Burgenland Bunch


SurnameResearcherVillage - ParishOther Details
Ibitz Rudolph J Klampfer Neumarkt (Farkasdifalva)
Ibitz John Reichl Jennersdorf (Gyanafalva) Alois/Louis Demmel/Temmel and wife Maria Ibitz of Rax emigrated in 1906 to Allegheny, PA.
Iby Jean Gilbert Parndorf (Pándorfalu);
Neusiedl am See (Nezsider);
Burgauberg (Burgóhegy)
Martin Krammer and Agnes Iby married in Parndorf, Apr 22, 1879 and had son Franz. They emigrated 1979-1882 and settled in St. Paul, MN in 1883.
Iby Denice Gray Parndorf (Pándorfalu) Settled in St. Paul, MN.
Iby Katrina Lehrner Horitschon (Haracsony);
Raiding (Doborján);
Neckenmarkt (Sopron-Nyék)
To Toronto, Canada and Wurzberg, Germany.
Iby Kathryn Bauer Zickel Horitschon (Haracsony);
Raiding (Doborján)
Ifju Michael J Karoly Pinkamindszent (Allerheiligen), Hungary Settled in Northampton, PA.
Ifkovits Edward Ifkovits Kroatisch Tschantschendorf (Horvát-Csencs)
Ifkovits James F Jandrisevits
Ifkovits Mary Keglovits Mathieu Settled in Northampton, PA. Johann Keglovits and Anna Ifkovits (born ~1870) and Joseph Keglovits and Elizabeth Ifkovits (born ~1850).
Ifkovits Anne Molnar Kroatisch Tschantschendorf (Horvát-Csencs) To Northampton, PA, early 1920s.
Ifkovits Mary Schatz
Ifkovits Anne Webb Deutsch Tschantschendorf (Német-Csencs) Settled in Northampton, PA, then returned to Harmisch.
Ifkovits (Ivkovits, Ifkovitz, Ifkowitch) Edward F Ifkovits Kroatisch Tschantschendorf (Horvát-Csencs) Settled in Lehigh Valley, PA (Northampton, Nazareth, Coplay, Egypt)
Ifkowich Frank Buzolits Kroatisch Minihof (Malomháza);
Kleinmutschen (Pervány);
Stegersbach (Szentelek);
Steinbach (Köpatak)
Settled in South Bend, IN.
Ifsits Monika Boutwell Rauchwart (Rábort) Karl Ifsits, b.1899 in Rauchwart, d.1985, and Karoline (Bauer) Ifsits, b1900 in Schallendorf, d1979, settled in Coplay, PA in 1927 with son Walter and had a daughter Elisabeth while in the US. In 1932 they returned to Austria. Daughter Emilie (Ifsits) Griebel, b1923 in Rauchwart, immigrated to NY in 1950, d1999 in New York.
Ifsits Pat Porter Tschanigraben (Sándorhegy) Magdalena Nierer married an Ifsits and lived in NYC.
Igaly Pam Hudson Settled in Chicago, IL.
Igar Pat Morton Rechnitz (Rohonc)
Iholbauer Norlene Tchida
Illmitz (Alsó-Illmicz) Settled in Marshall County, SD.
Iklesayer Norm Pihale
Illmitz (Alsó-Illmicz) Settled in St. Paul, MN.
Illedits Judith Walters Drassburg (Darúfalva) Catholic. Anna (Barilits) Nimmerrichter, daughter of Franz Barilits of Drassburg, emigrated from Vienna to Maryland in 1916. Franz was the child of Andreas Barilits and Maria Barisits and grandson of Paul Barilits / Maria Illedits and Mathias Barisits / Maria Illedits, all from Drassburg.
Illes Janis Keller Maria and Helene, daughters of Alexius and Therese Fasching of Oberwart, came to the US early 1900s. They left behind a sister, Ilona.
Illes (Elles) Joseph N Spiegl Jr Szombathely (Steinamanger), Hungary Gisella Illes/Elles, wife of Joseph Spiegl who immigrated to New Britain, CT, on 8 Feb 1923. Also have interest in the Poglitsch family of Sankt Martin.
Illigasch Valerie Glesner Kukmirn (Kukmér) Anna E Illigasch emigrated to Allentown, PA, in 1914; married Joseph Toth in 1918; married Franz W Knopf in 1923. Her mother, Maria Domerler, immigrated to the US in 1921.
Illigasch Ilse Szolderits Güssing (Német-Újvár) Irmgard Illigasch settled in Chicago, IL.
Imp Jeff Creech Eisenhüttl (Kis-Vaskút) Settled in Astoria, Queens, New York, NY.
Imp Carolyn Imp Feczko Eisenhüttl (Kis-Vaskút) Settled in Bronx, NY 1935. Steve, Stephen, Stefan, Istvan IMP, born 23 Aug 1914. Karolina, Caroline, Lena, Kerolyn Suss, born 6 July 1920.
Imp Michelle Hartner Gerersdorf (Német-Szent-Grót) Theresa (Feiler) Ebenspanger Imp, born 1863, immigrated to US around 1900 and settled in New York City and then Milwaukee, WI. First husband, Ferencz (Frank) Ebenspanger of Kukmirn, whom she married around 1882, died 1900 in Frauenkirchen, She married her second husband, John J Imp from Gerersdorf, around 1902 and likely in New York City. Son Frank Ebenspanger Imp, born in Gerersdorf in 1886, settled in Milwaukee, WI.
Imp Mary Angela Imp Heugraben (Szénásgödör) Settled in Allentown, PA, in 1921.
Imp Lygia Maria Pilz Simetzberger Neusiedl bei Güssing (Felsöujlak);
Kukmirn (Kukmér);
Deutsch Kaltenbrunn (Német-Hidegkút);
Dobersdorf (Dobrafalva)
Imre William F Imre Bad Tatzmannsdorf (Tarcsafürdö) Settled in Chicago, IL.
Imre John E Magerus Oberwart (Felsö-Ör) Settled in Walworth, SD, 1893.
Imre Christopher Wagner Zahling (Újkörtvélyes) Married Sommers; settled in Allentown, PA; 1900s.
Imrek Diane Emry Siget in der Wart (Örisziget) Joseph Emry, b. 1889, settled in Chicago, IL.
Ingler Carol Helm Wolfau (Farkasfalva)
Isida Richard Kogl Illmitz (Alsó-Illmicz)
Islaker Sally Price Szent Gotthárd (Sankt Gotthard), Hungary Primus Islaker, b. 3Jun1867, lived in Salgo-Tarjan, Hungary, then Dortmund, Germany. To USA in 1902, lived in Athens County, OH, then Parkersburg, WV, died 1Feb1941.
