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(including the Lehigh Valley and Philadelphia enclaves)
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Wagner, Anna (Schreiner) Limbach 1882 1930 Sacred Heart Allentown
Wagner, Anthony Tobaj 1895 1938 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
   Wagner, Theresa (Burritsch) Kleinmürbisch 1897 1955 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
Wagner, Cornelius Poppendorf 1914 1995 Resurrection Wescosville
Wagner, Edward Limbach 1907 1976 Memorial Park Bethlehem
Wagner, Felix Litzelsdorf 1878 1939 Holy Sepulchre Philadelphia
   Wagner, Theresa (Lang) Neuhaus am Klausenbach 1888 1963 Holy Sepulchre Philadelphia
Wagner, Frank Szentpéterfa 1881 1934 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
   Wagner, Anna (Skrapits) Szentpéterfa 1886 1956 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
Wagner, Frank Rauchwart 1924 1975   Philadelphia
Wagner, Gustav Eltendorf 1891 1936 Garden of Peace Whitehall
   Wagner, Theresia (Mirth) Heiligenkreuz 1896 1997 Garden of Peace Whitehall
Wagner, Joseph Poppendorf 1928 2021 St. Peter's Coplay
   Wagner, Hilda (Gaal) Eltendorf 1927 1986 St. Peter's Coplay
Wagner, John Unterbildein 1879 1943 Sacred Heart Bath
   Wagner, Johanna (Wachter) Eisenberg an der Pinka 1885 1946 Sacred Heart Bath
Wagner, John Limbach 1880 1955 Highland Memorial Park Allentown
   Wagner, Mary (Wallner) Eberau 1885 1959 Highland Allentown
Wagner, John Unterbildein 1880 1951 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
   Wagner, Julia (Knopf) Unterbildein 1881 1963 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
Wagner, John Pornóapáti 1882 1948 Holy Family Nazareth
   Wagner, Rosalie (Legath) Dt. Ehrensdorf 1880 1958 Holy Family Nazareth
Wagner, John Rudersdorf 1884 1973 Sacred Heart Allentown
   Wagner, Theresa (Csekits) Sulz 1885 1958 Sacred Heart Allentown
Wagner, John Eltendorf 1893 Sacred Heart Allentown
   Wagner, Theresa (Haftl) Poppendorf 1895 1967 Sacred Heart Allentown
Wagner, Joseph Eltendorf 1878 Memorial Park Bethlehem
   Wagner, Cecelia (Graf) Eltendorf 1880 1972 Memorial Park Bethlehem
Wagner, Joseph Szentpéterfa 1879 1931 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
Wagner, Joseph Neusiedl bei Güssing 1882 1960 Sacred Heart Allentown
   Wagner, Julia (Weber) Rohrbrunn 1886 1969 Sacred Heart Allentown
Wagner, Leopold Kohfidisch 1901 1985 Sacred Heart Allentown
   Wagner, Margaret (Nöhrer) Grosshöflein 1905 1973 Sacred Heart Allentown
Wagner, Louis Reinersdorf 1913 1980 Calvary Emmaus
Wagner, Mathias Königsdorf 1876 1946 Laurel Allentown
   Wagner, Cecelia (Fischl) Königsdorf 1878 1955 Laurel Allentown
Wagner, Nicholas Szentpéterfa 1874 1949 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
   Wagner, Anna (Vargo) Szentpéterfa 1878 1972 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
Wagner, Robert Rauchwart 1901 1988 Holy Sepulchre Philadelphia
   Wagner, Mary (Erkinger) Rauchwart 1905 1966 Holy Sepulchre Philadelphia
Wagner, Rudolph Kohfidisch 1888 1962 Sacred Heart Allentown
   Wagner, Katherine (Preisler) Gaas 1899 1993 Sacred Heart Allentown
Wagner, Rudolph Dt. Tschantschendorf 1911 1998 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
Wagner, Stella (Fischl) Poppendorf 1892 1932 Garden of Peace Whitehall
Wagner, Stella (Toth) Heiligenkreuz 1893 1978 Woodlawn Memorial Park Allentown
Wagner, Stephen Dt. Tschantschendorf 1880 1957 Sacred Heart Bath
   Wagner, Anna (Malits) Hasendorf 1880 1963 Sacred Heart Bath
Wagner, Vincent Reinersdorf 1879 1951 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
