Surname | Researcher | Village - Parish | Other Details |
Schabel | Ann Rooks | Langeck (Hosszúszeg) | Michael Schabel, born abt 1801, married Anna Maria Kaufmann, born 2 Jan 1796, in Lockenhaus. Son Joseph Schabel, born 20 Mar 1831, married Theresia / Rosilla Grabner in Lockenhaus on 7 Feb 1854 and immigrated to the US (New York to Leavenworth, KS, to Anderson County, KS, to Wilson County, KS) in 1864/1865 with son Francis Josph Schabel, born 3 Sep 1855 in Langeck, and his siblings. |
Schabel | Chris Schabel | Zuberbach (Szabar) | Mihaly Schabel (b 1881 in Neumark?) and Karolina (nee Prascsaits) (b 1883) immigrated to Chicago in 1911. In 1922 Caroline returned to Austria for 3 children that had been left in care of her mother Elizabeth (nee Marlovits) Koncers or Konzir. Caroline, children and Elizabeth and her husband Karl came to Chicago in 1922. They all remained in Chicago until their deaths. Mihaly and Karolina changed their names to Michael and Caroline Shabel. |
Schabhieth | Steve Geider | Strem (Strém) | Settled in Lehigh Valley. |
Schabhietl | Albert Schuch | Stegersbach (Szentelek) | |
Schabhuetl | Betty DeShazo |
Deutsch Kaltenbrunn (Német-Hidegkút); Rohr (Nád) |
To Rohr in 1855. |
Schabhuittl | Carol Kuc |
Bocksdorf (Baksafalva); Güssing (Német-Újvár) |
Schabhutl | Fred J Reckker | ||
Schabhuttl | Vincent F Amen | Sankt Michael (Puszta-Szent-Mihály) | Settled in Clifton NJ, 1912. Frank b:1887 and Theresa Schabhuttl. |
Schabhuttl | Maryellen Szvetitz Eichelbaum | Eisenhüttl (Kis-Vaskút) | To Allentown, PA around 1900. |
Schabhuttl | John Fruhmann | Settled in Passaic, NJ. | |
Schabhuttl | Janice Osl Precopia |
Güssing (Német-Újvár); Inzenhof (Borosgödör) |
Jenny (Jennica, Jennika) Schabhetl, born 6 Oct 1889, settled in Troy, NY, 1907. |
Schabhüttl | Patrick Kovacs | Rohr (Nád) | |
Schabhüttl | Donna Stockl | Bocksdorf (Baksafalva) | |
Schabl | Rudolf Schabl | Pilgersdorf (Pörgölény) | Family members settled in New York. I was born in Pilgersdorf and am creating a database of all people who were baptized, married or died in Pilgersdorf. I also want to capture all emigrants. |
Schaden | Michael Aumüller | Deutschkreutz (Német-Keresztúr) | |
Schaden | Larraine Givens | Gols (Gálos) | |
Schaden | Barry Keippel | Riedlingsdorf (Rödöny) | |
Schaden | Gloria J (Rongish) Martinson | Omaha and Nebraska City, NE. | |
Schaden | Frederick Scott Pianalto | Gols (Gálos) | |
Schaden | Delores (Dee) Schuh Schjerven | Riedlingsdorf (Rödöny) | Immigrated to the US and settled in the Chicago area. |
Schadl | Klaus Gerger | Felsö-Rönök (Oberradling), Hungary | USA, Canada. |
Schadl | Peter Lang | Rába-Füzes (Raabfidisch), Hungary | I am working on a Rábafüzes village chronicle to preserve the remembrance of that very special place. I can provide family tree information for almost 200 surnames, an almost complete house number list from 1858, a list of roughly 600 immigrants to the USA, etc. |
Schadl | Patricia Nemetz | Szent Gotthárd-Jakabháza (Jakobshof), Hungary | Settled in Northampton, PA. |
Schadl | Marcus Schadl | Rába-Füzes (Raabfidisch), Hungary | |
Schaeffer | Teresa (Lokits) Messerli |
Schandorf (Csém); Schachendorf (Csajta) |
Schaeffer (Schaffer) | Paul Sandhofer | Paul Thaler and Anna Maria Schaeffer | |
Schaeffer (Shaeffer, Shafer) | Joan Lenahan | Moschendorf (Német-Sároslak) | Immigrated to the US in 1922. |
Schaffer | Theresa Horvath Buzonas | Eberau (Monyorókerék) | Settled in McKees Rocks, PA. |
Schaffer | Brenda Csencsits | Kirchfidisch (Egyházasfüzes) | Franz Cseri from Grossmürbisch emigrated to Allentown, PA, in 1906, married Anna Schaffer in 1909 in Catasauqua, who emigrated to Northampton, PA, in 1904. |
Schaffer | Joe DeNicola | Güssing (Német-Újvár) | Sister married name was Barilovits |
Schaffer | Gary Gaertner |
Deutsch Schützen (Német-Lövö); Eberau (Monyorókerék) |
To Pittsburgh c.1905. |
Schaffer | Barrie Geosits |
Kohfidisch (Gyepufüzes); Mischendorf (Pinkamiske) |
Schaffer | Maryann Hanley | Eisenberg ad Pinka (Csejke) | |
Schaffer | Bill McGarry | ||
Schaffer | Marian McHale | Kirchfidisch (Egyházasfüzes) | Josef Schaffer and wife Theresia Polzer, brother Stephen and wife Maria Csensita, settled in Northampton, PA ~1902. |
Schaffer | Elaine McRey | Kirchfidisch (Egyházasfüzes) | Settled in Philadelphia, PA, in 1904. |
Schaffer | Kay | Kirchfidisch (Egyházasfüzes) | Settled around Wauwatosa, WI (near Milwaukee). |
Schaffer | Barry Schaefer | Kulm (Kólom) | Settled in Pennsylvania about 1918. |
Schaffer | Arthur Schaffer | Rotenturm (Vasvörösvár) | Settled in Chicago, IL. |
Schaffer | Karen Schaffer | Kirchfidisch (Egyházasfüzes) | Immigrated to Northampton, PA, married Keglovits, moved to Lima and Toledo, OH. |
Schaffer | Katherine Schaffer | Kohfidisch (Gyepufüzes) | John Schaffer, b.1888 to Josef and Terez (Holczer) Schaffer, emigrated in 1903 to Jeanette, PA, married Johanna Hollendonner, b.1893 to Robert and Cecelia (Puhm) Hollendonner of Deutsch Ehrensdorf. |
Schaffer | Klaus M Schaffer |
Kirchfidisch (Egyházasfüzes); Kohfidisch (Gyepufüzes) |
Emigrants settled in IL, PA, NY and CA. |
Schaffer | Robert Schaffer | Rotenturm (Vasvörösvár) | 1857 |
Schaffer | Terence & Gloria (Goodman) Sebright | Neusiedl am See (Nezsider) | |
Schaffer | Kellie Steiner |
Tobaj (Tobaj); Heiligenbrunn (Szent-Kút); Kirchfidisch (Egyházasfüzes) |
Researching the following surnames- Polzer(Polczer), Steiner, Tapler, Schaffer, Kedl, Binder |
Schaffler | Kelli J Knopf | Deutsch Schützen (Német-Lövö) | Marie Schaffler. |
Schaibl | Gerry Berghold [deceased] |
Pinkamindszent (Allerheiligen), Hungary | |
Schaibl | Peter L Berghold | Pinkamindszent (Allerheiligen), Hungary | |
Schajer | Michael Demy-Geroe [inactive] |
Rechnitz (Rohonc); Sopron (Ödenburg), Hungary |
Schali | Joe Mott | Illmitz (Alsó-Illmicz) | |
Schali | Connie Rossini [inactive] |
Illmitz (Alsó-Illmicz); Apetlon (Mosonbánfalva); Wallern (Valla) |
Settled in ND then Washington. |
Schali | Rebecca Chamberlain | Illmitz (Alsó-Illmicz) | |
Schaller | Cynthia Schaller | Sankt Michael (Puszta-Szent-Mihály) | Settled in US 1923. |
Schalli | George Leier [deceased] |
Illmitz (Alsó-Illmicz) | |
Schalli | Daniel Schally | Illmitz (Alsó-Illmicz) | Settled in St. Paul, MN. |
Schalli (Schally) | John J Leier | Illmitz (Alsó-Illmicz) | Primarily settled in St. Paul, MN area. |
Schaly (Saly) | Mary Fuith |
Oberwart (Felsö-Ör); Bergwerk (Oribánya); Mariasdorf (Máriafalva) |
Also reviewing Bergwerk (Öribánya) and Mariasdorf (Máriafalva). |
Schandl | Thomas Kurz | Walbersdorf (Borbolya) | |
Schanesz | Viktor & Regina Hladky | Oslip (Oszlop) | |
Schanta | Patricia Nemetz | Szent Gotthárd-Jakabháza (Jakobshof), Hungary | Settled in Northampton, PA. |
Schanta | Peg Panka | Strem (Strém) | Settled in Pittsburgh, PA, ~1902-3. |
Schanta | Hannelore Santa |
Szent Gotthárd-Jakabháza (Jakobshof), Hungary; Felsö-Rönök (Oberradling), Hungary; Alsó-Rönök (Unterradling), Hungary |
Schanz | Sandra Hoffmeister Wills | ||
Schapiro (Szapira) | Suzie Steinberg | Kittsee (Köpcsény) | Jacob Schapiro/Szapira, born 1903 in Kopyczynce, Galacia (now Kopychyntsi, Ukraine), and wife Reizel/Rose Roth, born 1904 in Tyrawa Woloska, Poland, emigrated to New York, NY, in November 1939 with children Joseph, born 1929 in Vienna, Eugenie, born 1930 in Kittsee, Alfred/Asher born 1932 in Kittsee, and Rachel born 1933 in Kittsee. |
Scharfer | Norma Patierno | Moschendorf (Német-Sároslak) | Settled in Coplay, PA area. |
Scharkazy | Sandra (Sharkazy) Kich | Moschendorf (Német-Sároslak) | Settled in Northampton, PA. |
Scharnitz | Frank Kurz Jr | ||
Scharschitz | Daniel Marino | Deutsch Schützen (Német-Lövö) | MARCHHART, Pöttsching, settled in New York. WEBER, Eisenberg an der Pinka, settled in New York. KERN, BRUNER, PRANGER, PLEIER (PLEŸER), WENDL, STEIGER, PREISSEGGER, TSCHÉKL, GNOZER (KNOTZER) (uncertain), TREITL, Pöttsching. SORSITS (SCHARSCHITZ), MUROVATZ (MORAVITZ), Sigleß. EVER, SCHLAFFER, IPTITS, Deutsch Schützen. MEIXNER, BOGNER (POGNER), SCHNEIDER, Eisenberg an der Pinka. SCHWAB, RÁCS, PRANNBACHER, Németkeresztes. PEHM, Magyarkeresztes. Religion: Catholic. My ancestors Heinrich "Henry" Marchhart of Pöttsching and Julianna "Julia" Weber of Eisenberg an der Pinka, met and married in New York City |
Schatz | Sandy (Seko) Ayers |
Strem (Strém); Tobaj (Tobaj) |
Settled in Northampton, PA, and Bronx, NY, early 1900s. |
Schatz | Monika (Niemann) Gomez | Strem (Strém) | Settled in New York |
Schatz | Edward Marx | ||
Schatz | Bob Schatz |
Urbersdorf (Orbánfalu); Strem (Strém); Glasing (Kolozsvár) |
Some settled in Allentown, PA. |
Schatz | Mary Schatz | Strem (Strém) | Settled New York and Nazareth, PA. |
Schatz | Susan Stahley | Urbersdorf (Orbánfalu) | |
Schatz | Angela Tarnok | Strem (Strém) | |
Schatz | Edward Ullinger | Strem (Strém) | Siblings Johanna, Mary, Sabina, Theresa and John Schatz immigrated to the New York area. |
Schatzel (Schatzl) | Marcia Conrades | Köszeg (Güns), Hungary | Janos (John) Treppler, b. 1887 to Antal/Anton Ignatz Treppler & Theresia/Terez Oszwald, grandson of Ignatz Treppler & Elisabetha/Ersebet Schatzl, emigrated to St. Louis, MO, in 1907, where he married Barbara Eva Stipsits. |
Schaub | Karen Hoel | Oggau (Oka) | Settled in Wisconsin. |
Schauer | Greta Fisher | Pamhagen (Pomogy) | Settled in the South Bend, IN area. |
Schauer (Sauer) | Sue Straw |
Arpas, Hungary; Mórichida, Hungary; Rabá-Szent-Miklös, Hungary |
Schaukovits (Schaukowitsch) | Susan Schaukowitch [inactive] |
Heiligenkreuz (Rába-Keresztúr) | Janos Schaukowitsch settled in Pueblo, CO. Godparents were Ersebet Gibiser & Janos Rabl. |
Schaukowitch (Schaukowitsch, Schaukovits) | Barbara Higdon Cooper | Heiligenkreuz (Rába-Keresztúr) | |
Schay (Schey, Shey) | Kitty Friedbauer Sauber | Sopron (Ödenburg), Hungary | Friedrich Schey von Korumla to NYC, Sidney, Melbourne, London. |
Schebitz (Tschebitz) | Patricia Oswald Hamil | Rohrbach (Jobbágy-Újfalu) | Anna Schebitz settled in Chicago, IL, in the early 1900s; married Ignatz Oswald from Rorhbach. |
Schech (Scheck, Scheckh) | Keiron Rado |
Rechnitz (Rohonc); Althodis (Óhadász); Markt Neuhodis (Város-Hadász) |
Scheck | Patrick Kovacs | Grosspetersdorf (Nagy-Szent-Mihály) | |
Schedeczka | Ernest Szeideman | Magyarkimle, Hungary | Settled in Jánossomorja, Hungary. |
Schedl | Anton Schedl |
Oberpullendorf (Felsöpulya); Oberloisdorf (Felsölászló) |
Steffan Schedl to Ulanjik, Croatia ~1900, family to U.S. in 1944. |
