Burgenland Bunch


SurnameResearcherVillage - ParishOther Details
Hidretz Stephen von Hitritz Eisenstadt (Kis-Marton);
Oslip (Oszlop)
Emigrated to America in 1903.
Hier James Hier Stegersbach (Szentelek) Grandmother immigrated to the US in 1961, Same with Grandfather. Grandmother born May 21, 1937, in Steingraben, Gussing, Burgenland, Austria, Father is Unkown People.
Hierbaum Cathy Rock Neumarkt (Felsö-Kethely)
Hierczy (Hirczi) Diane Marz Henndorf (Ercsenye) Ferdinand Hierczy and Anton Hierczy (Possible Hierczy/Hirczi from Felsőszölnök, Hungary)
Himler Gary T Strobl Deutsch Kaltenbrunn (Német-Hidegkút) Settled in Allentown, PA. Frank (Franz) Strobl, Grandfather, 1903-1974. Anna (Himler) Strobl, Grandmother, 1902-1982, Married in Allentown, PA 20 Nov. 1923, Gustav Hadl (Orig. Hodl), Grandfather, 1902-1995, Julia (Tapler) Hadl, Grandmother, 1906-1991. Cecelia (Wiesner) Tapler, Great Grandmother, 1884-1992, daughter of the late Joseph and Cecelia (Doppler) Wiesner from Eltendorf.
Himler Hope E Strobl Deutsch Kaltenbrunn (Német-Hidegkút) Settled in Allentown, PA. Frank (Franz) Strobl, Grandfather, 1903-1974. Anna (Himler) Strobl, Grandmother, 1902-1982, Married in Allentown, PA 20 Nov. 1923, Gustav Hadl (Orig. Hodl), Grandfather, 1902-1995, Julia (Tapler) Hadl, Grandmother, 1906-1991. Cecelia (Wiesner) Tapler, Great Grandmother, 1884-1992, daughter of the late Joseph and Cecelia (Doppler) Wiesner from Eltendorf.
Himmler Robert & Alice Himler Beers Deutsch Kaltenbrunn (Német-Hidegkút)
Himmler Michael Marcellus Bierbaum, Austria Ludwig Himmler married Rosa Trinkl of Limbach in the US, likely in the Allentown / Nazareth, PA, area.
Himmler Kay Kurtz Vogel Deutsch Kaltenbrunn (Német-Hidegkút) Settled in Allentown, PA, 1921.
Hinker Carol Helm Wolfau (Farkasfalva)
Hinterberger Carol Helm Wolfau (Farkasfalva)
Hirczi Marlys Sebasky Henndorf (Ercsenye);
Jennersdorf (Gyanafalva);
Neusiedl bei Güssing (Felsöujlak);
Heiligenbrunn (Szent-Kút)
Hirczy Annie Bigelow
Hirczy Joan Schraith Cole Grieselstein (Köröstyén);
Jennersdorf (Gyanafalva)
To Milwaukee, WI in 1923-30.
Hirczy Ed Schraith Grieselstein (Köröstyén);
Jennersdorf (Gyanafalva)
To Milwaukee, WI in 1923-30.
Hirczy John Thomas Grieselstein (Köröstyén) John and Terez (Gumhold) Thomas emigrated in 1925 and settled in Pittsburgh, PA. Parents were Mathias Thomas and Barbara Buchas; Louis Gumhold and Johanna Hirczy. Catholic.
Hirczy Tamas Vertesi Grieselstein (Köröstyén)
Hirczy Nancy Wood Jennersdorf (Gyanafalva) Josephine Hirczy, born February 1901 to Maria Sommer and Johann Hirczy, settled in NYC and married Anton Mischinger, born July 1896, in 1924.
Hirman Alice Kobalter Karleski Rudersdorf (Radafalva);
Fürstenfeld (Fölöstöm), Styria
Also, from Weiz, Styria.
Hirsch Caroline Darke Lackenbach (Lakompak)
Hirsch Karl Feher Winden am See (Sásony);
Breitenbrunn (Fertö-Széleskút)
Andreas Hirsch settled in Genua (Genova, Italy) then Seattle, WA.
Hirsch Réka Kiesz Stöttera (Stodra);
Rohrbach (Fraknó-Nádasd)
Matthias Hirsch, born 15 Sep 1871, lived in Rohrbach, migrated to Hungary, died 30 Dec 1943 in Budapest.
Hirsch C Pernecker Kittsee (Köpcsény)
Hirsch Kathy Zawislak Winden am See (Sásony) Researcher for a friend.
Hirschbeck Helen M Boss Burgauberg (Burgóhegy) Anton Hirschbeck, born in 1888 to Johann Hirschbeck and wife Anna Lugitsch (Lukitsch), settled in the Bronx, NY, in 1922. His sister, Anna Hirschbeck Graf, preceded him in 1906 and was his sponsor.
Hirschbeck Annelie Hakk Rohr (Nád)
Hirschbeck Frank Nowasell Rohr (Nád);
Rohrbrunn (Nádkut);
Bocksdorf (Baksafalva)
Hirschl Roger Adler Stadtschlaining (Város-Szalónak) Settled in Oradea, Romania.
Hirshman David J Pany Eisenstadt (Kis-Marton) George Hirshman married Stella Pammer, Ignatius Pany (Panny) married Elizabeth Garger
Hirt Denise Schieber Groll Lockenhaus (Léka);
Lökösháza, Hungary
Hirt (Heirt) Mary Kiecker Lockenhaus (Léka);
Deutsch Gerisdorf (Német-Gyirót)
Settled in Winsted, MN. Remarried and used the name Scheiber.
Hirtenfelder Linda (Lukitsch) Gelinger Louisa Hirtenfelder settled in St. Louis, MO, 1910.
Hirtenfelder Mark Lukitsch Jennersdorf (Gyanafalva);
Wolfau (Farkasfalva);
Riedlingsdorf (Rödöny);
Oberwart (Felsö-Ör);
Grosspetersdorf (Nagy-Szent-Mihály)
Emigrated to St. Louis, MO c.1920.
Hirtenfelder Louise Pammer George Frank Pammer b.13 Feb 1892, to US in 1913, and wife Caroline Lena Hirtenfelder b.26 July 1894, to US around 1911, settled in Allentown, PA.
Hirtz (Heirtz) Rich Free Wolfau (Farkasfalva) Alois Hirtz (1900-1982) immigrated to the US in 1920, married Bertha Wilfinger, daughter of emigrants Joseph & Theresia Wilfinger, who emigrated to Indiana in 1907. Catholic.
Hirtzer Mary Hirtzer Markt Allhau (Alhó) Samuel Hirtzer to New York in 1912. Brothers Joseph and John, to America earlier. Samuel married Theresa Rose Weiner in Chicago, IL, in 1915; moved to Valparaiso, IN.
Hirzy Faith Ann Genser
Grieselstein (Köröstyén) Johanna Hirzy and husband Frank Genser from Welten settled in Pittsburgh, PA.
Hirzy (Hirzi) Barbara Christian-lentscher Jennersdorf (Gyanafalva) Anton Hirzy born 3-13-1881 in Jennersdorf and arrived in U.S. in 1904. Married Theresa Kocjnk on 4-28-1906 in New Britain CT. Moved to Milwaukee Wi and changed name to Hirzi.
