Burgenland Bunch


SurnameResearcherVillage - ParishOther Details
Machalup Michael Hillinger Eisenstadt (Kis-Marton) Settled in Vienna. I am looking for information about the following: Theresia (Machalup) Wolf, bc: 1802 in Eisenstadt, d:1872 in Vienna, she married Hersch Abraham Wolf, born c.1795 in Mattersburg, d:1872 in Vienna, their daughter Sofie, bc:1840 in Eisenstadt, d:1921 in Vienna; she married Jakob Goldblatt, b:1833 in Miskolc, Hungary, d:1902 in Vienna.
Macher Béla Turcsányi Zurndorf (Zurány);
Pusztavám (Ondód), Hungary;
Lajoskomárom, Hungary
Macher Robert Zecker
Zurndorf (Zurány);
Gaas (Pinka-Kertes)
To Pusztavám (Ondod, Fejér Vármegye, Hungary).
Machineg Brendan Schmalzel Kulm (Kólom) Paternal grandfather’s parents came to the USA at the end of 1922 and settled in Northampton, PA. where they had their first two children and then moved to Clifton, NJ. where they had my grandfather Frederick and their last child. My great-grandfather was József Schmalzel (b:1905) in Pornóapáti. My great-grandmother was Rose Geosits (b:1906) born in Northampton but raised in Sankt Kathrein until 1922. Other surnames: Rozner (Kertes), Kager, Taschler, Koller, Benko, Lehner, Gerencser, Paukovitz, Veszelovits, Kurcz, Mischevits, Horvath, Gusics, Tunkl, Osvald.
Mader Donna Steiger Sopron (Ödenburg), Hungary To Canada in 1954 via Frankfurt on Main, Germany.
Maditez Maryann Hanley Eisenberg ad Pinka (Csejke)
Madl Carol Helm Wolfau (Farkasfalva)
Madl Arthur Schaffer Markt Allhau (Alhó) Settled in Chicago, IL.
Madl Kurt Holz Wolfau (Farkasfalva) Theresa M. Ritter and Herminie Ritter, daughters of Josef Ritter and Maria Goger, immigrated from Wolfau to Chicago (via New York) sometime in the 1920s. Someone in the family ran the Ritter House located in Wolfau.
Mädl (Medl) Ronald A Madle Poppendorf (Patafalva) Emigrated to Allentown, PA area, early 1900s.
Mädl (Medl) Joseph E Medl Poppendorf (Patafalva) Settled in Allentown, PA area, early 1900s.
Maerzer Martin Friedrich Heiligenkreuz (Rába-Keresztúr);
Sankt Martin (Rába-Szent-Márton);
Jennersdorf (Gyanafalva)
Magdits Dan Bakley Punitz (Pónicz) Settled in Northampton, PA and New York City.
Magdits Jeffrey Hittinger Punitz (Pónicz) Settled in White Haven, PA.
Magdits Ron Lange Moschendorf (Német-Sároslak) SCHMALL, Moschendorf, MAGDITS, Deutsch Ehrensdorf, both settled in Mason City, IA. MOHAPP, Alsoszölnök, Hungary, KRANYETZ, Permise, Hungary, both emigrated to Chicago, IL. Alois (Louis) Schmall, 1882-1951, and Katherine Magdits, 1882-1965, emigrated respectively in 1902 and 1903 and married in Mason City, IA. Louis Mohapp, born 1886, and Mary Kranyetz, born 1893, both emigrated to Chicago, IL, and married in 1924.
Magdits Frank Magdits Punitz (Pónicz) Franz Josef Magdits, son Frank.
Magdits Frank Paukowits Punitz (Pónicz) Settled in the New Jersey area in the 1920s.
Magdits Steve Schmall Moschendorf (Német-Sároslak);
Deutsch Ehrensdorf (Német-Hásos)
To Passaic, NJ, then Allentown, PA, and settled in Mason City, IA.
Magdits (Magditch) Bernard Takacs Kroatisch Ehrensdorf (Horvát-Hásos) Theresa Magdits (1891-1973), daughter of Georg and Catharina (Geosits) Magdits of Kroatisch Ehrensdorf, married Joseph Winkelbauer (1891-1954), son of Josef and Agnes (Unger) V/Winkelbauer of Eberau, and settled in Northampton, PA. Frank Magdits, brother of Theresa, settled in Northampton but later moved to Lincoln Park, Wayne Co, Michigan, where he died.
Magdits (Magditsch) Robert Geshel Punitz (Pónicz) Settled in Northampton, PA, 1902.
Magdits (Magditz) Linda Finley Punitz (Pónicz) Irene Magditz settled in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, in 1928, at age 22. Married Mathias Kropfl and their children, Joseph and Rose, settled in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Magditsch Linda Pehr Grandparents Pehr & Schmalzel emigrated 1910 or after to St. Louis, MO... died in 1918 flu epidemic. Magditsch and Wiesler may be cousins.
Magel Marie-Thérèse Wéra Sopron (Ödenburg), Hungary Joseph Raidl emigrated to Paris and Pauline Magel joined him there in 1881. They married 27 feb 1881 and had a son Joseph (1881-1943) in Paris. Both the father and the son are buried in Paris. Granddaughter Jacqueline Raidl, 1918-2007, migrated to Canada in 1954, and died in Quebec City.
Magyar Robert J Magyar Settled in Chicago, IL.
Magyarics Margaret Kaiser Felsö-Rönök (Oberradling), Hungary
Mahr Eric Bauman Poppendorf (Patafalva) Settled in Allentown and Pittsburgh, PA areas.
Mahr Lea Simitz Buzby Poppendorf (Patafalva) Settled mostly in Allentown and Pittsburgh areas of PA.
Mahr Barbara Larson Heiligenkreuz (Rába-Keresztúr) Joseph and Carolina (Nikischer) Mahr immigrated in 1922 and settled in Corapolis, PA.
Mahr Joe Liebezeit Pornóapáti (Pernau), Hungary;
Gaas (Pinka-Kertes)
Settled in Pittsburgh, PA.
Mahr Frank Messina
Deutsch Tschantschendorf (Német-Csencs) Settled in New York City, then Hudson City, NJ.
Mahr Erna Miklos Poppendorf (Patafalva) Settled in Allentown, PA.
Mahr Maria Ramspott
From a Neustift village.
Mahr Candace Schildknecht Neustift bei Güssing (Újtelep)
Maidlinger Robert Zecker
Ragendorf (Rajka);
Deutsch Jahrndorf (Német-Járfalu)
To Pusztavám (Ondod, Fejér Vármegye, Hungary).
Maier Al Kennedy Poppendorf (Patafalva);
Szent Gotthárd (Sankt Gotthard), Hungary
Settled in Milwaukee, WI.
Maier Denice Kun Rax, Rax-Bergen (Raks) Settled in St. Louis, MO.