Schei (Sej, Sey, Sye) | Kenneth R Olen | Markt Sankt Martin (Szent-Márton) | Joszef Schei (b 1845) and brother Antal (b 1857) married and had families in Kapuvar, Sopron, Hungary. Their father, Janos Schei, married Julianna Oszterits. |
Scheiber | Thomas J Glatz [deceased] |
Hammerteich (Hámortó) | |
Scheiber | Orvill S Paller | Pilgersdorf (Pörgölény) | |
Scheiber | Jane Glatz Smilie | Hammerteich (Hámortó) | |
Scheibstock | Marsha Jenakovich | Balf (Wolfs), Hungary | |
Scheidel | Gunter Stejskal | Raiding (Doborján) | |
Scheidl | Jan Leary | Raiding (Doborján) | Settled in South Bend, IN. |
Schek | Mary Margaret Crulcich | Grosspetersdorf (Nagy-Szent-Mihály) | Settled in St. Louis, MO. |
Schepper | Joseph Lasica | Punitz (Pónicz) | |
Scherer | Carol Murphy | Pamhagen (Pomogy) | Settled in Irvington, NJ about 1910. Also reviewing Wörterberg (Vörthegy). |
Scherhaufer | Patrick Phillips | Nickelsdorf (Miklóshalma) | Elizabeth KNÖDL/KNÖDEL's first husband was SCHERHAUFER. After his death, she married Lorenz WEISS and left for the USA. They settled in St. Paul, MN in 1882 or 1883. Maria Scherhaufer settled in St. Paul, MN, in mid-1880s with her mother and stepfather. |
Scherlinger | Mark Pitzel | Sopron (Ödenburg), Hungary | Settled in Minnesota, Dakotas, Washington. |
Scherman | Jennifer D'Andrea | Deutsch Gerisdorf (Német-Gyirót) | Mary Schneider, b 11.30.1885 in Pilgersdorf, emigrated at age 18 to join brother, died age 40 on 6.24.1926. Married John Baumgartner in North Dakota, b 7.2.1876 in Salmannsdorf to Michael Baumgartner and Maria Puhr. Michael and Maria to US in 1889 with children John, Joseph, Michael, Theresa, Anna and Frank. Maria Puhr, b 1844 in Deutsch Gerisdorf to Marton Puhr (b 7.18.1807) and Theresia Scherman (b 8.2.1810). Marton's parents were Agidius Puhr (b 7.31.1785) and Maria. Agidius, from Bubendorf, d 1.12.1858 in Deutsch Gerisdorf, son of Frederic and Eva Puhr. |
Scherman | Sandra Thaler | Deutsch Gerisdorf (Német-Gyirót) | |
Scherman (Sherman) | Germaine (Pratschner) Erbele |
Pilgersdorf (Pörgölény); Deutsch Gerisdorf (Német-Gyirót) |
Settled in Winsted, MN; homesteaded near Fingal, ND. |
Scherman(n) | Curt Reinik | Kukmirn (Kukmér) | Settled in Allentown, PA. |
Schermann | Karen Anderson | Deutsch Gerisdorf (Német-Gyirót) | Settled in Minnesota 1860s. |
Schermann | Danielle Dumas | Deutsch Gerisdorf (Német-Gyirót) | Settled in Fingal, North Dakota. My great grandparents were Melchior and Rosa Schermann nee Leidl. Rosas mother was Elizabeth Reinhofer and her father was Johann Leidl. The families homesteaded in Fingal North Dakota then they travelled north to Leipzig Saskatchewan where they are all buried. |
Schermann | Dennis Harren [inactive] |
Deutsch Gerisdorf (Német-Gyirót) | Settled in Rollingstone, MN. |
Schermann | Denise Johnson [inactive] |
Salmannsdorf (Szalsmannsdorf) | Settled in Minnesota. |
Schermann | Debby Lemons | Deutsch Gerisdorf (Német-Gyirót) | John Schermann (b.1807), second wife Mariah (b. 1810), son Paul (b.1848) and daughter Klara (b. 1846), immigrated in 1885 and settled in Winsted, MN. John's first wife was Elizabeth Poetz (b. 1807). John W Schermann (b.1832) and wife Clara Schermann, b.1836 to George Schermann (b1806) and Rosalia Stifter (b. 1806), immigrated to the USA in 1866. Clara's sisters Anna Haekenkamp? and Frannie/Veronica Janisch also emigrated. Elizabeth (Schermann) Fasching (b 1804) immigrated in 1868 with son Andrew to Winsted, MN after husband/father Joseph Fasching died. |
Schermann | Robert Lord | Deutsch Gerisdorf (Német-Gyirót) | Michael Pratschner, born 1856 to Andreas and Elisabeth (Schermann) Pratschner, emigrated 1866 to North Dakota with mother Elisabeth and siblings Mary and John. Michael married Lizzi Leitner; their son Andreas married Anna Hofmann (1892-1972) and settled in Minnesota. |
Schermann | Ronald Scherman | Salmannsdorf (Szalsmannsdorf) | Settled in St. Paul, MN, 1923. |
Schermann | Gustav Schermann | Zahling (Újkörtvélyes) | Rudolph Schermann emigrated to 8568 Drury Lane, St. Louis, MO; and Johann (with wife Stephanie) Schermann to Milwaukee, WI or St. Louis, MO; c.1900-20. |
Schermann | Joseph Schermann | Deutsch Gerisdorf (Német-Gyirót) | Settled in Winsted, MN in the 1860s. |
Schermann | Chuck Sherman | Gerersdorf (Német-Szent-Grót) | |
Schermann | Barb Kappel | Glashutten (Szalónakhuta) | Rosalia Schermann born abt 1870, immigrated 1883 with her father Franz Schermann and her siblings. |
Schermann | Mitchell Scherman | Deutsch Gerisdorf (Német-Gyirót) | Andrew S Schermann emigrated from Deutsch Gerisdorf, Austria/Hungary. And his father was Micheal/Mihaly (sp?) and his father was Martin (sp?). Hoping to find anything and everything about where we come from. |
Schermann (Sherman) | Richard Behm |
Pilgersdorf (Pörgölény); Deutsch Gerisdorf (Német-Gyirót); Bubendorf (Lantosfalva); Salmannsdorf (Szalsmannsdorf) |
Settled in Fingal, Barnes Co, ND in the 1880-90s. |
Scheucher (Scheuer) | Matthew Tanzos | Deutsch Kaltenbrunn (Német-Hidegkút) | |
Scheuher | Pat Rosenkranz Levins |
Eisenhüttl (Kis-Vaskút); Kukmirn (Kukmér) |
Settled in NYC and Detroit, MI, around 1900. |
Schey | Regina Lowy Espenshade | Grosspetersdorf (Nagy-Szent-Mihály) | |
Schey (Shey, Schay) | Kitty Friedbauer Sauber |
Sopron (Ödenburg), Hungary; Köszeg (Güns), Hungary; Eisenstadt (Kis-Marton) |
Friedrich Schey von Korumla to NYC, Sidney, Melbourne, London. |
Schieber | Lynn Baumgartner | Grosspetersdorf (Nagy-Szent-Mihály) | |
Schieber | Ellen M Schieber | Pilgersdorf (Pörgölény) | Martin Scheiber married his 2nd wife, Terez Hirt born in Pilgersdorf or Lockenhaus in 1858. He immigrated to Minnesota with his first wife RosaliaSchermann after 1857. She died in Winstead MN in 1888. |
Schiebinger | Andrea Bruckner | Riedlingsdorf (Rödöny) | Maria Ziermann, née Neid, born on January 27th, 1884, married to Samuel Ziermann, born on July 21st, 1883. Elisabeth Lang, née Neid, born on September 18th, 1887, married to Johann Lang, born on July 6th, 1883. Karoline Schiebinger, née Neid, born on January 12th, 1891, married to Johann Schiebinger, born on October 26th, 1886. Theresia Rehberger, née Neid, born on August 31st, 1877, married to Tobias Rehberger, born on May 12th, 1873. Johann Neid, born on November 13th, 1880, married to Theresia Neid, née Zethofer, born on February 9th, 1883. All persons listed here with the name NEID were siblings of my great-grandfather. |
Schiefer | Danell Haspel | Unterrabnitz (Alsó-Rámócz) | |
Schiff | Alisa Sharon | Eisenstadt (Kis-Marton) | |
Schikendanz | Dean Joseph Wagner | Moson-Szolnok (Zanegg), Hungary | |
Schikola | Nadine deGroot | Deutschkreutz (Német-Keresztúr) | To Australia. |
Schiller | Rosemary Muehl Boyle [inactive] |
Wolfau (Farkasfalva) | |
Schiller | Mary Beth Hedmark | Settled in Pittsburgh PA. Elizabeth Schiller married Joseph Wiederer. They had 4 children: Joseph, William, Elizabeth(my mother), and George. I believe Pauline Schiller was Elizabeth's sister and came to USA with her. She married Joseph(?) Flasch and had several children. One was Helen. My Uncle Bill had one daughter. Doris, I have a brother, Daniel Rochel, and George had 3 children, twins George and Kathleen, and Richard. | |
Schiller | Terry Jackson | Wolfau (Farkasfalva) | Children of Johann Schiller and Anna Bischof emigrated to Chicago between 1907 and 1923: Mary (188?-1936) married John Hermann (1886-1960); John (1887-1953) married Theresia (?); Julianna (1890-1952) married Julius Sitzberger (1887-1950); Herman (1895-1956) married to Johanna (remained in Austria). Elizabeth Bischof (1859-1939), sister to Anna, married Leopold Steinbeck and emigrated to Chicago in 1909. |
Schiller | Frank Karner |
Wolfau (Farkasfalva); Königsdorf (Királyfalva); Rudersdorf (Radafalva); Fürstenfeld (Fölöstöm), Styria |
Settled in Guthrie, Coyle Co, OK. |
Schiller | Theodore Mathias Muehl |
Oberwart (Felsö-Ör); Pinkafeld (Pinkafo); Wiesfleck (Újrétfalu); Wolfau (Farkasfalva); Markt Allhau (Alhó) |
Settled in Pittsburgh, PA, Chicago, IL and Michigan areas. |
Schiller | Juan Schwab | Pinkafeld (Pinkafo) | Settled in Argentina. |
Schiller | Del Ulreich | Wiesfleck (Újrétfalu) | |
Schiller (Schutter, Sitar, Sittar, Schitter) | Evelyn Petrucci [inactive] |
Zuberbach (Szabar); Weiden bei Rechnitz (Bándol) |
Settled in Pittsburgh, PA. |
Schiller (Schütter, Sittar, Schitter) | Gerald J Schiller | Zuberbach (Szabar) | Frank (Franz) Schiller (2/8/1864-10/19/1935, son of Mihaly Schiller and Anna Wölfinger) settled in Lawrenceville (Pittsburgh), PA, ~1893. |
Schillinger | John Vitopil | Pamhagen (Pomogy) | Katherina Schillinger & Frantcz Leier immigrated to Galveston, TX in 1887, settled in Bryan, Brazos Co, TX. |
Schimenek | Joan Emery |
Eisenberg ad Pinka (Csejke); Königsdorf (Királyfalva) |
To Allentown, PA in 1902. |
Schimenek | Angela Schimenek | Krobotek (Horvátfalu) | Josef Schimenek, 1896-1956, to Allentown, PA, in 1926. Wife Hedwig Strini, 1894-1992, daughter of Andrew and Maria Strini, emigrated in 1929 with children Heinrich, Margarethe and Josef. Sons Otto, Helmuth August and Rudy were born there. |
Schimonitz | Ron Baxter [inactive] |
Jánossomorja (Sankt Johann), Hungary | |
Schimonitz | Roger Broadbent | Sankt Johann (Szent-János), Hungary | |
Schimonitz | Robert G Hayes | Jánossomorja (Sankt Johann), Hungary | |
Schindelasch (Schindelar) | Jeroen Bobbeldijk | Kaisersteinbruch (Császár-Köbánya) | Maria (Mária) Schindelasch (Schindelar) born in Kaisersteinbruch 1877-08-06, died in Recklinghausen 1918-12-19. Married 1901-06-29 in Schloss Königshof, Kaisersteinbruch. Mathias (Matthias, Mátyás, Matthäus) Obermayer born in Hegyeshalom, Moson, Hungary 1874-02-14 died Reckinghausen 1922-09-19. Maria (Mária) Tomschik born in Vienna 1843-11-14, died in Kaisersteinbruch 1891-06-16. Married 1871-02-05 in Kaisersteinbruch. Johann (Johannes, János) Schindelasch (Schindelar) born in Bruck an der Leitha 1842-08-25, died 1916-09-05 in Kaisersteinbruch. |
Schindler | Barbara Goldberg | Pinkafeld (Pinkafo) | Fritzia Schindler, born 1897, settled in Bronx, NY, in 1923; brother and father both named Albrecht Schindler. |
Schindler | Gerhard H & Martina Lang | Mörbisch am See (Ferto-Meggyes) | |
Schindler | Frank L Neeri | Pinkafeld (Pinkafo) | |
Schinkowits | Denise Snarski |
Eisenhüttl (Kis-Vaskút); Bocksdorf (Baksafalva) |
Settled in Detroit, MI ~1905. |
Schinkowitsch | Michael Schinkowitsch | Deutsch Kaltenbrunn (Német-Hidegkút) | Franz Schinkowitsch emigrated to Germany after WW-II. |