Hitzel Bob Unger
Rudersdorf (Radafalva);
Eltendorf (Ókörtvélyes)
Hitzl John R Cox Eltendorf (Ókörtvélyes)
Hladky Viktor & Regina Hladky Trausdorf (Darázsfalu)
Hlavads Michelle Creek Sankt Andrä (Moson Szent-András) Settled in New York, NY, ~1879.
Hoanzl Barbara (Hoanzl) Czekner Kukmirn (Kukmér) Settled in Allentown, PA.
Hoanzl Mary Honsel Kukmirn (Kukmér) Settled in Coplay, PA.
Hoanzl Alyson Kenny Kukmirn (Kukmér) Cecelia/Cilie Hoanzl, born Feb 28, 1886 to Johann Hoanzl and Maria Illigasch, and sibling Anna (born 1881) settled in Allentown, PA around 1905.Their niece Karolina and nephew Adolf following in the 1920s.
Hoanzl Patrick Kovacs Kukmirn (Kukmér)
Hoanzl Lisa Siegel Poppendorf (Patafalva) Settled in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. I have very little information but think my grandmother Mae Siegel (her married name) was born as Maria Hoanzl in or near Poppendorf. She lost her mother at an early age and was sent to live with relatives because her father emigrated to the US. She joined him at age 16 - she was probably born sometime between 1905 and 1912 so would have emigranted to the US between 1920-1930? She settled in Milwaukee Wisconsin and was married to Leo Siegel. Any information would be appreciated.
Hobaus Alfred Hobaus Pinkafeld (Pinkafo) To Bratislava, Slovakia and Southern Tyrol. Interest is in Slovakian descendants.
Hobel Charlotte Ewer Stegersbach (Szentelek);
Güssing (Német-Újvár);
Vasvár (Eisenburg), Hungary
Emigrated to Philadelphia, PA, early 1900s.
Hobel Susan Powers Stegersbach (Szentelek)
Hobel Annemarie Tringali Stegersbach (Szentelek)
Hobisch Paul Sandhofer
Hochwarter Carlos Salinas Hochwarter
Hochwarter Mark Traupman Olbendorf (Óbér) Raymond Hochwarter (1870-1930) and Rose (Milositz) Hochwarter (b 1882 in Wallendorf, d. 1924) emigrated to Egypt, PA, and then Bethlehem, PA.
Hodits Bertie Sargis Schachendorf (Csajta) Emigrated to Muskegon, MI and Chicago, IL.
Hodits Brien Vokits Schachendorf (Csajta);
Schandorf (Csém);
Dürnbach (Inczéd)
Settled in Chicago, IL, Passaic, NJ, Muskegon, MI, and McKees Rock, PA.
Hodits (Hodics) Sherrill Petti Dürnbach (Inczéd);
Schachendorf (Csajta);
Narda (Nahring), Hungary
Hodl Angela Dodds Fürstenfeld (Fölöstöm), Styria;
Loipersdorf (Lipótfala);
Heiligenkreuz (Rába-Keresztúr)
To Saskatchewan in the 1930s.
Hödl Martin Friedrich Heiligenkreuz (Rába-Keresztúr);
Sankt Martin (Rába-Szent-Márton);
Jennersdorf (Gyanafalva)
Hodolitz Sandra Hoffmeister Wills
Hodwagner Sarah Bagley Mariasdorf (Máriafalva) Mathias Pahr born 24 JUN 1857 in Stuben married Rosina Schranz born 4 MAR 1858 in Stuben (and later married her sister Barbara Schranz born 20 OCT 1860 in Stuben). Their son Mathias Pahr born 4 or 31 JAN 1889 in Stuben married Emilie Kirnbauer born 2 AUG 1895 in Guenseck. I believe Emilie's parents were Johann/Joannes Kirnbauer born 28 FEB 1871 in Guenseck and Anna Hodwagner (possibly Ulreich) born 12 JUN 1872 in Mariasdorf.
Hoeffer Nancy Rellihan Pilgersdorf (Pörgölény) John (b.1839 to John Puhr & Mary Hoeffer) & Mary Puhr (b.1838 to John Puhr & Madeline Fuschs) to Rosedale, KS, in 1881 with 6 children, John Joseph, b.1862, Frank, b.1866, Maria, b.1870, Cacilie, b.1873, Theresie, b.1872 and Joseph, b.1879 (children settled in Missouri and Kansas).
Hoeffler Viktor Fischer Jabing (Jobbágyi)
Hoerist (Horist) Regina Jones Hannersdorf (Sámfalva) Settled in Chicago, IL, in 1923.
Hoetzl Don & Judy (Decker) Watson Kukmirn (Kukmér) Emma Hoetzl, b. ~1899, &  husband Franz Decker, b. ~1899, to Chicago, IL, ~1923.  Son Franz, b. ~9/18/1921, to Chicago, IL, ~1926.
Hof Hans-Joachim Hof Donnerskirchen (Fertö-Fehéregyháza) Simon Friederich Hof, died 1817 in Donnerskirchen, born 28.10.1784 in Oberensingen, Wuerttemberg. Interested in descendants.
Hofbauer Pamela Gaffner Drumling (Drumoly) Settled in Chicago IL. Grandfather Franz (Frank) Stelzer was born on June 23,1894 in St. Martin, Austria. Grandmother Anna Hofbauer was born on July 12, 1897 in Drumling, Austria. They were married on January 30, 1923 in St. Martin Austria. They emigrated to the United States and arrived October 1, 1923. Frank died 1956 in Chicago IL and Anna died on January 12,1992 in Chicago, IL. I would like to learn as much as I can about their lives in Austria before they came to the US.
Hofbauer Kristin Kutella Sankt Martin (Öri-Szent-Márton) Frank Stelzer and wife Anna Hofbauer settled in Chicago, IL.
Hofer Sandy Liell Bachman Pilgersdorf (Pörgölény);
Piringsdorf (Répce-Bónya)
Settled in Anderson Co., KS.  Anna Windisch Hofer to Shawnee Mission, KS.
Hofer Karen Heiser Martin and Barbara Hofer emigrated early 1900s, settled in Portsmouth and Canton, OH. From Croatia.
Hofer Reinhard Hofer Fertö-Boz (Holling), Hungary;
Sopron (Ödenburg), Hungary
Settled in Mühldorf/Inn, Germany.
Hofer Ginger Opitz McGurk Settled in Omaha, NE and Mandan, ND areas; some to Canada and St. Paul, MN.
Hofer Kenneth L Neal Bubendorf (Lantosfalva);
Pilgersdorf (Pörgölény)
Hofer Margaret Roosdahl Sankt Michael (Puszta-Szent-Mihály);
Tobaj (Tobaj);
Punitz (Pónicz)
Settled in New York and Saskatchewan, Canada.
Hofer Bob Schatz Urbersdorf (Orbánfalu)
Hofer Jessica Schulz Purbach (Feketeváros) Leopold, son of Georg and Elisabeth (Gold) Beissenstein / Peissensteiner and wife Magdalina (Hofer) settled in Neenah, WI, in 1856 with children Charles, Joseph and Mary, plus Magdalina's mother Theresia.
Hofer (Höfer) David Hofer Grafenschachen (Árokszállás) Ferencz Hofer and Terezia Kogler emigrated to Chicago in 1907. Tracing grandparents of Höfer, Kogler, Schützenhofer, Luif, Kaincz, and Hofstetter from Grafenschachen. Need help finding Gaspar Hofer and wife Maria Hofstetter(Hofstadter) before 1828. Need help finding Jacob Hofer (1787-1864) and wife Elisabeth Kaincz(Kaintz) (1790-1846).