Maier Susan LaFollette Deutsch Minihof (Német-Lak)
Maier Robert Maier Wallendorf (Lapincs-Olaszi) Robert Maier, b.1920, son of Whilemina and Stephen, to US. Wishes to know if Maier relatives still in Wallendorf.
Maier Denny Mayer Mogersdorf (Nagyfalva) Settled in Allentown, PA.
Maier (Mayer) Trinka J Zweig Neustift bei Güssing (Újtelep) Maria (Flemish) Mayer and twin brother John were born Jan 29, 1905. Mother Cecilia Groeller died a few days later and the children (there were 3 or 4 older sisters) were separated to live with different families, except the twins. Maria came to the USA when she was 18, sponsored by her sister. She married Frank Mayer (Maier) and had children, Frances, Della, Johnny, and Howard.
Maier (Mayer, Majer) Mary Mason Krobotek (Horvátfalu) Settled in Housatonic, MA. Aloisia (Louise) Mayer emigrated at the age of 13 in 1910, joining sister Josefa Krumplitsch already in Massachusetts. Their sister, Anna Kropf, emigrated in 1911.
Maier (Mayer, Meyer) Mark Meurer Rax, Rax-Bergen (Raks);
Neumarkt (Farkasdifalva);
Krobotek (Horvátfalu)
Frank Maier, b 1870 to András Maier and Borbala Hafner, married Maria Kreiner, b 1874 to Gyórgy Kreiner and Anna Fiedler of Raks, emigrated 1900 to St. Louis, MO. She emigrated to St. Louis, MO, in 1905.
Maikis(ch) Robert J Maikis Jr Rauchwart (Rábort) Settled in New Jersey and New York.
Maikisch Anne Chipman Deutsch Tschantschendorf (Német-Csencs) Settled in New York, NY.
Maikisch Maryellen Szvetitz Eichelbaum Deutsch Tschantschendorf (Német-Csencs)
Maikisch Tammy Ellison-West Deutsch Tschantschendorf (Német-Csencs) Christophe Maikisch to NYC in 1908.
Maikisch John & Helen (Kannapes) Hanzl
Sankt Michael (Puszta-Szent-Mihály) Frank Maikisch & Maria Jokisch to Catasauqua, PA in 1903; returned to St. Michael, AU in 1910.
Maikisch Michael Jautz Deutsch Tschantschendorf (Német-Csencs) Julia Maikisch, b 6/29/1885, and Michael Jautz, b 5/19/1884 in Tobaj, emigrated to New York City. Parents were Michael & Catherina Jautz and Paul & Barbara Maikisch.
Maikisch Edgar Maikisch Deutsch Schützen (Német-Lövö) Settled in New York and New Jersey, 1959.
Maikisch Stephen Maikisch Sankt Michael (Puszta-Szent-Mihály)
Maikisch William Maikisch Deutsch Tschantschendorf (Német-Csencs) Gustave Maikisch to NY around 1910.
Maikisch Gustav Maikish Deutsch Tschantschendorf (Német-Csencs);
Punitz (Pónicz)
Settled in New York in 1930.
Maikisch Reinhard Strobl Kleinmürbisch (Felsö-Medves);
Grossmürbisch (Nagy-Medves)
Settled in Pennsylvania (Lehigh Valley: Allentown, Coplay, Stiles, Nazareth, Egypt, Coraopolis), some in New York (Troy, Hoboken).
Maikisch Stephen Gardner Deutsch Tschantschendorf (Német-Csencs) MAIKISCH, Deutsch Tschantschendorf, settled in New York City. Religion: Catholic
Maikits Maryellen Szvetitz Eichelbaum Grossmürbisch (Nagy-Medves) To Allentown, PA around 1900.
Maitz Wayne Albert Ernst Kukmirn (Kukmér) Settled in Allentown, PA, around 1906.
Maitz Maria Posch Sankt Martin (Rába-Szent-Márton)
Majer Michael Aumüller Deutschkreutz (Német-Keresztúr)
Majerhofer Johann Hammer Forchtenau (Fraknó)
Majkiss (Maikiss) Susan Knight Deutsch Tschantschendorf (Német-Csencs)
Makray Dan Steger Györ (Raab), Hungary Settled in St. Louis, MO, in 1909. STEGER, STÖGER, PACHMAYER, PELZMANN, FREY, BREUNERIN, THALLER from Edelstal, Kittsee; MAKRAY, LÉL from Györ.
Malic Stephen T Schmidt Grossmürbisch (Nagy-Medves)
Malich Laurie Decker Settled in Pittsburgh, PA.
Malich Viktor & Regina Hladky Siegendorf (Czinfalva)
Malits Carol Harmon Reinersdorf (Zsámánd) John Malits (b. 1907), wife Marie Derkits (b. 1905 in Grossmürbisch) and son Edmund (b. 1928), emigrated in 1928 and settled in Erie, PA.
Malits Maria Harrington Grossmürbisch (Nagy-Medves) Rose (Rosina) Jandrasits (b 16 Jan 1907) emigrated to Coplay, PA, in 1926 and married Michael Gleixner; they lived in Reading, PA. Parents Franz Jandrasits and Maria Malits were married in PA but returned to Grossmürbisch before Rose was born, where they remained.
Malits Patrick Kovacs Grossmürbisch (Nagy-Medves);
Kroatisch Tschantschendorf (Horvát-Csencs)
Malits Anna Tanczos Kresh Kroatisch Tschantschendorf (Horvát-Csencs)
Malits Joe Liebezeit Grossmürbisch (Nagy-Medves);
Reinersdorf (Zsámánd)
Settled in Pittsburgh, PA, early 1920s.
Malits Grace Malits
Güssing (Német-Újvár);
Reinersdorf (Zsámánd)
Frank Malits to Pittsburgh, PA in 1916.
Malits Mary Keglovits Mathieu Settled in Northampton, PA.
Malits Carol Johnson Tanczos Rauchwart (Rábort) Settled in NY.
Malits Janet L Smail Reinersdorf (Zsámánd) My grandparents and my father ( Edmund) came to America in 1928 on the USS Paris. They settled in Erie, PA with relatives in Northampton, Allentown, Bethlehem, and Pittsburgh PA. My sister Carol Harmon is a member.
Malitsch Virginia Bisted
Mallitsch László Békési Ritzing (Récény)
Mamria Robert Lenore Tingerthal Halbturn (Féltorony)
Man Norlene Tchida
Illmitz (Alsó-Illmicz) Settled in Marshall County, SD.
