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Burgenländers Buried at Cemeteries in
(including the Lehigh Valley and Philadelphia enclaves)
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Name Hometown Birth Date Death Date Cemetery Name Cemetery Location/Grave
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Lackner, George Kukmirn 1889 1973 Egypt Egypt
   Lackner, Mary (Muhr) Zahling 1899   Egypt Egypt
Lackner, John Kukmirn 1882 1964 Fernwood Lansdowne
   Lackner, Cecelia (Perl) Königsdorf 1885 1938 Fernwood Lansdowne
Lackner, John Kukmirn 1884 1953 Fairview Allentown
Lackner, Joseph Kukmirn 1861 1928 Fairview Allentown
Lackner, Joseph Kukmirn 1900 1954 Highland Memorial Park Allentown
Lackner, Samuel Kukmirn 1880 1918 Fairview Allentown
Lackner, Samuel Kukmirn 1887 1956 Greenwood Allentown
   Lackner, Theresa (Freismuth) Kukmirn 1892 1975 Greenwood Allentown
Lagler, Frank Dt. Kaltenbrunn 1859 1933 Holy Family Nazareth
Lagler, Frank Kukmirn 1879 1967 Cedar Hill Memorial Park Allentown
   Lagler, Cecelia (Wiesner) Eltendorf 1891 1969 Cedar Hill Memorial Park Allentown
Lagler, Frank Gerersdorf 1884 1957 St. Mary's Catasauqua
   Lagler, Anna (Ernst) Gerersdorf (b. Vienna) 1889 1949 St. Mary's Catasauqua
Lagler, John Kukmirn 1857 1930 Fairview Allentown
   Lagler, Julia (Simon) Kukmirn 1865 1918 Fairview Allentown
Lagler, John Neumarkt im Tauchental 1885 1958 Sacred Heart Allentown
   Lagler, Theresia (Wagner) Weiden bei Rechnitz 1891 1979 Sacred Heart Allentown
Lagler, John Kukmirn 1897 1938 Fairview Allentown
Lagler, Ludwig Dt. Kaltenbrunn 1880 1963 St. Peter's Union Church Macungie
   Lagler, Theresa (Loeffler) Zahling 1885 1980 St. Peter's Union Church Macungie
Lahner, Emma (Schatz) Glasing 1924 2020   Northampton
Lakics, Paul Narda 1894 1971 Holy Saviour Bethlehem
   Lakics, Caroline (Horvath) Kondorfa 1896 1967 Holy Saviour Bethlehem
Lakits, Andrew Felsőcsatár 1886 1952 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
   Lakits, Barbara (Wint) Wallendorf 1886 1960 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
Lakits, Frank Stegersbach 1915 1971 Whitemarsh Memorial Park Ambler
Lakits, Joseph Neumarkt im Tauchental 1877 1956 Garden of Peace Whitehall
   Lakits, Cecelia (Marx) Rábafüzes 1885 1955 Garden of Peace Whitehall
Lakits, Rudolph Altschlaining 1880 1953 Whitemarsh Memorial Park Ambler
   Lakits, Gizella (Radnetter) Stegersbach 1881 1962 Whitemarsh Memorial Park Ambler
Lakovits, Joseph Oberbildein 1881 1942 St. Peter's Coplay
   Lakovits, Mary (Meltsch) Pornóapáti 1883 1968 St. Peter's Coplay
Lakovits, Stephen Oberbildein 1883 1953 St. Peter's Coplay
   Lakovits, Mary (Hanzl) Rauchwart 1884 1961 St. Peter's Coplay
Laky, Frank Moschendorf 1905 1990   Coplay
Laky, Ignatz Moschendorf 1892 1935 Holy Ghost Bethlehem
Laky, John Moschendorf 1897 1964 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
   Laky, Johanna (Stubits) Harmisch 1895 1965 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
Laky, Joseph Moschendorf 1887 1947 Holy Sepulchre Philadelphia
   Laky, Elizabeth (Pflügler) Steinfurt 1888 1983 Holy Sepulchre Philadelphia
Laky, Nicholas Moschendorf 1842 1928 Holy Sepulchre Philadelphia
   Laky, Mary (Schmidt) Moschendorf 1858 1938 Holy Sepulchre Philadelphia
Laky, Peter Moschendorf 1886 1931 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
Laky, Stephen Moschendorf 1889 1949 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