Hoffman Ronna Fox Klostermarienberg (Borsmonostor);
Langeck (Hosszúszeg)
Settled in Park City, MT, 1910.
Hoffman Garry Hoffman Pilgersdorf (Pörgölény) John Hoffman, son of Stephan Hoffman and Maria Weber, emigrated to Minnesota ~1885. Lived in Hennepin Co, St. Bonifacius, and Plummer, MN, before settling in Sheho, Saskatchewan, Canada, ~1925.
Hoffman Bruce Saxe
Hoffman Kathy Zawislak Winden am See (Sásony) Researcher for a friend.
Hoffmann Cathy Boyd Tadten (Mosontétény)
Hoffmann Brandie DeBusk Grossmutschen (Sopron-Udvard);
Kleinmutschen (Pervány)
Settled in South Bend, IN.
Hoffmann Dominik Dorner Mariasdorf (Máriafalva)
Hoffmann Florence & Walter Hoffman Mariasdorf (Máriafalva) Hoffmann brothers Josef, Adolf, Ferdinand, Albert, Albin, Alois (Louis) and one sister came to Chicago, IL, from 1902 to 1908. Cousin William Hoffman was also in Chicago in 1916.
Hoffmann Katherine Hoffman Mariasdorf (Máriafalva) Settled in Chicago, IL. The Hoffmann brothers, Adolf, Albert, Ferdinand(Fred), Josef, Alois(Louis) all came to Chicago between 1902 and 1908? One sister, Maria Hoffmann, who married Josef Hotwagner and stayed in Mariasdorf area. Another sister, Albin Hoffmann, married Mathias Dorner but not sure if they came to US. Looking for more information on Alois (Louis), Josef, and Ferdinand(Fred) and looking for more info about both sisters.
Hoffmann Michael Charles Hoffman Grossmutschen (Sopron-Udvard) Karl and Mary Hoffmann emigrated in 1912 to South Bend, IN.
Hoffmann Joe Liebezeit Pornóapáti (Pernau), Hungary;
Gaas (Pinka-Kertes)
Settled in Pittsburgh, PA, early 1920s.
Hoffmann Marlene Mechelke
Tadten (Mosontétény)
Hoffmann Joanne Monaghan Mariasdorf (Máriafalva) Settled in Chicago, IL, 1902-8.
Hoffmann Robert B Neumann
Bubendorf (Lantosfalva) Settled in Winsted, MN.
Hoffmann Pat Reigle Punitz (Pónicz);
Güssing (Német-Újvár)
Emigrated in early 1900's to Bergen Co, NJ.
Hoffmann Alisa Sharon Eisenstadt (Kis-Marton)
Hofler Kent Hofler
Jabing (Jobbágyi) Settled in New York City.
Hofmann Lewis E Einfalt Sr Pornóapáti (Pernau), Hungary Frank (b.1885 in Edlitz) & Mary (Hofmann, b.2/2/1889) Einfalt settled in Northampton, PA in 1901.
Hofmann Leslie Ellingsworth Mönchhof (Barátudvar) Settled in Portland, OR.
Hofmeister Bob Brandt Mariasdorf (Máriafalva) Settled in Chicago, IL, St. Paul, MN, and Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.
Hofmeister Troy Jandrasitz Winten (Pinkatófalu) Karl Jandrasitz, born 3/10/1898 to Karl Jandrasits (b. 4/29/1853, d. 2/8/1914 in Bethlehem, PA) and Karolina Sommer (Szommer) of Grossmurbisch 136, died 12/1/1945. He emigrated before 1929 and married Pauline Bauer, born in the US 7/4/1904 but went back to Austria in ~1905 then back to the US in March 1925. Her parents were John Bauer and Mary Hofmeister. Great-great-grandparents were Johann Jandrasits (b. 2/23/1827) and Katherine Derkits. Great-great-great-grandparents were Johannes Jandrasits (b. 6/18/1800; d. 12/26/1869) and Anna Klusarits.
Höfner Martin Friedrich Burgau (Burgó), Styria;
Neudau, Styria
Hofstadter Robert Schonfelder Pinkafeld (Pinkafo) Settled in Chicago, IL.
Hofstetter (Hofstadter) David Hofer Grafenschachen (Árokszállás) Ferencz Hofer and Terezia Kogler emigrated to Chicago in 1907. Tracing grandparents of Hofer, Kogler, Schutzenhofer, Luif, Kaincz, and Hofstetter from Grafenschachen. Need help finding Gaspar Hofer and wife Maria Hofstetter(Hofstadter) before 1828. Need help finding Jacob Hofer (1787-1864) and wife Elisabeth Kaincz(Kaintz) (1790-1846).
Holczer Margaret Roosdahl Sankt Michael (Puszta-Szent-Mihály);
Tobaj (Tobaj)
Settled in New York and Saskatchewan, Canada.
Holczer Kaitlyn Schmit Punitz (Pónicz) My great-grandfather Michael Cseri (1895-1942) was born in Punitz, house #37. He immigrated to New York City through Baltimore in Nov. 1912. Three of his siblings also immigrated to NYC: Steven Cseri, Anna Hoffman nee Cseri, Hedwig/Hattie List nee Cseri. His siblings Herman, Andreas, Franz, and Joseph remained in Austria. Michael's parents were named Joseph Cseri (1865 - 1925) and Theresia Horvath (1867 - 1918). Marriage record lists them as living at #37 and #53. Joseph's parents were Michael Cseri (1826 - 1866) and Apollonia Holczer (1838 - ?) and his grandparents were possibly Gyorgy Cseri (1792 - 1856) and Anna Hoffman (1805 - >). There were two Theresia Horvaths in Punitz of around the same age. One lived in #53 and the other in #20. Austrian family has handwritten records saying that Theresia Horvath's parents are Joseph Horvath and Teresia Bernarditz, #20, but the marriage record says that our Theresia lived at #53, which means her mom would be Anna Brenner. I'm not sure. Maybe the family record is an incorrect assumption. My great-grandmother Maria Rosenitsch (1906 - 1995) was born in Neutal. She immigrated to NYC through Elis Island in 1922 and married Michael Cherry in NYC around 1928. Her younger two brothers, Johann and Stephan, immigrated to Canada. Maria's parents were Johann Rosenitsch and Theresia Dominkovitz. Possible grandparents were: Stefan Rosenitz + Anna Osterits, and Joseph Dominovitz + Elisabetta Rathmanner. Someone in the Burganland Bunch helped an adopted 3rd cousin build this tree, but I have not verified the names further-up nor have I been able to find records in Neutal.
Holczgethanin Heather Butler Bad Tatzmannsdorf (Tarcsafürdö)
Holczl Teresa (Lokits) Messerli Schandorf (Csém);
Schachendorf (Csajta)
Frank Lakits married Agnes Holczl.
Hold Robert Huld
Inzenhof (Borosgödör);
Tschanigraben (Sándorhegy)
Höld Oswald Held Sankt Georgen (Lajta Szent-György)
Höld Viktor & Regina Hladky Oslip (Oszlop)
Holecz Richard Nemeth Pinkamindszent (Allerheiligen), Hungary;
Gasztony (Gasting), Hungary
To Newark, NJ and Bridgeport, CT.
Holemar Erich Kumbusch Kroatisch Tschantschendorf (Horvát-Csencs)
Holl Barbara Smith Markt Allhau (Alhó) Theresia Holl, born 1898, immigrated to Chicago, IL, in 1922 and married Joseph Kurtz, born 1877 in Markt Allhau, who also immigrated to Chicago in 1922.