Mandevics (Mondovics) János Mondovics Grosswarasdorf (Szabadbáránd)
Mandits Marisa Dawson Neckenmarkt (Sopron-Nyék);
Eisenstadt (Kis-Marton)
Katharina Gabrisch, b.1881 in Neckenmarkt, as an adult owned a religious items stall by the Bergkirche in Eisenstadt; she died there in the 1960's, where she is buried. During the Spanish flu of 1918 she lost her husband, surname unknown, and 9 of her 10 children in one week. She married Mr. Mandit; their daughter, Maria "Mitzie" Mandits, born October 4, 1922, was my mother. My mother had 2 siblings, Minna and a brother. My sister, Leibgard Maria Tengel, was born in 1944 in Vienna, and she and my mother emigrated to the Bronx, NY in the 1950's. Katharina had a brother, Janos Gabrisch, who had a daughter, Anna Gabrisch, born July 21, 1913, in Antau bei Mattersburg. She married Johann Neppl, had a daughter Eva and sons Robert, Joseph and John. The boys moved to the Bronx with their parents in the 1950's, but I think Eva stills lives in Vienna, she married a man named Karl and had two daughters, Sabine and Belinda, who also still live in Vienna (I think). My mother and Tante Anna Neppl have both passed away. Catholic.
Mandl Angela Dodds Grieselstein (Köröstyén);
Jennersdorf (Gyanafalva)
Mandl Sharon Kitchen Grieselstein (Köröstyén) Settled 1905. Josephus Mandl (b: about 1828 d: 9/13/1902); Theresia Mandl (b: 2/25/1857); Augustin Mandl (b: 10/28/1880 d: 7/7/1952); M. Rose Deutsch (d: about 1904); M. Anna Bruner (5/20/1907); Anna Brunner (b: about 1880, d: 10/18/1918); Mary Brunner (b:7/28/1888); Ludwig Brunner M. Lepoldine? (about 1879); M. Martina Geiger (about 1887).
Mandl Alois Mandl Jennersdorf (Gyanafalva) Settled in Milwaukee, WI about 1914.
Mandl George Mandl Sankt Martin (Rába-Szent-Márton) To Pittsburgh, PA.
Mandl Karla (Mandl) Moore Grieselstein (Köröstyén) Settled in New Britain, CT c.1910-12.
Mandl Judith Pansarosa Wallendorf (Lapincs-Olaszi)
Mandl Evelyn Seegraves Grieselstein (Köröstyén);
Jennersdorf (Gyanafalva)
Settled in New Britain, CT in 1906. Associated with names Brunner, Forjan, Deutsch, Weber, Nemeth, Mund Schardl, Geiger, Windisch, Pfingstl, and Feitl.
Mandl Joseph N Weber Sankt Martin (Rába-Szent-Márton);
Unterdrosen (Alsó-Strázsa);
Neumarkt (Farkasdifalva);
Jennersdorf (Gyanafalva)
Immigrated to the Pittsburgh, PA area.
Mandl Pamela Such Stelzer Vienna, Austria My ancestors emigrated to Buenos Aires in 1923 and 1927 from Wolfau, Burgeland, Austria. My mother was born there. My great-grandmother die a few years after arrival, 1932, and my grandfather stay in Argentina. Interesting in contact family members from Wolfau from Jozef and Johan Leitner and Maria Stelzer, my grandfather was Aleksander (Sandor) Stelzer. I know a brother and sisters from great grandfather Leitner and some family member from Stelzer emigrated to Chicago and Illinois also to Canada as well.
Mandler Gernot Mandler
Stegersbach (Szentelek) Looking for Mandlers in the USA.
Mankos Bob Mankos Szombathely (Steinamanger), Hungary To Allentown, PA, about 1901.
Mann Joe Mott Illmitz (Alsó-Illmicz) Settled in North Dakota.
Mann Connie Rossini
Illmitz (Alsó-Illmicz);
Apetlon (Mosonbánfalva);
Wallern (Valla)
Settled in ND then Washington.
Mann Rebecca Chamberlain Illmitz (Alsó-Illmicz) Maria Mann immigrated in 1902 with Anton and Maria (Tschida) Kroiss to Mandan, ND. She married Joseph Schopf (from Podersdorf) in Mandan, they moved to Spokane, Washington from there.
Mann (Mahn) Marcey Fletcher
Illmitz (Alsó-Illmicz) Marcy Fletcher (nee Bröth) died in 2009. Her mother and grandfather were from Pamhagen. Frank Broth settled in St. Paul, MN. John Broth settled in Parkston, SD.
Mannsberger Susanne Lang Sigless (Siklós)
Mantlik Deirdre Montlick Miller Sankt Andrä (Moson Szent-András) Settled in Darien, CT, c. 1907.
Marakovich Ted Markowitz Punitz (Pónicz) Johann Marakovich settled in NYC, NY.
Marakovits Frank Marakovits Punitz (Pónicz) Settled in Northampton, PA.
Marakovits William Marakovits Winten (Pinkatófalu) To the U.S. in 1927.
Marakovits Fred Nikithser
Gaas (Pinka-Kertes);
Tobaj (Tobaj);
Moschendorf (Német-Sároslak);
Deutsch Tschantschendorf (Német-Csencs);
Güssing (Német-Újvár)
Settled in Passaic, NJ and Northampton, PA.
Marakovits John Nikithser Deutsch Tschantschendorf (Német-Csencs) Settled in Passaic, NJ.
Marakovits Nicky Oliver Punitz (Pónicz)
Marakovits Pat Reigle Punitz (Pónicz);
Güssing (Német-Újvár)
Emigrated in early 1900's to Bergen Co, NJ.
Marakovits Robert Strauch Sankt Kathrein (Pósa Szent-Katalin);
Punitz (Pónicz)
Settled in Allentown & Nazareth between 1906-1921.
Marakowitz Carol Theresa Wagner Punitz (Pónicz) Steve Tobitsch 1907 from Tobaj Theresa Weber 1907 from Deutsch Tsch..,, married in NY 1909. Gus Wagner Tobaj married Theresa Marakowitz 1921 - my 4 grandparents, my dad Anton Wagner born 1922 in Punitz or Tobaj…. We were raised in the Bronx. My mom Helen Tobitsch was born in Lyndora PA, and has 6 siblings. 3 brothers and 1 sister are all married to spouses from Burgenland also. We have 12 first cousins all first generation from Burgenland. And 6 second cousins all with one parent from Burgenland too. My dad was a butcher Anton Wagner’s pork store on Castle Hill Ave Bx that provided all the meat to Castle Harbor. We attended all the Christmas dances as kids and adults 1958-1989. My dad died in Tobaj Aug 9, 1990. Uncle Leo Hafner my Godfather from Geresdorf played the drums in the band at castle harbor. All good memories ! We are returning for a visit to the Guissing area and our family Oct 7-10. Gruiss Got
Marchhart Daniel Marino Pöttsching (Pecsenyéd) MARCHHART, Pöttsching, settled in New York. WEBER, Eisenberg an der Pinka, settled in New York. KERN, BRUNER, PRANGER, PLEIER (PLEŸER), WENDL, STEIGER, PREISSEGGER, TSCHÉKL, GNOZER (KNOTZER) (uncertain), TREITL, Pöttsching. SORSITS (SCHARSCHITZ), MUROVATZ (MORAVITZ), Sigleß. EVER, SCHLAFFER, IPTITS, Deutsch Schützen. MEIXNER, BOGNER (POGNER), SCHNEIDER, Eisenberg an der Pinka. SCHWAB, RÁCS, PRANNBACHER, Németkeresztes. PEHM, Magyarkeresztes. Religion: Catholic. My ancestors Heinrich "Henry" Marchhart of Pöttsching and Julianna "Julia" Weber of Eisenberg an der Pinka, met and married in New York City
Marchl Margaret Glaser Brennberg-banya (Brennberg), Hungary Theresia Marchl, born 1893.