   Wagner, Anna (Keller) Reinersdorf 1892 1932 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
Wala, Caroline (Neubauer) Neufeld 1878 1971 Sacred Heart Allentown
Walakovits, Anna (Schrey) Mogersdorf 1923 2006 St. Mary's Catasauqua
Walakovitz, Charles Grossmürbisch 1894 1954 St. Peter's Coplay
   Walakovitz, Katherine (Busolits) Grossmürbisch 1895 1973 St. Peter's Coplay
Walakovitz, Frank Grossmürbisch 1883 1937 St. Peter's Coplay
   Walakovitz, Anna (Hacker) Gerersdorf 1898 1944 St. Peter's Coplay
Wallitsch, Adolph Neusiedl bei Güssing 1901 1993 Greenwood Allentown
Wallitsch, Anna (Koch) Neusiedl bei Güssing 1851 1910 Fairview Allentown
Wallitsch, Anna (Schmidt) Heiligenkreuz (b. Catasauqua) 1907 2002 St. John the Baptist Stiles
Wallitsch, Frank Dt. Kaltenbrunn 1873 1916 Sacred Heart Allentown
   Wallitsch, Anna (Pelzmann) Bocksdorf 1869 1946 Sacred Heart Allentown
Wallitsch, Frank Neusiedl bei Güssing 1883 1927 Fairview Allentown
Wallitsch, Geza Neusiedl bei Güssing 1910 1991 Woodlawn Memorial Park Allentown
   Wallitsch, Anna (Nikitscher) Tobaj 1919 2004 Woodlawn Memorial Park Allentown
Wallitsch, John Neusiedl bei Güssing 1881 1938 Grandview Allentown
   Wallitsch, Anna (Csencsits) Güssing 1878 1945 Grandview Allentown
Wallitsch, Joseph Neusiedl bei Güssing 1903 1989 Grandview Allentown
   Wallitsch, Margaret (Schubitsch) Kleinpetersdorf 1903 1977 Grandview Allentown
Wallitsch, Julia (Yost) Zahling 1902 1969 Greenwood Allentown
Wallitsch, Ludwig Neusiedl bei Güssing 1884 1930 Grandview Allentown
   Wallitsch, Julia (Fabian) Neusiedl bei Güssing 1889 1963 Grandview Allentown
Wallitsch, Ludwig Dt. Kaltenbrunn 1890 1935 Sacred Heart Allentown
   Wallitsch, Mary (Schrampf) Limbach 1889 1992 Sacred Heart Allentown
Wallitsch, Ludwig Neusiedl bei Güssing 1896 1977 Fairview Allentown
   Wallitsch, Mary (Himmler) Dt. Kaltenbrunn 1895 1980 Fairview Allentown
Wallitsch, Samuel Neusiedl bei Güssing 1878 1918 Fairview Allentown
Wallner, Ferdinand Oberschützen 1878 1934 St. Paul's Blue Church Coopersburg
   Wallner, Anna (Wagner) Limbach 1878 1955 St. Paul's Blue Church Coopersburg
Wallner, Ferdinand Oberschützen (b. Allentown) 1906 1988 Union Hellertown
Wallusch, Andrew Rehgraben 1898 1935 Sacred Heart Allentown
   Wallusch, Mary (Miksits) Rehgraben 1903 1931 Sacred Heart Allentown
Walter, John Kohfidisch 1882 1949 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
Walthofer, Stephen Gerersdorf 1878 1924 Holy Ghost Bethlehem
Wamser, Magdalena (Landl) Rohrbach bei Mattersburg 1894 1967 Niesky Hill Bethlehem
Wandler, Joseph Oberbildein 1886 1961 Sacred Heart Bath
   Wandler, Caroline (Deutsch) Glasing 1891 1979 Sacred Heart Bath
Wanko, Mary (Borhi) Szentpéterfa 1887 1950 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
Wanko, Stella (Sagmeister) Unterbildein 1912 1994 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
Ward, Emma (Lang) Mogersdorf 1911 1994 Sacred Heart Allentown
Ward, Julia (Groller) Eltendorf 1878 1957 Highland Memorial Park Allentown
Warda, Hedwig (Kober) Güssing 1898 1992 Grandview Allentown
Waschitsch, Erna (Entler) Kukmirn 1922 2017 Cedar Hill Memorial Park Allentown
Waschitsch, John Kirchfidisch 1890 1933 Garden of Peace Whitehall
   Waschitsch, Theresa (Flamisch) Kukmirn 1892 1975 Garden of Peace Whitehall
Weber, Adolf Eisenberg an der Pinka 1900 1960 St. Peter's Coplay
   Weber, Julia (Weber) Eisenberg an der Pinka 1902 1942 St. Peter's Coplay
Weber, Adolph Königsdorf 1894 1968 Sacred Heart Allentown
   Weber, Rosa (Schnecker) Limbach 1894 1981 Sacred Heart Allentown
Weber, Andrew Zahling 1870 1946 Holy Cross Yeadon
   Weber, Mary (Gessitz) Rehgraben 1875 1962 Holy Cross Yeadon
