carlburg (Rusovce)
and Ragendorf (Rajka), settled in Pusztavam, Fejer Megye. RUNZRETRS, Carlburg (Rusovce) and Ragendorf (Rajka). GIBICZ (GIEBITZ,
KUEBITZ), Ragendorf (Rajka), settled in Pusztavam, Fejer Megye.
Christian Zeglovits; Austria. ZEGLOWITSCH, Raabfidisch,
settled in Allentown, PA; ZEGLOWITSCH, Heiligenkreuz; Joseph (Josef) Zeglowitsch, married to Julia, emigrated to America around
1905. They settled in Allentown, PA at 127 Chestnut St. They had 7 children: Gisella (*21.10.1901), Josef (Joseph) (*Dec. 1903),
Bertha (1906), Franz (Frank) (1908), Eduard (Edward) (1911), Helen (1913) and Fritz, born 1915.
FREIMUTH; Oslip, George Zemlyak settled 1857 in the town of Bovina, Outagamie Co, WI and moved to town of Neenah, Winnebago Co,
WI. He came thru the port of Baltimore in May 1857 and became a citizen in 1862.
Neal Zetter; Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. ZETTER and PORTSCHY,
Unterschützen. Robert Zetter and Paulina Portschy emigrated to Edmonton, Alberta, Canada in the 1920s or early 1930s.
Heather Zgaljardic; League City, TX. HAMMERL, Kleinmürbisch,
settled in New York, 1929, DORNER, Szentpeterfa, Hungary. Religion: Catholic. Peter Hammerl, b 26 Apr 1912, emigrated to New
York in 1929 and married Mary Dorner of Szentpeterfa in 1934.
Zibuschka; Tulbing, Österreich. POPOVIC, Neuhaus in der Wart. Settled in St. Paul, MN. Religion: Lutheran.
Michael Zicherman; Montville, NJ. SPIELMANN, STERN, WOLF,
DEUTSCH, all from Frauenkirchen. SPIELMANN emigrated abt. 1912 to Germany; WOLF emigrated abt. 1930s to US and Sweden.
Kathryn Bauer Zickel; New York, NY. BAUER, MAYERHOFER, IBY,
emigrated to South Bend, IN, beginning in 1903.
Joan Zieger; Middleton, WI. LANG, Mogersdorf, settled Pittsburgh,
PA 1906, Milwaukee, WI 1909; KIRSHNER, Mogersdorf, settled ?. Juliana Lang, b.13 Apr 1878 in Mogersdorf to Mathias Lang and Anna
Kirschner. Juliana married Johann Josef Oberrauch of Unterinn, Tyrol, Austria on 19 Aug 1900 in Vienna. Johann died on 14 Jan
1905 in Trient, Austria. Juliana emigrated in 1906 (approx.) to Pittsburgh, PA to join her brother (Mathias?) already there, and
then married Charles Zieger and moved permanently to Milwaukee, WI. Juliana and Johann had two children, Ruth Minnie Oberrauch,
b. 1896? and Johan Franz Oberrauch, b. 1902.
Thomas J Zieger; Coraopolis, PA. ZIEGER, Muhlgraben, Eberau. Settled
in McKees Rocks, PA early 1900s.
Brad Ziegler; St. Louis, MO. GMOSER, Zahling; settled in St.
Louis, MO.
Larry Zierhut; Minneapolis, MN. ZIERHUT, KNOTZ, BIERBAUM, KOPPI,
LUN(T)ZER, THEILER, NEUBERGER & SATTLER; Zanegg (Mosonszolnok), St. Peter (Moson Szt. Peter), St. Johann (Moson Szt. János) in
Hungary [now Jánossomorja] and Andau in Burgenland. These families settled in Minneapolis, MN in the late 1800s and very early
Barbara Zigelhofer; Placerville, CA. ZIEGELHOFER,
ZIEGELHOFFER, HUBER, NUSSBAUM. Lived in Ödenburg. Came to the US through New York City in 1893. Settled in Marshfield, MO.
Patrick Zimanyi; Montreal West, Quebec, Canada. ZIMITS, KARTYAS,
KAROLY, Vasalja, Hungary, BENI, EGYED (Vas, Hungary), KREZNERITS (Kormend / Vasalja, Hungary).
Wolfgang Zimmer; Baden, Austria. KURS, LAFERL, Mattersburg.
ZIMMER, all settled in Austria.
Barbara Zimmerman; Lincoln, NE. GOESCHEL, Gols.
Dennis Ziniel; Mandan, ND. ZINIEL, BRIGLE, settled St. Anthony
area (south of Mandan, ND) around 1900.
Pamela Zogman; Port Hadlock, WA. ZOGMANN, Welgersdorf, settled
Chicago, IL 1921.