   Laky, Mary (Stubits) Harmisch 1893 1978 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
Lambert, Elizabeth (Bauer) Reinersdorf 1864 1930 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
Laminger, Frank Rohrbrunn 1877 1963 Holy Family Nazareth
   Laminger, Anna (Weber) Rohrbrunn 1877 1948 Holy Family Nazareth
Lamm, Anna (Oberecker) Heiligenkreuz 1893 1919 Sacred Heart Allentown
Lamm, Charles Königsdorf 1882 1948 Sacred Heart Allentown
   Lamm, Louise (Trinkl) Königsdorf 1885 1964 Sacred Heart Allentown
Lamm, Frank Königsdorf 1858 1930 Sacred Heart Allentown
   Lamm, Julia (Kametler) Königsdorf 1856 1934 Sacred Heart Allentown
Lamm, Frank Limbach 1880 1959 St. Peter's Coplay
   Lamm, Mary (Heber) Rábafüzes 1877 1936 St. Peter's Coplay
Lamm, Frank Königsdorf 1888 1962 Laurel Allentown
   Lamm, Mary (Obereker) Heiligenkreuz 1894 1984 Laurel Allentown
Lamm, Joseph Limbach 1862 1942 Fairview Allentown
   Lamm, Julia (Hacker) Zahling 1876 1959 Fairview Allentown
Lamm, Mary A. (Fixl) Dt. Schützen 1909 1998 St. Peter's Coplay
Lamm. Theresia (Oberecker) Heiligenkreuz 1886 1910 Sacred Heart Allentown
Lang, Alois St. Kathrein 1910 1973 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
Lang, Frank Mogersdorf 1883 1928 Sacred Heart Allentown
   Lang, Theresa (Korpitsch) Mogersdorf 1883 1949 Sacred Heart Allentown
Lang, Frank Mogersdorf 1887   Sacred Heart Allentown
   Lang, Theresa (Fuchs) Dt. Minihof 1885 1951 Sacred Heart Allentown
Lang, Frank Dt. Minihof 1910 1988 Sacred Heart Allentown
Lang, Fred Eisenberg an der Pinka 1892 1956 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
   Lang, Theresa (Gratzl) Moschendorf 1894 1973 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
Lang, Fritz Vaskeresztes 1883 1950 St. Peter's Coplay
   Lang, Rosa (Habetler) Horvátlövő 1887 1963 St. Peter's Coplay
Lang, John Mogersdorf 1872 1936 Sacred Heart Allentown
   Lang, Hermina (Held) Mogersdorf (b. Vienna) 1880 1971 Sacred Heart Allentown
Lang, John Harmisch 1876 1948 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
   Lang, Theresa (Simon) Kohfidisch 1886 1961 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
Lang, John Harmisch 1905 1986 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
   Lang, Theresa (Schmidt) Gaas 1906 1978 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
Lang, Karl Dt. Minihof 1924 2008 Cremated Allentown
   Lang, Gisela (Mayer) Wallendorf 1925 2023 Cremated Allentown
Lang, Rudolf Mogersdorf 1891 1948 Sacred Heart Allentown
   Lang, Anna (Gotzi) Mogersdorf 1889 1969 Sacred Heart Allentown
Lang, Rudolph Mogersdorf 1895 1935 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
Lang, Rudolph Mogersdorf 1921 1982 Sacred Heart Allentown
Laschalt, Joseph Wörterberg 1877 1916 Holy Redeemer Philadelphia
   Laschalt, Johanna (Hanzl) Gamishdorf 1882 1959 Holy Redeemer Philadelphia
Lass, Joseph Frauenkirchen 1890 1973 Holy Sepulchre Philadelphia
   Lass, Marie (Zwinger) Frauenkirchen 1891 1981 Holy Sepulchre Philadelphia
Lebar, Anna (Strobel) Moschendorf 1895 1932 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
Lebisch, Josephine (Klucsarits) Grossmürbisch 1883 1942 St. John the Baptist Stiles
Lechner, Frank Sr. Inzenhof 1859 1933 Holy Family Nazareth
   Lechner, Agnes (Wolf) Inzenhof 1879 1949 Holy Family Nazareth
Lechner, Sister Rose Inzenhof 1908 2011 St. Michael's Convent Reading
Lederer, Alfred Felsőrönök (b. Egypt) 1902 1986 St. Peter's Coplay