Weber, Andrew Gaas 1887 1961 Northwood Philadelphia
Weber, August Szentgotthárd 1881 1936 Sacred Heart Allentown
Weber, Caroline (Urschik) Rauchwart 1897 1983 St. Peter's Coplay
Weber, Caroline (Peischl) Kukmirn 1924 2000 Cedar Hill Memorial Park Allentown
Weber, Cecilia (Kammetler) Königsdorf 1871 1920 Sacred Heart Allentown
Weber, Emil Wallendorf 1899 1972 Sacred Heart Allentown
   Weber, Maria (Wind) Krobotek 1904 1994 Sacred Heart Allentown
Weber, Francis Krobotek 1871 1957 Sacred Heart Allentown
   Weber, Juliana (Zwickl) Poppendorf 1872   Sacred Heart Allentown
Weber, Frank Dt. Kaltenbrunn 1875 1919 Sacred Heart Allentown
   Weber, Mary (Zwickl) Poppendorf 1878 1933 Sacred Heart Allentown
Weber, Frank Krobotek 1899 1981 Sacred Heart Allentown
   Weber, Josephine (Yost) Zahling 1901 1973 Sacred Heart Allentown
Weber, Gustav Heiligenkreuz 1907 1997 Evergreen Selinsgrove
Weber, Ignatz Vaskeresztes 1881 1935 Sacred Heart Bath
   Weber, Susanna (Geider) Hagensdorf 1887 1988 Sacred Heart Bath
Weber, James Güssing 1881 1926 Sacred Heart Allentown
Weber, John Jakabháza 1872 1956 Sacred Heart Allentown
   Weber, Rose (Urban) Jakabháza 1875 1952 Sacred Heart Allentown
Weber, John Kr. Ehrensdorf 1883 1960 Allen Union Northampton
   Weber, Mary (Milkovics) Kr. Ehrensdorf 1887 1978 Allen Union Northampton
Weber, John Vaskeresztes 1922 2017 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
   Weber, Szabina (Rabold) Felsőcsatár 1926 2008 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
Weber, Joseph Felsőrönök 1865 1930 Sacred Heart Allentown
   Weber, Elizabeth (Schuster) Felsőrönök 1875 1943 Sacred Heart Allentown
Weber, Joseph Heiligenkreuz 1880 1952 Grandview Allentown
   Weber, Theresia (Bauer) Heiligenkreuz 1885 1972 Grandview Allentown
Weber, Joseph Königsdorf 1881   Woodlawn Memorial Park Allentown
   Weber, Elizabeth (Decker) Zahling 1881 1947 Woodlawn Memorial Park Allentown
Weber, Joseph Poppendorf 1882 1948 Sacred Heart Allentown
   Weber, Julia (Hessinger) Poppendorf 1886 1935 Sacred Heart Allentown
Weber, Joseph Kotezicken 1887 1947 Sacred Heart Allentown
   Weber, Julia (Steirer) Kotezicken 1891 1954 Sacred Heart Allentown
Weber, Joseph Krobotek 1889 1939 Sacred Heart Allentown
   Weber, Rose (Koerbler) Krobotek 1891 1937 Sacred Heart Allentown
Weber, Joseph Kohfidisch 1893 1976 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
   Weber, Mary (Stangl) Oberbildein 1895 1965 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
Weber, Joseph Eisenberg an der Pinka (b. Coplay) 1928 2009 St. Peter's Coplay
Weber, Julius Rábafüzes 1898 1976 Woodlawn Memorial Park Allentown
   Weber, Friderica (Trinkle) Rábafüzes (b. Allentown) 1909 1990 Woodlawn Memorial Park Allentown
Weber, Julius Rohr 1902 Cedar Hill Memorial Park Allentown
   Weber, Mary (Wagner) Rudersdorf 1902 1974 Cedar Hill Memorial Park Allentown
Weber, Ludwig Poppendorf 1883 1952 Sacred Heart Allentown
   Weber, Theresia (Plessl) Poppendorf 1880 1954 Sacred Heart Allentown
Weber, Martin Eisenberg an der Pinka 1874 1939 St. Peter's Coplay
Weber, Michael Olbendorf 1885 1924 St. John the Baptist Stiles
   Weber, Catherine (Peischl) Olbendorf 1885 1952 St. John the Baptist Stiles
Weber, Michael Gaas 1888 1973 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
   Weber, Ida (Tanczos) Kr. Tschantschendorf 1893 1959 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
Weber, Robert Krobotek 1900 1988 Sacred Heart Allentown
Weber, Rudolph Poppendorf 1889 1965 Sacred Heart Allentown
   Weber, Julia (Artinger) Tschanigraben 1890 1945 Sacred Heart Allentown