Hollanitsch Christopher Glenn Illmitz (Alsó-Illmicz) Settled in St. Paul, MN.
Hollanitsch Ward William Winton Illmitz (Alsó-Illmicz) HOLLANITSCH/HOLLLENITSCH, PINGITZER, BAUER, IKLESAYER, Illmic/Illmitz. All settled in St. Paul, MN; 1886, 1886, 1889, and 1889/1890, respectively. Religion: Roman Catholic. Martin Hollanitsch, born 1855, Illmitz, immigrated 1886 to St. Paul, MN; Barbara Pingitzer, 1856 to 1930, married to Martin, emigrated the same, buried Calvary Cemetery, St. Paul. Joseph Hollenitsch married Julia Bauer, immigrated to St. Paul, MN 1889.
Hollantisch Norm Pihale
Illmitz (Alsó-Illmicz) Mostly settled in St. Paul, Ramsey County and Stearns County, MN.
Hollendonner Sandra Holmstrom Goberling (Góborfalva) Rosina Hollendoner, born in Chicago April 19, 1903, to Josef of Goberling, returned to Hungary at age 5 then went back to Chicago at age 18, arriving in US on April 25, 1922.
Hollendonner Lynne K Ranieri Deutsch Ehrensdorf (Német-Hásos) Settled in Trenton, NJ, Philadelphia, PA and Jeanette, PA.
Hollendonner Katherine Schaffer Deutsch Ehrensdorf (Német-Hásos) Johanna Hollendonner, b.1893 to Robert and Cecelia (Puhm) Hollendonner, emigrated in 1913 to Jeanette, PA, married John Schaffer, b.1888 to Josef and Terez (Holczer) Schaffer of Kohfidisch.
Hollendonner Elsie Wendlandt Rechnitz (Rohonc);
Markt Neuhodis (Város-Hadász)
Settled in Chicago, IL.
Hollendonner Eric Wendlandt Rechnitz (Rohonc) Settled in Chicago, IL and Darlington, WI areas.
Hollenitisch Connie Rossini
Illmitz (Alsó-Illmicz);
Apetlon (Mosonbánfalva);
Wallern (Valla)
Settled in North Dakota then Washington.
Hollenthoner Linda M Bauer Sankt Margarethen (Szent-Margit) Johanes Hollenthoner, son of Joannes Hollenthoner and Elisabeth Lehner, and childen Stephan (born Kalksburg; 1909 to NYC), Frank and Hermine (1905 to NYC) emigrated to the USA. Siblings to Stephan born in Sankt Margarethen.
Hollenthoner Debby Lemons Deutsch Gerisdorf (Német-Gyirót) Martin Yanish/Janisch (b.1837) and wife Theresa Ferdinger (b.1834), with children Paul (b.1852), Rosella (b.1855), Anna (b.1868), Anton (b.1871) and Theresa (b.1874) all emigrated to Minnesota or North Dakota at varying times. Paul Yanish/Janisch and wife Elizabeth Hollenthoner (b 1852) emigrated about 1883 with children Mary and Michael and settled in Winsted MN.
Hollentisch Marcey Fletcher
Illmitz (Alsó-Illmicz) Marcy Fletcher (nee Bröth) died in 2009. Her mother and grandfather were from Pamhagen. Frank Broth settled in St. Paul, MN. John Broth settled in Parkston, SD.
Holler Klaus Gerger Steingraben (Bányá);
Gerersdorf (Német-Szent-Grót)
Holler Cheryl Hettlinger Königsdorf (Királyfalva) To Allentown, PA.
Holler John Holler Gerersdorf (Német-Szent-Grót) Settled in New York City, NY in 1909.
Holler Mark Pitzel Sopron (Ödenburg), Hungary Settled in Minnesota, Dakotas, Washington.
Holler Diane Quinn Fürstenfeld (Fölöstöm), Styria Settled in USA. My great grandmother, Anna, born 1887 and great grandfather, John, grew up in Burgenland 1882.
Holler Randy Wurzer Deutsch Gerisdorf (Német-Gyirót)
Hollmann (Hollman) Ed Badin Eltendorf (Ókörtvélyes) Settled in Philadelphia and Allentown, PA, 1892-1899.
Hollonits Joe Mott Illmitz (Alsó-Illmicz)
Holly Norm Pihale
Illmitz (Alsó-Illmicz) Mostly settled in St. Paul, Ramsey County and Stearns County, MN.
Holonich Dave Engstrom Wallern (Valla) Settled in St. Paul, then Stearns Co, MN, 1885-8.
Holonits Rebecca Chamberlain Illmitz (Alsó-Illmicz)
Holper David Chada Gaas (Pinka-Kertes) Settled in Northampton, PA then Colorado.
Holper Charlotte Ewer Stegersbach (Szentelek);
Güssing (Német-Újvár);
Vasvár (Eisenburg), Hungary
Emigrated to Philadelphia, PA, early 1900s.
Holper Rich Venturi Stegersbach (Szentelek) Settled in Chicago, IL.
Holper Lisa Wörz Güssing (Német-Újvár) Siblings of Karl Holper, son of Adolf and Dorothea (Puschnik) Holper, emigrated 1900-1940 to the USA.
Holper Guenter Holper Ollersdorf (Barátfalva) Johann Marx, daughter Hermine born in Catasagua PA.
Holpfer Patrick Kovacs Olbendorf (Óbér)
Holpfer Dick Schmalzl Olbendorf (Óbér) Maternal grandmother, Mary Holpfer, born in Olbendorf in 1896 and emigrated to the U.S. in 1910. Her brothers Markus (1887), Peter (1890), Vinzenz (1892) and Rudolf (1899) also emigrated to the U.S. in the early 1900s. As did my great grandparents, Nikolaus Holpfer (1864) and Frances Loos Holpfer (1866). All were born in Olbendorf. Several prior generations of Holpfers also lived in Olbendorf going back to the early 1800s/late 1700s. Maternal grandfather, John Herzlieb, born in Felsoronok in 1890 and emigrated to the U.S. in 1910. Paternal grandfather, George Schmalzl, born in Pornoapati in 1882 and emigrated to the U.S. in 1909. Paternal grandmother, Katharine Schmalzl, born in Pornoapati in 1887 and emigrated to the U.S. in 1905. Great grandparents also from Pornoapati, with surnames Schmalzl, Schuszter and Kornfeind.
Holser Laura Wolfer Kirchfidisch (Egyházasfüzes) Joseph John Wolfer, born 1908, Kohfidisch. Emigrated to New York, naturalized 1935. Son of Joseph Wolfer and Maria Holser, both of Kohfidisch.
Holtzapfl Bobbi Huiting Breitenbrunn (Fertö-Széleskút)
Holtzer Klaus M Schaffer Kirchfidisch (Egyházasfüzes);
Kohfidisch (Gyepufüzes)
Emigrants settled in IL, PA, NY and CA.
Holtzer Barbara Volz Smith
Holtzman Paula Bolland Neumarkt (Farkasdifalva) Settled in Kondorfa, Vas, Hungary.
Holtzman Stephanie (Smith) Parisi Settled in Allentown, PA.
Holtzman(n) Richard Potetz Neumarkt (Farkasdifalva) From House #75.
Holvax Janet Evans Mischendorf (Pinkamiske) Settled in Chicago area, 1906.