Schinpacher (Schenbecher, Schoenbacher) | John Shinpaugh | Neutal (Nyujtal) | Settled Montgomery Co., NC. Lorenz Schoenbacher, born Neutal, arrived 1777 in NY as a Hessian mercenary from Hesse Kassel. |
Schipisch (Schipits) | John Schipisch | Jabing (Jobbágyi) | To New York and Chicago, 1922. |
Schirtz | Deanne Hanzel Malloy [inactive] |
Zahling (Újkörtvélyes) | |
Schisenhefer | Dave Bertha | Oberwart (Felsö-Ör) | |
Schitter | Fritz Kassanits [deceased] |
Miedlingsdorf (Mérem) | Settled in Chicago, IL. |
Schitter | Karen Schwelle | Zuberbach (Szabar) | Settled in Chicago, IL. Johann Ellinger (1893-1966) was born in Zuberbach and arrived in the U.S. in 1913. |
Schiwampl | Lorraine Galasek | Schützen am Gebirge (Sérc) | Settled in Kohler, WI. |
Schlaffer | Karen Frome | Deutsch Schützen (Német-Lövö) | Anna, daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth (Fashing) Schlaffer immigrated in 1905 to St. Louis, MO. |
Schlaffer | Rita Grace |
Kulm (Kólom); Deutsch Schützen (Német-Lövö); Baumgarten (Sopron-Kertes); Unterbildein (Alsó-Beled) |
Emigrated to US around 1902, settled in St. Louis, MO around 1908. |
Schlaffer | Carol Koziol | Deutsch Schützen (Német-Lövö) | Ferdinand Schlaffer, b 1897 to Paul and Maria (Mager) Schlaffer, emigrated 1913 to Chicago, IL, married Karoline Wehofer from Aschau. |
Schlaffer | David Novogoratz | Deutsch Schützen (Német-Lövö) | Joseph and Mary (Schlaffer) Novogoratz settled in St Louis, MO. Catholic. |
Schlaffer | Anna M Oswald | Eisenberg ad Pinka (Csejke) | Settled in Northampton, PA, 1958. |
Schlaffer | Kathleen Sanders | Deutsch Schützen (Német-Lövö) | Maria Schlaffer, b. 30 Nov 1893, to St. Louis, MO, in 1909 (mother, Anna Griessler). |
Schlaffer | Mary Shultz | Wolfau (Farkasfalva) | Anna Sampel, b.1875 to Joseph Sampel and Anna Schlaffer, and John Muehl, b.1873, settled in Chicago, IL, ~1911. |
Schlaffer | Daniel Marino | Felsö-Csatár (Oberschilding), Hungary | MARCHHART, Pöttsching, settled in New York. WEBER, Eisenberg an der Pinka, settled in New York. KERN, BRUNER, PRANGER, PLEIER (PLEŸER), WENDL, STEIGER, PREISSEGGER, TSCHÉKL, GNOZER (KNOTZER) (uncertain), TREITL, Pöttsching. SORSITS (SCHARSCHITZ), MUROVATZ (MORAVITZ), Sigleß. EVER, SCHLAFFER, IPTITS, Deutsch Schützen. MEIXNER, BOGNER (POGNER), SCHNEIDER, Eisenberg an der Pinka. SCHWAB, RÁCS, PRANNBACHER, Németkeresztes. PEHM, Magyarkeresztes. Religion: Catholic. My ancestors Heinrich "Henry" Marchhart of Pöttsching and Julianna "Julia" Weber of Eisenberg an der Pinka, met and married in New York City |
Schlagel | Gail Chambers | Burg (Pinka-Óvár) | To Chicago, IL. |
Schlagel (Schlogl) | Margaret Rose (Peggy) Weber |
Steinbach (Köpatak); Kirchschlag, Niederösterreich; Pilgersdorf (Pörgölény) |
Settled in St Cloud, Watkins, St Paul areas of MN. |
Schlagel (Schlögl) | Alicia Wilson-Croteau |
Bubendorf (Lantosfalva); Pilgersdorf (Pörgölény) |
Settled in Winsted and Crow Wing County, MN. |
Schlagel (Schogl) | Roman Paul Weber |
Steinbach (Köpatak); Kirchschlag, Niederösterreich; Pilgersdorf (Pörgölény); Bubendorf (Lantosfalva); Deutsch Gerisdorf (Német-Gyirót); Pilgersdorf-Gschorholz |
Schlegel | Kathryn Derkits Eiler | Fürstenfeld (Fölöstöm), Styria | Johann Schlegel settled in Philadelphia, PA; had siblings Theresa, Itsy (Anna?), Andreas, Josef, Anton, and Ferdinand. |
Schlegel | Germaine (Pratschner) Erbele |
Pilgersdorf (Pörgölény); Deutsch Gerisdorf (Német-Gyirót) |
Settled in Winsted, MN; homesteaded near Fingal, ND. |
Schlegel | John & Delores Grassinger |
Lebenbrunn (Létér); Rothleiten, Styria; Kogl (Kúpfalfa) |
Settled in Minnesota. |
Schlegel (Schlagel, Schogl) | Mary Peterson | Pilgersdorf (Pörgölény) | Michael, b. 1862, d. 1941; Theresa, b. 1866, d. 1952; Schlegel child, Mary, b. 1885. Settled in Fingal, ND. |
Schlegel (Schlögel) | Bernard Pratschner | Bubendorf (Lantosfalva) | Settled and homesteaded near Fingal, ND. |
Schleger | Lynda Chalmers | Eisenstadt (Kis-Marton) | To Australia, 1870s before 1878. |
Schleger | Cathryn King | Eisenstadt (Kis-Marton) | Settled in Bundaberg, Australia, around the late 1870s. |
Schleicher | Otto Tillhof | Steinberg (Köhalom) | Settled in Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma. |
Schleiffer | Robert E Ohr |
Lutzmannsburg (Locsmánd); Strebersdorf (Répce-Micske) |
Schleiffer | Alisa Sharon | Eisenstadt (Kis-Marton) | |
Schleipfenbauer | Harry Schleipfenbauer |
Sopron (Ödenburg), Hungary; Neckenmarkt (Sopron-Nyék) |
Settled in Landgraaf, Netherlands and Gledbeck, Germany. |
Schlekewy | Diann (Leer) Tippe | Wallern (Valla) | Immigrated to Minnesota, South Dakota, then Saskatchewan, Canada. |
Schlener | Jennifer Adkins | Poppendorf (Patafalva) | Emigrated to New York City, then New Jersey. |
Schlener | Joshua Schlener | Zahling (Újkörtvélyes) | Frank Schlener (1884-1957) settled in Allentown, PA, in 1903. |
Schlener (Schlehner, Schehlener) | Judy (Schlener) Olson | Neustift bei Güssing (Újtelep) | Johann Schlener settled in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada in 1927. He left his wife Maria (neé Marx) and two sons. |
Schlener (Schlemer) | Gertrude Schlener |
Poppendorf (Patafalva); Heiligenkreuz (Rába-Keresztúr) |
Schlener (Schlemmer) | Dale & Joan (Schlener) Lewis [inactive] |
Poppendorf (Patafalva); Heiligenkreuz (Rába-Keresztúr) |
Schlesinger | Alisa Sharon | Eisenstadt (Kis-Marton) | |
Schlesinger | Uri Tadmor | Deutschkreutz (Német-Keresztúr) | Nathan (~1839-1901) and Netti (Schlesinger, ~1839-1912) Reiner, married then moved to Vienna and then Berlin. |
Schlesinger | Betsy Mendelsohn | Haven't verified that Marie Schlesinger was from Burgenland but her husband Abraham Braun was. (born ca. 1810-1815) | |
Schliepelbarger | Pat Long | Edelstal (Nemesvölgy) | Settled: St. Louis, MO turn of the century. |
Schloegel | Hap Anderson |
Salmannsdorf (Szalsmannsdorf); Pilgersdorf (Pörgölény) |
Immigrated in 1889 to Henderson, MN. |
Schloegl | Brian Gaschen | Karl (Répcekároly) | 1910 - USA |
Schloegl | Thomas J Glatz [deceased] |
Hammerteich (Hámortó) | |
Schloegl | Jane Glatz Smilie | Hammerteich (Hámortó) | |
Schlogel | Barbara Guttman | Burg (Pinka-Óvár) | |
Schlogel | Mike Schlagel | Bubendorf (Lantosfalva) | Settled in Winsted, MN, in 1869. |
Schlögel | Michael Aumüller | Deutschkreutz (Német-Keresztúr) | |
Schlögel | Kenneth L Neal |
Bubendorf (Lantosfalva); Pilgersdorf (Pörgölény) |
Schlogl | Alicia Rues | Karl (Répcekároly) | Peter Rues settled in Karl ~1840, had son Peter in 1844 with wife Theresia Triebel. Peter Jr. married Theresia Schlogl, b1847. |
Schlögl | Michael Aumüller |
Girm (Küllö); Deutschkreutz (Német-Keresztúr) |
Schlögl | Shari Keeney | Piringsdorf (Répce-Bónya) | Leopoldus Leitner married Maria Schlögl in Piringsdorf in 1878; they emigrated to Kansas City, MO, in June 1882 with two daughters. |
Schlögl | Orvill S Paller | Steinbach (Köpatak) | |
Schlögl | Don Strauwald |
Hannersdorf (Sámfalva); Burg (Pinka-Óvár) |
Schlögl (Schlegl) | James Grassinger |
Lebenbrunn (Létér); Rothleiten, Styria; Kogl (Kúpfalfa) |
Ancestors settled in Minnesota. |
Schmalczel | Rita Grace |
Kulm (Kólom); Deutsch Schützen (Német-Lövö); Baumgarten (Sopron-Kertes); Unterbildein (Alsó-Beled) |
Schmaldienst | Mark Bischof |
Rohr (Nád); Bocksdorf (Baksafalva) |
Settled in Allentown, Bethlehem, Easton, and Chester in PA. |
Schmaldienst | William Edward Gunther |
Güssing (Német-Újvár); Bocksdorf (Baksafalva) |
Wilhelmine Anna Schmaldienst settled in Philadelphia, PA, about 1927. |
Schmaldienst | Don Kaercher [inactive] |
Deutsch Kaltenbrunn (Német-Hidegkút) | Schmaldienst and Simandl married and settled in Allentown, PA. |
Schmaldienst | David R Schmaldienst | Deutsch Kaltenbrunn (Német-Hidegkút) | Joseph Schmaldienst and Juliana Simandel settled in Allentown, PA. |
Schmaldienst | Richard Schmaldinst | Deutsch Kaltenbrunn (Német-Hidegkút) | Rudolph Schmaldienst (surname changed to Schmaldinst early 1900s; not related to other Schmaldiensts in Allentown) settled in Allentown, PA, 1901-2. |
Schmaldienst | Pat St.Clair | Deutsch Kaltenbrunn (Német-Hidegkút) | Joseph Schmaldienst and Julia Simandel married and settled in Allentown, PA, ~1899. |
Schmall | Kurt Michael Kuch | Lockenhaus (Léka) | Settled in New Jersey. |
Schmall | Ron Lange | Deutsch Ehrensdorf (Német-Hásos) | SCHMALL, Moschendorf, MAGDITS, Deutsch Ehrensdorf, both settled in Mason City, IA. MOHAPP, Alsoszölnök, Hungary, KRANYETZ, Permise, Hungary, both emigrated to Chicago, IL. Alois (Louis) Schmall, 1882-1951, and Katherine Magdits, 1882-1965, emigrated respectively in 1902 and 1903 and married in Mason City, IA. Louis Mohapp, born 1886, and Mary Kranyetz, born 1893, both emigrated to Chicago, IL, and married in 1924. |
Schmall | Steve Schmall |
Moschendorf (Német-Sároslak); Deutsch Ehrensdorf (Német-Hásos) |
To Passaic, NJ, then Allentown, PA, and settled in Mason City, IA. |
Schmall | Jennifer Stewart | Lockenhaus (Léka) | Settled in Kansas, late 1800s, and Maryland. |
Schmaltzer | Margaret Kaiser | Felsö-Rönök (Oberradling), Hungary | |
Schmaltzer | John J Kornfeind | Hannersdorf (Sámfalva) | Settled in Chicago. |
Schmaltzer | Don Strauwald |
Hannersdorf (Sámfalva); Burg (Pinka-Óvár) |
Schmalzbauer | Elizabeth Cole |
Halbturn (Féltorony); Mönchhof (Barátudvar); Andau (Moson-Tarcsa) |
Settled in St Paul. |
Schmalzel | Dennis Eberhardt | Pornóapáti (Pernau), Hungary | Paul and Cecelia (Schmalzel) Eberhardt emigrated to Northampton, PA in 1923. |
Schmalzel | Karen Frome | Pornóapáti (Pernau), Hungary | George, son of Stephan and Maria (Schmalzel) Schmidt, immigrated in 1905 to St. Louis, MO. |
Schmalzel | Peggy Howland | Sankt Kathrein (Pósa Szent-Katalin) | Settled in Bethlehem, PA. |
Schmalzel | Linda Pehr |
Deutsch Schützen (Német-Lövö); Pornóapáti (Pernau), Hungary |
Grandparents Pehr & Schmalzel emigrated 1910 or after to St. Louis, MO... died in 1918 flu epidemic. Magditsch and Wiesler may be cousins. |
Schmalzel | Brendan Schmalzel | Pornóapáti (Pernau), Hungary | Paternal grandfather’s parents came to the USA at the end of 1922 and settled in Northampton, PA. where they had their first two children and then moved to Clifton, NJ. where they had my grandfather Frederick and their last child. My great-grandfather was József Schmalzel (b:1905) in Pornóapáti. My great-grandmother was Rose Geosits (b:1906) born in Northampton but raised in Sankt Kathrein until 1922. Other surnames: Rozner (Kertes), Kager, Taschler, Koller, Benko, Lehner, Gerencser, Paukovitz, Veszelovits, Kurcz, Mischevits, Horvath, Gusics, Tunkl, Osvald. |