Weber, Rudolph Zahling 1891 1954 Laurel Allentown
   Weber, Louisa (Muhr) Zahling 1894 1971 Laurel Allentown
Weber, Samuel Gaas 1880 1957 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
   Weber, Julia (Tomaschitz) Reinersdorf 1883 1948 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
Weber, Theresa (Mondschein) Poppendorf 1857 1929 Sacred Heart Allentown
Wechsler, Adolph Neustift bei Güssing 1886 1970 St. John the Baptist Stiles
   Wechsler, Mary (Heber) Inzenhof 1903 1990 St. John the Baptist Stiles
Wechsler, Anna (Liebezeit) Grossmürbisch 1889 1918 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
Wechsler, August Neustift bei Güssing 1883 1964 St. John the Baptist Stiles
   Wechsler, Mary (Ecker) Kleinmürbisch 1884 1961 St. John the Baptist Stiles
Wechsler, Charles Kleinmürbisch 1895 1958 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
   Wechsler, Theresa (Nemeth) Steinfurt 1892 1955 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
Wechsler, Frank Kleinmürbisch 1862 1937 St. Peter's Coplay
   Wechsler, Ida (Sommer) Kleinmürbisch 1880 1953 St. Peter's Coplay
Wechsler, John Neustift bei Güssing (Coplay) 1905 1985 Coplay Coplay
Wechsler, Theresia (Heber) Inzenhof 1890 1921 St. Mary's Catasauqua
Weghofer, Stella (Muick) Rábafüzes 1903 1951 St. Mary's Catasauqua
Weigl, Joseph Pinkamindszent 1883 1957 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
Weigl, Stephen Pinkamindszent 1891 1963 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
Weiland, Cecelia (Grabner) Limbach 1891 1956 Woodlawn Memorial Park Allentown
Weiland, Louis Rudersdorf 1871 1945 Ebenezer Union New Tripoli
Weiland, Pauline (Eberhardt) Rauchwart 1896 1972 Holy Cross Yeadon
Weiner, John Pornóapáti 1876 1919 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
Weiner, Lukas Kotezicken 1878 1935 Sacred Heart Allentown
   Weiner, Mary (Baar) Krobotek 1883 1965 Sacred Heart Allentown
Weiner, Stephen Pornóapáti 1900 1965 St. Peter's Coplay
   Weiner, Josephine (Pickl) Nemesmedves 1904 1998 St. Peter's Coplay
Weinhofer, Adolf Heiligenkreuz 1930 1995 Sacred Heart Allentown
Weinhofer, Anna Heiligenkreuz 1925 2005 Sacred Heart Allentown
Weinhofer, August Zahling 1889 1965 Sacred Heart Allentown
   Weinhofer, Theresa (Strini) Dt. Minihof 1899 1984 Sacred Heart Allentown
Weinhofer, Cecilia (Boandl) Zahling 1896 1974 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
Weinhofer, Charles Zahling 1881 1943 St. Peter's Coplay
Weinhofer, Charles Zahling 1887 1948 Sacred Heart Allentown
   Weinhofer, Mary (Schuster) Heiligenkreuz 1888   Sacred Heart Allentown
Weinhofer, John Heiligenkreuz 1879 1955 Sacred Heart Allentown
   Weinhofer, Bertha (Bartholowitsch) Mogersdorf 1890 1977 Sacred Heart Allentown
Weinhofer, John Grossmürbisch 1904 1992 Sacred Heart Allentown
Weinhofer, Joseph Heiligenkreuz 1884 1917 Sacred Heart Allentown
Weinhofer, Joseph Grossmürbisch 1894 1954 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
   Weinhofer, Theresa (Ressler) Heiligenkreuz (b. Stiles) 1903 1976 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
Weinhofer, Julius Zahling 1904 1950 Sacred Heart Allentown
Weinhofer, Louis Grossmürbisch 1891 1947 Sacred Heart Allentown
Weinhofer, Rose (Ernst) Limbach 1892 1945 Sacred Heart Allentown
Weinhoffer, Joseph Heiligenkreuz 1892 1958 Holy Ghost Bethlehem
   Weinhoffer, Julia (Kern) Eltendorf 1891 1966 Holy Ghost Bethlehem
Weisel, Erma (Nikles) Neustift bei Güssing 1925 2009 Highland Memorial Park Allentown
Weiss, Albert Olbendorf 1874 1959 St. John the Baptist Stiles
   Weiss, Frances (Kovacs) Olbendorf 1880 1935 St. John the Baptist Stiles