Issowits Frank Billowitz Gerersdorf (Német-Szent-Grót);
Sulz (Sóskútfalu)
Settled in the New York City area.
Issowits John Issowits Gerersdorf (Német-Szent-Grót) Settled in the New York City.
Ivancitz Margaret Lilly Neuberg (Újhegy) Mary Faszl (Fassl) was born Sept 6, 1882 in Neuberg, Austria, to Janos Faszl and Julia Ivancitz of house 32. Paul Wagner (Vagner) was born March 9, 1878, to Paul Wagner and Juliana Radakovitz of house 95. Mary married Paul in Neuberg in Feb 1903 and they lived in house 41. Paul arrived at Ellis Island in February 1907 and settled in the south side of Chicago, IL. Mary joined him in Sept 1910. Paul and Mary had 9 children, with the eldest two being born in Neuberg, Angela in 1904 and Theresa in 1906. Theresa emigrated and joined the family in Chicago in 1921.
Ivancsich Viktor & Regina Hladky Trausdorf (Darázsfalu)
Ivancsics Michael Ivancsics Sopron (Ödenburg), Hungary Settled in South Bend, IN.
Ivancsics William G Kramer Neuberg (Újhegy) Elisabeth Ivancsics, b.1887, settled in Chicago, IL.
Ivancsits Peter Ivancsits Neuberg (Újhegy) Frank Ivancsits settled in Chicago, IL about 1950.
Ivancsits Thomas Stranzl Güssing (Német-Újvár);
Kukmirn (Kukmér)
Ivankovits Greg Bourlotos Tobaj (Tobaj) Seven sons of Mary Ivankovits, b.1871, and Aloius Klepeis, b.1864 in Hasendorf, (son of Mary, b.1840 in Hungary), to US in early 1900s, with Mike, Gus, Jimmy, Reiny, and Joe all settling in NYC/Bronx area.
Ivantch Eric Cox Stegersbach (Szentelek) Settled in Baltimore, MD.
Ivants Christian Martin Heil Olbendorf (Óbér)
Iwantsch Erwin A Bishop Olbendorf (Óbér);
Stegersbach (Szentelek)
Settled in Baltimore, MD, 1903.

SurnameResearcherVillage - ParishOther Details
Jaberich Jill Wilke Settled in Chicago, Illinois 1905, 1906 Wisconsin. Researching: Joseph Konrath, Michael Kopfer, Frederich Kopfer
Jabrits Francine Gatsch
Sankt Martin (Öri-Szent-Márton)
Jacksits (Jaksits, Jaksics) Kim Whelan Eisenhüttl (Kis-Vaskút);
Kukmirn (Kukmér)
George Jacksits (Jaksits) m. Katherine Berkowitz; Andrew (Andreas) Jaksits m. Julia Shink. Settled in New York.
Jacksits (Jaksits, Yaksits) Julie Jacksits Basinger Krobotek (Horvátfalu) Settled around Allentown, PA.
Jacksits (Jaksits, Yaksits) Colleen Weber Kulp Krobotek (Horvátfalu) Settled in Orefield, PA.
Jacksits (Szvetitz, Svetits, Szwetics) Maryellen Szvetitz Eichelbaum Eisenhüttl (Kis-Vaskút) To Allentown, PA around 1900.
Jacowitz Heather Shepard Jánossomorja (Sankt Johann), Hungary Settled in Minneapolis, Hennepin Co, MN in the late 1800's.
Jagasits Carole Bass Narda (Nahring), Hungary
Jagosits Michael Aumüller Kópháza (Kohlnhof), Hungary
Jagrehofer Matthew Tanzos Eisenhüttl (Kis-Vaskút) To Northampton & Coplay, PA 1907-1925
Jaidl Lorraine Galasek Schützen am Gebirge (Sérc) Settled in Kohler, WI.
Jaindl Joan Schraith Cole Gillersdorf, Styria;
Henndorf (Ercsenye)
To Milwaukee, WI in 1923-30.
Jaindl Angela Dodds Fürstenfeld (Fölöstöm), Styria;
Loipersdorf (Lipótfala);
Heiligenkreuz (Rába-Keresztúr)
To Saskatchewan in the 1930s.
Jaindl Linda Jaindl Gillersdorf, Styria Emigrated in the 1800s.
Jaindl Pamela Ann Joncas Loberger Gillersdorf, Styria;
Henndorf (Ercsenye)
Frank Jaindl to Milwaukee, WI in 1923-30.
Jaindl Ed Schraith Gillersdorf, Styria;
Henndorf (Ercsenye)
To Milwaukee, WI in 1923-30.
Jakab Eva Sereghy Bernstein (Borostyánko)
Jakes (Jakesz) Frank Jakes Zahling (Újkörtvélyes) Settled in Lyndora, PA.
Jakitsch Elizabeth Hubner Deutsch Tschantschendorf (Német-Csencs) Anna Jakitsch (born 8 Jan 1883) and Thomas (Damasus) Frey / Frei (born Dec 1877) emigrated to Cincinnati, OH. Married in Cincinnati on 16 Feb 1904. Had 3 sons, 2 daughters before returning to Deutsch Tschantschendorf somewhere between 1913 and 1916. Daughter Anna Paulina Frey (born 02 Aug 1911) returned to US (New York) in Aug 1928.
Jakob Jeffrey Kurz Pöttelsdorf (Petöfalva) Settled: Mt. Clemens, MI.
Jakob Thomas Kurz Pöttelsdorf (Petöfalva)
Jakodits Mary Catherine Koelndorfer Fisher Pamhagen (Pomogy) Migrated to South Bend, IN, 1910-12.
Jakositz Arianna Jakositz Andau (Moson-Tarcsa) Daniel Jakositz (b:1863) and Elizabeth Englbert (b:1866) married in 1889, unknown location. They had at least 3 children in Tarcsa (Anna, 1890; Frank, 1892; Andrew, 1899) before leaving for USA.
Jaksits Cheryl Gillmer Eisenhüttl (Kis-Vaskút) George Jaksits and Anna Bezenhofer settled in Detroit before 1910 then moved to Catasauqua, PA.
Jaksits Rainer Ottmayer Fertö-Boz (Holling), Hungary;
Balf (Wolfs), Hungary
To US, Germany, Austria
Jaktsch Linda Hubner Deutsch Tschantschendorf (Német-Csencs) Thomas and Anna (Jakitsch) Frey returned to Austria from Cincinnati, OH with their children just before the first world war broke out. Their children, Stephan, Agnes and Anna came back to the US in the 1920s. Anna is my mother.