Holzapfel Betty Presseller Mische Moson-Szolnok (Zanegg), Hungary;
Jánossomorja (Sankt Johann), Hungary;
Moson-Magyaróvár (Wieselburg)
Holzapfel András Pálmai Steinberg (Köhalom)
Holzer Christine Recker Bahto Kohfidisch (Gyepufüzes) Wilma Holzer 1901-1964, emigrated 1922.
Holzer Stephen Louis Klincewicz Güssing (Német-Újvár) Settled in USA. Both HOLZER and LUIPERSBECK emigrated to Maryland in the 1920s. Birthdates between 1895 and 1898.
Holzer Douglas Page Rattersdorf (Rötfalva) Adalbert Holzer, born 1892, married Johanna Unterecker, born 1896, and emigrated to Alberta, Canada, in 1927. Johanna and children Ida, Adalbert, Katherina, Stefan, and Helene joined him in 1928.
Holzer Theresa Walker Kohfidisch (Gyepufüzes) Joseph Holzer, b 1885, emigrated in 1905, settled in Allentown, PA, and married Augusta Bartolovitsch (b 1887 in Krobotek, emigrated 1902).
Holzer Yehudah Shapira Rechnitz (Rohonc) I am a direct descendant of David and Johanna Holzer, Carolina Spitzer nee Holzer, and Eugene Spitzer.
Holzgethan Walter Fiedler Jormannsdorf (Gyimótfalva)
Holzhofer Franz Weinreuter Agfalva (Agendorf), Hungary Lutheran. Maria Holzhofer and parents Michael and Maria (Pöpperl) Holzhofer were deported to Neckarelz, Baden-Württemberg, Germany, during the eviction of 1946, then lived in Fahrenbach and then Schwaigern, Baden-Württemberg, Germany.
Holzinger Fabio Oscar Holzinger Rohrbach (Fraknó-Nádasd) Settled in Choele Choel, Rio Negro, Argentina.
Hölzl Orvill S Paller Steinberg (Köhalom)
Holzmann Werner Holzmann Bánfalva (Wandorf), Hungary
Holzmann Martin Wolf Mühlgraben (Malomgödör) Immigrated 1889-1925 to New Britain, CT, and Pennsylvania.
Holzschuster (Holzshuster) Jean Marie Kelly
Homor László Békési Pereszteg (Perestagen), Hungary
Homza Angela Smith Settled in Pennsylvania.
Honigschnabel Tom Kraus Buchschachen (Oribükkösd)
Hönisberg Gustavo Ernesto Kollmann Antau (Selegszántó);
Bad Sauerbrunn (Savanyukút)
Ernest Kollmann, born Antau, moved to Bad Sauerbrunn, emigrated to Buenos Aires, Argentina in 1930, son of Maurice and Emma (Hönisberg).
Hopfer Norm Pihale
Illmitz (Alsó-Illmicz) Mostly settled in St. Paul, Ramsey County and Stearns County, MN.
Hopfer Joan Pepin Tschida Of St. Paul, MN.
Hopitson (Hoponson, Hopenson) Joyce Goldthorpe
Hopizan (Hopizahn) Martina Mikolits Thersia Hopizan settled in New Jersey?
Horky Julian Horky Drassburg (Darúfalva) I was born 1988, grew up in the Burgenland, and moved to NYC in 2018.
Hornstein Robert Hornstein
Hornstein (Szarvkö) Settled in the New York area.
Horvat Patricia Nemetz Martinje, Slovenia Settled in Bethlehem, PA.
Horvath Laszlo & Monika Apathy III
Sopron (Ödenburg), Hungary Eva Horvath b. 7 May 1922, Sopron, d. 30 Dec 1967.
Horvath Mary Ann Balas Dürnbach (Inczéd) Settled in Chicago, IL.
Horvath Lorraine Baysek Felsö-Szölnök (Oberzemming), Hungary Karolina Horvath, b.1881, and Johann Bajzek, 1884-1952, immigrated to Pittsburgh, PA in 1906. Later returned to Graz area.
Horvath Lorrie Beattie Unterwart (Alsó-Or)
Horvath Gerry Berghold
Rosenberg (Rosahegy);
Güssing (Német-Újvár)
Horvath Peter L Berghold Rosenberg (Rosahegy);
Güssing (Német-Újvár)
Horvath Jean Birmingham Eisenberg ad Pinka (Csejke);
Kulm (Kólom);
Kroatisch Ehrensdorf (Horvát-Hásos)
Horvath Kim Bulone Eberau (Monyorókerék) Karoly Schuch and Terez Horvath. Gisella (Schuch) Flax, b. Feb 1892, to America about 1906; 8 of 10 siblings settled in Chicago.
Horvath Theresa Horvath Buzonas Eberau (Monyorókerék) Settled in McKees Rocks, PA.
Horvath AnneMarie Corradeno Kulm (Kólom) Settled in Northampton, PA.
Horvath Michelle Creek Sankt Andrä (Moson Szent-András) Settled in New York, NY, ~1879.
Horvath Manuela Diamant Woppendorf (Várújfalu);
Hannersdorf (Sámfalva);
Burg (Pinka-Óvár);
Welgersdorf (Velege)
Horvath Andrea Dobi Kleinwarasdorf (Borisfalva) Thomas Horvath, b1877 at Kleinwarasdorf 86 to Apollonia Horvath, moved to Sopron, Hungary, and married Terezia Brombach, b1876 in Sopron. Children Aladar, Imre, Gyula and Tamas were born in Sopron. Aladar married Gizella Sarkozi in 1936 in Sopron; they emigrated to Austria in 1956.
Horvath Vanessa Ellicott Nikitsch (Füles);
Kroatisch Minihof (Malomháza)
Horvath Janet Evans Mischendorf (Pinkamiske) Settled in Chicago area, 1906.
Horvath Jolan E Fagerberg Rotenturm (Vasvörösvár) Researcher emigrated from Hungary in 1956.
Horvath Caitlin Farinelli Szombathely (Steinamanger), Hungary Settled in Oberwart.
Horvath Theresa Farrell Schandorf (Csém)
Horvath Manfred Johann Gartner Eberau (Monyorókerék)
Horvath Klaus Gerger Güssing (Német-Újvár)
Horvath John Grabner Szent Gotthárd (Sankt Gotthard), Hungary My parents were married in Canada. He immigrated before 1960. My father was Johann Grabner, born October 14, 1934. Father) Janos Horvath. Mother) Maria Grabner. Brother) Ferenc Horvath. Sister) Rozalia Horvath. Brother) Jozsef Horvath. Grandfather) Janos Horvath. Grandmother) Rozalia Gubics.
Horvath Elaine Grace Family to Frank Leitner, b.10-1-1875 in Deutsch Tschantschendorf.
Horvath Barbara Guttman Kleinzicken (Kis-Ciklény)
Horvath Nadine Hardin Sopron (Ödenburg), Hungary Rosalia Horvath and husband Balint (Walter) Galgoczi settled in Rosebush and Mount Pleasant, MI; Stephanus and Rosa (Duakasz) Horvath (1840-50, Sopron area); Stephan andJulia (Koller) Horvath (mid-1860), from Budapest; known children Elizabeth (Voros) Horvath, and Andrew (Horvath), who settled in South Bend, St. Joseph, IN, and Martha (Horvath) Czvitko from Budapest.
Horvath Christine Hoover Eberau (Monyorókerék) MGM, Maria Meyer emigrated from Eberau in early 1900 to McKees Rocks, Pa. MGF, Emil Boronyak emigrated from Neuhaus am Klausenbach to McKees Rocks, Pa early 1900.