Weiss, Edward Reinersdorf 1870 1944 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
   Weiss, Anna (Lakovits) Moschendorf 1875 1960 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
Weiss, John Olbendorf 1891 1959 St. John the Baptist Stiles
   Weiss, Anna (Groff) Olbendorf 1897 1990 St. John the Baptist Stiles
Weiss, Joseph Reinersdorf 1900 1992 Sacred Heart Bath
   Weiss, Julia (Kleinschuster) Gerersdorf 1903 1996 Sacred Heart Bath
Wells, Agnes (Wagner) Dt. Tschantschendorf 1941 2008 Cremated E. Stroudsburg
Wenzel, Mollie (Hutter) Rudersdorf 1897 1972 Grandview Allentown
Werderitch. Cecelia (Sinkovits) Woppendorf 1863 1945 St. Mary's Catasauqua
Werner, Frank Krobotek 1894 1940 Sacred Heart Allentown
   Werner, Mary (Weber) Krobotek 1893 1967 Sacred Heart Allentown
Werner, Joseph Weichselbaum 1889 1973 Sacred Heart Allentown
   Werner, Mary (Neuherz) Wallendorf 1896 1970 Sacred Heart Allentown
Weslosky, Frieda (Muhr) Szentgotthárd 1923 1991 Egypt Egypt
Wexler, Adolph Neustift bei Güssing 1887 1958 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
   Wexler, Caroline (Unger) Strem 1895 1972 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
Wexler, Andrew Neustift bei Güssing 1882 1953 St. John the Baptist Stiles
   Wexler, Rose (Tapler) Neustift bei Güssing 1893 1977 St. John the Baptist Stiles
Wexler, Frank Neustift bei Güssing 1893 1954 Woodlawn Memorial Park Allentown
   Wexler, Bertha (Arthofer) Eltendorf (b. Allentown) 1901 1996 Woodlawn Memorial Park Allentown
Wexler, John Neustift bei Güssing 1892 1957 St. Peter's Coplay
Wexler, Mary (Spanitz) Gerersdorf 1919 2000 Sacred Heart Allentown
Wexler, Theresa (Gilly) Neustift bei Güssing 1888 1932 Schoenersville Schoenersville
Wieder, Frank Neustift bei Güssing 1884 1918 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
Wieder, Frank Rauchwart 1890 1931 Sacred Heart Allentown
   Wieder, Theresa (Deutsch) Kukmirn 1893   Sacred Heart Allentown
Wieder, John Neustift bei Güssing 1883 1955 Holy Ghost Bethlehem
   Wieder, Theresa (Salber) Königsdorf 1891 1964 Holy Ghost Bethlehem
Wieder, Louis Inzenhof 1886 1958 St. Isidore Quakertown
Wiedner, Frank Hannersdorf 1877 1913 Sacred Heart Allentown
   Wiedner, Theresa (Gabriel) Woppendorf 1877 1925 Sacred Heart Allentown
Wiener, Anna Gerersdorf 1905 1997   Allentown
Wiener, Francis Gerersdorf (b. Vienna) 1902 1993 Holy Saviour Bethlehem
Wiener, Johanna (Muik) Gerersdorf 1880 1970 Sacred Heart Allentown
Wiesner, Andrew Eltendorf 1865 1908 Fairview Allentown
Wiesner, Joseph Eltendorf 1863 1930 Fairview Allentown
   Wiesner, Theresa (Arthofer) Eltendorf 1874 1911 Fairview Allentown
Wiesner, Joseph Rábafüzes 1881 1974 Sacred Heart Allentown
   Wiesner, Julia (Mayer) Mogersdorf 1883 1960 Sacred Heart Allentown
Wiessner, Frank Neustift bei Güssing 1877 1958 St. Peter's Coplay
   Wiessner, Ida (Bodisch) Neustift bei Güssing 1892 1958 St. Peter's Coplay
Wild, Paul Kópháza 1869 1929 Holy Cross Harrisburg
Wilfinger, Charles Dt. Kaltenbrunn 1892 1952 Fairview Northampton
Wilfinger, John Neusiedl bei Güssing 1870 1937 Fairview Allentown
   Wilfinger, Theresa (Krobath) Neusiedl bei Güssing 1872 1930 Fairview Allentown
Wilfinger, John Gerersdorf 1906 1927 Holy Ghost Bethlehem
Wilfinger, Joseph Rudersdorf 1879 1958 St. Joseph's Limeport
   Wilfinger, Josephine (Heber) Rábafüzes 1892   St. Joseph's Limeport
Wilfinger, Joseph Neusiedl bei Güssing 1900 1970 Woodlawn Memorial Park Allentown
   Wilfinger, Theresa (Himler) Dt. Kaltenbrunn 1896 1986 Woodlawn Memorial Park Allentown
Wilfinger, Theresa Dt. Kaltenbrunn 1922 2012 Woodlawn Memorial Park Allentown
Willgruber, John Poppendorf 1893 1972 Sacred Heart Allentown