Márcz Emily Palicki Alsó-Szölnök (Unterzeming), Hungary Theresa Hendler, daughter of Mathias Hendler and Marie Potoky, emigrated to the US in 1904,settled in Chicago and married Emil Greschek. Siblings Marie, Josef, and Franz Hendler also emigrated to the US. Mathias' parents were Theresa Márcz and Petrus Hendler. Marie Potoky's parents were Stephanus Potoky and Petrona Navratyel.
Marholl Connie Rossini
Illmitz (Alsó-Illmicz);
Apetlon (Mosonbánfalva);
Wallern (Valla)
Settled in ND then Washington.
Marhöll Carol Lauren-Schmidt Wallern (Valla)
Marhöll Dean Joseph Wagner Wallern (Valla)
Marinits Robert Frank Pelzmann Jr Stegersbach (Szentelek) Rosa (Marinits) Pelzmann emigrated to New York City, died in childbirth about 1925; Rosa's sisters, Anna and Hanna, lived in Medford Village, Long Island, NY.
Marinits Eric W Schuster Stegersbach (Szentelek) Maria Marinits was one of five sisters that settled in New York, NY, between 1912 and 1930.
Marinits Sue Tarantino Stegersbach (Szentelek)
Markl Pat Long Edelstal (Nemesvölgy) Settled in St. Louis, MO, turn of the century.
Marklovits Robert Thomas Dürnbach (Inczéd) My great grandparents from Durnbach are Stefan & Maria Marlovits. They are buried in Durnbach. I know 6 of the 13 children: Frank (1885-1957), Theresia (1889-1972), Katarina (1897-1972), Marie, Andy, and my grandfather John (1903-1952). My great grandparents from Schandorf are Andrew & Bertha Karlovits (nee Resetar). They had 6 children. Three were born in Schandorf: My grandmother Mary (1901-1986), Kalman (1904-1967), Agnes (1909-1929). Three were born in Chicago: Andrew (1914-1973), Joseph (1916-1992), Stephen (1918-1952). All except Andy Marlovits and Joseph Karlovits are buried in Illinois.
Markovits Mary Schatz
Markus Diana S
Felsö-Szölnök (Oberzemming), Hungary;
Alsó-Szölnök (Unterzeming), Hungary;
Martinje, Slovenia;
Magasfok, Slovenia
Settled in Pittsburgh/Allegheny, PA; St. Martin ad Raab; Montevideo, Uraguay; Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Markus Sue Straw Rabá-Szent-Miklös, Hungary
Marlovics Evelyn Jovicic Zuberbach (Szabar) Settled in Chicago, IL and Muskegon, MI.
Marlovics(z) (Marlovitz) Evelyn Petrucci
Zuberbach (Szabar);
Weiden bei Rechnitz (Bándol)
Settled in Pittsburgh, PA.
Marlovits Mary Ann Alexander Dürnbach (Inczéd) Settled in US, early 1900s.
Marlovits Chris Schabel Zuberbach (Szabar) Mihaly Schabel (b 1881 in Neumark?) and Karolina (nee Prascsaits) (b 1883) immigrated to Chicago in 1911. In 1922 Caroline returned to Austria for 3 children that had been left in care of her mother Elizabeth (nee Marlovits) Koncers or Konzir. Caroline, children and Elizabeth and her husband Karl came to Chicago in 1922. They all remained in Chicago until their deaths. Mihaly and Karolina changed their names to Michael and Caroline Shabel.
Marlovits Annette Andrews Dürnbach (Inczéd) Anna (Marlovits) Werderits, born and died in Durnbach. Wilhelmina Werderits, settled in the UK.
Marlovitz (Marlovich) Gerald J Schiller Zuberbach (Szabar) Aloyzia Schiller nee Marlovitz emigrated to Pittsburgh, PA in 1901 with daughters Rosa (1890-1948) and Louise (1893-1972). Children Anna (1902~1980) and Frank (1904-1984) born in Pittsburgh.
Marosch Bob Fleck Kleinbachselten (Kis-Karasztos)
Marosits Klaus Gerger Steingraben (Bányá);
Gerersdorf (Német-Szent-Grót)
Marosits Ken Hanzl Sankt Michael (Puszta-Szent-Mihály) Settled in Passaic, NJ.
Marosits Carl John Marosits
Sankt Michael (Puszta-Szent-Mihály) Karl Marosits & Anna Hanzl to Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada about 1927.
Marosits Michael & Grace Marosits Sankt Michael (Puszta-Szent-Mihály) Settled in Halifax, Canada; settled in Regina, Saskatchewan 1929.
Marosits Karen Marosits Moore Sankt Michael (Puszta-Szent-Mihály) Settled in Passaic, NJ.
Marsch Wellesley Marsh Moschendorf (Német-Sároslak) Settled in Pennsylvania.
Marth Eric Bauman Poppendorf (Patafalva) Settled in Allentown and Pittsburgh, PA areas.
Marth Lea Simitz Buzby Poppendorf (Patafalva) Settled mostly in Allentown and Pittsburgh areas of PA.
Marth Florian Geider Moschendorf (Német-Sároslak) Settled in Northampton, PA, about 1913.
Marth Jule Ann (Prince) Grepps Moschendorf (Német-Sároslak) Paul Marth to Northampton, PA.
Marth Daniel F Kainz Rudersdorf (Radafalva) Anna Braun (b1897) married Ludwig Kainz (b1886) in Allentown, PA, in the late 1920s. Anna's parents were Joseph Braun (b1870) and Anna Marth (b1877, also in Rudersdorf). Grandparents were Joseph Braun (b1838 in Rudersdorf) and Anna Poandl from Gerersdorf.
Marth Frank C Knotz Deutsch Tschantschendorf (Német-Csencs) To NYC and Allentown, PA, early 1900s.