   Lederer, Theresa (Schanta) Rábafüzes 1908 2003 St. Peter's Coplay
Lederer, Alfred Rábafüzes 1928 2019 St. Peter's Coplay
Lederer, Frank Felsőrönök 1874 1952 St. Peter's Coplay
   Lederer, Josephine (Heber) Rábafüzes 1872 1947 St. Peter's Coplay
Lederer, John Felsőrönök 1879 1954 Sacred Heart Allentown
   Lederer, Rosina (Feichtl) Grossmürbisch 1889 1949 Sacred Heart Allentown
Legath, Albert Dt. Ehrensdorf 1882 1944 Sacred Heart Allentown
   Legath, Anna (Gratzl) Moschendorf 1888 1964 Sacred Heart Allentown
Legath, Alfred Oberbildein 1932 2002 St. Joseph's Easton
Legath, Alois Oberbildein 1894 1946 St. Peter's Coplay
   Legath, Rose (Wunderler) Zahling 1899 1975 St. Peter's Coplay
Legath, Ambrose Dt. Ehrensdorf 1857 1936 Holy Family Nazareth
   Legath, Josephine (Keschl) Dt. Ehrensdorf 1865 1941 Holy Family Nazareth
Legath, Ambrose Dt. Ehrensdorf 1886 1962 Greenwood Allentown
Legath, Anton Oberbildein 1900 1981 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
Legath, Frank Urbersdorf 1902 1983 St. Peter's Coplay
   Legath, Mary (Kroboth) Krottendorf bei Güssing 1907 2010 St. Peter's Coplay
Legath, George Oberbildein 1895 1984 St. Joseph's Easton
   Legath, Agnes (Gombotsch) Oberbildein 1893   St. Joseph's Easton
Legath, John Dt. Ehrensdorf 1894 1951 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
   Legath, Pauline (Serensits) Kr. Tschantschendorf 1896 1977 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
Legath, Joseph Dt. Ehrensdorf 1862 1918 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
   Legath, Mary (Milisits) St. Michael 1862 1919 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
Legath, Joseph Dt. Ehrensdorf 1897 1974 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
   Legath, Anna (Kiss) St. Kathrein 1897 1986 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
Legath, Mary (Wölfinger) Pornóapáti 1934 2025 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
Legath, Robert Dt. Ehrensdorf 1900 1976 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
   Legath, Maria (Kopfer) Dt. Ehrensdorf 1900 2002 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
Legath, Stephen Dt. Ehrensdorf 1911 1969 Sacred Heart Allentown
Legath, Ulrich Dt. Ehrensdorf 1901 1943 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
   Legath, Johanna (Sloklikovits) Rauchwart 1901 1980 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
Lehner, Joseph St. Martin an der Raab   1918 Sacred Heart Allentown
   Lehner, Theresa (Potetz) Szentgotthárd 1877 1933 Sacred Heart Allentown
Leitgeb, Adolph Langzeil 1891 1980 St. John the Baptist Stiles
   Leitgeb, Mary (Wunderler) Sulz 1894 1957 St. John the Baptist Stiles
Leitgeb, Anton Langzeil 1901 1973 St. John the Baptist Stiles
   Leitgeb, Theresa (Pöltl) Langzeil 1901 1976 St. John the Baptist Stiles
Leitgeb, Frank Dobersdorf 1882 1960 Sacred Heart Allentown
   Leitgeb, Agnes (Kaintz) Dobersdorf 1882 1949 Sacred Heart Allentown
Leitgeb, Frank Langzeil 1924 2021 St. John the Baptist Stiles
Leitgeb, John Königsdorf 1881 1951 Fairview Allentown
   Leitgeb, Theresa (Freismuth) Kukmirn 1881 1940 Fairview Allentown
Leitgeb, John Tobaj 1890 1942 Holy Family Nazareth
Leitgeb, John Langzeil 1923 1983 Holy Saviour Bethlehem
Leitgeb, Joseph Tobaj 1878 1945 Holy Family Holy Family
   Leitgeb, Anna (Tapler) Tobaj 1882 1954 Holy Family Holy Family
Leitgeb, Joseph Langzeil 1920 2005 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