   Willgruber, Cecilia (Schrott) Königsdorf 1893 1971 Sacred Heart Allentown
Wilt, Vincent Kópháza 1882 1949 Holy Cross Harrisburg
   Wilt, Theresa (Knull) Kópháza 1885   Holy Cross Harrisburg
Wind, Alexander Güssing 1886 1970 Sacred Heart Allentown
   Wind, Theresa (Wagner) Limbach 1888 1976 Sacred Heart Allentown
Wind, Joseph Mogersdorf 1902 1979 Sacred Heart Allentown
   Wind, Celia (Unger) Dobersdorf 1905 1993 Sacred Heart Allentown
Windisch, Ignatius Strem 1886 1964 St. Peter's Coplay
   Windisch, Josephine (Unger) Strem 1893 1984 St. Peter's Coplay
Windisch, Istvan Szentpéterfa 1959 1986 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
Windisch, Konrad Alsószölnök 1888 1971 Holy Saviour Bethlehem
Windisch, Leopold St. Kathrein 1903 1951 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
Windisch, Michael Pornóapáti 1871 1927 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
   Windisch, Elizabeth (Winkelbauer) Dt. Bieling 1876 1956 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
Windish, Edward Moschendorf 1880 1923 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
   Windish, Mary (Deichmeister) St. Nikolaus 1881 1939 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
Windish, Frank Rábafüzes 1885 1955 Most Blessed Sacrament Bally
   Windish, Theresa (Kroboth) Gerersdorf 1883 1939 Most Blessed Sacrament Bally
Windish, Joseph Alsószölnök 1883 1946 Sacred Heart Allentown
   Windish, Johanna (Demmel) Szentgotthárd 1887 1935 Sacred Heart Allentown
Windish, Joseph Moschendorf 1884 1944 Sacred Heart Allentown
   Windish, Theresa (Kern) Eltendorf 1890 1977 Sacred Heart Allentown
Windish, Joseph Welten 1898 1975 Fairview Denver
   Windish, Rose (Dominek) Welten 1902 1995 Fairview Denver
Windish, Joseph Welten 1921 2009 Fairview Denver
Winkelbauer, Anthony Kulm 1875 1944 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
Winkelbauer, Anton Pornóapáti 1879 1952 Holy Ghost Bethlehem
   Winkelbauer, Theresa (Zimmermann) Oberbildein 1884 1947 Holy Ghost Bethlehem
Winkelbauer, Charles Kulm 1851 1919 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
   Winkelbauer, Catherine (Nagy) Eberau 1855 1918 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
Winkelbauer, Frank Eberau 1900 1971 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
Winkelbauer, Joseph Kulm 1875 1927 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
Winkelbauer, Joseph Eberau 1891 1954 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
   Winkelbauer, Theresa (Magdits) Kr. Ehrensdorf 1891 1973 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
Winkler, Gisela (Deutsch) Rábafüzes 1920 2016 Laurel Allentown
Winkler, John Rax 1886 1956 Sacred Heart Allentown
   Winkler, Rose (Unger) Szentgotthárd 1888 1964 Sacred Heart Allentown
Winkler, Joseph Rax 1890 1962 Sacred Heart Allentown
Winter, Charles Rudersdorf 1888 1971 Sacred Heart Allentown
   Winter, Cecelia (Stubits) Kohfidisch 1892 1967 Sacred Heart Allentown
Winter, John Rudersdorf 1874 1950 Sacred Heart Allentown
   Winter, Theresa (Meihofer) Bocksdorf 1871 1955 Sacred Heart Allentown
Winter, Joseph Rudersdorf 1904 1966 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
Winter, Ludwig Dt. Kaltenbrunn 1879 1937 Sacred Heart Allentown
   Winter, Julia (Schaller) Jennersdorf 1881   Sacred Heart Allentown
Wippel, Theresia (Kametler) Königsdorf 1878 1946 Sacred Heart Allentown
Wirth, Alois Königsdorf 1878 1942 Grandview Allentown
   Wirth, Elisabeth (Loeffler) Kukmirn 1886 1965 Grandview Allentown
Wirth, August Inzenhof 1886 1959 St. John the Baptist Stiles