Schmalzer | Edward Doyle | Welgersdorf (Velege) | Caroline Schmaltzer settled in Milwaukee, WI and Chicago, IL; Michael Schmaltzer settled in Milwaukee, WI. |
Schmalzer | Patrick Kovacs | Grosspetersdorf (Nagy-Szent-Mihály) | |
Schmalzer | Richard Schmalzer | Hannersdorf (Sámfalva) | Settled in Chicago. |
Schmalzer | Lauren Woods | Hannersdorf (Sámfalva) | Settled in Milwaukee, WI, around 1910. |
Schmalzer | Michele Wucker | ||
Schmalzer (Schmaltzer) | Alicia Henry |
Welgersdorf (Velege); Hannersdorf (Sámfalva) |
Settled likely in the Milwaukee, WI, or Chicago, IL, areas. |
Schmalzl | Judy Burkhart | Pornóapáti (Pernau), Hungary | Settled in St. Louis, MO in 1905. |
Schmalzl | Nancy Krulac Faust | Pornóapáti (Pernau), Hungary | Settled in New York, NY. |
Schmalzl | Linda Mayer Matz | Pornóapáti (Pernau), Hungary | Stefan Schmalzl and Maria Paukovits to Coplay and McKees Rocks, PA. |
Schmalzl | Dick Schmalzl | Pornóapáti (Pernau), Hungary | Maternal grandmother, Mary Holpfer, born in Olbendorf in 1896 and emigrated to the U.S. in 1910. Her brothers Markus (1887), Peter (1890), Vinzenz (1892) and Rudolf (1899) also emigrated to the U.S. in the early 1900s. As did my great grandparents, Nikolaus Holpfer (1864) and Frances Loos Holpfer (1866). All were born in Olbendorf. Several prior generations of Holpfers also lived in Olbendorf going back to the early 1800s/late 1700s. Maternal grandfather, John Herzlieb, born in Felsoronok in 1890 and emigrated to the U.S. in 1910. Paternal grandfather, George Schmalzl, born in Pornoapati in 1882 and emigrated to the U.S. in 1909. Paternal grandmother, Katharine Schmalzl, born in Pornoapati in 1887 and emigrated to the U.S. in 1905. Great grandparents also from Pornoapati, with surnames Schmalzl, Schuszter and Kornfeind. |
Schmeilzl | Jennifer Lum | Klostermarienberg (Borsmonostor) | |
Schmeltzer | Béla Turcsányi |
Zurndorf (Zurány); Pusztavám (Ondód), Hungary; Lajoskomárom, Hungary |
Schmelzer | Johann Bernthaler | Gols (Gálos) | |
Schmelzer | Markus Dobrovits | Welgersdorf (Velege) | |
Schmermann | Mike Schlagel | Bubendorf (Lantosfalva) | Settled in Winstead, MN, in 1864. |
Schmid | Thomas J Glatz [deceased] |
Rattersdorf (Rötfalva) | |
Schmid | Jane Glatz Smilie | Rattersdorf (Rötfalva) | |
Schmid | Rudolf Wolf | Moschendorf (Német-Sároslak) | Settled in NY, NJ and PA areas. |
Schmid(t) | Margaret Kaiser | Felsö-Rönök (Oberradling), Hungary | |
Schmidek | Henry Hans Heinz Schmidek | Leopold Otto Schmidek. | |
Schmidek | Alisa Sharon | Eisenstadt (Kis-Marton) | |
Schmidt | Bernadette Sulzer Agreen |
Felsö-Rönök (Oberradling), Hungary; Alsó-Rönök (Unterradling), Hungary |
Settled in McKees Rocks, PA. |
Schmidt | Candace Anderson |
Jennersdorf (Gyanafalva); Grieselstein (Köröstyén) |
Schmidt | Ruth M Barthel | Welgersdorf (Velege) | Settled in Chicago, IL. |
Schmidt | Richard Carroll | Redlschlag (Újvörösvágás) | Settled in Philadelphia, PA in 1903. |
Schmidt | Bob Fleck | Bernstein (Borostyánko) | |
Schmidt | Susan Fleck | Redlschlag (Újvörösvágás) | Settled in Chicago, IL. |
Schmidt | Karen Frome | Pornóapáti (Pernau), Hungary | George, son of Stephan and Maria (Schmalzel) Schmidt, immigrated in 1905 to St. Louis, MO. |
Schmidt | Tom Gabriel | Woppendorf (Várújfalu) | Johann Gabriel (1865-1951). Richard Gabriel (1930-2013) emigrated with his mother Anna Schmidt (1949) and settled in Rainy River, Ontario, Canada. |
Schmidt | Joseph Garger | Moschendorf (Német-Sároslak) | Settled in Bronx, NY. |
Schmidt | Joan Jost | Rába-Füzes (Raabfidisch), Hungary | John/Johann and Theresia (Schmidt) Jost settled in Allentown, PA, in 1952. |
Schmidt | Fritz Meidlinger [deceased] |
Jánossomorja (Sankt Johann), Hungary | Settled in Omaha. |
Schmidt | Patricia Nemetz | Szent Gotthárd-Jakabháza (Jakobshof), Hungary | Settled in Northampton, PA. |
Schmidt | Holly Pilarczyk [inactive] |
Redlschlag (Újvörösvágás) | Settled in Chicago, 1911-2. |
Schmidt | Christina Jeanette Schmidt | Gaas (Pinka-Kertes) | Stephen, Baltzhauser Stephen, Theresia, John, Maria, Frank Paul and Charles John Schmidt settled in Northampton, PA. Baltzhauser married Marguerete Toth from Gaas. |
Schmidt | Curt Schmidt | Sankt Andrä (Moson Szent-András) | Lawrence Schmidt, born 1870, to South Dakota and Iowa. |
Schmidt | Hilda A Schmidt |
Pornóapáti (Pernau), Hungary; Moschendorf (Német-Sároslak) |
Father from Pornoapati, mother from Moschendorf. |
Schmidt | John J Schmidt | Jánossomorja (Sankt Johann), Hungary | Immigrated to Omaha, NE, in 1880-90's. |
Schmidt | John Schmidt | Pamhagen (Pomogy) | Settled in Minnesota and South Dakota. |
Schmidt | Joseph P Schmidt | Pornóapáti (Pernau), Hungary | Wife is Julia Kornheisl. |
Schmidt | Mark Schmidt | Moschendorf (Német-Sároslak) | Johanna and son Joseph Schmidt, age ~5, came to NYC, NY in 1921-22. Husband Paul, a soldier, was killed 1917-18. |
Schmidt | Robert Schmidt |
Sankt Andrä (Moson Szent-András); Frauenkirchen (Boldogasszony) |
To Clayton County, IA in 1870s. |
Schmidt | Steve Schmidt | Moschendorf (Német-Sároslak) | Settled in Coplay, PA; Passaic, NJ; Bronx, NY. |
Schmidt | Thomas Schmidt | Steinberg (Köhalom) | John Ferstl/Ferstel married Theresa Schmidt. Their daughter Mary married Stephen Schmidt. Mary and Stephen and children Frank, Pauline and Rupert/Robert emigrated and settled in Kansas City, MO. Their other children, Stephen Jr. and John, emigrated and settled in Chicago, IL. Rupert/Robert married Anna Csavojez. |
Schmidt | Wilhelm A Schmidt | Pornóapáti (Pernau), Hungary | Johann (John, 1912-85) and Martha (1921-2009) Schmidt, and children Wilhelm and Gertrud (Connors) were deported in 1946 and immigrated to the US in 1955. |
Schmidt | Stephanie Schmidt Williams | Mogersdorf (Nagyfalva) | Settled in Allentown, PA. |
Schmidt | Donna Marie Seyfried | Mischendorf (Pinkamiske) | My mother Marie Seyfried nee Bock was a the daughter of Mary/Marie Stranzl (b US but raised in Glasing) and Michel S Bock (Hoell). My maternal great grandfather Josef Louis Stranzl (1885-1967) in Ehrensdorf, son of Louis Alois? Stranzl and Josephine Monshein. He emigrated at age 17 in 1903 to Northampton PA. He had a brother Alois Stranzl who may or may not have emigrated to the US, and a sister Rosina Titz (Tietz) nee Stranzl who emigrated to the US in 1923. Later Josef Stranzl married Rosina Schmidt and they lived in Coplay PA. They returned to Ehrensdorf in 1910 to leave their 2 yr old first born/daughter Marie (Mary) Stranzl ( 1908- 1971)to be raised by her grandparents Alois Stranzl (b abt 1860?)until she was 14, and was called to return to the US to work (1922). My paternal grandfather Michael S Bock (1903-1987), son of Michel Bock (born 1875?) and Julianna Gillinger (born abbt 1880), and he had 2 sisters and a brother. Michael emigrated to Coplay in 1923, the only one of his family to do so. He married Marie Stranzl (Mary Bock) and remained in the Coplay/Hokendauqua PA area. His siblings who remained in Austria/Hungary were Angeloi ( who I believe with her family was left behind the Iron Curtain post WWII), George (remained in Hoell) and Maria Pouil or Paul nee Bock(2011) of near Mischendorf. Maria (b 1916?)was the youngest and had one daughter Margarethe Kreitner nee Paul,(1938-2018). I am searching for earlier records of births, deaths, marraiges, or other to locate the ancestors of Michael Bock still remaining in the Burgenland or nearby regions. My grandfather returned only once in 1972 and was able to visit his brother and sisters, even Angeloi with permission to enter the Iron Curtain, although I recall him saying she no longer spoke German. I have photos from his trip. I took my family in June 2018 to visit the Burgenland and meet my only know relative, Margarethe Kreitner in Mischendorf- she was 82 years old. Her husband and only son Dietmar Kreitner had died in Dec. 2016 and 2017 respectively and she had only her husband's sister Edeltraut as a living relative. With an interpreter we were able to have a lovely afternoon. Sadly her father xxx Paul had died age 29 in Russia during WWII leaving her mother a young widow, unprotected during the Russian occupation post the war. These memories were too difficult for her, so we did not talk more. She did take us to her cemetery close by where her parents (Mary and xxx Paul), her husband and son were buried but I do not recall the name. I am hoping that you may be able to guide me in my genealogy search for records on both th Stranz and Bock families who remained in the Burgenland. |
Schmikl | Beverly Cox | Lébény (Leiden), Hungary | |
Schmitz | Patricia J Hall | ||
Schmitzhoefer | Beverly Cox | Lébény (Leiden), Hungary | |
Schmitzhoefer | Frederick Scott Pianalto | Lébény (Leiden), Hungary | Settled in Herndon, KS. |
Schnabl | Mary Sullivan-Rickey | Donnerskirchen (Fertö-Fehéregyháza) | Anna Maria Bayer married Johann Schnabl 8 Feb 1848 in Donnerskirchen. Son Johann was born 2 Dec 1849. Johann Schnabl (Sr.) died in 1849. Anna Maria married Michael Pogatscher in Donnerskirchen 5 Feb 1850. Son Martin was born 8 Feb 1852 and died 23 Aug 1852. Daughter Maria was born 17 May 1853. |
Schnackl | Markus Polczer [inactive] |
Luising (Lovászad) | Settled in Moschendorf. |
Schnackl | Robert Wessel | Deutsch Bieling (Német-Bükkös) | Settled New York City, 1923, then Yaphank, Long Island, ~1940. |
Schnakl | Sara Tanzosh | Deutsch Bieling (Német-Bükkös) | Settled in Nazareth PA. |
Schnalczer | Rita Grace |
Kulm (Kólom); Deutsch Schützen (Német-Lövö); Baumgarten (Sopron-Kertes); Unterbildein (Alsó-Beled) |
Schnalzer | Deborah Bierbaum | Deutsch Schützen (Német-Lövö) | Agnes Schnalzer, granddaughter of Sebastian Schnalzer, arrived in US on April 29, 1913. |
Schnalzer | Joan Schnalzer Dissler | Deutsch Schützen (Német-Lövö) | John Schnalzer, Deutsch Schützen, settled New York around 1940. John born 1916. |
Schnalzer | Susan Potts | Oberradling (Felsö-Rönök) | Karl Schnalzer, born 1940, emigrated to Canada. |
Schnalzer | Michael Wachter | Deutsch Schützen (Német-Lövö) | |
Schnecker | Mark Bischof |
Rohr (Nád); Bocksdorf (Baksafalva) |
Settled in Allentown, Bethlehem, Easton, and Chester in PA. |
Schnedl | Oswald Held | Ják (Sankt Georgen), Hungary | |
Schneefloken | Michael Dampf | Szent Gotthárd (Sankt Gotthard), Hungary | Married Dampf; settled in Welland, Ontario via Manitoba and eventually St. Catharine's and Toronto. |
