Burgenland Bunch


SurnameResearcherVillage - ParishOther Details
Spahitz Mike Spahitz Unterbildein (Alsó-Beled);
Grossmürbisch (Nagy-Medves)
Spaits Erik Bammer Kemesmál, Hungary (Kemestaródfa, HU) Settled in Northampton, PA.
Spaits Roxanne Spaits Bammer Kemesmál, Hungary (Kemestaródfa, HU) Josef and Rose (Somogyi) Spaits settled in the West Coplay / Coplay / Northampton area.
Spaits Vanessa Bammer Sandhu Kemesmál, Hungary (Kemestaródfa, HU) Josef and Rose (Somogyi) Spaits settled in the West Coplay / Coplay / Northampton area.
Spanitz Julia (Spanitz) Byington Gerersdorf (Német-Szent-Grót) Frank Spanitz married Julia Kroboth, settled in Stiles, PA.
Spanitz Jeanette Corcoran Castro Gerersdorf (Német-Szent-Grót) Settled in Coplay, PA.
Spanitz Walter Dujmovits Jr Gerersdorf (Német-Szent-Grót) Settled in Coplay and Allentown, PA,  New York.
Spanitz Walter Dujmovits Gerersdorf (Német-Szent-Grót) Settled in Coplay and Allentown, PA,  New York.
Spanitz Werner Dujmovits Gerersdorf (Német-Szent-Grót) Settled in Coplay and Allentown, PA,  New York.
Spanitz Susan Fisher Settled in Lehigh & Northampton Co, PA.
Spanitz Juliane Bauer Flora Settled in Pennsylvania and Manhattan and Queens, NY.
Spanitz Kathy Murphy Gerersdorf (Német-Szent-Grót) Settled in Stiles, PA.
Spanitz Christine Marie Reynolds Gerersdorf (Német-Szent-Grót) Settled in Coplay and Allentown, PA.
Spanitz Lee Spanitz
Spanitz Peggy Horne Kukmirn (Kukmér) Adoptee/biological father Franz Joseph Bauer, Sopron/Gyor, and aunt Julia Spanitz. But I've just learned of my Burgenland connection. I am 60 years old, have a son and granddaughter, and would love to impart to them my interesting heritage from this region. I have found out that at least half of my DNA is either Germanic and Eastern European. I'm very curious as to the dynamics of living in that area how my ancestors lived and what they endured and more importantly why they came to the United States.
Speigel Christina Ludwig Krock Glashutten (Szalónakhuta) Franz and Francesca Melchkart. Children Anna, Theresa, and Joseph. Immigrated to US, in Illinois & Wisconsin in 1893; to Saskatchewan, Canada in 1900.
Speigel Glenn Ludwig Glashutten (Szalónakhuta) Franz Melchkart married Francisca Speigel and emigrated to Saskatchewan, Canada.
Spelman Joseph J Jarfas
Kohfidisch (Gyepufüzes);
Mischendorf (Pinkamiske);
Ják (Sankt Georgen), Hungary
Spiegel Bobbi Newlander Riedlingsdorf (Rödöny)
Spiegel Joseph N Spiegl Jr Sankt Martin (Rába-Szent-Márton) Joseph Spiegl immigrated to New Britain, CT, on 8 Feb 1923; married Gisella Illes/Elles of Szombathely (Steinamanger), Hungary. Also have interest in the Poglitsch family of Sankt Martin.
Spiegelheier Nicky Oliver
Spiegl Stephanie Simonich Sankt Martin (Rába-Szent-Márton) Interested in my grandmother Gisela Ellis, married Joseph Spiegl. Emigrated to Indianapolis, Indiana in 1931. Had 3 children- Gisela, Joseph(my father), and Julius Spiegl. She came from large Hungarian family, grew up in Sombathaly area.
Spiegl (Spiegel) Mary (Spiegl) Martin Sankt Martin (Rába-Szent-Márton) SPIEGL(SPIEGEL) - Joseph N Spiegl Sr, Mary V (Spiegl) Martin. Settled in Indianapolis IN 1932.
Spieker Mary Bahe Grosspetersdorf (Nagy-Szent-Mihály) Settled in Browerville, MN.
Spielman Diane Hallam Andau (Moson-Tarcsa)
Spielmann Patrick Kovacs Olbendorf (Óbér)
Spielmann Michael Zicherman Frauenkirchen (Boldogasszony) Emigrated about 1912 to Germany.
Spirk Margaret Kaiser Eltendorf (Ókörtvélyes);
Felsö-Rönök (Oberradling), Hungary
Spitz Abraham Marmorstein Eisenstadt (Kis-Marton)
Spitzer Hilda Beale Deutsch Ehrensdorf (Német-Hásos)
Spitzer Alisa Sharon Eisenstadt (Kis-Marton)
Spitzer Margaret Upton Eisenstadt (Kis-Marton)
Spitzer Yehudah Shapira Rechnitz (Rohonc) I am a direct descendant of David and Johanna Holzer, Carolina Spitzer nee Holzer, and Eugene Spitzer.