Wirth, Charles Königsdorf 1892 1969 Sacred Heart Allentown
   Wirth, Stella (Hödl) Wallendorf 1894 1926 Sacred Heart Allentown
Wirth, Frank Dobersdorf 1876 1935 Fairview Allentown
   Wirth, Julia (Mirth) Eltendorf 1875 1944 Fairview Allentown
Wirth, Frank Rábafüzes 1927 2017 Grandview Allentown
Wirth, Irene (Fischl) Königsdorf 1892 1926 Sacred Heart Allentown
Wirth, John Inzenhof 1883 1960 Sacred Heart Allentown
Wirth, John Rábafüzes 1892 1974 Laurel Allentown
   Wirth, Theresia (Reichl) Neusiedl bei Güssing 1893 1951 Laurel Allentown
Wirth, Joseph Königsdorf 1864 1937 Sacred Heart Allentown
   Wirth, Anna (Fischl) Königsdorf 1863 1931 Sacred Heart Allentown
Wirth, Joseph Königsdorf 1876 1958 Grandview Allentown
   Wirth, Julia (Ruisz) Kukmirn 1884 1957 Grandview Allentown
Wirth, Rudolph Königsdorf 1890 1973 Woodlawn Memorial Park Allentown
   Wirth, Emma (Schrampf) Limbach 1898 1985 Woodlawn Memorial Park Allentown
Wirth, Theresa (Neubauer) Königsdorf 1848 1932 Fairview Allentown
Wolf, Alois Edlitz 1905 1999 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
   Wolf, Mary (Nikischer) Gaas 1905 1999 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
Wolf, Anna (Mayer) Mogersdorf 1891 1972 Fairview Allentown
Wolf, Charles Dt. Kaltenbrunn 1875 1952 Cedar Hill Memorial Park Allentown
Wolf, Frank Heiligenkreuz 1877 1950 Sacred Heart Allentown
   Wolf, Hedwig (Fassmann) Kleinmürbisch 1882 1976 Sacred Heart Allentown
Wolf, Frank Dt. Kaltenbrunn 1895 1959 Cedar Hill Memorial Park Allentown
   Wolf, Theresa (Lackner) Kukmirn 1895 1971 Cedar Hill Memorial Park Allentown
Wolf, Joseph Mogersdorf 1883 1948 Sacred Heart Allentown
   Wolf, Julia (Riemer) Eltendorf 1882 1972 Sacred Heart Allentown
Wolf, Joseph Mogersdorf 1890 1930 Sacred Heart Allentown
   Wolf, Ida (Hammel) Wallendorf 1890 1956 Sacred Heart Allentown
Wolf, Juliana (Eichner) Rudersdorf 1929 2014 Cedar Hill Memorial Park Allentown
Wolf, Karl Dt. Kaltenbrunn 1903 1983 Greenwood Allentown
Wolf, Stephen Dt. Bieling 1896 1948 Holy Family Nazareth
   Wolf, Angela (Strobl) Strem 1904 1982 Holy Family Nazareth
Wolf, Susanna (Holzmann) Mühlgraben 1875 1945 Northwood Philadelphia
Wolfe, Martin Sumetendorf 1881 1956 Towamensing Palmerton
   Wolfe, Rosa (Stelzmann) Güssing 1889 1946 Towamensing Palmerton
Wolfel, Anton Moschendorf 1882 1964 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
   Wolfel, Anna (Leitner) Oberdorf 1885 1957 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
Wolfel, John Moschendorf 1880 1932 Grandview Allentown
   Wolfel, Rose (Artwohl) Szentgotthárd 1884 1977 Grandview Allentown
Wolfel, Paul Moschendorf 1879 1942 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
   Wolfel, Mary (Stanz) Moschendorf 1884 1948 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
Wolfer, Frank Kirchfidisch 1859 1932 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
Wolfer, Frank Kirchfidisch 1889 1967 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
   Wolfer, Agnes (Yandrisovits) Tudersdorf 1894 1985 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
Wolfer, Frank Kirchfidisch 1889 1967 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
   Wolfer, Mary (Pany) Tudersdorf 1892 1954 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
Wolfer, George Kohfidisch 1896 1970 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
   Wolfer, Magdalena (Schloffer) Steinfurt 1898 1967 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
Wolfer, John Rauchwart 1889 1942 Sacred Heart Allentown
   Wolfer, Theresa (Kanz) Rábafüzes 1894 1968 Sacred Heart Allentown
Wolfer, John Kohfidisch 1891 1964 St. Joseph's Limeport