Marth Bob Schatz Urbersdorf (Orbánfalu)
Marth Mary Schatz
Marth Susan Stahley Urbersdorf (Orbánfalu)
Marth Reinhard Strobl Kleinmürbisch (Felsö-Medves);
Grossmürbisch (Nagy-Medves)
Settled in Pennsylvania (Lehigh Valley: Allentown, Coplay, Stiles, Nazareth, Egypt, Coraopolis), some in New York (Troy, Hoboken).
Marth John Toth Moschendorf (Német-Sároslak) Settled in Passaic, NJ.
Marth Stella Laponuke Walbert Moschendorf (Német-Sároslak) I am able via Ancestry .com to trace my maternal great-grandmother Maria Mirakovits (Mirakovics) to her ancestors Georgius ( Gyorgy ) Szayer 1811-30 Apr1861 who was married to Josefa Tukovits 1813-27May 1845 and my maternal great- grandfather Mikaly Marth 3Apr1856 to his parents Josef Marth and Terezia Rozner , they were from Strem , Gussing. My grandmother Katarina Matys ( Mattis) was born 1Nov1887 in Pinka Keresz Hungary later Eisenberg an der Pinka Austria. Her parents where Karl Matys and Maria Matys. Katarina was orphaned and married at age 14, she married Mikaly Marth. They had a infant girl Stella who died at age 2 in Austria of diptheria, daughter Rosa was born in Austria in 1908 and immigrated in 1914. Katarina and Mikaly married in PA in 1906 , they may have already been married in Gussing prior to that. The families are Roman Catholic I am hoping to learn more about my maternal grandmother's Matys/Mattis family.
Martin Catherine Kaiser Frauenkirchen (Boldogasszony) Settled in Marshfield, 1906.
Martin (Marton) Kurt F J Heinrich Grosspetersdorf (Nagy-Szent-Mihály);
Stadtschlaining (Város-Szalónak);
Oberwart (Felsö-Ör)
Martincsits John Lavendoski
Marton Roxanne Spaits Bammer Vasalja (Waschelau), Hungary
Marton Chris Hegyi Györ (Raab), Hungary I am researching Andreas Prenner who was born in the late 1600's and lived in Agfalva. His son, Mathias, was born in Agfalva in 1696. The Prenners may have also lived in Ruszt/Rust and Receny. Mathias' wife, Julianna Marton, may have also been from Burgenland.
Marton Theresa Robbins Hannersdorf (Sámfalva) Anton Marton lived in Hannersdorf in the 1920's. He was born in Austria, married to Frances Perl of Vienna. They emigrated to Southern Rhodesia in 1880's or 90's.
Marton P Takler Rechnitz (Rohonc)
Marx John Benevelli Rauchwart (Rábort) Johann & Theresa Ernst Marx and daughter Maria all to US at various times.
Marx Judy Chuhran Eltendorf (Ókörtvélyes);
Felsö-Rönök (Oberradling), Hungary
Julia Marx married Michael Mirth. Children Theresa, Frank, Josef, Janos, Julia (m. Andras Augustin(e), son of Andras Augustin(e) and Julia Toth), and Karl came to USA 1890's and settled in Ambridge and other Pittsburgh, PA areas.
Marx Janice A Klucsarits
Marx Paul Klucsarits Grossmürbisch (Nagy-Medves) To Coplay, PA.
Marx Michael Marks Grossmürbisch (Nagy-Medves) Settled in Coplay, PA, in May 1907; moved to Allentown, PA.
Marx Edward Marx
Marx Ludwig Perger Rönök (Radling), Hungary;
Inzenhof (Borosgödör)
Joseph Marx, wife was Terez Keppel (Köppel), lived in Alsarönök / Unterradling.
Marx Michael Pollack Hasendorf (Vas-Nyulfalu) Alois Marx and Angela Hanzl (Hansl?) emigrated with daughter Hildegarde Marie (Pollack) and settled in Bronx & Lake Carmel, NY.
Marx Jim Rennard Rába-Füzes (Raabfidisch), Hungary To Bethlehem, Lehigh Valley, PA.
Marx John & Anna Marie Torok Poppendorf (Patafalva);
Steingraben (Bányá)
Marx Bernadette Marx Woodring Poppendorf (Patafalva) John Marx, b1885, settled in Allentown, PA, then moved to Zionsville, PA; married Mary Pammer from Gerersdorf bei Güssing. He had siblings Anna Marx Globosits, b1892, and Joseph, b1888.
Marx Scott Marx Alsó-Szölnök (Unterzeming), Hungary My great grandfather George Marx (Marks) was born in Szentgotthard in 1866 and came to the US in 1901. Records show that his parents and grandparents were from Alsoszolnok.
Marx Guenter Holper Olbendorf (Óbér) Johann Marx, daughter Hermine born in Catasagua PA.
Maschl Frederick Mollner Jánossomorja (Sankt Johann), Hungary Andrew Mollner to US in 1901; settled in Minneapolis, MN. Other brothers emigrated with some ending up in Oregon.
Maschler Eileen Hoheisel Piringsdorf (Répce-Bónya);
Unterrabnitz (Alsó-Rámócz)
Maschler John William Maschler Sr Piringsdorf (Répce-Bónya) Ignatz and Theresia (Leidl) Maschler immigrated to USA in late 1800s.
Maschler Carl Maschler Piringsdorf (Répce-Bónya) Settled in Louisburg, KS.
Mastnak Jackie Blanchard
Matl Glenn Matl
Wolfau (Farkasfalva) Settled in Madison and Verona, WI.
Matschinegg Janet (Vinci) Wolf Wiesfleck (Újrétfalu)
Matsco Michael & Cyndie Geosits
Güssing (Német-Újvár) Settled in Northampton and Allentown, PA, early 1900s.
Mattis Bob Brandt Mariasdorf (Máriafalva) Settled in Chicago, IL, St. Paul, MN, and Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.
Mattis Christoph Mattis Gaas (Pinka-Kertes)
Mattkovits Michael Aumüller Kópháza (Kohlnhof), Hungary
Matys Stella Laponuke Walbert Eisenberg ad Pinka (Csejke) I am able via Ancestry .com to trace my maternal great-grandmother Maria Mirakovits (Mirakovics) to her ancestors Georgius ( Gyorgy ) Szayer 1811-30 Apr1861 who was married to Josefa Tukovits 1813-27May 1845 and my maternal great- grandfather Mikaly Marth 3Apr1856 to his parents Josef Marth and Terezia Rozner , they were from Strem , Gussing. My grandmother Katarina Matys ( Mattis) was born 1Nov1887 in Pinka Keresz Hungary later Eisenberg an der Pinka Austria. Her parents where Karl Matys and Maria Matys. Katarina was orphaned and married at age 14, she married Mikaly Marth. They had a infant girl Stella who died at age 2 in Austria of diptheria, daughter Rosa was born in Austria in 1908 and immigrated in 1914. Katarina and Mikaly married in PA in 1906 , they may have already been married in Gussing prior to that. The families are Roman Catholic I am hoping to learn more about my maternal grandmother's Matys/Mattis family.