Horvath Tibor Horvat Apátistvánfalva (Stefansdorf), Hungary Settled in Steelton, PA, around 1909.
Horvath Jane Horvath Kondorfa (Krottendorf), Hungary Maria Paar (1895-1963) and Josef Alex Horvath (1892-1957), emigrated in 1911 and settled in Bethlehem Steel. By 1920, census records show the couple as married with three children and sharing a home with Josef's brother, Gyorgy, his wife, and their own three children.
Horvath Janet Horvath Eberau (Monyorókerék) Settled in McKees Rocks, PA.
Horvath Jim Horvath Dürnbach (Inczéd) Settled in Chicago, IL.
Horvath Max Horvath Welgersdorf (Velege) Settled in Australia.
Horvath Steve Horvath Frauenkirchen (Boldogasszony) Settled in Chicago, IL, 1910, married Balaskovits from Michigan. From Japla, Hungary.
Horvath Steven Horvath Sopron (Ödenburg), Hungary
Horvath Timea Horváth Settled in Milwaukee, WI, 1912-13. From Posfa, Hungary.
Horvath James Horwath Hannersdorf (Sámfalva) Paternal grandfather, Jozsef Horvath, b. 31 Mar 1887, d. 21 Dec 1983, emigrated 1905. Paternal grandmother Louisa Muhr, b. 23 Sep 1896, d. 26 Jun 1925, emigrated 1910. Her sister Karolina Muhr, b. 19 Jul 1901, d. 1959, emigrated 1922 later married Jozsef Horvath. Louisa and Karoline's brother Jozsef Muhr, b. 23 Aug 1903, d. 3 Oct 1984 emigrated 1928.
Horvath Evelyn Jovicic Dürnbach (Inczéd);
Hannersdorf (Sámfalva)
Settled in Chicago, IL and Muskegon, MI.
Horvath Dick Karaus
Deutsch Tschantschendorf (Német-Csencs) Theresia Horvath settled in Cincinnati, OH, 1903.
Horvath Michael Kirchmeier Sankt Andrä (Moson Szent-András)
Horvath Marcy Lamb
Horvath Franz Lehner Sankt Andrä (Moson Szent-András)
Horvath Edgar Maikisch Deutsch Schützen (Német-Lövö) Settled in New York and New Jersey, 1959.
Horvath AJ Marks Heiligenkreuz (Rába-Keresztúr) Settled in NJ. Eugene (Jeno) Horvath born 02 SEP 1931. Karoline Sarkozi born 06 Sep 1912.
Horvath Paula Gaber McNulty Felsö-Szölnök (Oberzemming), Hungary Settled in Pittsburgh, PA, ~ 1910.
Horvath Michelle Merwarth Langental (Langató) My dad was born to a Gisella Horvath - He was born Franz Josef Horvath and was given or adopted to Gisella's sister (from what I am told) he was youngest of 6-8 children by Katherine Illona and Frank Conner. He was born in Jan 1946, brought to US when he was around 8. Looking for relatives of my dad and my grandmother. Her name (grandmother) on wedding certificate is Katherine Ilonba Reischer.
Horvath Jerry Molchany
Horvath Frances Morton Sopron (Ödenburg), Hungary
Horvath Michael Murphy Punitz (Pónicz) Josef Cseri/Cherry and Theresa Horvath (1855). I'm adopted so I only know what I've been able to gather so far through research. The above is a guess based on 3rd and 4th cousin's family trees on Ancestry. I also match Frank Paukowits on GEDmatch.
Horvath Andrea Novak Neumann Nikitsch (Füles)
Horvath Florence Owens Woppendorf (Várújfalu)
Horvath Kevin M Palan Deutsch Tschantschendorf (Német-Csencs) Emmigrated to Passaic, NJ, and Northampton, PA. Settled in Newark, NJ, area and Northampton and Philadelphia, PA, areas.
Horvath Peg Panka Settled in Pittsburgh, PA, ~1902-3. From D.Csulori?, Austria.
Horvath Frank Paukowits Punitz (Pónicz) Settled in the New Jersey area in the 1920s.
Horvath Denise Pfalzer Körmend, Hungary;
Vasvár (Eisenburg), Hungary
Horvath John Rajkovacz Schachendorf (Csajta);
Dürnbach (Inczéd);
Zuberbach (Szabar)
Settled in Muskegon, MI, l929.
Horvath Marcel Rosta Zurndorf (Zurány) Lutheran, Catholic. Settled in the USA.
Horvath Bertie Sargis Schachendorf (Csajta) Emigrated to Muskegon, MI and Chicago, IL.
Horvath Paul Shubert Riedlingsdorf (Rödöny) Settled in Chicago, IL in 1907.
Horvath Ella Czvitkovich Stivers Kleinwarasdorf (Borisfalva);
Grosswarasdorf (Szabadbáránd);
Nikitsch (Füles);
Kroatisch Geresdorf (Horvát-Gyirót)
Has book titled "800 Jahre Kleinwarasdorf, 1195-1995".
Horvath Sue Straw Arpas, Hungary;
Mórichida, Hungary;
Rabá-Szent-Miklös, Hungary
Horvath Reinhard Strobl Kleinmürbisch (Felsö-Medves);
Grossmürbisch (Nagy-Medves)
Settled in Pennsylvania (Lehigh Valley: Allentown, Coplay, Stiles, Nazareth, Egypt, Coraopolis), some in New York (Troy, Hoboken).
Horvath Brien Vokits Schachendorf (Csajta);
Schandorf (Csém);
Dürnbach (Inczéd)
Settled in Chicago, IL, Passaic, NJ, Muskegon, MI, and McKees Rock, PA.
Horvath Ronald Zechmeister Halbturn (Féltorony);
Sankt Andrä (Moson Szent-András)
Franciscus Zechmeister, son of Josephus and Eva (Horvath) Zechmeister (both born ~1816) of Sankt Andra Am Zicksee, emigrated from Halbturn to St. Paul, MN.
Horvath Kaitlyn Schmit Punitz (Pónicz) My great-grandfather Michael Cseri (1895-1942) was born in Punitz, house #37. He immigrated to New York City through Baltimore in Nov. 1912. Three of his siblings also immigrated to NYC: Steven Cseri, Anna Hoffman nee Cseri, Hedwig/Hattie List nee Cseri. His siblings Herman, Andreas, Franz, and Joseph remained in Austria. Michael's parents were named Joseph Cseri (1865 - 1925) and Theresia Horvath (1867 - 1918). Marriage record lists them as living at #37 and #53. Joseph's parents were Michael Cseri (1826 - 1866) and Apollonia Holczer (1838 - ?) and his grandparents were possibly Gyorgy Cseri (1792 - 1856) and Anna Hoffman (1805 - >). There were two Theresia Horvaths in Punitz of around the same age. One lived in #53 and the other in #20. Austrian family has handwritten records saying that Theresia Horvath's parents are Joseph Horvath and Teresia Bernarditz, #20, but the marriage record says that our Theresia lived at #53, which means her mom would be Anna Brenner. I'm not sure. Maybe the family record is an incorrect assumption. My great-grandmother Maria Rosenitsch (1906 - 1995) was born in Neutal. She immigrated to NYC through Elis Island in 1922 and married Michael Cherry in NYC around 1928. Her younger two brothers, Johann and Stephan, immigrated to Canada. Maria's parents were Johann Rosenitsch and Theresia Dominkovitz. Possible grandparents were: Stefan Rosenitz + Anna Osterits, and Joseph Dominovitz + Elisabetta Rathmanner. Someone in the Burganland Bunch helped an adopted 3rd cousin build this tree, but I have not verified the names further-up nor have I been able to find records in Neutal.