Jalics Markus Dobrovits Dürnbach (Inczéd)
Jalits (Jalics) Barbara Guttman Kleinzicken (Kis-Ciklény) Franz Josef, b. 1894 in Burg, d. 1937 in Chicago, son of Franz Josef and Juliana (Wachholder) Guttmann, married Mary Jalits, b. 1895 in Kleinzicken, d. 1957 in Chicago, daughter of Stephen Jalits.
Jalliltsch Angela Jallitch Burke Kleinpetersdorf (Kis-Szent-Mihály) Settled in New York City, in 1910.
Jalliltsch Jim Burke Kleinpetersdorf (Kis-Szent-Mihály) Settled in Chicago, IL.
Jallitsch Patrick Kovacs Kleinzicken (Kis-Ciklény)
Jambrich Andreas Schoredits Drassburg (Darúfalva) Teresa, daughter of Michael Barisich and Elizabeth Jambrich, settled in South Africa in 1938.
Jandersits (Yandrasitz, Yonderschitz, Yandersitz) Christine Muller Harmisch (Hovárdos) Herman (born 1893), married Anna Berzkovits, to Coplay, PA in 1913.
Jandl Mary Haupt Apetlon (Mosonbánfalva) To St. Paul, MN around mid 1900's.
Jandl Joseph Horwath Illmitz (Alsó-Illmicz) Settled in South Dakota.
Jandl Karl Horwath Illmitz (Alsó-Illmicz) Settled in St. Paul, MN.
Jandl Patrick Jandl Pamhagen (Pomogy) Settled in Kossuth Co, IA, in 1893; moved to Sibley Co, MN, ~1920.
Jandl Rose Kubiatowicz Pamhagen (Pomogy) Settled in St. Paul, MN.
Jandl Tara Loftus Illmitz (Alsó-Illmicz);
Apetlon (Mosonbánfalva);
Frauenkirchen (Boldogasszony)
Settled in St. Paul and Sauk Centre, MN in 1890s.
Jandl Reginald M Ronningen Illmitz (Alsó-Illmicz) Settled in St. Paul, MN, in 1890 then Sauk Centre and McGrath, MN.
Jandl James Weinzatl Pamhagen (Pomogy)
Jandl (Jandel) Leo Stoltz Illmitz (Alsó-Illmicz) Settled in Zell, SD.
Jandrasic Stephen T Schmidt Grossmürbisch (Nagy-Medves)
Jandrasits Elfriede Deutsch Sankt Nikolaus (Vár-Szent-Miklós) Settled in Bronx, New York.
Jandrasits Joseph Gleixner Grossmürbisch (Nagy-Medves) Settled in Coplay, PA, in 1926.
Jandrasits Maria Harrington Grossmürbisch (Nagy-Medves) Rose (Rosina) Jandrasits (b 16 Jan 1907) emigrated to Coplay, PA, in 1926 and married Michael Gleixner; they lived in Reading, PA. Parents Franz Jandrasists and Maria Malits were married in PA but returned to Grossmürbisch before Rose was born, where they remained.
Jandrasits Julianna King Güssing (Német-Újvár) Johann Jandrasits b 13 Nov 1897, d Feb 1981, arrived New York in 1922. He married Julianna Groller in 1931. Julianna Groller b 21 Aug 1898, d 1 May 1975, arrived NYC in 1922. Daughter Margaret b 1 Jul 1923, d 1 July 2014. Johann & Julianna moved back to Austria in the 1960's and died there.
Jandrasits Betty Schweitzer Grossmürbisch (Nagy-Medves)
Jandrasits Edward Tantsits Güssing (Német-Újvár) Tantsits and Potzmann settled in Coplay, PA.
Jandrasits (Jandresits) Jennifer Unger Grossmürbisch (Nagy-Medves) Settled in Allentown, PA, South Bend IN, Niles MI. I am doing this research for my father in law. Both his mother and father have the surname Unger (not directly related) and their siblings/parents are from the Burgenland area. I have many cited sources for the direct ancestors, siblings/spouses of siblings and their children. Many thanks for this site and the facebook group that has been so valuable in the search for these connections.
Jandrasitz Troy Jandrasitz Grossmürbisch (Nagy-Medves) Karl Jandrasitz, born 3/10/1898 to Karl Jandrasits (b. 4/29/1853, d. 2/8/1914 in Bethlehem, PA) and Karolina Sommer (Szommer) of Grossmurbisch 136, died 12/1/1945. He emigrated before 1929 and married Pauline Bauer, born in the US 7/4/1904 but went back to Austria in ~1905 then back to the US in March 1925. Her parents were John Bauer and Mary Hofmeister (from Winten). Great-great-grandparents were Johann Jandrasits (b. 2/23/1827) and Katherine Derkits. Great-great-great-grandparents were Johannes Jandrasits (b. 6/18/1800; d. 12/26/1869) and Anna Klusarits.
Jandrasitz Tammy Jandrasitz-Bodey Grossmürbisch (Nagy-Medves) Karl Jandrasitz, born 3/10/1898 to Karl Jandrasits (b. 4/29/1853, d. 2/8/1914 in Bethlehem, PA) and Karolina Sommer (Szommer) of Grossmurbisch 136, died 12/1/1945. He emigrated before 1929 and married Pauline Bauer, born in the US 7/4/1904 but went back to Austria in ~1905 then back to the US in March 1925. Her parents were John Bauer and Mary Hofmeister (from Winten). Great-great-grandparents were Johann Jandrasits (b. 2/23/1827) and Katherine Derkits. Great-great-great-grandparents were Johannes Jandrasits (b. 6/18/1800; d. 12/26/1869) and Anna Klusarits.
Jandrasovits Bill McGarry
Jandresits Joe Liebezeit Grossmürbisch (Nagy-Medves);
Reinersdorf (Zsámánd)
Settled in Pittsburgh, PA, early 1920s.
Jandrisevits Gene Benninger Sulz (Sóskútfalu)
Jandrisevits William Jandovitz Kroatisch Tschantschendorf (Horvát-Csencs) JANDRISEVITS, JANDRISCHOVITS, Kroatisch Tschantschendorf, JAUTZ, Tobaj, settled all New York. Jaczint Jandrisevits or Jandrischovits born 1883 arrived in New York in 1906. He married Anna Jautz who was born 1887 in Tobaj. It is unknown when she arrived in New York. Sometime after arriving he changed his Christian name to Adolph and then years later the family name to Jandovitz.
Jandrisevits Gary J Jandrisevits Kroatisch Tschantschendorf (Horvát-Csencs) Agnes Klucsarits and John Jandrisevits to Allentown, PA.
Jandrisevits James F Jandrisevits Kroatisch Tschantschendorf (Horvát-Csencs) Settled in Northampton, PA.
Jandrisevits Patrick Kovacs Kroatisch Tschantschendorf (Horvát-Csencs)
Jandrisevits Anne Molnar Kroatisch Tschantschendorf (Horvát-Csencs) John & Agnes Jandrisevits to Northampton, PA, early 1920s.