Mauer Ernest Szeideman Settled in Olaszfalu, Hungary.
Maurer Martina Freitag Jennersdorf (Gyanafalva) Johanna Maurer Freitag (B: May 23, 1931 - D: Nov. 19, 2019) from Jennersdorf. Married to Karl Anton Freitag (B: 1921 - D: Dec. 31,1985) on Dec. 1956 in Wiener Neustadt. Martina Freitag (B: July 31, 1957) born in Feldbach hospital. Gerlinda (Linda) Maurer /Deutsch was Johanna’s niece, born 1941 (in Vienna?).
Maurschitz Kathryn Bauer Zickel Horitschon (Haracsony);
Raiding (Doborján)
Mautner Suzanne Jednorowicz Settled in Connecticut. From Rabezmartin, Vas, Hungry.
Mautner Charles Robert Kern Sankt Martin (Rába-Szent-Márton) Michael Mautner to St. Louis, MO, in 1905; married Agnes Werner.
Mautner Wilma McGlew Jennersdorf (Gyanafalva);
Neuhaus (Öri-Dobra);
Krottendorf (Békató)
To New Britain and Hartford, CT.
Mautner Timothy Schoen Kalch (Mészvölgy) Settled in New York 1905. When Mihaly "Michal" Mautner was born on November 15, 1879, in Kalch, Burgenland, Austria, his father, Janos, was 28 and his mother, Maria, was 24. He married Agnes Werner on May 21, 1905, in Manhattan, New York. They had six children in 12 years. He died on December 29, 1968, at the age of 89, and was buried in St Louis, Missouri.
Mautner Denise A Talaski-Kern Kalch (Mészvölgy) Mihaly, b15Nov1879 to John & Mary Anna (Pfister) Maunter, to USA in 1905 with wife Agnes Werner, b22Oct1878.
Mautner Ron Wolf
Max Mary Carmody Agfalva (Agendorf), Hungary;
Balf (Wolfs), Hungary;
Harka (Harkau), Hungary
Associated names: Pohl, Bader.
Max Dennis Max Kobersdorf (Kabold) Leo Max moved to Vienna, then through Belgium and England to Australia after the Anschluss (1940). Brother Arthur moved to Columbia and then to New Jersey.
Max (Marx) Mary (Strobl) Morey Frauenkirchen (Boldogasszony)
Mayer Jason Beard Güssing (Német-Újvár) Settled in Allentown, PA. Frank Potzmann was born 22 Feb 1893 in Gussing Austria and died in Kutztown PA 16 June 1972. He married Karolin Mayerin 10 Feb 1915. She was born 03 Jun 1894 and died 23 Apr 1960 in Kutztown. Frank father Gustav Potzmann and his Grandfather was Alois Potzmann. After Ellis Island the surname was misspelled as Potzman.
Mayer Robert Bognar Andau (Moson-Tarcsa);
Schandorf (Csém)
Settled in Chicago, IL, about 1902.
Mayer Judith Ann (Galamb) Bohler Punitz (Pónicz) Settled in Garfield, NJ.
Mayer Andrea Haller
Mayer Jan Harrison Güssing (Német-Újvár) Settled in Detroit, MI.
Mayer Jeannette MacDonald Podersdorf (Pátfalu) Settled in St. Paul, MN.
Mayer Linda Mayer Matz Neustift bei Güssing (Újtelep) John, Albert, Frank, Louis (1897-1928), Julius, and Anna Mayer to Coplay, PA starting 1910.
Mayer Gene T Mayer Deutsch Ehrensdorf (Német-Hásos) Kayetan and Teresa (Juschitsch) Mayer settled in Garfield, NJ. Catholic.
Mayer Kevin Mayer
Punitz (Pónicz) Kayetan Mayer, born in 1886, settled in Garfield, NJ. Wife was Thereesa.
Mayer Michele Diane Mayer Oberbildein (Felsö-Beled) Settled in Pittsburgh PA, and Park Chester NY.
Mayer Tom Meyers Podersdorf (Pátfalu) Settled in St. Paul, MN, and South Dakota.
Mayer Christine Neff Halbturn (Féltorony) Michael and Elizabeth Baum Rongitsch settled in St. Paul, MN, early 1900s. Children were Agnes Mary (Mayer), Lena, Elizabeth, Joseph, Johnny, Rosemary, Mary (Thury), Anna (Gorg), Theresa (Rotter) and Michael.
Mayer Maria Ramspott
Gerersdorf (Német-Szent-Grót)
Mayer Elizabeth Taves Neustift bei Güssing (Újtelep) Settled in Coplay, PA.
Mayer Constance Willegal Podersdorf (Pátfalu) MAYER, Podersdorf am See, Illmitz, Apetlon, settled St. Paul, MN 1903-1905; SCHWARTZBAUER, Apetlon, Illmitz, settled Mandan, ND 1905, Religion: Catholic. Mayer family members to U.S. include John (father), Theresia, Albert, Katharina, Joseph M and Oswald J. Mother, Catharina (Lentsch) and five other children (Joannes, Julius, Nicolaus, Oswald and Maria) are buried in Podersdorf am See. Schwartzbauer family members to U.S. include Joseph (father), Anna (Schmierer) (mother), Catherine, Anna, Elizabeth, George and Andrew.
Mayer Sandra Hoffmeister Wills
Mayer Kathleen Denmers Poppendorf (Patafalva)
Mayer Laurie Pulver Halbturn (Féltorony)
Mayer Susan Wallace Poppendorf (Patafalva) My Grandma, Louise Rose Mayer, and Grandpa, Herman Joseph Fiedler, came from Austria, through Allentown, Penn. to Port Huron, Michigan. They were married in Port Huron January 26, 1921. Most of the family moved on the California but my Grandparents chose to stay here. Her mother Aloisia Barbara Potetz and her father Josef Mayer were among those that moved to Inglewood, California. My father and his many siblings were in the first generation to be born in USA.in his line.
Mayer (Maier) Jim Hardy Neustift bei Güssing (Újtelep) My Great Grandmother, Theresa Mayer (Maier on some records) arrived in America on 12/13/1900, at age 14, alone apparently. She was headed to Allentown, PA to meet her sister, Julianna. Theresa's birthdate was 8/27/1886. She married my GGF, Edward Deysher on 7/18/1905. She died in PA on 2/3/1958.
Mayer (Mohr) Anne Pulver Halbturn (Féltorony) Katherine Mayer settled in St. Paul, MN in 1906.
Mayerhofer Carol Kuc Bocksdorf (Baksafalva);
Güssing (Német-Újvár)
Mayerhofer Katrina Lehrner Horitschon (Haracsony) To Toronto, Canada and Wurzberg, Germany.