Horvath (Horvat) Diana S
Felsö-Szölnök (Oberzemming), Hungary;
Alsó-Szölnök (Unterzeming), Hungary
Settled in Pittsburgh/Allegheny, PA; St. Martin ad Raab; Montevideo, Uraguay; Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Horváth (Horvat) Bill Bossong Settled in Spring Hill area of Pittsburgh, PA. Other interested surnames: Sulics, Bajzek, Csuk, Wolf, Ropposch/Roposch.
Horvath (Howarth) Margo (Howarth) Snyder Settled in Hazleton, PA, around or before 1920.
Horvatis (Horvatits) Donna Horvatis Stinatz (Stinácz) Emerick Horvatis (Horvatits), born 10/16/07 to John and Irene Horvatis, lived with aunt Maria Blaskovits in Stinatz; emigrated to Buffalo NY about 1929.
Horvatis (Horvatits) Kristen Kellick Stinatz (Stinácz) Descended from Egyed/Egidius/Edgar Horvatis (1885-1951), Mary/Maria Blaskovits (1890-?), Joseph Kiristis (1901-1987), and Mary Kirisits (1898-1970), all of Stinatz and migrated to Buffalo, NY in the early 1900s.
Horvatits Alexander H Allen Stinatz (Stinácz) Valentine Horvatits, b:1889 to Franz, and Marie Tomsits, b:1891 had daughter Theresa, b:1911. Franz' brothers were John b:1879, Alexander and Mathew.
Horvatits Louise Kirisits Biela Stinatz (Stinácz) Settled in Buffalo, NY.
Horvatits Markus Dobrovits Stinatz (Stinácz)
Horvatitz Andrew Horvatits Stinatz (Stinácz) Given name: John Birth date: 26 Jul 1893 Last name is alternatively spelled "Horvatits" on specific documents. Arrived in the US via Philadelphia on April 20, 1910. First records in the US place him in Buffalo in 1917.
Horwath Joseph Horwath Apetlon (Mosonbánfalva) Settled in St. Paul, MN in the 1900s.
Horwath Karl Horwath Apetlon (Mosonbánfalva) Settled in St. Paul, MN.
Horwath Kay Horwath Zurndorf (Zurány) Settled in Omaha, NE.
Horwath Michael Lehner Schachendorf (Csajta);
Rechnitz (Rohonc);
Dürnbach (Inczéd);
Schandorf (Csém)
Emigrated to Winnipeg about 1957.
Horwath James Weinzatl Pamhagen (Pomogy)
Horwith Christina Young Reinersdorf (Zsámánd) Settled in Rockdale, Lehigh Valley, PA.
Hosch William R Hosh Bad Tatzmannsdorf (Tarcsafürdö) Hosch, Johann at House #51. Richard 1924, Margarethe 1923, and Carl Hosch emigrated to Chicago, IL, area.
Hosch Bela Molnar Jennersdorf (Gyanafalva) Johann Hosch immigrated to Europe or USA. Related to Petrosani (Romania).
Hotvagner (Hotwagner, Hatwagner) Michael Hotvagner
Althodis (Óhadász);
Markt Neuhodis (Város-Hadász);
Schachendorf (Csajta)
Hotwagner Pamela Demme Riedlingsdorf (Rödöny) Settled in Chicago IL 1923. Gustav Rehberger 1910-1995. Father: Josef Rehberger born Hotwagner in Bergwerk 1886-1960. Name changed in 1906. Mother: Elisabeth Piff Rehberger. House #153 in Riedlingsdorf.
Hotwagner Florence & Walter Hoffman Mariasdorf (Máriafalva)
Hotwagner Margie Ann Kuch Weaver Goberling (Góborfalva) Josef Kuch (b: 11 Jun 1886) emmigrated to Chicago, IL May 1911 and his wife, Maria (Fasching) Kuch (b: 14Aug1888) followed him to Chicago October 1912. They both were born in Aschau. Their children, Johann (b: 7Oct1908) and Caroline (b: 12May1910) emmigrated to the USA with their mother's sister, Theresa Rosina (Fasching) Gamauf and her children May 1921, and joined their parents in Caseville, Michigan.
Hotwarth (Hotworth) Tammy Brown Andau (Moson-Tarcsa) Settled in Nebraska.
Hruby Eveline Pilgram Brennberg-banya (Brennberg), Hungary Matthias Hruby, born 1 Feb 1861.
Huber Heidi Raab Antoni Neckenmarkt (Sopron-Nyék);
Fertö-Rákos (Kroisbach), Hungary
Settled Menasha, WI in or before 1858.
Huber Graham Burt
Huber Harold Collaris Neufeld (Lajta-Újfalu);
Zillingdorf, Lower Austria
Huber Jim Huber Halbturn (Féltorony) Settled Rice St. and Frogtown areas of St. Paul, MN.
Huber Mike Huber Unterschützen (Alsó-Lövö);
Riedlingsdorf (Rödöny)
Settled in Baltimore, MD, 1914-30.
Huber Steve Huber Deutsch Bieling (Német-Bükkös) Settled in Lehigh Valley of PA. Also from Heiligenbrunn (Szent-Kút).
Huber Barry Keippel Riedlingsdorf (Rödöny)
Huber Angela Rioux Deutsch Gerisdorf (Német-Gyirót) Roman Catholic. My grandfather, Rudolph Huber, immigrated to Canada in 1926. Two of his brothers also left home, Karl and Frank. I believe he had a brother Andrew, along with other siblings. None of my mom's siblings know much about Grandpa Rudy's family. He was born on September 17, 1902.
Huber Betty Schweitzer Tobaj (Tobaj)
Huber Sandy Stadtherr Neusiedl am See (Nezsider)
Huber Barbara Zigelhofer Sopron (Ödenburg), Hungary To the US in 1893. Settled in Marshfield, MO.
Huber Cris Altman Deutsch Gerisdorf (Német-Gyirót) Michael & Maria (Seiser) Huber immigrated from Deutsch Gerisdorf to the US in 1892, settling in Fingal, North Dakota. Franciscus (Frank) Puhr & Maria (Baumgartner) immigrated from Deutsch Gerisdorf to the US in 1890, settling in Barnes County, North Dakota.
Huber Christine Tolerico Deutsch Bieling (Német-Bükkös)
Huber Katherine Scott Rauhriegl-Allersgraben (Füsthegy-Sirokány) Trying to trace my maternal roots and look for living relatives. We had a family residence in Rauhriegel which has been sold. My Albrecht (Emil) family lived and owned minimum from the 1940s to 1970s or 80s. I found records for my great Grandfather's siblings born to Julius Lakits and Elisabeth Albrecht in Mönchmeierhof through 1905 - 1920. My grandmother Maria Albrecht / Huber emigrated to Canada in the 1950's but to our knowledge the rest of the family stayed in Austria. I'm trying to reconnect.
Huber (Hueber) Herb Huber Unterschützen (Alsó-Lövö) Emigrated to Baltimore, MD, or to Canada and later Baltimore, 1919-30.
Huber (Huiber) Cathy Stallone Deutsch Tschantschendorf (Német-Csencs) Anna Huber, daughter of Franz Huber (~1895-1936) & Maria Dulmovits (~1885-1957) to US after father's death. Franz' parents were Lucas Huber (born c.1860) & Anna Jautz (of Tobaj).