Jandrisevits Monica Jurasits Weninger Sulz (Sóskútfalu) Settled in Northampton, PA.
Jandrisevits (Jandrisovits) Francis John Jandrowitz Sankt Michael (Puszta-Szent-Mihály);
Güssing (Német-Újvár);
Tudersdorf (Taród-Csencs);
Kroatisch Tschantschendorf (Horvát-Csencs);
Deutsch Tschantschendorf (Német-Csencs)
Settled in Garfield, NJ in the early 1900s.
Jandrisovits Joe DeNicola Güssing (Német-Újvár) Sister married name was Barilovits
Jandrisovits John Issowits Hasendorf (Vas-Nyulfalu) Settled in the New York City.
Jandrisovits Christina Tapler Güssing (Német-Újvár);
Rosenberg (Rosahegy);
Neustift bei Güssing (Újtelep);
Deutsch Tschantschendorf (Német-Csencs)
Jandrisovitz Joanne D'Angelo Sulz (Sóskútfalu) Settled in New York, 1922.
Jandrisovitz Christine Rosati Deutsch Tschantschendorf (Német-Csencs) Martin F Jandris(ovitz), married Anna Karner of Neuseidl; settled in Northampton, PA.
Jandrisovitz (Yandrisovitz) Sylvia De Luca Tudersdorf (Taród-Csencs) Daniel Kerbacher, born in Deutsch Tschantschendorf in 1896 to Josephus and Maria (Jani) Kerbacher, emigrated in 1913 to New York City, married Theresa Jandrisovitz in 1919; they moved to Northampton and settled in Coplay, PA. She was born 1897 in Tudersdorf to Josef and Anna (Dergits) Jandrisovitz and emigrated in 1914.
Jandrisovitz (Yandrisovitz) Donna Kerbacher Ruble Tudersdorf (Taród-Csencs) Daniel Kerbacher married Theresa Jandrisovitz and settled in Coplay, PA, in 1913, after arriving and living in New York and Northampton.
Jandrizavitz Michele A Santoro Deutsch Tschantschendorf (Német-Csencs)
Jane (Jany) Charles R O'Connell Güssing (Német-Újvár) Settled in New York, NY about 1905.
Janesch Alan Janesch Henndorf (Ercsenye) My grandparents, Frank Janesch and Mary Berghold, and Rudolf Simitz and Anna Berghold. All were born in the late 1800s/early 1900s and all emigrated to the US in the early 1920s. After living in Allentown for a number of years, Janesch/Berghold moved to Coopersburg, PA. After working for a while in Pittsburgh, Rudolf joined Anna in Allentown; they subsequently moved to Spinnerstown, PA.
Janger John Kloiber Zahling (Újkörtvélyes);
Fürstenfeld (Fölöstöm), Styria;
Deutsch Minihof (Német-Lak)
Janger Vicky Weninger Zahling (Újkörtvélyes) Settled in Allentown, PA.
Jani Elaine Grace Family to Frank Leitner, b.10-1-1875 in Deutsch Tschantschendorf.
Jani Mary Angela Imp Königsdorf (Királyfalva) Settled in Allentown, PA, in 1921.
Jani (Jany) Alan McInnes Neuberg (Újhegy) To Peace River area of Alberta, Canada in 1934.
Jani (Jany, Yanny) Luisa Reichardt Poppendorf (Patafalva) Theresa Yanny to Queens, NY in 1922. Her sister was Cecelia Koppel. Theresa married John Reichard in NY.
Jani (Yany) Karen Schmalzel Deutsch Tschantschendorf (Német-Csencs) Married Schmalczel of Pornoapati (Vas, Hungary); emigrated to NY c.1914, then PA; settled in Detroit, MI c.1920.
Janikovics Ernest Szeideman Mierovo, Slovakia Settled in Pöszöny, Hungary (now Bratislava, Slovakia) then Jánossomorja, Hungary.
Janios Diane Telfer Illmitz (Alsó-Illmicz) John b.1846 and Theresia b.1834 (Frank) Lang immigrated in 1886. This is a second marriage; Theresia's first husband was Josephus Opitz who died of tuberculosis in 1871. John (Janos) Lang's parents were Janos Lang and Kriztina Halbauer. Theresia's parents were Jacobus Frank and Maria Gangl.
Janisch Judy Abbott Deutsch Gerisdorf (Német-Gyirót) Settled in America. Martin Janisch (Yanish) and Theresa (née Ferdinand) married in Lockenhaus, Austria 1852.
Janisch Janet Alesauskas Rohrbach (Fraknó-Nádasd) Settled in Chicago IL, about 1910.
Janisch Shari Beck Litzelsdorf (Lodös) Leonhard, b 10 Oct 1899, son of Maria Fassl and Franz Beck, married Maria, b 28 Jun 1899, daughter of Maria Beaban and Johann Janisch.
Janisch Michael Damhesel Stadtschlaining (Város-Szalónak) Settled in Chicago, IL.
Janisch Cheri Jacobson Enns From Burgenland and other villages in Austria.
Janisch Margaret Muszik Fortune Tadten (Mosontétény) Anne Lehner Muszik and Gaye Lehner Hazinski emigrated to South Bend, IN, with their mother Maria Janisch Lehner in 1925.
Janisch Eric Gironda Ollersdorf (Barátfalva)
Janisch Johannes Graf Tadten (Mosontétény) To St. Paul, MN, and South Bend, IN, 1880-1920 and Chicago, IL, 1930-50.
Janisch Jennifer Gross Oberdorf (Örállás) Michael and Rose (Nalper?) Janisch emigrated to Chicago, 1909-1910. Children Rosa (born Aug 30, 1907, died Feb 12, 1970) and Gottfried came to Chicago on October 9, 1922. Other possible sibliings were Emily (married surname Richard), Anna (married surname Lorenz or Lawrence), Jacob, and Michael.
Janisch Jody Hansen Breitenbrunn (Fertö-Széleskút)
Janisch Joe Janisch Eisenzicken (Német-Ciklény) Settled in Chicago, about 1922.
Janisch Melora Janisch
Eisenzicken (Német-Ciklény) Emigrated to St. Louis, MO in 1923.
Janisch Evelyn L Janish Litzelsdorf (Lodös) Ferenc Janisch, Sr. (born June 8, 1872) settled in Buffalo, NY in 1905. Wife Sabina (born 1881) came to Buffalo in 1908. Two children were born in Lödös, Ferenc and Theresa, and 3 more in Buffalo, John, Carl and Alois. Ferenc Janisch, Jr. (born 1899) emigrated to US with an uncle and lived in PA, then Buffalo, NY. He married Louise Bradley (Brautlacht). Theresa Janisch (born 1900) emigrated in 1912? and lived in Buffalo, NY with parents. She married Raymond Roll and lived in Alden, NY.