Schneider | Mike Anderson | Wallern (Valla) | Johann Schnieder, his wife Anna (Blankowitz) sons Christain and Hermann came from Wallern, Austria on May 17, 1875 aboard the SS Oder and settled in St. Anthony, Minnesota. In about 1885, the family moved to near Redfeld, SD and Christain went on a bit farther to Zell, SD. In 1890, Christain and his wife gave birth to my Grandmother, Louise Schneider. Shortly after, Christain and his family moved to Oregon. At about the same time, Johann and family moved back to the St. Anthony, MN area where they both died and are buried. BTW...1890 was the year of the battle of Broken Knee about 150 to the west of Zell. |
Schneider | Teri Dalager | Wallern (Valla) | Settled in Minnesota. |
Schneider | Jennifer D'Andrea | Pilgersdorf (Pörgölény) | Mary Schneider, b 11.30.1885, emigrated at age 18 to join brother, died age 40 on 6.24.1926. Married John Baumgartner in North Dakota, b 7.2.1876 in Salmannsdorf to Michael Baumgartner and Maria Puhr. Michael and Maria to US in 1889 with children John, Joseph, Michael, Theresa, Anna and Frank. Maria Puhr, b 1844 in Deutsch Gerisdorf to Marton Puhr (b 7.18.1807) and Theresia Scherman (b 8.2.1810). Marton's parents were Agidius Puhr (b 7.31.1785) and Maria. Agidius, from Bubendorf, d 1.12.1858 in Deutsch Gerisdorf, son of Frederic and Eva Puhr. |
Schneider | Charles G Deutsch | Wallern (Valla) | Settled in St. Paul, MN in the 1880s. |
Schneider | James P (Jim) Deutsch | Wallern (Valla) | Settled St. Paul, MN in 1880. |
Schneider | Manuela Diamant | Badersdorf (Pöszöny) | |
Schneider | Pat Gangl Dolan |
Tadten (Mosontétény); Wallern (Valla) |
Settled in St. Paul, MN, in 1881. |
Schneider | Colleen Doran | Wallern (Valla) | |
Schneider | Mary Erhard [inactive] |
Halbturn (Féltorony) | Emigrated to US May 1885. Moved to St Paul, MN, 1888, to Waconia, MN, 1892. |
Schneider | Louise Fellman | Wallern (Valla) | Settled in Breckinridge, MN. |
Schneider | Manfred Johann Gartner | Höll (Pokolfalu) | Settled in Bronx, NY. |
Schneider | Mary (Mehl) Gross | Wallern (Valla) | John and Anna Schneider, with sons Christian and Herman, immigrated to St. Cloud MN in 1875 with a group of 48 Hungarians from around Wallern on the Ship Oder. |
Schneider | Viktor & Regina Hladky | Oslip (Oszlop) | |
Schneider | Dale M Knebel | Wallern (Valla) | Settled in Lake City, SD. |
Schneider | Yohanan Loeffler | Lackenbach (Lakompak) | |
Schneider | Elizabeth Lynch | Halbturn (Féltorony) | Settled in Eden, Day Co, SD. |
Schneider | Frank Marakovits | Eberau (Monyorókerék) | Settled in Northampton, PA. |
Schneider | Bill McGarry | ||
Schneider | Mary (Strobl) Morey | Frauenkirchen (Boldogasszony) | |
Schneider | Dana Petersen | Halbturn (Féltorony) | Mathias and Johanna (Steiner) Schneider settled in Omaha, Douglas Co, NE. |
Schneider | Norm Pihale [inactive] |
Wallern (Valla) | Mostly settled in St. Paul, Ramsey County and Stearns County, MN. |
Schneider | Patricia Adriana Lopez Schmidt | Wallern (Valla) | Elisabeth Schneider, born in Wallern to Franz Schneider and Maria Stanff, and Michael Schmidt, born in Drobing to Michael Schmidt and Ines Rastel, married in 1924 in Córdoba, Argentina; he was 44 and she was 28; buried in La Cumbre and Córdoba City. |
Schneider | Eric Schneider | John (Johann?) Schneider married Catherine (Katerina?) Meninger soon after emigrating in ~1905 to New Jersey. | |
Schneider | Harold E A Steurer |
Badersdorf (Pöszöny); Kirchfidisch (Egyházasfüzes); Güssing (Német-Újvár); Hannersdorf (Sámfalva); Jormannsdorf (Gyimótfalva); Grosspetersdorf (Nagy-Szent-Mihály); Mariasdorf (Máriafalva); Pinkafeld (Pinkafo) |
Schneider | Diann (Leer) Tippe | Wallern (Valla) | Immigrated to Minnesota, South Dakota, then Saskatchewan, Canada. |
Schneider | Sabine A Tischler | Tadten (Mosontétény) | Martin Tischler (1828-1883), son of Andrew Tischler (born c.1805) and Maria Gyorig (born c.1807), married Maria Katherine Schneider (1848-1910) and they had 9 children. Martin worked as a cigar maker (presumably). The family emigrated sometime between 1881 and 1883, with a rumor that Martin did not survive the journey, having fallen overboard during the crossing. His widow and kids settled in St. Paul, Minnesota where my great-great-grandfather Michael (1867-1902) and his brothers worked as cigar makers. |
Schneider | Bob Tobin | Mönchhof (Barátudvar) | Settled in Minneapolis, MN. |
Schneider | Amy Gabbert-Montag | Wallern (Valla) | Anna Schneider, born 8/16/1868, parents Matthias Schneider & Anna Lentsch (m 1865). Anna Lentsch born 1841, died 1922, parents Joannes Lentsch & Eva Salamon (to the best of my knowledge). Looking for more information on Lentsch & Salamon family. |
Schneidinger | Fred Schneidinger | Rotenturm (Vasvörösvár) | Settled in Ambler, PA, about 1908. |
Schneller | Ella Broetzmann | Grosspetersdorf (Nagy-Szent-Mihály) | Catholic. Settled in Chicago. |
Schneller | Martin Maria Krachler | Sankt Michael (Puszta-Szent-Mihály) | |
Schneller | A Paul Reicher | Kleinpetersdorf (Kis-Szent-Mihály) | |
Schneller | Joseph Schneller Sr |
Grosspetersdorf (Nagy-Szent-Mihály); Neumarkt (Felsö-Kethely) |
Martin Schneller, son of Joseph and Pauline (Dimbokovits), married Appolonia Weber and settled in Chicago, IL, 1923. |
Schnepf | Martin Friedrich |
Heiligenkreuz (Rába-Keresztúr); Sankt Martin (Rába-Szent-Márton); Jennersdorf (Gyanafalva) |
Schnepf | Siegmund Schnepf |
Welten (Velike); Jennersdorf (Gyanafalva) |
Louis Schnepf, born 1894 in Welten to Franz Schnepf & Theresia Lang, emigrated to Canada in 1927. Married Josefa Kahr of St. Martin on the Raab in 1929. Spent first 10 years in Leader, Saskatchewan, then moved to Kitchener in 1939. Had 2 children. |
Schnepf | Paul Zotter |
Welten (Velike); Doiber (Döbör) |
Emigrated to Pittsburgh, PA. |
Schober | Matthew Tanzos | Kleinmürbisch (Felsö-Medves) | From Kleinmurbisch & Ubersdorf |
Schock | Marilyn (Zapfel) Rome | Theresia Schock (born 1894). | |
Schock | Gary Saurer | Hannersdorf (Sámfalva) | Settled in Chicago IL. |
Schock | Mark Schock | Grosspetersdorf (Nagy-Szent-Mihály) | Settled in Northampton, PA, ~1922. |
Schock | Angyne Schock-Smith | Grosspetersdorf (Nagy-Szent-Mihály) | Josef and wife Josefina, both b. 1894, settled in Northampton, PA, 1921-2. |
Schodisch | Victoria Reicher | Grosspetersdorf (Nagy-Szent-Mihály) | Settled in Oberwart in 1808. |
Schoditsch | Lynn Baumgartner | Grosspetersdorf (Nagy-Szent-Mihály) | |
Schoditsch | Phillip Snow | Hannersdorf (Sámfalva) | Settled in Chicago and Milwaukee, WI. |
Schoenbacher | Shane Cates | Neutal (Nyujtal) | Lorenz Schoenbacher. Read newsletter #74 in which he is referenced and I am now looking to learn about that area/time in general. |
Schoenfeldinger | Werner Schoenfeldinger | Bernstein (Borostyánko) | Settled in Chicago, IL. |
Scholler | Christopher Glenn | Settled in St. Paul, MN. | |
Schönfellinger | John & Karen Schoenfellinger | Stadtschlaining (Város-Szalónak) | Gustav Schönfellinger, born 1893, youngest of 9 children, immigrated to NYC in 1912 and settled in Philadelphia, PA. Five siblings immigrated 1903-1910, most settling in Philadelphia. Lutheran. |
Schonherru | Linda L Wilson | Oberschützen (Felsö-Lövo) | Settled in Chicago, IL. |
Schopf | Brian Kingdon | Podersdorf (Pátfalu) | Martin Schopf (b. 9 Nov 1878) and Maria Millisits (b. 18 Mar 1878 in Unterbildein) settled in Kemmerer, Wyoming, in 1905. |
Schopf | Joe Mott | Podersdorf (Pátfalu) | Settled in North Dakota. |
Schopf | Rebecca Chamberlain | Podersdorf (Pátfalu) | Maria Mann immigrated in 1902 with Anton and Maria (Tschida) Kroiss to Mandan, ND. She married Joseph Schopf (from Podersdorf) in Mandan, they moved to Spokane, Washington from there. |
Schops | Fritz Meidlinger [deceased] |
Jánossomorja (Sankt Johann), Hungary | Settled in Omaha, NE. |
Schoreditsch (Soredits) | Andreas Schoredits | Drassburg (Darúfalva) | Settled in South Africa in 1937. |
Schorn | Norm Pihale [inactive] |
Frauenkirchen (Boldogasszony) | Mostly settled in St. Paul, Ramsey County and Stearns County, MN. |
Schotl | Gerald Glaeve | Mönchhof (Barátudvar) | Settled in Minnesota. |
Schottl | Kathy Zawislak | Breitenbrunn (Fertö-Széleskút) | Researcher for a friend. |
Schragen | Phylis Deutsch |
Kukmirn (Kukmér); Limbach (Hárspatak) |
Emigrated to Allentown, PA. |
Schragen | Lygia Maria Pilz Simetzberger |
Neusiedl bei Güssing (Felsöujlak); Kukmirn (Kukmér); Deutsch Kaltenbrunn (Német-Hidegkút); Dobersdorf (Dobrafalva) |
Schraith | Joan Schraith Cole |
Grieselstein (Köröstyén); Jennersdorf (Gyanafalva) |
To Milwaukee, WI in 1923-30. |
Schraith | Ed Schraith |
Grieselstein (Köröstyén); Jennersdorf (Gyanafalva) |
To Milwaukee, WI in 1923-30. |
Schraith | Jim Schraith | Settled in Milwaukee, WI. | |
Schraith | Michele Wucker | ||
Schramel | Marilyn Dondelinger | Unterbildein (Alsó-Beled) | Settled in St Louis, MO, in 1900. Michael Schramel (b.1854, died in Austria) married Rosalia Wolfinger (Wolfer) (1854-1921). |
Schramel | Donna B Moore | Gols (Gálos) | Johann Schramel settled in Herndon, Rawlins Co. Kansas about 1885. |
Schramel | Susan O'Meara | Gaas (Pinka-Kertes) | |
Schramel | Bill Rudy |
Eberau (Monyorókerék); Kulm (Kólom); Unterbildein (Alsó-Beled); Moschendorf (Német-Sároslak); Szent Péterfa (Prostrum), Hungary |
Settled southern NY. |
Schramel (Schrammel) | Susan Stahley | Moschendorf (Német-Sároslak) | Joseph Schramel, settled in Moore Twp, Northampton Co, PA in 1922. |
Schraml (Schrammel) | Kristi (Moser) Briel | ||
Schrammel | Nancy Krulac Faust | Pornóapáti (Pernau), Hungary | Franz Schrammel, born 1873, came to the US in the 1890's and died in 1905 in a mine cave-in in Eleanora, PA (near Punxy). |
Schrammel | Brian C Hall | Pornóapáti (Pernau), Hungary | Settled in Chicago, IL. |
Schrammel | Peggy Howland | Settled in Bethlehem, PA. | |
Schrammel | Karen M Jones | Gols (Gálos) | Settled Herndon, KS after 1874. |
Schrammel | Susan Loikith | Gaas (Pinka-Kertes) | Settled in Passaic, NJ. |
Schrammel | Richard Mann II |
Gols (Gálos); Unterschützen (Alsó-Lövö) |
Schrammel | Kathy Pock-Trujillo | Pornóapáti (Pernau), Hungary | |
Schrammel | Gary L Portsche [deceased] |
Gols (Gálos); Unterschützen (Alsó-Lövö) |
Schrammel | Lauren Schrammel | Pernau (Pornóapáti) | Settled in Chicago IL 1956. SCHRAMMEL, Pornoapati, Hungary. My father John Schrammel born October 24th, 1943. Immigrated to Chicago with his parents, 2 brothers, and 3 sisters. Settled in Palatine IL. |