Leitgeb, Julia (Wagner) Szentgotthárd 1847 1918 Fountain Hill Fountain Hill
Leitgeb, Rudolph Kukmirn 1910 1969 Fairview Allentown
Lendl, Louis Unterbildein 1897 1976 St. Peter's Coplay
Lendl, Stephen Gaas 1899 1953 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
Lener, John Moschendorf 1891 1966 Sacred Heart Allentown
   Lener, Rosina (Garger) Strem 1895 1951 Sacred Heart Allentown
Lenhart, Julius Moschendorf 1889 1981 Sacred Heart Allentown
   Lenhart, Mary (Gross) Dt. Tschantschendorf 1890 1978 Sacred Heart Allentown
Lenio, Elizabeth (Skrapits) Szentpéterfa 1906 1996 Oakland Philadelphia
Lentz, Frank Dobersdorf 1883 1963 St. Peter's Coplay
   Lentz, Rosina (Jost) Inzenhof 1888 1955 St. Peter's Coplay
Leonhardsberger, Josephine (Pfingstl) Rudersdorf 1903   Sacred Heart Allentown
Leopold, Emery Csörötnek 1885 1964 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
   Leopold, Theresa (Sipos) Csörötnek 1887 1974 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
Leopold, Frank Felsőrönök 1892 1954 St. John the Baptist Stiles
   Leopold, Theresa (Muick) Rábafüzes 1901 1980 St. John the Baptist Stiles
Liebezeit, Joseph Grossmürbisch 1874 1936 St. Peter's Coplay
   Liebezeit, Katherine (Berkovitz) Harmisch 1886 1981 St. Peter's Coplay
Linsenbigler, Mary (Domyan) Rábatótfalu 1950 2017 Holy Saviour Bethlehem
Lippowitsch, George Gaas 1898 1979 Cedar Hill Memorial Park Allentown
Lippowitsch, Joseph Gaas 1872 1941 St. Ann's Emmaus
   Lippowitsch, Anna (Farkas) Unterwart 1876 1959 St. Ann's Emmaus
Lockey (Laky), Peter Moschendorf 1889 1931 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
Loder, Abraham Moschendorf 1877 1952 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
   Loder, Katharine (Grossbauer) Moschendorf 1882 1949 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
Loder, Ambrose Heiligenbrunn 1888 1974 Sacred Heart Bath
   Loder, Mary (Hirschman) Nemesmedves 1889 1959 Sacred Heart Bath
Loeffler, Frank Kukmirn 1884 1941 St. John's Lutheran Sumneytown
   Loeffler, Karolina (Bauer) Gamischdorf 1886 1958 St. John's Lutheran Sumneytown
Loeffler, Frank Zahling 1895 1965 Woodlawn Memorial Park Allentown
   Loeffler, Rose (Duld) Kukmirn 1896 1964 Woodlawn Memorial Park Allentown
Loeffler, John Kukmirn 1880 1958 Grandview Allentown
   Loeffler, Theresa (Lewitsch) Limbach 1894   Grandview Allentown
Lohr, John Zahling (b. Vienna) 1888 1958 St. Peter's Coplay
   Lohr, Julia (Wunderler) Zahling 1888 1964 St. Peter's Coplay
Loikits, Edward Dt. Ehrensdorf (b. Northampton) 1907 1975 St. John the Baptist Northampton
Loikits, Ferdinand Dt. Ehrensdorf 1887 1952 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
   Loikits, Mary (Bauer) Gamischdorf 1889 1934 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
Loikits, John Dt. Ehrensdorf 1910 1960 Fairview W. Catasauqua
Loikits, Julia (Kuder) Inzenhof (b. Egypt) 1897 1947 St. John the Baptist Stiles
Loikits, Julius Dt. Ehrensdorf 1882 1931 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
   Loikits, Agnes (Laky) Moschendorf 1885   Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
Long, Adolph Dt. Minihof 1899 1961 Sacred Heart Allentown
   Long, Mary (Bauer) Gamischdorf 1896 1941 Sacred Heart Allentown
Long, Frank Kr. Ehrensdorf 1906 1979 Resurrection Wescosville
   Long, Johanna (Hanzl) Sulz 1908 1996 Resurrection Wescosville
Long, John Dt. Minihof 1885 1960 Sacred Heart Allentown