Spitzr Michael Aumüller Deutschkreutz (Német-Keresztúr)
Sprinzeles Peter Gieler Nickelsdorf (Miklóshalma)
Spuller Johann Hammer Neustift an der Rosalia (Újtelek)
Staar Kerrianne Biele Güssing (Német-Újvár)
Staar John Holler Gerersdorf (Német-Szent-Grót) Settled in New York City, NY in 1922.
Staar William Albert Staar Güssing (Német-Újvár) Albert Josef Staar emigrated to New York, NY in 1923 at age 14.
Staber Alyson Kenny Deutsch Kaltenbrunn (Német-Hidegkút) Franz Staber, born 1859 to Josef and Maria (Zach) Staver, and wife Theresia Kogelmann, born 1860, with children Ludwig (born May 16, 1884), Alois, Julia and Theresia settled in Allentown, PA, in 1904. Staver was changed to Staber upon arrival to the USA.
Stacherl Matthew Stachel Sankt Martin (Rába-Szent-Márton) Settled in the Pittsburgh, Northside and Spring Hill areas of PA.
Stadler Alisa Sharon Eisenstadt (Kis-Marton)
Staettner (Gstaettner) Susan Knight Deutsch Tschantschendorf (Német-Csencs)
Staindl Mary Kuypers Hegyeshalom (Straß-Sommerein), Hungary Settled in Carlton, Victoria, Australia on April 29, 1914.
Staindl Paul Sandhofer
Staintl (Steindl) Jody Hansen Breitenbrunn (Fertö-Széleskút) Joseph Steindl arrived in Baltimore in 1892. Name changed to Steindel. He lived with brother-in-law Matthaus Hafner in Hammond, IN before moving to Fawn Lake/Philbrook, Todd Co, MN.
Stalanich Viktor & Regina Hladky Trausdorf (Darázsfalu)
Stalanich (Sztalanich) Frederick Hooker Trausdorf (Darázsfalu) Vida Flommer married Anna Stalanich (Sztalanich); son Benedek was born 20/3/1882.
Stampf Elsie Wendlandt Rechnitz (Rohonc);
Markt Neuhodis (Város-Hadász)
Settled in Chicago, IL.
Stampfel Herb Huber Unterschützen (Alsó-Lövö)
Stampfel Betty Presseller Mische Moson-Szolnok (Zanegg), Hungary;
Jánossomorja (Sankt Johann), Hungary;
Moson-Magyaróvár (Wieselburg)
Standor Shirley Unger Calabrese Deutsch Schützen (Német-Lövö) Settled in St. Louis, MO, ~1932.
Standor William J Unger Deutsch Schützen (Német-Lövö) Settled in St. Louis, MO.
Staneck Andreas Tarabec Sopron (Ödenburg), Hungary Josef [son of Martin Reinecker and Rosina Weiler] and Terez (Káspár) Reinecker of Sopron had two children born in Sankt Georgen, 11 in Neckenmarkt, and 3 in Pottenstein, Niederösterreich.
Stangel Alfred Bruno Meixner Sankt Michael (Puszta-Szent-Mihály) Johannes Stangl.
Stangel Kathie O'Mara Eberau (Monyorókerék);
Bildein (Beled)
Settled in McKees Rocks, PA, Long Island and Watervleit, NY, and Maplewood, NJ.
Stangel Delores (Stangel) Remy Jabing (Jobbágyi) Johan Stangel, b.1901, settled in Chicago, IL in 1921.
Stangel Larry R Everhard My grandfather Stephen John Eberhardt was born Dec 14, 1873 in Pornoapati Hungary. He died Feb 1, 1941 in Bethlehem PA. He married Theresa Brunner born Oct 17, 1884 in Ujhegy. They were married at St. Michael in 1906. They immigrated to Northampton PA in 1908. Theresa died in Lower Nazareth Oct 27, 1918. Stephen’s parents are Joseph Eberhardt and Anna Schrammel. Joseph was from Pornoapati and Anna from Unterbildein. Both died in Austria/Hungary. Theresa’s father was Joseph Brunner from Rohrbach an der Teich born about 1859. He immigrated to Northampton Pa in 1904. He died in the USA…we believe in PA.Theresa’s mother was Catherine Lorincz Brunner born April 25 1858. Joseph died before she could join him. She died in 1951 in Neuberg. She lived on the family flax farm.
Stangel (Stangl) Brittni Norma Stangel Kohfidisch (Gyepufüzes);
Badersdorf (Pöszöny)
Johann Stangl and Maria Bischof were the parents of John Stangel. John Stangel (1 Oct 1901 - May 1988) and wife Theresa Marie Obojkovits (13 Oct 1901 - 13 Jun 1996). Together they had 6 children in America. Delores Stangel, John David Stangel Sr, Eleanor Stangel, George V Stangel, Robert F Stangel and Edmund Stangel.