Schrammel | Judy & Tim Snyder | Pornóapáti (Pernau), Hungary | Settled in Lehigh County, PA. |
Schrammel | Alexander Stangl | Unterbildein (Alsó-Beled) | Settled in St. Louis, MO. |
Schrammel | Robert Strauch | Pornóapáti (Pernau), Hungary | Settled in Allentown & Nazareth between 1906-1921. |
Schrammel | Larry R Everhard | My grandfather Stephen John Eberhardt was born Dec 14, 1873 in Pornoapati Hungary. He died Feb 1, 1941 in Bethlehem PA. He married Theresa Brunner born Oct 17, 1884 in Ujhegy. They were married at St. Michael in 1906. They immigrated to Northampton PA in 1908. Theresa died in Lower Nazareth Oct 27, 1918. Stephen’s parents are Joseph Eberhardt and Anna Schrammel. Joseph was from Pornoapati and Anna from Unterbildein. Both died in Austria/Hungary. Theresa’s father was Joseph Brunner from Rohrbach an der Teich born about 1859. He immigrated to Northampton Pa in 1904. He died in the USA…we believe in PA.Theresa’s mother was Catherine Lorincz Brunner born April 25 1858. Joseph died before she could join him. She died in 1951 in Neuberg. She lived on the family flax farm. | |
Schrammel | Matthew Lerch | Eberau (Monyorókerék) | Johanna Deutsch, wife of Joseph E Schrammel, lived in Nazareth PA. |
Schrampf | Connie Schield | Limbach (Hárspatak) | Settled in Allentown, PA in 1913. |
Schrampf | Theresa Starchild-Wolf | Wolfau (Farkasfalva) | Anna Schrampf (1890-1971), emigrated to St. Louis, MO, in 1906 to join her father, Jozsef Schrampf. She married Charles Bieber. |
Schrampf | Victor Talotta | Kukmirn (Kukmér) | John Schrampf, b.1895, settled in Coplay, PA, and married Stella Ressler, b.1902 to Theresa (Schuster) and Anton Ressler from Heiligenkreuz im Lafnitztal. |
Schrantz | Sean Ingber | Moschendorf (Német-Sároslak) | Karl Schrantz settled in Bronx, NY. |
Schranz | Ruth M Barthel | Holzschlag (Vágod) | Settled in Chicago, IL. |
Schranz | Victoria Davis | Oberschützen (Felsö-Lövo) | |
Schranz | Susan Dial | Bernstein (Borostyánko) | The Pauss family (Maria Schrantz Pauss, her son Joseph, and daughters Mary and Annie) immigrated to the US in the 1880s. |
Schranz | Diane Emry | Stuben (Edeháza) | John Schranz, b. 1884, settled in Chicago, IL. |
Schranz | Jim Fleck | Riedlingsdorf (Rödöny) | Emigrated to Chicago, IL. |
Schranz | Thomas J Glatz [deceased] |
Loipersdorf (Lipótfala) | Settled in Chicago, IL. |
Schranz | John M Koglman | Oberschützen (Felsö-Lövo) | Samuel Koglman of Limbach emigrated to the US in 1909, married Caroline Schranz in Chicago, IL, moved to Cleveland and had 3 children, Milly, Alfred and John. Lutheran. |
Schranz | Jacquelyn Law | Stuben (Edeháza) | Settled in Milwaukee, WI, in 1922. |
Schranz | Jim Lennon | Stuben (Edeháza) | Mathias Schranz married Elizabeth Ulreich. Karl Schranz, to Chicago, IL, in 1903. |
Schranz | Scott Marks | Settled in Chicago, IL. Johann Schranz (b1872), wife Maria Zartler Hutter (b1867, Maria Zartler's 2nd marriage). | |
Schranz | Frank J Schranz |
Schönherrn (Szépúr); Schmiedrait (Határfö) |
Franz Schranz emigrated to Elizabeth, NJ, from Schonherrn, Hungary in 1904. His son, Frank, grew up in Schonherrn and moved to Schmidrait, then emigrated in 1921. |
Schranz | Mark Schranz | Stuben (Edeháza) | Ernst Schranz (1900-1970) settled in Milwaukee, WI, in 1923; had children Irma and Ernst. |
Schranz | Melanie Schranz |
Stegersbach (Szentelek); Bernstein (Borostyánko) |
Settled in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada, in 1953. |
Schranz | Thomas Schranz | Tschurndorf (Czunda) | Johann Schranz |
Schranz | Victor Schranz | Drumling (Drumoly) | Johan Schranz lived in Drumling, early 1800s, married Rosina Bruckner, has son, Janos, in 1830. |
Schranz | Jane Glatz Smilie | Loipersdorf (Lipótfala) | Settled in Chicago, IL. |
Schranz | Sarah Bagley | Stuben (Edeháza) | Mathias Pahr born 24 JUN 1857 in Stuben married Rosina Schranz born 4 MAR 1858 in Stuben (and later married her sister Barbara Schranz born 20 OCT 1860 in Stuben). Their son Mathias Pahr born 4 or 31 JAN 1889 in Stuben married Emilie Kirnbauer born 2 AUG 1895 in Guenseck. I believe Emilie's parents were Johann/Joannes Kirnbauer born 28 FEB 1871 in Guenseck and Anna Hodwagner (possibly Ulreich) born 12 JUN 1872 in Mariasdorf. |
Schranz (Shrunce) | Michael Gallagher | Stuben (Edeháza) | Ernst Schranz traveled with Karl Skacel to Milwaukee, WI, 1923. |
Schratt (Schrott) | Margret Englesson |
Nemes-Medves (Ginisdorf), Hungary; Unterwart (Alsó-Or) |
John Schratt and wife Maria Reichart, of Unterwart, emigrated to the Lehigh Valley, PA, in 1903. Their children, Gisella (Stella), Hedwig and Therez, emigrated in 1906. |
Schrei | Patrick Kovacs | Sankt Michael (Puszta-Szent-Mihály) | |
Schrei | Melanie Popovic | Jakabháza (Jakobshof), Hungary | Settled in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. |
Schrei (Schrey) | Josef Schrei | Mogersdorf (Nagyfalva) | |
Schreiber | Andreas Linzer | Kleinwarasdorf (Borisfalva) | |
Schreiber | Ella Czvitkovich Stivers |
Kleinwarasdorf (Borisfalva); Grosswarasdorf (Szabadbáránd); Nikitsch (Füles); Kroatisch Geresdorf (Horvát-Gyirót) |
Has book titled "800 Jahre Kleinwarasdorf, 1195-1995". |
Schreier | Norm Pihale [inactive] |
Pamhagen (Pomogy) | Mostly settled in St. Paul, Ramsey County and Stearns County, MN. |
Schreier | Sam Schreier | Pamhagen (Pomogy) | |
Schreiner | Johann Bernthaler | Gols (Gálos) | |
Schreiner | Brandie DeBusk |
Grossmutschen (Sopron-Udvard); Kleinmutschen (Pervány) |
Settled in South Bend, IN. |
Schreiner | Christian Fuchs | Dobersdorf (Dobrafalva) | Janos (Johann) Schreiner, b Dec 6, 1876, arrived in New York on Nov 17, 1898, going to Allentown, PA, to join his brother. I am looking for this brother. Janos Schreiner returned to Dobersdorf and married Theresia Unger there on Feb 25,1905. |
Schreiner | Larraine Givens | Gols (Gálos) | |
Schreiner | Patricia Hackstock-Storgaard | Gols (Gálos) | Andreas Hackstock, b 1852, wife Rosina Schreiner, b 1854, and son Paul b 1880, with other families from Gols (Wurm, Wendelin, Linbeck) settled in Nebraska in 1881-1882. |
Schreiner | Franz Michael Koller | Eltendorf (Ókörtvélyes) | |
Schreiner | Fritz Königshofer |
Rohrbach (Fraknó-Nádasd); Marz (Márczfalva); Loipersbach (Lépesfalva); Pilgersdorf (Pörgölény) |
Schreiner | Thomas Kurz | Rust (Ruszt) | |
Schreiner | Gerhard H & Martina Lang | Rust (Ruszt) | |
Schreiner | Rebecca A Medlock | Doiber (Döbör) | Franz Schreiner. |
Schreiner | Lori Penetar | Kukmirn (Kukmér) | Frank W and Anna (Schreiner) Wallitsch settled in Allentown PA, 1906. |
Schreiner | Ronald Pummer | Eltendorf (Ókörtvélyes) | Settled in Allentown PA, early 1900s. |
Schreiner | John Royer | Mogersdorf (Nagyfalva) | David Schreiner settled in Allentown, PA, 1905; wife was Theresa Danweber. |
Schreiner | Rudi Schreiner |
Grossmutschen (Sopron-Udvard); Kleinmutschen (Pervány); Forchtenau (Fraknó); Unterpullendorf (Alsó-Pulya) |
Koloman Schreiner (1920-75) in Grossmutschen, sister Genoveva (Schwarz) in Frankenau, and another sister in Unterpullendorf. Eldest brother, Karl, to Alberta, Canada after WW-II. Relatives in Gross- and Klein- mutschen. |
Schrettner | Elizabeth Schrettner Duley | Jakabháza (Jakobshof), Hungary | |
Schreuer | Janet Cobb [inactive] |
Pamhagen (Pomogy) | |
Schreuer | Norm Pihale [inactive] |
Wallern (Valla) | Mostly settled in St. Paul, Ramsey County and Stearns County, MN. |
Schrey | Reinhard Möstl | Mühlgraben (Malomgödör) | |
Schreyer | Joanne Schreyer Hayden | Tadten (Mosontétény) | Moved to South Bend, IN in 1904. |
Schreyer | Robert E Ohr | Pamhagen (Pomogy) | |
Schrodl (Schrodel) | June Schrodel | Lackenbach (Lakompak) | Settled in Harkau, Sopron (Hungary). JOSEF SCHRODL was born in Lackenbach in 1791, and was in the Military as a Cadet then a Lietenant in the Heer und Kriegsmarine (Tiroler Jager-Regiment). He had a son named Josef (b.1820) in Lackenbach but then moved to Harkau, Sopron (Hungary). His son Josef married Sussanna Paur and had 5 children. I have the family coming forward but can't find any SCHRODL before 1791. The name has since changed via a marriage certificate and become SCHRODEL. |
Schroif | Jim Bloomfield | Illmitz (Alsó-Illmicz) | Settled in St. Paul, MN, ~1890. |
Schroif | Richard Bloomfield | Illmitz (Alsó-Illmicz) | Leopoldine Schroif (1873-1923) married Joseph Rauscher (1862-1933) in 1892, and settled in St. Paul, MN. |
Schruiff | Viktor & Regina Hladky | Oslip (Oszlop) | |
Schryer | John J & Judy Lehner | ||
Schuber | Thomas Kurz | Walbersdorf (Borbolya) | |
Schuber | Herman M Schuber Jr | Pöttelsdorf (Petöfalva) | Settled in Chicago. |
Schubitch | Phillip Schwartz | Kleinpetersdorf (Kis-Szent-Mihály) | Joseph Schwarz worked in cement mills in Hudson, NY, and Northampton, PA. Stephen, son of Joseph and Anna (Mulner) Schwarz, was born in 1913 in Northampton. All returned to Edlitz in 1914. Stephen came back to America in 1932. His wife, Justine Schubitch, daughter of Teresa and Carl Schubitch, came to America in 1927. |
Schuch | Janet Alesauskas | Rohrbach (Jobbágy-Újfalu) | Settled in Chicago IL, about 1910. |
Schuch | Kathy Borkenhagen | Hannersdorf (Sámfalva) | John Schuch and wife Mary Wukowits immigrated to St. Louis, went back to Austria, then returned to settle in Chicago ~1920. |
Schuch | Kim Bulone | Eberau (Monyorókerék) | Karoly Schuch and Terez Horvath. Gisella (Schuch) Flax, b. Feb 1892, to America about 1906; 8 of 10 siblings settled in Chicago. |
Schuch | Brenda Csencsits | Kohfidisch (Gyepufüzes) | Settled in Northampton, PA. |
Schuch | Dennis Csencsits [inactive] |
Kohfidisch (Gyepufüzes) | Julia Schuch and husband Frank Steven Csencsits to USA in 1909. |
Schuch | Diane Hughes | ||
Schuch | Anna Tanczos Kresh |
Kroatisch Ehrensdorf (Horvát-Hásos); Punitz (Pónicz); Sankt Kathrein (Pósa Szent-Katalin) |
Settled Northampton, PA and NYC. |
Schuch | Lynn McNamara |
Neuberg (Újhegy); Rohrbach (Jobbágy-Újfalu) |
Married a Fasel; settled in Chicago, early 1900s. |
Schuch | Margaret Roosdahl |
Sankt Michael (Puszta-Szent-Mihály); Tobaj (Tobaj); Punitz (Pónicz) |
Settled in New York and Saskatchewan, Canada. |
Schuch | Karen Scaglione | Rohrbach (Jobbágy-Újfalu) | Settled in Chicago, IL. |
Schuch | Albert Schuch |
Kleinpetersdorf (Kis-Szent-Mihály); Kleinzicken (Kis-Ciklény) |
Schuch | Brian I Schuch | Grossbachselten (Nagy-Karasztos) | Frank Schuch, b1884, settled in Chicago, IL. |