Huber (Stuber) P Takler Rechnitz (Rohonc)
Hubner Jody Hansen Breitenbrunn (Fertö-Széleskút)
Hueber Angela Dodds Fürstenfeld (Fölöstöm), Styria;
Loipersdorf (Lipótfala);
Heiligenkreuz (Rába-Keresztúr)
To Saskatchewan in the 1930s.
Hueling Harry Schleipfenbauer Sopron (Ödenburg), Hungary;
Neckenmarkt (Sopron-Nyék)
Settled in Landgraaf, Netherlands and Gledbeck, Germany.
Huemann Joseph J Gambsky Purbach (Feketeváros) Settled in Wisconsin, 1855, moved to Illinois and Colorado.
Huemann (Humann) Paul Sandhofer Mathias Huemann and Catharina Szondhofer
Hufnagel Margaret Glaser Brennberg-banya (Brennberg), Hungary Maria Hufnagel, born 1837.
Huiber Viktor & Regina Hladky Oslip (Oszlop)
Huiber (Huber) Thomas L Raab Fertö-Rákos (Kroisbach), Hungary RAAB, Neckenmarkt, HUIBER (HUBER), Fertorákos/Kroisbach, Hungary, both settled in Wisconsin. Ladislaus Raab, born ~1825, married Maria Huiber in Fertorákos/Kroisbach, Hungary, in 1853. They had a daughter Rozalia in 1855 in Fertorákos and three sons in Wisconsin (in 1858, 1860, 1862). Ladislaus died in the US Civil War in 1862.
Huisbauer Harold E A Steurer Badersdorf (Pöszöny);
Kirchfidisch (Egyházasfüzes);
Güssing (Német-Újvár);
Woppendorf (Várújfalu);
Hannersdorf (Sámfalva);
Jormannsdorf (Gyimótfalva);
Grosspetersdorf (Nagy-Szent-Mihály);
Mariasdorf (Máriafalva);
Pinkafeld (Pinkafo)
Hull Rochelle (Flamisch) Kesack Felsö-Rönök (Oberradling), Hungary John (Johann) and Johanna, children of Johann and Cecelia Groller Flamisch, settled in Allentown, PA in 1923. John married Mary (Marie) Kloiber from Deutsch Minihof, daughter of Louis and Julia Hull Kloiber.
Hüll Rachael (White) Dobsovicova Felsö-Rönök (Oberradling), Hungary
Hüll Amy Ernharth Felsö-Rönök (Oberradling), Hungary Siblings Cecelia and Sigmund Hüll immigrated to McKees Rocks in 1900 and 1913 respectively. Cecelia married John (Ernhardt) Ernharth of Unterradling and Sigmund married Julia Stangl of Unterradling. Sibling Carl immigrated in 1885 and eventually settled in Westmoreland County. All changed the surname to Hill. Sibling Rudolf immigrated to Austria in the early 1950's.
Hüll Tibor Föthmann
Hus Betty Presseller Mische Moson-Szolnok (Zanegg), Hungary;
Jánossomorja (Sankt Johann), Hungary;
Moson-Magyaróvár (Wieselburg)
Husnick Susan M Lichtscheidl Anderson Neusiedl am See (Nezsider) Jacob Husnick, born 1850, died June 18, 1898, settled in Afton, MN, then in Rice Lake, MN, and married Mary ? from Burgenland.
Husovitz Maryellen Szvetitz Eichelbaum Eisenhüttl (Kis-Vaskút) To Allentown, PA around 1900.
Huss Howard Heck Sankt Andrä (Moson Szent-András) Joseph Huss came to Fairfax, MN, in May, 1886.
Huss Arlene Huss Jánossomorja (Sankt Johann), Hungary Settled in Londonderry Twp, Dauphin Co, PA about 1888.
Huss Janice Kucirek
Neusiedl am See (Nezsider) Settled in Nebraska and Minnesota, 1890-1905. From the Neusiedl Bezirk.
Huss Mary Rushing Jánossomorja (Sankt Johann), Hungary Settled in NW Kansas or Nebraska.
Huss Paul Weiss Jánossomorja (Sankt Johann), Hungary;
Moson-Szolnok (Zanegg), Hungary
Huss Evelyn Yetts Jánossomorja (Sankt Johann), Hungary Settled in Nebraska, Kansas and Minnesota in the 1880s.
Huss (Husz) Jeanie Goff Sankt Andrä (Moson Szent-András)
Huss (Husz) Michael J Huss Sankt Andrä (Moson Szent-András)
Huszovits Matthew Tanzos Rehgraben (Ozgödör) From Rehgraben & Gerersdorf
Huszovitz Kathy Bossert Güssing (Német-Újvár)
Huszovitz Joseph Tanzos
Güssing (Német-Újvár)
Huterer András Pálmai Sopron (Ödenburg), Hungary
Hutfles (Hutflez) Sharon Turner Jánossomorja (Sankt Johann), Hungary Settled in Kansas.
Hutflesz Judith M Kezdi Curtis
Hutler Barbara Sherman O'Laughlin Felsö-Rönök (Oberradling), Hungary;
Alsó-Rönök (Unterradling), Hungary
Settled in Jacobs Creek, McKees Rocks, Pittsburgh, PA.
Hutter Kim DiRoberts Neustift bei Güssing (Újtelep);
Tschanigraben (Sándorhegy)
Herman Hutter, b.28 Nov 1897, son of Josef & Julia (Sommer) Hutter, married Theresia Artinger, to Allentown, PA and NYC in 1929-30.
Hutter Hedy Hutter Fink Felsö-Rönök (Oberradling), Hungary;
Grossmürbisch (Nagy-Medves)
Hutter Richard A Krieg Horitschon (Haracsony) Josef Hutter, b 11 Jan 1889, and Anna Krottner, born 26 Jan 1892, settled in Chicago, IL.
Hutter Richard Frank Leitgeb Settled in Milwaukee, WI about 1905.
Hutter Scott Marks Schönherrn (Szépúr) Settled in Chicago, IL, 1912. Johann Furst (b1891), wife Theresia Hutter (b1893). Matthias Hutter (b1866), wife Maria Zartler (b1867, Maria's 1st marriage).
Hutter Joan Meyers Willersdorf (Villámos) Settled in Oak Park, Forest Park, IL.
Hutter Carol R Schuster Inzenhof (Borosgödör)
Hutter Kathryn Bauer Zickel Horitschon (Haracsony);
Raiding (Doborján)
Hutter Jeanette Jaffe Mariasdorf (Máriafalva) Anna Margareta Hutter, born July 1921 in Mariasdorf, was my grandmother. Her mother was Anna Schuch Hutter (born 1894), and her father was Adolph Robert Hutter (born 1897). My grandmother met my grandfather, USA Soldier Lawrence Larsen in Salzberg, after she fled Mariasdorf on foot from the Russians. After the war, she came to America to marry my grandfather. They settled in New Orleans, Louisiana, which is where I am now raising my family.
Hütter Lygia Maria Pilz Simetzberger Neusiedl bei Güssing (Felsöujlak);
Kukmirn (Kukmér);
Deutsch Kaltenbrunn (Német-Hidegkút);
Dobersdorf (Dobrafalva)
Huzs (Huss) Ron Baxter
Jánossomorja (Sankt Johann), Hungary
Huzs (Huss) Robert G Hayes Jánossomorja (Sankt Johann), Hungary

Number of Surnames: 319