   Wolfer, Johanna (Wagner) Kohfidisch 1891 1941 St. Joseph's Limeport
Wolfer, John Kohfidisch 1902 1971 Sacred Heart Allentown
   Wolfer, Mary (Drauch) Poppendorf (b. Bethlehem) 1903 1984 Sacred Heart Allentown
Wolfer, Joseph Kirchfidisch 1891 1958 Sacred Heart Allentown
   Wolfer, Hedwig (Weiss) Bocksdorf 1893 1953 Sacred Heart Allentown
Wolfinger, Edward Vaskeresztes 1911 1985 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
Wolfinger, Mary (Schmalzel) Pornóapáti 1912 1966 Our Lady of Hungary Northampton
Wolshitch, Thomas Rauchwart 1880 1961 St. Nicholas Berlinsville
   Wolshitch, Anna (Nemeth) Steinfurt 1889 1981 St. Nicholas Berlinsville
Wolsitch, Frank Olbendorf (b. Coplay) 1906 1998 Resurrection Wescosville
   Wolsitch, Angela (Yost) Inzenhof 1906 2005 Resurrection Wescosville
Wolsitch, John Rauchwart 1891 1959 Garden of Peace Whitehall
   Wolsitch, Theresa (Muhr) Heiligenkreuz 1893 1981 Garden of Peace Whitehall
Wranitz, Jacob Sulz 1882 1962 Sacred Heart Allentown
   Wranitz, Fannie (Bedics) Rábatótfalu 1885 1973 Sacred Heart Allentown
Wukitch, Charles Langzeil 1881 1934 St. John the Baptist Stiles
Wukits, John Neumarkt im Tauchental 1887 1961 Hillside Roslyn
Wukitsch, Alois Eberau 1876 1959 Holy Family Nazareth
   Wukitsch, Marie (Resetar) Szentpéterfa 1877 1944 Holy Family Nazareth
Wukitsch, Joseph Neumarkt im Tauchental 1871 1920 Sacred Heart Allentown
   Wukitsch, Stella (Ostovits) Neumarkt im Tauchental 1877 1949 Sacred Heart Allentown
Wukitsch, Joseph Neumarkt im Tauchental 1882 1952 Sacred Heart Allentown
   Wukitsch, Anna (Kerschbaum) Bad Tatzmannsdorf 1892 1976 Sacred Heart Allentown
Wukitsch, Joseph Neumarkt im Tauchental 1899 1983 Cedar Hill Memorial Park Allentown
Wuko (Wukowits), Joseph Stegersbach 1901 1966 Holy Sepulchre Philadelphia
   Wuko, Katherine (Fumits) Stegersbach 1902 1981 Holy Sepulchre Philadelphia
Wukovits, Leopold Stegersbach 1904 1997 St. John the Baptist Ottsville
   Wukovits, Julia (Hirschbeck) Kukmirn 1910 2005 St. John the Baptist Ottsville
Wukovitz, Frank Strem 1904 1962 Holy Family Nazareth
   Wukovitz, Catherine (Wind) Sulz 1901 1983 Holy Family Nazareth
Wukovitz, Ignatz Strem 1894 1972 Holy Family Nazareth
Wukowitch, Frances (Wukowitch) Strem 1867 1955 Holy Family Nazareth
Wunderler, Albert Poppendorf 1898 1963 Holy Cross Yeadon
Wunderler, Andrew Gerersdorf 1886 1942 St. John the Baptist Stiles
   Wunderler, Mary (Haffner) Gerersdorf 1891 1969 St. John the Baptist Stiles
Wunderler, Frank Zahling 1864 1929 St. Peter's Coplay
   Wunderler, Julia (Schirtz) Gerersdorf 1867 1944 St. Peter's Coplay
Wunderler, Gisela (Ponstingl) Henndorf 1920 2014 St. Joseph's Limeport
Wunderler, John Gerersdorf 1889 1940 Laurel Allentown
Wunderler, John Gerersdorf 1889 1969 Sacred Heart Allentown
   Wunderler, Mary (Weinhofer) Limbach 1891 1978 Sacred Heart Allentown
Wunderler, Joseph Poppendorf 1873 1968 Holy Cross Yeadon
   Wunderler, Theresa (Windisch) Felsőrönök 1874 1962 Holy Cross Yeadon
Wunderler, Joseph Poppendorf 1900 1930 Holy Cross Yeadon
Wunderler, Louis Zahling 1917 1943 Coplay Coplay
Wunderler, Mary (Kroboth) Gerersdorf 1890 1957 St. Joseph's Limeport
Wunderly, Michael Gerersdorf 1889 1966 Coplay Coplay
   Wunderly, Rose (Solderits) Inzenhof 1896 1986 Coplay Coplay
Wurm, Adolph Gamischdorf 1900 1942 Holy Cross Yeadon
Wurm, Frank Gamischdorf 1876 1944 Holy Cross Yeadon
   Wurm, Mary (Hanzl) Gamischdorf 1872 1946 Holy Cross Yeadon
Wuscher, Frank Mogersdorf (b. Allentown) 1909 1944 Sacred Heart Allentown
Wuscher, Robert Mogersdorf (b. Allentown) 1913 1968 Holy Saviour Bethlehem
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