Schuch | Ingrid Schuster | Rohrbach (Jobbágy-Újfalu) | SCHUCH from Rohrbach an der Teich to Chicago. There are 21 descendants of my 2GGparents Oswald Franz and Ertler Anna from Rohrbach an der Teich (Oberwart) immigrated to the USA around 1900. ( |
Schuch | Scott Seymour | Kleinbachselten (Kis-Karasztos) | Frank Schuch settled in Chicago, IL, ~1910. |
Schuch | Louise Solner | ||
Schuch | JoAnn Schuch | Grossbachselten (Nagy-Karasztos) | Researching Ignaz Schuch, Mary Lorenz |
Schuch | Mary Schuch | Eberau (Monyorókerék) | My father's grandparents were Mihaly/Michael (28 August 1898-17 May 1982) and Maria/Mary (Geosits) Schuch (5 November 1900-26 September 1970). They were married in November 1922 and came to Chicago, IL in March 1923. They had three sons, William, Charles, and Richard. My grandfather was their middle child, Charles also called "Rocky" Schuch. He married Lucy Melius in Chicago in 1949. Their eldest son, Michael Charles Schuch, is my father. I do have additional information on Maria and Mihaly's parents, siblings, etc. from my research. I'm traveling to these towns at the end of April 2023, so I wanted to join this website because I've just been a lurker for quite some time. Very grateful for the abundance of resources here. |
Schuch | Jeanette Jaffe | Mariasdorf (Máriafalva) | Anna Margareta Hutter, born July 1921 in Mariasdorf, was my grandmother. Her mother was Anna Schuch Hutter (born 1894), and her father was Adolph Robert Hutter (born 1897). My grandmother met my grandfather, USA Soldier Lawrence Larsen in Salzberg, after she fled Mariasdorf on foot from the Russians. After the war, she came to America to marry my grandfather. They settled in New Orleans, Louisiana, which is where I am now raising my family. |
Schuetter | Bill Schuetter |
Pinkafeld (Pinkafo); Unterwart (Alsó-Or); Kemeten (Vas-Komját) |
Settled in Chicago. |
Schuh | Jim Fleck | Riedlingsdorf (Rödöny) | Emigrated to Chicago, IL. |
Schuh | John R Fleck | Riedlingsdorf (Rödöny) | |
Schuh | Pam Hudson | Neumarkt (Felsö-Kethely) | Settled in Chicago, IL. |
Schuh | Barry Keippel | Riedlingsdorf (Rödöny) | |
Schuh | Robert Loerzel | Mischendorf (Pinkamiske) | |
Schuh | Marilyn (Zapfel) Rome | Riedlingsdorf (Rödöny) | Janos Zapfel b. 1849 married Suzanna Schuh b. 1850; their son, Janos b. 1870, married Theresia Schuh b. 1872 and came to America in 1902. |
Schuh | Delores (Dee) Schuh Schjerven | Riedlingsdorf (Rödöny) | Immigrated to the US and settled in the Chicago area. |
Schuh | Steve Schuh | Oberwart (Felsö-Ör) | Emigrated to St. Louis, Mo ... Schuh,Johann md. Portschy,Zsusanna (Ródóny, Hs#61); Schuh,Johann md. Steger,Mária (Ródóny, Hs#61); Schuh,Samuel md. Balikó,Lidia (Ródóny, Hs#61/Felső-Eőr, Hs#529); Schuh,Alexander(aka:Samuel) md. Farkas,Juliánna (Felsóór, Hs#523/Alsóór, Hs#186). Associated surnames are Schuh, Baliko, Muth, Farkas, and Pós. |
Schuh | Thomas Schuh | Riedlingsdorf (Rödöny) | Johann (John) Schuh, born 1 Nov 1881 to Tobias Schuh (b 27 Jan 1845) and Marie/Maria Kirnbauer (b 5 Jan 1849), emigrated to Chicago, IL, in 1906. |
Schuh | Schuk | Jánossomorja (Sankt Johann), Hungary | |
Schuh | Sandra Hoffmeister Wills | ||
Schuh | C R Wyatt |
Riedlingsdorf (Rödöny); Loipersdorf (Lipótfala) |
Schuh | Bill Zurth [inactive] |
Dreihütten (Háromsátor) | |
Schuh | Walter Patrick Schuh | Oberschützen (Felsö-Lövo) | My grandfather, Charles Paul Schuh, dob 9/29/1888, supposedly from Oberschützen, Eisenberg, Hungary. Emigrated to NYC in 1904 but have no documentation. Passed away in 1965. His father's name was supposedly Samuel, mother Bertha. Parents names based on an obituary article. Grandmother, Theresia Teréz Stenger Schuh, dob 7/29/1888, supposedly from Magyarpolány, Ajkai járás, Veszprém, Hungary, passed away in 1956. Supposedly had 1 sister only, name unknown. Parents name unknown. |
Schuh (Schuch) | Graham Burt | ||
Schuhkopf | Frank Billowitz | Stegersbach (Szentelek) | |
Schuhkopf | Monica Jurasits Weninger | Steingraben (Bányá) | Settled in Northampton, PA. |
Schuhmann | Johann Bernthaler | Gols (Gálos) | |
Schuhr | Annette Kapple | Inzenhof (Borosgödör) | Settled in Allentown, PA and Chicago, IL. |
Schuk (Schuh) | Mark Huston | Jánossomorja (Sankt Johann), Hungary | Martin Schuk to Quebec, May 1906, settled in Saskatchewan, Canada, moved to British Columbia, Canada. |
Schuler | Brandie DeBusk |
Grossmutschen (Sopron-Udvard); Kleinmutschen (Pervány) |
Settled in South Bend, IN. |
Schuler | Maureen Palmquist | Grosswarasdorf (Szabadbáránd) | Settled in Chicago, IL. |
Schuller | Catherine Clark | Oslip (Oszlop) | |
Schuller | Paul Sandhofer | ||
Schulter | Christine Minnich | Dobersdorf (Dobrafalva) | Settled in Allentown, PA. |
Schultz | William Frank Schultz | Gattendorf (Lajtakáta, Gáta) | Franz and Katharina (Slanits) Schultz, born 1898 & 1896, with son John, born 1921, emigrated to Bruno, Saskatchewan, Canada, in 1928. |
Schultz (Schulz) | Diana S [inactive] |
Rönök (Radling), Hungary | Settled in Pittsburgh/Allegheny, PA; St. Martin ad Raab; Montevideo, Uraguay; Winnipeg, Manitoba. |
Schulz | Bernadette Fritz |
Rechnitz (Rohonc); Markt Neuhodis (Város-Hadász) |
Stefan Schulz (born 1900) immigrated to Canada in 1928. Brother Josef (born 1894) immigrated to the United States (likely to Detroit, MI, in 1923). |
Schulz | Joan Pepin Tschida | Of St. Paul, MN. | |
Schumacher | Cathy Carpenter | Nikitsch (Füles) | To South Bend, IN, about 1900. |
Schumacher | Thomas A Carpenter [deceased] |
Nikitsch (Füles) | To South Bend, IN about 1900. |
Schumeth | Kathryn Augustin | Lockenhaus (Léka) | Michael Augustin, son of Antal and Borbala (Hotwagner), baptized 25 July 1869, and wife Anna Schumeth, born 2 Mar 1882 to Erna Schumeth, settled in Kansas. Her uncle, Josef Rider, was blacksmith in Lockenhaus. Another uncle is Michael Philip of Hammerteich. The children of Michael and Anna settled in Kansas, Michigan, Wisconsin and Ohio, they are: Frank, Ernistine (Barbara), Otto, John, Joseph and Oswald (Gus). |
Schumeth | Daniel Schumeth | Lockenhaus (Léka) | Settled in USA. |
Schumich | Viktor & Regina Hladky | Oslip (Oszlop) | |
Schumick | Mary Liebel | Oslip (Oszlop) | Settled in Ohio. Johann Zollner (mother Margarett Zollner) married Carolina Schumick. |
Schumits | Catherine Clark | Oslip (Oszlop) | |
Schur | Alisa Sharon | Eisenstadt (Kis-Marton) | |
Schusten | Alexander Stangl | Unterbildein (Alsó-Beled) | Settled in St. Louis, MO. |
Schuster | T Buerger | Apetlon (Mosonbánfalva) | To St. Paul, MN. |
Schuster | Jason Crippen | Heiligenkreuz (Rába-Keresztúr) | Daniel Ressler was my birth father. His father, Anton Ressler, emigrated from Austria in 1900. He came into NYC and settled in Coplay, PA. He married Theresa Schuster who I assume came over with her parents Frank and Mary Schuster. From what I can find it looks like they also settled in Coplay as well. |
Schuster | Jennifer Graves | Apetlon (Mosonbánfalva) | To South Bend, IN, in 1880, Summit City, MI, in 1883, then Traverse City and Grand Rapids, MI. |
Schuster | Viktor & Regina Hladky | Oslip (Oszlop) | |
Schuster | Robert Keppel |
Felsö-Rönök (Oberradling), Hungary; Inzenhof (Borosgödör) |
Schuster | Kal Prost |
Walbersdorf (Borbolya); Mattersburg (Nagy-Marton) |
Schuster | Patricia Rosa | Fertö-Boz (Holling), Hungary | Family deported in 1946 to Schwäbisch Gmünd and then on to Altbach, Germany. Maria Schuster married János Piller. |
Schuster | Janice Schneider | Apetlon (Mosonbánfalva) | |
Schuster | Jim Schuster | Apetlon (Mosonbánfalva) | Emigrated in 1903 to Stearns County, MN then to St. Paul, MN. |
Schuster | Karen Schwartzbauer |
Apetlon (Mosonbánfalva); Illmitz (Alsó-Illmicz) |
St. Paul, MN area. |
Schuster | Victor Talotta | Heiligenkreuz (Rába-Keresztúr) | Stella Ressler, b.1902 to Theresa (Schuster) and Anton Ressler, settled in Coplay, PA, and married John Schrampf, b.1895 in Kukmirn. |
Schuster | Paul Weiss | Jánossomorja (Sankt Johann), Hungary | |
Schuttengruber | Paulina Catharina Maria Krenn | Oberwart (Felsö-Ör) | Paula Schuttengruber settled 1913 in ??; her mother left her when she was very small; her mother had five children and may have had the name Lang. |
Schütter | Bill Schuetter |
Pinkafeld (Pinkafo); Unterwart (Alsó-Or); Kemeten (Vas-Komját) |
Settled in Chicago. |
Schutz | MaryRose Winkler Balmes | Schwendgraben (Répcefo) | Settled in Minnesota 1895. Albert Winkler b. 24 Aug 1874. Father was Lenhart Winkler, b. 6 Nov 1833. |
Schutz | Jeffrey William Bonsell | Schwendgraben (Répcefo) | Hermine Schutz settled in St Paul, MN, in 1911. |
Schutz | Dorothy MacKenzie | ||
Schutz | Lynda (Bonsell) Ott | Apetlon (Mosonbánfalva) | My grandmother Hermine Giselle Schutz immigrated in 1911 through Ellis Island. She was from Apetlon. She married Josef Franz Haller of Illmitz in 1914 or 1915. Josef and Hermine met in St. Paul at an Austrian Cultural Center. |
Schutz | Mike Schlagel | Deutsch Gerisdorf (Német-Gyirót) | Settled in Winstead, MN, in 1868. |
Schutz | George Klima | Unterrabnitz (Alsó-Rámócz) | Borbála Haspel married Johann Klima in 1882, in Sopron. She died in Kapuvár, Hungary, in 1935. |
Schütz | Jill Casey | Unterrabnitz (Alsó-Rámócz) | |
Schütz | Joseph N Weber |
Sankt Martin (Rába-Szent-Márton); Neumarkt (Farkasdifalva); Unterdrosen (Alsó-Strázsa); Jennersdorf (Gyanafalva) |
Schutz (Schutte) | Linda McMillin | Mary Schutz (Schutte), daughter of Joseph Schutz and Elisabeth Flasch, and husband John Bates of Deutsch Gerisdorf migrated in 1866 to Milwaukee, WI, and settled in Winsted and Watkins, MN. | |
Schutzenhofer | David Hofer | Grafenschachen (Árokszállás) | Ferencz Hofer and Terezia Kogler emigrated to Chicago in 1907. Tracing grandparents of Hofer, Kogler, Schützenhofer, Luif, Kaincz, and Hofstetter from Grafenschachen. Need help finding Gaspar Hofer and wife Maria Hofstetter(Hofstadter) before 1828. Need help finding Jacob Hofer (1787-1864) and wife Elisabeth Kaincz(Kaintz) (1790-1846). |
Schutzenhofer | Sandy Richter | Grafenschachen (Árokszállás) | Frank Schutzenhofer settled in East St. Louis, IL. |
Schutzenhofer | Edward Allen Schutzenhofer | Grafenschachen (Árokszállás) | Josef Schutzenhofer, b 2/25/1878, settled in East St. Louis, IL, in 1903. |
Schutzenhofer | Ronald Schutzenhofer | Grafenschachen (Árokszállás) | Settled in East St. Louis, IL. |
Schutzenhofer | Jo Mercer | Grafenschachen (Árokszállás) | Lukas (Luke) Alois (Louis) Schutzenhofer (1881-1949), married Rosa E Feigl (1884-1973) in 1905 in East St. Louis IL. |