Janisch Kevin Janish Pamhagen (Pomogy) Johann (John) Janisch from Pamhagen, son of Joseph (Josef) and Anna, emigrated in 1907 at age 15 and settled in the Tripp/Parkston area of South Dakota. Older brother Rudolph emigrated around 1905. Brother Joseph (Josef) stayed in Austria.
Janisch Debra Ann Obermueller Leptien
Janisch Suzanne Loch
Steinberg (Köhalom) Settled in St. Paul, MN.
Janisch Bill McGarry Stegersbach (Szentelek) Florian Janisch to Pennsylvania, then Passaic/Garfield area of New Jersey in early 1900's, married Maria Kluesanovitz from Kulm.
Janisch Albert Schuch Stegersbach (Szentelek)
Janisch Carol Sommers Apetlon (Mosonbánfalva);
Tadten (Mosontétény);
Frauenkirchen (Boldogasszony);
Illmitz (Alsó-Illmicz)
Settled in Eden, SD and St. Paul, MN.
Janisch Barbara Muszik Speranza Tadten (Mosontétény) Michael Lehner, born Aug 9, 1899, emigrated to South Bend, IN, in 1923. Maria Janisch, born May 31, 1902, and their children, Anna (born Aug 9, 1921) and Gizella (Oct 8, 1923) followed in 1926.
Janisch Edith Maria Strobl Ollersdorf (Barátfalva) Franz Janisch settled in Canada.
Janisch Jayne (Janish) Tanis Kulm (Kólom)
Janisch Donna Gaal Winkelmann Oberwart (Felsö-Ör) Settled in St Louis, MO.
Janisch Peter Wollinski Bocksdorf (Baksafalva) Maria Janisch, born 21/11/1914 to Anton Janisch and Anna Pelzmann. Migrated to England in 1936; repatriated in 1944; migrated back to England in 1950; finally migrated to Australia in 1952 where she lived out the rest of her life. Catholic.
Janisch Kurt Kegler
Janisch Teri Danielson Wallern (Valla) George Unger b. 1825 and Maria Kainz Unger emigrated to the U.S. in 1875 from Wallern. They settled in South Dakota. Their daughter Theresia, who was born in Wallern settled in St. Martin. George's father was Josef Unger (house 92 in Wallern), son of Johann Unger, son of Josef Unger, son of Stefan Unger of House 14 in Wallern.
Janisch (Yanish) Patricia E Johnson
Janisch (Yanish) Debby Lemons Deutsch Gerisdorf (Német-Gyirót) Martin Yanish/Janisch (b.1837) and wife Theresa Ferdinger (b.1834), with children Paul (b.1852), Rosella (b.1855), Anna (b.1868), Anton (b.1871) and Theresa (b.1874) all emigrated to Minnesota or North Dakota at varying times. Paul Yanish/Janisch and wife Elizabeth Hollenthoner (b 1852) emigrated about 1883 with children Mary and Michael and settled in Winsted MN.
Janischer Lisa (Lenhart) Cole Settled in Passaic, NJ.
Janischer Georg Peter Mavridis Moschendorf (Német-Sároslak)
Janish Ronald Louis Unger Sr
Neumarkt im Tauchental Frank Unger, born 9 Jun 1877 in Neumarkt to Josef and Maria (Rácz) Unger, in 1902 married Jozefa (Josephine) Galovits, born 16 Jun 1882 in Neumarkt to Istvan and Maria (Zartler) Galovits. Frank emigrated to Chicago, IL in 1905. Jozefa emigrated in 1906 with two children, Franz (age 3) and Maria (age 8 months) to join Frank in Chicago. Jozefa's parents, Istvan Galovits and Maria Zartler, emigrated to Chicago in 1922. Adolph Fang Jr. married Anna Galowitsch, had daughter Anna Marie Fang in 1922 in Neumarkt and they emigrated to Chicago in 1923. Johann Janisch married Emma Galowitsch and they emigrated to Chicago in 1922.
Janish Ronald Louis Unger Jr Neumarkt im Tauchental Frank Unger, born 9 Jun 1877 in Neumarkt to Josef and Maria (Rácz) Unger, in 1902 married Jozefa (Josephine) Galovits, born 16 Jun 1882 in Neumarkt to Istvan and Maria (Zartler) Galovits. Frank emigrated to Chicago, IL in 1905. Jozefa emigrated in 1906 with two children, Franz (age 3) and Maria (age 8 months) to join Frank in Chicago. Jozefa's parents, Istvan Galovits and Maria Zartler, emigrated to Chicago in 1922. Adolph Fang Jr. married Anna Galowitsch, had daughter Anna Marie Fang in 1922 in Neumarkt and they emigrated to Chicago in 1923. Johann Janisch married Emma Galowitsch and they emigrated to Chicago in 1922.
Janisis Mark Pitzel Tadten (Mosontétény) Settled in Minnesota, Dakotas, Washington.
Janker Robert E Ohr Pamhagen (Pomogy)
Jankovich Viktor & Regina Hladky Trausdorf (Darázsfalu)
Jann Nancy Colombo Illmitz (Alsó-Illmicz)
Janosz Karen Marosits Moore Settled in McAdoo, PA.
Jantrisit (Jandrasits) Thomas Wurm Brunnergraben-Gamischdorf;
Gamischdorf (Ganócs);
Rauchwart (Rábort)
Frank and Mary (Hanzl) Wurm immigrated in 1903-4 and settled in Egypt, PA.
Jany Jan Harrison Willersdorf (Villámos);
Bernstein (Borostyánko)
Settled in Chicago, IL. About half of the JANY descendants still live in and around Willersdorf. The other half are spread out across with US with several living in the Phoenix metro area, AZ.
Jany Jo Ann Jany Deutsch Tschantschendorf (Német-Csencs) Settled in New York in 1927-8, later in New Jersey.
Jany Wilma Jany Lacy Riedlingsdorf (Rödöny) Tobias Jany, son of Mihaly & Teresia (Arthofer) Jany, emigrated in 1923 to Chicago, IL.
Jany Gary L Portsche
Gols (Gálos)
Jany Brendan Schmalzel Baumgarten (Sopron-Kertes) Paternal grandfather’s parents came to the USA at the end of 1922 and settled in Northampton, PA. where they had their first two children and then moved to Clifton, NJ. where they had my grandfather Frederick and their last child. My great-grandfather was József Schmalzel (b:1905) in Pornóapáti. My great-grandmother was Rose Geosits (b:1906) born in Northampton but raised in Sankt Kathrein until 1922. Other surnames: Rozner (Kertes), Kager, Taschler, Koller, Benko, Lehner, Gerencser, Paukovitz, Veszelovits, Kurcz, Mischevits, Horvath, Gusics, Tunkl, Osvald.