Michelle Zoncick; Kernersville, NC. ZONCSICH, SCHATOVICH,
TESCH, PRIKOSOVITS, and BILLISICH; Frank Zoncsich and Sidonia Schatovich were born in Unterpullendorf (Alsopulya) and emigrated
to South Bend, IN in the early 1900s.
Benjamin Roman Zotter; Kukmirn and Graz, Austria. ZOTTER in
Kukmirn before 1821 and the descendants of Rulof Zotter (son of Franz Zotter born 9.12.1864 in Kukmirn and Anna Kropf).
Frank Zotter; San Diego, CA. ZOTTER, St. Martin ad Raab,
Neumarkt ad Raab. Settled in Pittsburgh, PA.
Jean Zotter; Medford, MA. ZOTTER, Windisch-Minihof, settled in
Port Huron, MI, in 1929. Religion: Catholic. Grandfather, wife and four children emigrated to the US in 1929, grandfather first
and the others three months later, settling in Port Huron, Michigan. My understanding is that my grandfather was the
Burgermeister of Windisch-Minihof. My grandmother cooked in, and perhaps owned, a Gasthaus. I'm interested in
learning more about the area.
Linda Zotter; Syracuse, NY. ZOTTER, DOX/DAX,
BRININGER/BREININGER, Gritsch. Settled in Pittsburgh, PA starting in 1900.
Michael Zotter; Lake Orion, MI. ZOTTER, Windisch-Minihof, USA.
SCHNEPF, GMEINDL, from Welten and Doiber, all settled Pittsburgh, PA.
Rudolph Zotter [inactive]; Philadelphia, PA. ZOTTER (ZODDER).
Thomas A Zotter; Albuquerque, NM. ZOTTER, LANG, WINDISCH; Welten /
Sankt Martin an der Raab; emigrated to Pittsburgh, PA (Northside).
Diane Zoulek; Kentwood, MI. JURISCH, Parndorf, Wittmannshof,
Halbturn, settled NY 1903; SUPAK, Bashotz, Bosac, settled Michigan 1911; PEZUCH.
Joseph Zumpf; Homosassa, FL. ZUMPF, Bernstein. BINDER; Markt
Allhau. Both settled in Chicago, IL in 1900. Religion: Lutheran. Janos/John ZUMPF, born 19 May 1883, baptized 20 May; parents
Jozsef Zumpf (shoemaker) and Borbala (Barbara) Pertl (?). Maria BINDER, born 31 May 1888, baptized 1 Jun; parents Jozsef Binder
and Maria (surname is faded). Per Chicago marriage index: John Zumpf, age 29, married Mary Binder on 21 Sep 1911. On the 1940
census, he is listed as a car cleaner for the RR. Daughter Helen, then age 15, is listed as an assistant in an auto mechanics
shop. Daughter Rose is married to Peter Valentinnia, who is an auto junker.
Bill Zurth [inactive]; Orinda, CA; FIEDLER, Grodnau (Grodno), LEHNER, Rettenbach
(Menscer), PRADT, Bernstein (Borostyanko), SCHUH, Dreihutten, (Haromsator), OCHSANHOFER, Mariasdorf (Mariaflava),
Mittelburgenland. FIDLER immigrated in 1910 to Chicago, IL.
Neustift, settled Los Angeles, CA. Twins Maria and John Flemish were born on January 29, 1905. Their mother, Cecilia Groeller,
died a few days after they were born. There were 3 or 4 older sisters. After their mother was gone, the children were separated
to live with different families, except the twins. Maria Flemish came to the US when she was 18, sponsored by one of her
sisters. She married Frank Mayer (Maier) and had children Frances, Della, Johnny and Howard.
Frank J Zwetolitz; Coplay, PA. ZWETOLITZ (ZWETOLITSCH), Rabafüzes
(Raabfidisch), Hungary, settled Coplay, Bath, PA. BENDL, Grossmürbisch / Kleinmürbisch, settled Coplay, Bath, PA. KARLOVITS,
Strem, settled Bronx, NY and then Nazareth, PA. TITZ, Strem, settled Bronx, NY and then Nazareth.
Judith E Zwickl; Mesa, AZ. ZWICKL, Tadten. Settled in Herndon,
KS. Religion: Roman Catholic. Michael Zwickl emigrated to Herndon, Kansas in September 1879. He was born 18 Aug 1843 (?) in
Kenneth Zwickl; Locust Grove, VA. ZWICKL (ZWIKL, ZWICKLE),
Poppendorf, settled PA.
Gary Zyla; Walnut Creek, CA. KLOIBER from Deutsch Minihof to New
York City, 1922. Catholic. My grandmother, Mary (maybe Maria) Kloiber born Dec 1, 1904 emigrated to the USA in 1922. She left
behind siblings Rose, Gisela, Theresa, John and Herman (maybe).
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