Schutzenhofer | JoAnne (Schutzenhofer) Theobald | Grafenschachen (Árokszállás) | My grandfahter was Jozsef "Joseph" Schutzenhofer, born Arokszallas 25 Feb 1878 from the union of Franciscus "Frank" Schutzenhofer and Constantia Uitz. Per Declaration of Intention dated 14 April 1908 his arrival was in New York on 8 May 1903 via the ship "S. S. L'Aquitaine that departed La Havre on 25 Apr 1903. His Petition for Naturalization was dated 15 Apr 1910 included his wife Mary Ebner whom he married on 3 May 1906. He was then living in East St. Louis, Illinois as listed as a merchant. His first two children, Joseph (my father) and Mary are also listed on this document. Joseph died on 4 June 1951 in Fairview Heights, Illinois. |
Schvab | Susan O'Meara |
Deutsch Schützen (Német-Lövö); Eisenberg ad Pinka (Csejke) |
Schvartz | Mike Eckert | ||
Schvarz | Paula Bolland | Aigen, Styria | |
Schveighofer | Jan Harrison | Güssing (Német-Újvár) | |
Schwab | Paula Linstrot | Deutsch Schützen (Német-Lövö) | Settled in the Chicago, IL, area. |
Schwab | Betty Presseller Mische |
Moson-Szolnok (Zanegg), Hungary; Jánossomorja (Sankt Johann), Hungary; Moson-Magyaróvár (Wieselburg) |
Settled in Chicago, IL. |
Schwab | Christine Seier Orowitz | Moschendorf (Német-Sároslak) | Settled in Northampton, PA. |
Schwab | Brian Mark Schwab | Moschendorf (Német-Sároslak) | Settled in Coplay Northampton. SCHWAB, SEIER, Moschendorf; SAYER, Pinkamindszent, Hungary. |
Schwann | Gary R Fink | Wallern (Valla) | |
Schwartz | Paula Hild | Wulkaprodersdorf (Vulka-Pordány) | Settled in Chicago. |
Schwartz | Dorothy MacKenzie | ||
Schwartz | Cary Parks | Apetlon (Mosonbánfalva) | Trying to research my great-grandfather, Michael H. SCHWARTZ, born 16 May 1879 in or near Apetlon, Burgenland; fathered a child (out of wedlock?) in about 1898 named George KLEIN (mother unknown KLEIN?). His parents were Karl SCHWARTZ adn Anna TRUMMER. Schwartz emigrated to the USA in about 1899. In 1903 in Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA, he married another Austrian, my great-grandmother, Elizabeth TSCHIDA, born 18 Sep 1876 in or near Illmitz, Burgenland. Michael SCHWARTZ died in 1949 and Elizabeth (TSCHIDA) SCHWARTZ died in 1970; both in Saint Paul, Minnesota. Both are my maternal great-grandparents. I know nothing about George KLEIN or his mother; and very little about Karl SCHWARTZ and Anna TRUMMER. |
Schwartzbauer | Carol Schwartzbauer | Apetlon (Mosonbánfalva) | Petrus (Petri) Schwartzbauer, prior to 1830. |
Schwartzbauer | Pam Troje | Illmitz (Alsó-Illmicz) | Martin Schwartzbauer & Katherine Gartner settled in Pittsburgh, PA then the "north end" of St. Paul, MN. |
Schwartzbauer (Schwarzbauer) | Karen Schwartzbauer |
Apetlon (Mosonbánfalva); Illmitz (Alsó-Illmicz) |
St. Paul, MN area. |
Schwartzel | Thomas Grennes | Minihof Liebau (Liba) | Settled in Cleveland and Chicago. |
Schwartzl (Schwarzl) | C Ellen Bulthuis | Tauka (Tóka) | Johanna Schwarzl (b1888) and brothers Charlie (b1885) and John (b1886) settled in Chicago, IL in 1909. Brothers Gus and Frank stayed in Austria. Parents were Ferencz (Frank) and Susanna (Halb) Schwarzl. |
Schwartzmeyer (Schwarzmayer) | Linda Ruesler | Rechnitz (Rohonc) | Brothers Louis and Emil settled in St. Louis, MO; 3 brothers remained in Rechnitz but Frank (or Franz) worked in the US 3 times, returning to Rechnitz. |
Schwarz | David Chada | Gaas (Pinka-Kertes) | Settled in Northampton, PA. |
Schwarz | Janet Cobb [inactive] |
Wallern (Valla); Potzneusiedl (Lajtafalu) |
Schwarz | Sherlene Colwell | John, son of Sophie Warf and August Schwarz (to US in 1895), was born 17Mar1895 in Nebraska and died in Chicago, IL. | |
Schwarz | Thomas J Glatz [deceased] |
Rattersdorf (Rötfalva) | |
Schwarz | Emil Lewinger | Stadtschlaining (Város-Szalónak) | |
Schwarz | Karla (Mandl) Moore | Badafalva (Weichselstein), Hungary | Settled in New Britain, CT c.1910-12. |
Schwarz | Karen O'Brien | Parndorf (Pándorfalu) | Settled in Seattle, WA. |
Schwarz | David Ostergaard | Mönchhof (Barátudvar) | Settled in Bancroft, IA about 1900. |
Schwarz | Samantha Schwarz | Strem (Strém) | Settled in Nazareth, 1953. Johann (Hans) Schwarz is my paternal grandfather and was born in Strem in 1936. He is the youngest of five sons, and was born to Ludwig Schwarz and Rosa Oswald. Ludwig Schwarz was born in Strem in 1890 to Michael Schwarz and Veronika Garger, he had one older brother. Rosa Oswald was born in Gaas in 1901 to Michael Oswald and Maria Wagner. Mary Ann Unger is my paternal grandmother, and her father was Johann Unger, he was born in Strem in 1913 to Karl Unger and Theresia Koller. He married Anna Groeller, who was born in Deutsch Tschantschendorf in 1919 to Ignatz Groeller and Anna Karausz, she was the oldest of four siblings. Theresa Blank, one of the researchers for Strem, is my great-aunt, as she is Mary Ann Unger's sister. |
Schwarz | Jane Glatz Smilie | Rattersdorf (Rötfalva) | |
Schwarz | Brendan Schmalzel | Pornóapáti (Pernau), Hungary | Paternal grandfather’s parents came to the USA at the end of 1922 and settled in Northampton, PA. where they had their first two children and then moved to Clifton, NJ. where they had my grandfather Frederick and their last child. My great-grandfather was József Schmalzel (b:1905) in Pornóapáti. My great-grandmother was Rose Geosits (b:1906) born in Northampton but raised in Sankt Kathrein until 1922. Other surnames: Rozner (Kertes), Kager, Taschler, Koller, Benko, Lehner, Gerencser, Paukovitz, Veszelovits, Kurcz, Mischevits, Horvath, Gusics, Tunkl, Osvald. |
Schwarz (Schwartz) | Phillip Schwartz | Edlitz (Abdalócz) | Joseph Schwarz worked in cement mills in Hudson, NY, and Northampton, PA. Stephen, son of Joseph and Anna (Mulner) Schwarz, was born in 1913 in Northampton. All returned to Edlitz in 1914. Stephen came back to America in 1932. His wife, Justine Schubitch, daughter of Teresa and Carl Schubitch, came to America in 1927. |
Schwarzbauer | Nadine Hardin | Pamhagen (Pomogy) | Elizabeth Schwarzbauer (b. 1850) and husbandJohn S Tschida (b. Oct 15, 1843) died in South Bend, IN. |
Schwarzbauer | Tara Loftus |
Illmitz (Alsó-Illmicz); Apetlon (Mosonbánfalva); Frauenkirchen (Boldogasszony) |
Settled in St. Paul and Sauk Centre, MN in 1890s. |
Schwarzbauer | Norm Pihale [inactive] |
Wallern (Valla); Apetlon (Mosonbánfalva) |
Mostly settled in St. Paul, Ramsey County and Stearns County, MN. |
Schwarzbauer | Connie Rossini [inactive] |
Apetlon (Mosonbánfalva) | Settled in ND, St. Paul, MN, then Washington. |
Schwarzbauer (Schwartzbauer) | Reginald M Ronningen | Illmitz (Alsó-Illmicz) | Settled in St. Paul, MN, in 1890 then Sauk Centre and McGrath, MN. |
Schwarzin | Arthur Schaffer | Markt Allhau (Alhó) | Settled in Chicago, IL. |
Schwarzl | Annemarie Vink |
Mühlgraben (Malomgödör); Neuhaus (Vas-Dobra) |
Schwarzmaier | Catherine Clark | Oslip (Oszlop) | |
Schwarzmayer (Schwartzmeyer) | Linda Ruesler | Rechnitz (Rohonc) | Brothers Louis and Emil settled in St. Louis, MO; 3 brothers remained in Rechnitz but Frank (or Franz) worked in the US 3 times, returning to Rechnitz. |
Schweiger | Vanessa Ellicott | Nikitsch (Füles) | Settled in England, 1936. Other family names include Mersich, Orisich, Mraz, Csenar, Karall, Kuzmich, Horvath, Lang, Oposich, Novak, Vertisich, Birich, Domnanovich, Perger, Buczolich, Krismanich, and Stansich. |
Schweighofer | Elizabeth Cole |
Halbturn (Féltorony); Mönchhof (Barátudvar); Andau (Moson-Tarcsa) |
Settled in St Paul. |
Schweighofer | David Erb | Halbturn (Féltorony) | Andrew Schweighofer, born 1855. |
Schweighofer | Karl Schweighofer | Halbturn (Féltorony) | Paternal grandfather was Andrew Schweighofer, born in St. Paul MN around 1901. My father, Thomas Andrew Schweighofer was born in 1932 in St. Paul MN. The family settled in San Rafael CA in the early 1940's. My father passed away about 3 years ago, having lived in the San Diego area since the late 1970's. |
Schweigl | Tom Valleskey | Nickelsdorf (Miklóshalma) | Leonardus Schweigl married Maria Lakner on 19 Feb 1865 in Oravicza Montanus (Slovakia ?). His parents are listed as Leonardii Schweigl and Theresia Eschenlohn from "Mosoniun." |
Schweitzer | Ashley Bernstein | Tobaj (Tobaj) | Anna Schweitzer, born 1900, emigrated in 1922 to New York and married Gustaf Rabolt in 1924. Gustaf was born 1901 in Güssing to Ignatz and Maria (Leitgeib), and immigrated to NY in 1922. |
Schweitzer | Bob Schatz | Tobaj (Tobaj) | Some settled in Allentown, PA. |
Schweitzer | Mary Schatz | ||
Schweitzer | Betty Schweitzer | Tobaj (Tobaj) | |
Schweitzer | Agatha Shilling [inactive] |
Fürstenfeld (Fölöstöm), Styria | Ludwig Bauer (b.1871) and Victoria Schweitzer to Johnstown, PA. |
Schweitzer | Joan Cook |
Tobaj (Tobaj); Eberau (Monyorókerék) |
My grandfather John Leitgeb arrived in NY on the Hansa from Hamburg on February 13, 1923. His mother was Maria Leitgeb (possibly Maria (Mary) Leitgeb 11/9/1884-8/5/1942?) and his stepfather was Ignatz Kroboth (11/11/1871-11/11/1946 - Tobay 95?). John Leitgeb settled in Yorkville, NY and later moved out to Medford, Long Island, NY. His stepsiblings were Theresa Kroboth Roth (9/14/1906-9/29/1991), Ignatz Kroboth (2/??/1908-2/26/1973), Maria (Mary) Kroboth Hoffman (3/29/1909-12/17/1983) and Johanna Kroboth (9/29/1912-2/23/2003). My grandmother was Maria (Mary) Leitgeb (11/4/1899-10/25/1986). Maria Leitgeb's parents were Theresia Schweitzer (no dates) and Josephus Leitgeb (no dates) - 88 Tobaj?. Maria arrived in NY on November 4, 1922 on the SS Ryndam. She traveled using her sister Hermina's passport (we don't know why). Her siblings include Rosa Leitgeb Altmann (3/26/1884-11/22/1954), Josef Leitgeb (11/5/1895(1893)-9/17/1910), Theresia Leitgeb Schneider (9/23/1897-8/27/1976) and Hermina Leitgeb Stimpfl (1/10/1906-1/23/1985). The families all lived together in NYC and Yorkville and later moved out to Medford, LI, NY. The mystery I am trying to solve: I was told my grandfather's biological father was John Schweitzer (2/4/1882 - 6/15/1930 - also from Tobaj) who lived in Northhampton, PA with his wife Rose Wiener Schweitzer (1883-1/18/1971). I was told that my grandmother's mother (Theresia Schweitzer) was a cousin to my grandfather's biological father (John Schweitzer). Family names are: Leitgeb, Kroboth, Schweitzer, Stimpfl, Unger, Astel (Gussing nr. 90) , Jost, Wurm, Nikitscher. |
Schwenk | Claudia Soeder |
Agfalva (Agendorf), Hungary; Bánfalva (Wandorf), Hungary |
Schwertner | Claudia Soeder |
Agfalva (Agendorf), Hungary; Bánfalva (Wandorf), Hungary |