   Long, Cecilia (Astl) Zahling 1892 1981 Sacred Heart Allentown
Long, Josephine (Körbler) Krobotek 1896 1978 Sacred Heart Allentown
Long, Julia (Groff) Olbendorf 1900 1971 St. John the Baptist Stiles
Long, Mary (Karner) Dt. Minihof 1896 1964 Sacred Heart Allentown
Long, Rudolph Vaskeresztes 1886 1948 Holy Ghost Bethlehem
   Long, Julia (Jandrasits) Grossmürbisch 1895 1972 Holy Ghost Bethlehem
Long, Stephen Dt. Minihof 1899 1981 Sacred Heart Allentown
Loos, Stephen Güssing 1871 1956 Coplay Coplay
   Loos, Julia (Buchfeller) Neustift bei Güssing 1874 1951 Coplay Coplay
Lorenz, Frank Poppendorf 1879 1939 Holy Ghost Bethlehem
   Lorenz, Mary (Mohapp) Rábatótfalu 1880 1964 Holy Ghost Bethlehem
Lorenz, Frank Dobersdorf 1887 1962 Sacred Heart Allentown
   Lorenz, Julia (Venus) Dobersdorf 1891 1972 Sacred Heart Allentown
Lorenz, Ignatz Moschendorf 1892 1928 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
Lorenz, John Poppendorf 1902 1974 St. John the Baptist Stiles
   Lorenz, Lena (Striny) Heiligenkreuz 1902 1974 St. John the Baptist Stiles
Lorenz, Joseph Dobersdorf 1893 1964 Sacred Heart Allentown
   Lorenz, Louise (Fiedler) Rax 1893 1973 Sacred Heart Allentown
Lorenz, Rudolph Limbach 1889 1958 Sacred Heart Allentown
Lowy, Henry Güssing 1881 1959 Keneseth Israel Allentown
Lowy, Julius Güssing 1885 1951 Beth-El Memorial Park Whitehall
Lowy, Sigmund Güssing 1854 1936 Keneseth Israel Allentown
   Lowy, Regina (Rosenberger) Güssing 1858 1944 Keneseth Israel Allentown
Luipersbeck, Frank Kr. Ehrensdorf (b. Catasauqua) 1907 1978 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
Luipersbeck, Joseph Kr. Ehrensdorf 1879 1959 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
   Luipersbeck, Theresa (Palkovits) Kr. Ehrensdorf 1883 1959 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
Luisser, Ernest Kohfidisch 1920 2009   Allentown
Luisser, Stefan Moschendorf 1892 1960 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
   Luisser, Erma (Loikits) Dt. Ehrensdorf 1893 1992 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
Luiszer, Joseph Edlitz 1893 1917 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
Luizer, Frank Oberbildein 1887 1966 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
   Luizer, Caroline (Rothdeutsch) Heiligenkreuz 1889 1948 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
Lukitsch, Frank Grieselstein 1924 2006   Allentown
Lukitsch, Joseph Henndorf 1896   Resurrection Wescosville
   Lukitsch, Rose (Gölles) Grieselstein 1899 1998 Resurrection Wescosville
Lukitsch, Joseph Grieselstein 1920 1982 Cedar Hill Memorial Park Allentown
Lulf, Mary (Oswald) Dt. Schützen 1898 1978 Laurel Allentown
Luschnitz, Johanna (Kopfer) Dt. Ehrensdorf 1868   Sacred Heart Allentown
Lutterschmidt, Alois Güssing 1858 1918 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
Lutterschmidt, Frank Reinersdorf 1898 1982 St. John the Baptist Stiles
Lutterschmidt, Max Güssing 1883 1950 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
   Lutterschmidt, Theresa (Csecsinovits) Güssing 1883 1941 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
Lutterschmidt, Max Güssing 1906 1929 Sacred Heart Allentown
Lutterschmidt, Siegfried Güssing 1890 1959 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
   Lutterschmidt, Theresia (Toth) Gaas 1891 1972 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
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