These are our
To see the rest, choose a section of the alphabet below.
Meet the Burgenland Bunch: (and find their ancestral villages on the
Burgenland MAP)
Andrew Belschner; Cedarburg, WI. STIX, Oberloisdorf, settled in Green Bay, WI.
Andrea Bruckner; Riedlingsdorf, Austria. NEID, ZIERMANN, LANG, SCHIEBINGER, REHBERGER, ZETHOFER, Riedlingsdorf, settled in Chicago. Religion: Lutheran. Maria Ziermann (née Neid) (b:1884.01.27), married to Samuel Ziermann (b:1883.07.21). Elisabeth Lang (née Neid) (b:1887.09.18), married to Johann Lang (b:1883.07.06). Karoline Schiebinger (née Neid) (b:1891.01.12), married to Johann Schiebinger (b:1886.10.26). Theresia Rehberger (née Neid) (b:1877.08.31), married to Tobias Rehberger (b:1873.05.12). Johann Neid (b:1880.11.13), married to Theresia Neid (née Zethofer) (b:1883.02.09). Everyone listed with the surname NEID were siblings of my great-grandfather.
Juli Greenberg; Flower Mound, TX. KURZ, Frauenkirchen, settled in NJ. My great-grandfather, Sigmund Kurz, was born to Johanna and Leopold Kurz.
Maria Posch; Austria. MAITZ, Sankt Martin an der Raab, settled in Argentina. MEITZ, MEICZ, Windisch-Minihof, PLACZER.
Sam Schreier; Louisville, KY. SCHREIER, Pamhagen, settled in Sisseton, SD in 1888. TSCHIDA, Pamhagen, settled in SD. Religion: Catholic.
Karl Schweighofer; Sunnyvale, CA. SCHWEIGHOFER, Halbturn, settled in St. Paul. My paternal great-grandfather was Andreas Schweighofer. His son Andrew was born (b:1901.02.02) in St. Paul, MN. Andrew’s son, Andrew, was born in St. Paul, MN, moved to San Rafael, CA in the early 1940s and eventually settled in the San Diego area until his passing.
Michael Stifter; Hutchinson, MN. STIFTER, Deutsch Gerisdorf, Salmannsdorf, settled in Winsted, MN in the 1860s.
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These pages were last updated Jan 30, 2025
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