Jany (Jani, Janny, Janni) Claudia Guli Pinkafeld (Pinkafo) My ancestor Johann Michael Jany (he sometimes dropped the Johann and just went with Michael Jany. His surname I've also seen spelt Jani, Janni, Janny and misread in some records as Zani) was born around 1731. I'm not sure exactly when he emigrated but it was before 1767 which is when he got married in Stuttgart. According to his marriage record his father Johann Georg Jany was a Master Miller in Pinkafeld, Ober-Ungarn but was dead by this time.
Jany (Janny) Tammy Ellison-West Deutsch Tschantschendorf (Német-Csencs) Anna Jany to NYC in 1906.
Jany (Yanny, Janny) Victor Talotta Gaas (Pinka-Kertes) Theresia Yanni/Janny/Jany, b. 1906, settled in Northampton, PA, and married Stefan Unger, b.1900 in Oberbildein.
Jautz Marie Becker Deutsch Tschantschendorf (Német-Csencs) Gustav Jautz, born 9 March 1905.
Jautz Janice Crawford Tobaj (Tobaj) Settled in New York. JAUTZ, STEINER, from Tobaj. Julius Yautz, born May 1901, immigrated to NY, departing June 1922. On 3 Mar 1923, he married Theresia Steiner, who arrived in New York on 27 Mar 1911.
Jautz Barb Groh Tobaj (Tobaj) Settled in Nazareth and Northampton, PA.
Jautz Michael Jautz Tobaj (Tobaj) Michael Jautz, b 5/19/1884, and Julia Maikisch, b 6/29/1885 in Deutsch Tschantschendorf, emigrated to New York City. Parents were Michael & Catherina Jautz and Paul & Barbara Maikisch. Siblings Edward Jautz, b 1880, and Anna Jautz, b ~1886, settled in NYC in 1903.
Jautz Frank Messina
Deutsch Tschantschendorf (Német-Csencs) Settled in New York City then Hudson City, NJ.
Jautz Beth Nikles Tobaj (Tobaj) To Nazareth, PA.
Jautz Frank Paukowits Glasing (Kolozsvár) Settled in the New Jersey area in the 1920s.
Jautz Mary Schatz
Jautz Cathy Stallone Tobaj (Tobaj) Anna Huber, daughter of Franz Huber (~1895-1936) & Maria Dulmovits (~1885-1957) to US after father's death. Franz' parents were Lucas Huber (born c.1860) & Anna Jautz (of Tobaj).
Jautz Stephen Yautz Tobaj (Tobaj)
Jautz Christine Tolerico Deutsch Tschantschendorf (Német-Csencs)
Jautz (Yautz) Emma Murray Heiligenkreuz (Rába-Keresztúr);
Deutsch Tschantschendorf (Német-Csencs)
To NYC then West New York, Hudson County, NJ.
Jelenchich Steven Jelenchick Kroatisch Tschantschendorf (Horvát-Csencs);
Steingraben (Bányá)
Steve Jelenchich settled in Milwaukee, WI, about 1903. Sister Anna followed later.
Jelencics Deborah (Klucsarits) Brown Grossmürbisch (Nagy-Medves);
Güssing (Német-Újvár)
To PA, NJ, NY.
Jelencics (Jelencits) Frank Billowitz Steingraben (Bányá)
Jelencscics Monica Jurasits Weninger Steingraben (Bányá) Settled in Northampton, PA.
Jelencsics James Hier
Jelencsits Sharon (Windish) Goyette Steinfurt (Lipóc) Theresia Polzer, daughter of Stefan Polzer, b20Jul1872, and Maria Jelencsits, b2Feb1880, immigrated to Canada in 1929.
Jelencsits Charles Jelenchick Steinfurt (Lipóc) Istevan (Steve) Jelencsits, born 1886, emigrated at age 17. Spent time in PA, possibly with older brother Georg. Settled in Milwaukee, WI; married Giselle (Stella) Horvath; died 1972. Brother Johann (John) came over in later. Letters document another brother Antonio and a sister Maria born after he left home.
Jelencsits Candy Jens Güssing (Német-Újvár) Settled in Allentown, Coplay, and Northampton, PA, Trenton, NJ areas.
Jelencsits Edward Krautsdorfer Steinfurt (Lipóc) Maria, b. 8 Apr 1908, daughter of Ignaz and Maria (Gober) Jelencsits, emigrated to Allentown, PA in 1929, lived NYC 1930-73 and Northampton, PA 1973-94.
Jelensics James Heller Langzeil (Hosszúsor)
Jelisits Markus Dobrovits Stinatz (Stinácz)
Jelosits Cindy (Rauer) Smith Sankt Kathrein (Pósa Szent-Katalin) Grandmother was Maria Jelosits, daughter of Michaealus Jelosits and Katharina Rauer. She was born in Sankt Kathrein in 1892, as was her mother in 1868. Her father was born in Edlitz. Appears the family moved to Altenmarkt bei Furstenfeld where my grandmother met her husband, Franz Hutterer. They left from this location to emigrate to the US in 1913, and established a home in Northampton, PA. She died in Northampton on 15July1971. I have traced my Jelosits familty back to Georgius Jelosits(1803-?) born in Edliz, and also Anna Milkovits (1811-1842) form Edlitz. Harmish was home village to my 2nd great grandmother, Elizabeth Handler(1836-1889), and her father Joseph (1807-1854) who married Anna Milkovits above. Also from Harmish, Caherine Stubits (1809-1868 and her mother, Katharina Stubits (?-?) I am at a brick wall finding out about the Rauer family and Andreas Rauer and Anna Vich (Maria Palffi) parents of Katharina Rauer.
Jenakovich (Jenakovits) Tina Slabonik Balf (Wolfs), Hungary Josef Jenakovits (Jenakovich) emigrated to Steelton, PA, in Oct 1911. Wife Annie (Lipp) and children Frank, Agnes and Joseph joined him in Dec 1913.
Jenakovics (Jenakovits) Marsha Jenakovich Balf (Wolfs), Hungary Emigrated to Steelton, PA, 1907-14.
Jenakovitc Gunter Stejskal Raiding (Doborján)
Jesztl Robert E Ohr Oberloisdorf (Felsölászló)
Jobst Bobbi Huiting Breitenbrunn (Fertö-Széleskút)
Joch Brett Rowan Apetlon (Mosonbánfalva) Settled in St. Paul, Minnesota. Christian Joch (24 October 1889 - 17 November 1960) left Apetlon in 1904 and moved to Illinois and Nebraska before settling in St. Paul, Minnesota. Theresa Adrian (15 October 1893 - 22 August 1987) left Apetlon in 1923 and moved to St. Paul, she married Christian Joch in 1927 in St. Paul.