Mayerhofer Sascha Maurus Wörterberg (Vörthegy) Maria Mayerhofer.
Mayerhofer Charleen Roberts Rohrbach (Jobbágy-Újfalu) Frank Mayerhofer (1873-1949) and wife Maria Lackinger (parents John and Maria, from Olbendorf and Neuberg) settled in Chicago, IL, ~1903.
Mayerhofer Harry Schleipfenbauer Sopron (Ödenburg), Hungary;
Neckenmarkt (Sopron-Nyék)
Settled in Landgraaf, Netherlands and Gledbeck, Germany.
Mayerhofer Kathryn Bauer Zickel Horitschon (Haracsony) Settled in South Bend, IN, in 1903.
Mayerhofer (Maierhofer) Carol Hansen Neustift an der Lafnitz (Lapincs-Újtelek);
Grafenschachen (Árokszállás)
Settled in Chicago and East St. Louis, IL between 1907-22.
Medits Daniel C Kamper Eisenzicken (Német-Ciklény);
Kleinpetersdorf (Kis-Szent-Mihály)
Meditsch Daniel C Kamper Kleinpetersdorf (Kis-Szent-Mihály) Settled in Chicago.
Medl Eric Bauman Poppendorf (Patafalva) Settled in Allentown and Pittsburgh, PA areas.
Medl Lea Simitz Buzby Poppendorf (Patafalva) Settled mostly in Allentown and Pittsburgh areas of PA.
Medl Robert Medl Poppendorf (Patafalva) Settled in Philadelphia, PA.
Medl Erna Miklos Poppendorf (Patafalva) Settled in Allentown, PA.
Medl Hanna Strauss Poppendorf (Patafalva) FANDL, Zahling, Königsdorf, MEDL, Poppendorf, ZENZ, MISBUCHLER, Königsdorf, all settled in Lehigh, PA. JUSITS, DRAUCH, DEUTSCH, SZOMMER Religion: Catholic, Lutheran. Medl line: András Medl (1829-1907) married Anna Deutsch/Deuts (1828-1870), Andreas Medl (1855-1939) married Terézia Jusits (Jusics) (1853-1941), Endre (András) Medl (1879-1965) married Mária Misbüchler/Meiszpüchler (1886-1959), Lewis Fandl (1911-2015) married Helen Madle/Medl (1916-2010). Fandl line: Andreas Fandl, Lorenz Fandl married Mary Zenz Fandl, Lewis Fandl married Cecilia Fandl, Helen Medl Fandl.
Medwenitsch Walther Falk Hof am Leithagebirge, NÖ Settled in Canada, Denmark, Switzerland. My mother is Ingrid Anna Medwenitsch from Hof.
Meerkatz Michael Aumüller Sopron (Ödenburg), Hungary
Mehlmauer Barbara Douglas Neumarkt (Farkasdifalva) Richard Potetz said we are 4th-6th cousins. He told me I could research our ancestry and determine how we are related by using this website. My great great grandmother I believe to be Anna Mehlmauer of Neumarkt.
Mehlmauer Joyce Palm Neumarkt (Farkasdifalva) Marie Czotter, daughter of Ferenc Czotter and Anna Mehlmauer of Neumarkt an der Raab, married Karoly Kiszilak, son of Janos Kiszilak and Anna Szukits of Felsolendva. Their daughter Jozefa Kiszilak (aka, Josephine Kislock) was born in Felsolendva, emigrated to America in 1921, married Albert Lauch, and settled in Beaver Falls, PA.
Meidlinger Mary Donermeyer Jánossomorja (Sankt Johann), Hungary Emigrated to Minneapolis.
Meidlinger Elisabete Felet Jánossomorja (Sankt Johann), Hungary Marton and Erzsebet Meidlinger and daughter Elisabeth, born Dec 1923, emigrated to Brazil in 1925.
Meidlinger Patricia Haas Moson-Szolnok (Zanegg), Hungary Settled in Kossuth Co, IA; to Kimball, Brule Co, SD; to Lamar Co, TX.
Meidlinger Fritz Meidlinger
Jánossomorja (Sankt Johann), Hungary Settled in Omaha.
Meidlinger James Meidlinger Jánossomorja (Sankt Johann), Hungary John (Johann) Meidlinger (b. 1857, d. 1903 in Omaha) and Julia (Juliana) Bestenlehner (b. 1862 in Szentjános, d. 1946 in Omaha) settled in Omaha, NE. DNA matches suggest connections to surnames Wachtler and Pollack (Polak), also from Szentjános.
Meidlinger Karen Edith Meidlinger Setttled in South Africa.
Meidlinger Karyn Rammer Frauenkirchen (Boldogasszony) Settled in Philadelphia, PA.
Meisl (Meißl, Meusl, Meyse, Meizli, Maizli) Heidi Koehler Oberwart (Felsö-Ör)
Meitz Kevin Meitz Tauka (Tóka) Franz Henry Meitz (b.7/4/1884 to Georg and Maria (Premm) Meitz of house 29) emigrated to Pittsburgh, PA, then married Bertha Balind (b.4/23/1886).
Meitz Mark Traupman
Meitz Ron Wolf Bonisdorf (Bónisfalva) To St. Louis, MO, early 1900s.
Meitz Lary Yud Fanni Meitz, to US in 1912 and settled in Chicago, IL.
Meitz (Meicz) Maria Posch Windisch Minihof (Kistólak)
Meixner Michael Gergits
Meixner Wellesley Marsh Eisenberg ad Pinka (Csejke)
Meixner Alfred Bruno Meixner Eisenberg ad Pinka (Csejke) Leopold Meixner.
Meixner Dolores Meixner-Fischl-Cannon Eisenberg ad Pinka (Csejke) Leopold Meixner to USA, 1900-1910, settled Coplay, PA (Lehigh Co).
Meixner Daniel Marino MARCHHART, Pöttsching, settled in New York. WEBER, Eisenberg an der Pinka, settled in New York. KERN, BRUNER, PRANGER, PLEIER (PLEŸER), WENDL, STEIGER, PREISSEGGER, TSCHÉKL, GNOZER (KNOTZER) (uncertain), TREITL, Pöttsching. SORSITS (SCHARSCHITZ), MUROVATZ (MORAVITZ), Sigleß. EVER, SCHLAFFER, IPTITS, Deutsch Schützen. MEIXNER, BOGNER (POGNER), SCHNEIDER, Eisenberg an der Pinka. SCHWAB, RÁCS, PRANNBACHER, Németkeresztes. PEHM, Magyarkeresztes. Religion: Catholic. My ancestors Heinrich "Henry" Marchhart of Pöttsching and Julianna "Julia" Weber of Eisenberg an der Pinka, met and married in New York City
Melchardt Jeffrey Polster Oberkohlstätten (Felsö-Szénégetö);
Oberwart (Felsö-Ör)
Melchart (Melchkart) Christina Ludwig Krock Glashutten (Szalónakhuta) Franz and Francesca Melchkart. Children Anna, Theresa, and Joseph. Immigrated to US, in Illinois & Wisconsin in 1893; to Saskatchewan, Canada in 1900.
Melchart (Melchkart) Glenn Ludwig Glashutten (Szalónakhuta) Franz Melchkart married Francisca Speigel and emigrated to Saskatchewan, Canada.
Meltsch Alfrida (Wiesler) Malito Pornóapáti (Pernau), Hungary Gisela (Meltsch) Wiesler and daughter Alfrida were deported in 1945 to Ramsach, Germany. Husband Georg was a prisoner of war in Russia until 1948. All immigrated to Chicago in 1952.
Meltsch John Meltsch Pornóapáti (Pernau), Hungary I was born in 1943 in Pornoapati, went to Schwabhausen, Germany, 1946, came to America, April 12, 1952, and settled in Northampton, PA.
Menhofer Beth Baumeister Petrzalka (Engerau), Slovakia Settled in West St. Paul and St. Paul, MN in 1885.
Meninger Eric Schneider John (Johann?) Schneider married Catherine (Katerina?) Meninger soon after emigrating in ~1905 to New Jersey.
Menyhart Irene Gallina-Menyhart Bruck on der Leitha, Niederösterreich
Mercsamitsch (Mercsanits) Bob Wheaton Neuhaus (Öri-Dobra) Settled in Chicago, IL.
Merkli Johnny Knabel Poppendorf (Patafalva) Settled in NYC in 1930.
Merscanits Heinz Nagl Neuberg (Újhegy) Heinz Nagl; Neuberg, Burgenland, Austria. Offers help in searching the registers of Neuberg and Güttenbach from 1848 to 1923.
Mersich Vanessa Ellicott Nikitsch (Füles)
Mersich Micki Mersich Webb Grosswarasdorf (Szabadbáránd);
Grossmutschen (Sopron-Udvard)
John Mersich of Grosswarasdorf married Mary Miholic of Grossmutchen and settled in South Bend, IN.
Mersich (Mersits) Emily Mersich Grosswarasdorf (Szabadbáránd);
Grossmutschen (Sopron-Udvard)
Settled in South Bend, IN area.
Mersits Pauline Menyhart Grossmutschen (Sopron-Udvard);
Kroatisch Minihof (Malomháza);
Kleinmutschen (Pervány);
Kópháza (Kohlnhof), Hungary
Mersits Adam Jakab Sankt Nikolaus (Vár-Szent-Miklós)
Merslanovich (Merzlanovitch, Merzlanovits) Rachel Rein Purbach (Feketeváros);
Oslip (Oszlop)
Catholic. My branch settled in WI, USA. There is still family in Trausdorf an der Wulka and Oslip. Another branch settled in Argentina. See my Merzlanovitch website.
Mertinsich Viktor & Regina Hladky Trausdorf (Darázsfalu)
Mesits Mary A Baschnagel Gasztony (Gasting), Hungary Anna Mesits emigrated to Perth Amboy, NJ, 29 Sep 1913 at age 20 on the USS George Washington. Her husband, Imre Nemet (James Nemeth), also emigrated from Hungary.
Mesits (Mersics, Mertics, Mesich) Péter Zoltán Janzsó-Berend Sulz (Sóskútfalu) Franciscus Gerbovits third marriage was with Catharina Kéri (Kyri) in 1771 in Und (Sopron, Hungary), his second marriage in Frankenau in 1765; first marriage in Und in 1753 (mentions he is from Czeszkut, which might be Sulz (Šeškut). Their son, Mátyás Gerbovits (b.1776) was married in 1797 in Frankenau (Frankó) to Julianna Stromer, daughter of Andreas Stromer and Maria Mersics (Mertics, Mesits), who married in 1776. Julianna Stromer was baptized 1779 (not clear where) and her father Andreas Stromer was born in Draßburg (Darufalva). Mihály Gerbovits born 1824 in Frankenau to Mátyás and Julianna, married in Szakony (Sopron, Hungary) in 1848. Mihály’s granddaughter, Ilona Gerbosits, born in Szakony, married my 2nd-great-grandfather in Kőszeg (Vas, Hungary). Other surnames found within my ancestors were Tosnerm Valentich and Kollarich.
Messenlehner Bonnie L Curry Punitz (Pónicz) Settled in Coplay, Nazareth, and Northampton, PA.
Messenlehner Marianne Richter Punitz (Pónicz) Settled in NY, about 1915.
Messlehner Mathilde Seidl Punitz (Pónicz) Settled in the Bronx, NY.
Messmer Joan E McGrath Sankt Martin (Rába-Szent-Márton);
Mühlgraben (Malomgödör);
Windisch Minihof (Kistólak);
Neuhaus (Vas-Dobra);
Sankt Marein, Styria;
Sankt Veit ob Graz, Styria;
Goesting-Graz, Styria
Settled in Philadelphia, PA, New York City, Connecticut and Maryland.
Mészáros Andrea Phillips Kapuvár (Kobrunn), Hungary Stephen Balok, 1862-1922, son of István Balogh and Rosàlia Mészáros, emigrated to South Bend, IN; married Rozalie Lukacsi/Lukatsi, 1858-1935, of Fertoszentmiklós, Hungary.
Meszer Jennifer Unger Baumgarten (Sopron-Kertes) Settled in USA. I am doing this research for my father in law. Both his mother and father have the surname Unger (not directly related) and their siblings/parents are from the Burgenland area. I have many cited sources for the direct ancestors, siblings/spouses of siblings and their children. Many thanks for this site and the facebook group that has been so valuable in the search for these connections.
Mettich Thomas Karones Miedlingsdorf (Mérem) Settled in the Chicago area, 1900-20s.
Metzgolits Diane Laszakovits Steinbrunn (Büdöskút)
Metzler Sunny Koller Gattendorf (Lajtakáta, Gáta) Settled in Vienna.
Meullner Jennifer Graves Apetlon (Mosonbánfalva) To South Bend, IN, in 1880, Summit City, MI, in 1883, then Traverse City and Grand Rapids, MI.
Meyer Laurie Decker Settled in Pittsburgh, PA.
Meyer Christine Hoover Eberau (Monyorókerék) MGM, Maria Meyer emigrated from Eberau in early 1900 to McKees Rocks, Pa. MGF, Emil Boronyak emigrated from Neuhaus am Klausenbach to McKees Rocks, Pa early 1900.
Meyer (Mohr) Anne Pulver Halbturn (Féltorony) George Meyer family settled in St. Paul, MN.
Mezei Sue Straw

Number of Surnames: 279