Johannes Stacy Woods
Jokisch John & Helen (Kannapes) Hanzl
Deutsch Tschantschendorf (Német-Csencs) Frank Maikisch & Maria Jokisch to Catasauqua, PA in 1903; returned to St. Michael, AU in 1910.
Jokisch Stephen Maikisch Deutsch Tschantschendorf (Német-Csencs)
Jonser Karin Sanders Markt Allhau (Alhó) Setled in Chicago in 1956.
Jost Joe Brogan Rába-Füzes (Raabfidisch), Hungary Settled in Allentown, PA.
Jost Karin Bruckner Riedlingsdorf (Rödöny) Theresia Jost and brother immigrated to the US. Theresa married a Bruckner. Searching mainly for the brother.
Jost James Combellick Rába-Füzes (Raabfidisch), Hungary Franz Josef Jost, born 4 May 1861, and Juliana Marie Haftle, born 22 May 1875, married in SD on 25 Oct 1895.
Jost Rachael (White) Dobsovicova Inzenhof (Borosgödör)
Jost Helen Jost Heiligenkreuz (Rába-Keresztúr) Settled in Australia. Eduard Jost emigrated to Australia in the 1950s. He was born in 1933 and is the son of Eduard and Rosina. I am his daughter; born in Australia, but living in the US.
Jost Joan Jost Rába-Füzes (Raabfidisch), Hungary John/Johann and Theresia (Schmidt) Jost settled in Allentown, PA, in 1952.
Jost Louis Jost Windisch Minihof (Kistólak) To Milwaukee, WI in 1905.
Jost Donna Kipila Zahling (Újkörtvélyes) Theresia Jost, in 1933, and husband Johann Gibiser, in 1923, came to Allentown, PA.
Jost Peter Lang Rába-Füzes (Raabfidisch), Hungary I am working on a Rábafüzes village chronicle to preserve the remembrance of that very special place. I can provide family tree information for almost 200 surnames, an almost complete house number list from 1858, a list of roughly 600 immigrants to the USA, etc.
Jost Katrina Lehrner Windisch Minihof (Kistólak) Jost-Ropposch line to Pittsburgh, PA. Jost-Jost line to Milwaukee, WI.
Jost Rebecca A Medlock Doiber (Döbör) Teresia Jost, born 22 Feb 1876 in house number 7 to Franz Jost and Anna Piltz, settled in St. Louis, MO.
Jost (Joszt) Reinhard Strobl Kleinmürbisch (Felsö-Medves);
Grossmürbisch (Nagy-Medves)
Settled in Pennsylvania (Lehigh Valley: Allentown, Coplay, Stiles, Nazareth, Egypt, Coraopolis), some in New York (Troy, Hoboken).
Jost (Joszt, Yost) Pat Letsinger Inzenhof (Borosgödör);
Kleinmürbisch (Felsö-Medves);
Grossmürbisch (Nagy-Medves)
Stefan (Istvan) Yost, born 11/25/1881 to Janos (John) Jost and Julia Köppel of Inzenhof, settled in McKees Rocks, PA and married Cecilia Urban, daughter of Michael Urban and Elizabeth Dot of Raabfidisch?, Hungary.
Jost (Tost) Carole Vanderhyde Szent Miklós (Sankt Niklas), Hungary;
Kleinmürbisch (Felsö-Medves)
Moved from Szent-Miklós to Kleinmürbisch.
Jost (Yost) Lea Simitz Buzby Poppendorf (Patafalva) Settled mostly in Allentown and Pittsburgh areas of PA.
Jost (Yost) Amy Coffin Inzenhof (Borosgödör) Settled in Allentown, PA.
Jost (Yost) Frank & Mariette Deutsch Königsdorf (Királyfalva) Emigrated 1920 and earlier.
Jost (Yost) Rose Fairchok Rába-Füzes (Raabfidisch), Hungary Settled in Pittsburgh, PA.
Jost (Yost) Louise Fielding Rába-Füzes (Raabfidisch), Hungary Settled in Allentown, PA, in 1909. Janos Jost, b. 23 Nov 1887, d. 5 Apr 1945, in Allentown, PA married Maria Feiertag, b. 5 Mar 1891 in Neustift bei Güssing, d. 9 Oct 1959 in Allentown, PA.
Jost (Yost) Margaret Kaiser Felsö-Rönök (Oberradling), Hungary
Jost (Yost) Barbara Sherman O'Laughlin Inzenhof (Borosgödör)
Joszt Rose Marie Jost Gerersdorf (Német-Szent-Grót) Settled in New York, NY.
Joszt Annette Kapple Inzenhof (Borosgödör) Settled in Allentown, PA and Chicago, IL.
Joszt Martha Orlovits Inzenhof (Borosgödör) JOSZT Terez born 1881 in Felsorönök, Vas, Hungary emigrated to Easton, Northampton, PA 1901 where she married KURTA Johann born 1875 who emigrated 1899 from Inzenhof (marriage 1901). Had a daughter Hedwig born 1900 in Inzenhof before she departed. Hedwig JOSZT married Josef MULCZET in Kleinmürbisch, Austria (my grandparents). Missing further information on Terez (my great grandmother) and Johann KURTA. Interested also in TRAUPMANN from my mothers side of the family who emigrated to the U.S.
Jud Cheryl Russo Cormier Mühlgraben (Malomgödör) Settled in New Britain, CT on March 1, 1912.
Jud Linda Gorence Mühlgraben (Malomgödör) Carl Walter Ruck born in Liebau, Austria/Hungary on 22 April 1894, emigrated to New Britain, CT USA, August 1913 to stay with Frank Ruck. Carl married Johanna Knaus on 24 November 1917 in New Britain, CT. Johanna was born on 27, September 1889 in Muhlgraben, Austria. Johanna emigrated to the USA in January 1914, sponsored by John Knaus, New Britain/Newington, CT. Carl was the son of Michael Ruck and Julianna Prem. Carl's paternal grandparents are Johann Ruck, Tauka, Austria & Theresia Schwartzl. Johanna is the daughter of Franz Knaus and Fransisca Jud, Johanna's paternal grandparents are Johann Knaus(z) & Julianna Wolf. Her maternal grandparents are Jakob Jud & Elizabeth Weber.
Jud Calvin R Jackson Mühlgraben (Malomgödör) Karl and Johanna (Jud) Knausz emigrated to Allegheny City, Allegheny County (now part of Pittsburgh, PA).
Jud Robert Poglitsch Minihof Liebau (Liba) Theresia Jud settled in New Britain, CT in 1923.
Jud Martin Wolf Mühlgraben (Malomgödör) Immigrated 1889-1925 to New Britain, CT, and Pennsylvania.
Jud Lary Yud Neuhaus (Vas-Dobra) Franz Jud (later changed to Frank Yud), son of Michael Jud and Josephine Halb, to US in 1912 and settled in Chicago, IL.
Jud Christine L Tomich
Jud (Judd) Ross Judd Minihof Liebau (Liba);
Mühlgraben (Malomgödör)
Gustav Jud, m: Ana Jud; known relative: Wolf, Werner.
Judd Margret Sullo
Mühlgraben (Malomgödör)
Judt Karen Dove Rába-Füzes (Raabfidisch), Hungary
Judt Hedy Hutter Fink Grossmürbisch (Nagy-Medves)
Judt Sue Judt Hourigan Rába-Füzes (Raabfidisch), Hungary Johann Judt (1867-1943) married Theresa Bauer (1867-1943, daughter of Johann Bauer and Maria Artinger) and settled the Lehigh Valley, PA.
Judt Robert Judd Rába-Füzes (Raabfidisch), Hungary Joseph Judd (Judt) son of John (Janos) and Theresia (nee Bauer) Judt, married Cilli Kroboth in 1917 in Bethlehem, PA. Joseph's son, Edward C Judd, married Eleanor Moser.
Judt Sal Pisciotta Grossmürbisch (Nagy-Medves) Pauline emigrated ~1916 to NY. She lived in Pennsylvania then College Point, NY; married Paul Klein.
Judt Courtney Clark Rába-Füzes (Raabfidisch), Hungary Mihály Haftl (b. 24 SEP 1854 Rábafüzes, Vas, Hungary) (d. 14 AUG 1936 Aberdeen, Brown, South Dakota, USA) AND Julianna Judt (b. 12 DEC 1856 Rábafüzes, Vas, Hungary) (d. 24 JAN 1905 Eureka, McPherson, South Dakota, USA) married 1875 Rábafüzes, Vas, Hungary. • Ferencz Haftl (b. 04 DEC 1806 Rábafüzes, Vas, Hungary) (d. 23 NOV 1878 Rábafüzes, Vas, Hungary) AND Erzsébet Zettl (b. 9 OCT 1815 Rábafüzes, Vas, Hungary) (d. 11 AUG 1879 Rábafüzes, Vas, Hungary) married 9 Feb 1835 Rábafüzes, Vas, Hungary. • Johann Haftl (b. ABT. 1785 Rábafüzes, Vas, Hungary) AND Theresia Fersinger (b. ABT. 1776 Hungary). • Also, Stephane Judt married Elizabeth Neubauer.
Judt (Yudt) Stephanie Solderitch Rába-Füzes (Raabfidisch), Hungary Settled in Lehigh Valley, PA.
Judt (Yudt) Dennis Stangle Rába-Füzes (Raabfidisch), Hungary Settled in the Lehigh Valley, PA, area.
Jugovits Carole Bass Narda (Nahring), Hungary Stefan/Istvan Puskarits (b.1857) and Teresa Jugovits, b.1861 to Joseph Jugovits (b.~1840) and Agnes Balaskovits (b.1844), had 13 children from 1880 to 1908. Joseph was the son of Stefan & Anna Takacs; Agnes daughter of Mihaly Balaskovits and Anna Vukits. Roman Catholic.
Juk (Yauck) Karen C Hubbard Serdica (Rothenberg), Slovenia Heinrich Juk arrived May 13, 1913, and settled in New Britain, CT. 1914 to Southington, CT.
Jung James Kustelski Settled in Minnesota.
Jung (Young) Shirley Tuchner-Kresko Settled in St. Paul, MN, 1880-84.
Jurasits Stephanie J Geosits Szent Péterfa (Prostrum), Hungary
Jurasits Steve Geosits Szent Péterfa (Prostrum), Hungary
Jurasits Joseph L Jurasits Szent Péterfa (Prostrum), Hungary Ludwig Jurasits, b.1926, and wife Mary Varga, b.1939, settled in Chicago, IL, in 1957.
Jurasits John Lavendoski Güssing (Német-Újvár)
Jurasits Suzanne Geosits Mund Settled in Northampton, PA, early 1900s.
Jurasits Thomas Robert Stevens Szent Péterfa (Prostrum), Hungary
Jurasits Elizabeth Yurasits Szent Péterfa (Prostrum), Hungary Settled in New York City, Northampton and Stockertown, PA.
Jurasits Lou Yurasits Szent Péterfa (Prostrum), Hungary To Northampton, PA.
Jurasits (Yurasits) Earl Barret Szent Péterfa (Prostrum), Hungary To America c.1900 (possibly to Allentown, PA). Settled in Canton, OH, where known as Yurasits.
Jurasovich Aaron Zemlock Oslip (Oszlop)
Jurasovich (Jurasovits) Bob Tratz Oslip (Oszlop) Barbara Kern from Grosshöflein married George Zemlyak (Zemlock) of Oslip and emigrated with their family to Winnebago County, WI (Neenah area) in 1857. She was the daughter of a Mathias Kern from Zemendorf and Elisabeth Lang from Grosshöflein.
Jurasovits Petra Gludovatz Siegendorf (Czinfalva)
Jurek Bob & Margie Uhlemeyer Grodnau (Grodnó);
Goberling (Góborfalva)
Marie Jurek settled in St. Louis, MO.
Jurina Viktor & Regina Hladky Siegendorf (Czinfalva)
Jurisch Diane Zoulek Parndorf (Pándorfalu);
Wittmannshof (Wittmanmajor);
Halbturn (Féltorony)
Settled in New York in 1903.
Jurkovich Viktor & Regina Hladky Siegendorf (Czinfalva)
Jurkovics Laszlo & Monika Apathy III
Sopron (Ödenburg), Hungary Eva Horvath b. 7 May 1922, Sopron, d. 30 Dec 1967.
Juschitsch Gene T Mayer Deutsch Ehrensdorf (Német-Hásos) Kayetan and Teresa (Juschitsch) Mayer settled in Garfield, NJ. Catholic.
Juschitsch (Jusits) Judith Ann (Galamb) Bohler Deutsch Ehrensdorf (Német-Hásos)
Jusits Eric Gironda Stegersbach (Szentelek) Johanna Jusits, born 8/21/1905 of Franz and Elisabeth (Katics), came to US on 11/23/23, settled in PA.
Jusits Ronald A Madle Poppendorf (Patafalva) Settled in Allentown, PA area, early 1900s.
Jusits (Yusits) A Dax
Mogersdorf (Nagyfalva);
Poppendorf (Patafalva)

Number of Surnames: 50 + 228 = 278