Stangl Henry G Abel III Alsó-Rönök (Unterradling), Hungary Settled in Pennsylvania.
Stangl Lea Simitz Buzby Poppendorf (Patafalva) Settled mostly in Allentown and Pittsburgh areas of PA.
Stangl Amy Ernharth Alsó-Rönök (Unterradling), Hungary Julia Stangl immigrated to McKees Rocks, PA and married Sigmund Hüll (Hill) from Felsö-Rönök, Hungary.
Stangl Kathleen Stangl Ford Hagensdorf (Karácsfa) Settled in Northampton, PA.
Stangl Danielle Gilason Unterbildein (Alsó-Beled) Theresa Stangl married Joseph Prendinger and they immigrated to Bethlehem, PA, in 1903. Her parents, Franciscus and Anna (Gaspar)  Stangl, joined them in 1912.
Stangl Joan McDonough Deutsch Schützen (Német-Lövö) Settled in St. Louis, MO, about 1900.
Stangl Alexander Stangl Unterbildein (Alsó-Beled) Settled in St. Louis, MO, in 1961.
Stangl James Stangl Alsó-Rönök (Unterradling), Hungary Michael Stangl, emigrated to McKees Rocks, PA, in 1912 at age 17/18; married Mary Schmitt there in 1916.
Stangl Martin Stangl Bildein (Beled) Settled in St. Louis, MO, in 1915.
Stangl Michael Stangl Hagensdorf (Karácsfa) Settled in Northampton, PA.
Stangl Robert Otto Stangl Moschendorf (Német-Sároslak) Settled in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.
Stangl Steven Stangl Winten (Pinkatófalu);
Eberau (Monyorókerék)
Stangl Lisa Stangl-Chaves Unterbildein (Alsó-Beled);
Oberbildein (Felsö-Beled)
Christine Luisser and Vitus Stangl settled in Dumont, NJ.
Stangl Dennis Stangle Nemes-Medves (Ginisdorf), Hungary;
Alsó-Rönök (Unterradling), Hungary
Josef Stangl, age 24, emigrated from Ginisdorf in 1906 and settled in the Lehigh Valley, PA, area; brother Andreas emigrated in 1899 from Alsörönök, Hungary; lived in Northampton, PA, in 1906.
Stangl Rosa Stangl-Vrbatovic Moschendorf (Német-Sároslak) Sister in Whitehall, PA.  Hemine Stangl-Jarosch in Moschendorf.
Stangl Scott Marx Szent Gotthárd (Sankt Gotthard), Hungary My great grandfather George Marx (Marks) was born in Szentgotthard in 1866 and came to the US in 1901. Records show that his parents and grandparents were from Alsoszolnok.
Stangl Margaret (Stangl) Deau Alsó-Rönök (Unterradling), Hungary Josef Stangl was born in 1881. He married Rozalia Schaffer from Tevel Hungary in 1913 in Milwaukee WI. His parents were Josef and Julia (Domoter) Stangl. His siblings were Celia (married George Whittingstall), Frank, Rudolph (married Theresa Boall), Julia (married Sigmund Heil (Hill), Michael (married Lucile Nikischer), Theresa (married Rudolph Hill).
Stanko Deborah (Klucsarits) Brown Grossmürbisch (Nagy-Medves);
Güssing (Német-Újvár)
To PA, NJ, NY.
Stanko Frank C Stanko
Grossmürbisch (Nagy-Medves) 1930 to Coplay, PA.
Stanz Robert Milisits Moschendorf (Német-Sároslak) Cornelius Stanz settled in Northampton, PA, 1906.
Star (Storer, Stohrer) Mary (Strobl) Morey Frauenkirchen (Boldogasszony)
Starkmann Jim Hafner Halbturn (Féltorony) Have research on the Hafner family and some of the families they married into. Am glad to share pedigree charts with names, dates, places, etc.
Stauffer Joseph J Jarfas
Kohfidisch (Gyepufüzes);
Mischendorf (Pinkamiske);
Ják (Sankt Georgen), Hungary
Steckner Lisa (Lenhart) Cole
Stefan (Steffan) Denise Schieber Groll Lockenhaus (Léka);
Lökösháza, Hungary
Stefan (Steffan) Mary Kiecker Lockenhaus (Léka);
Deutsch Gerisdorf (Német-Gyirót)
Settled in Winsted, MN. Remarried and used the name Scheiber.
Stefaniak Michael & Cyndie Geosits
Güssing (Német-Újvár) Settled in Northampton and Allentown, PA, early 1900s.
Stefanich (Stefanits) Stephanie Vokits Cohen Schachendorf (Csajta) Settled in Muskegon, MI in early 1900s.
Stefanits (Stefafnich) Brien Vokits Schachendorf (Csajta);
Schandorf (Csém);
Dürnbach (Inczéd)
Settled in Chicago, IL, Passaic, NJ, Muskegon, MI, and McKees Rock, PA.
Stefelj Michael Lehner Schachendorf (Csajta);
Rechnitz (Rohonc);
Dürnbach (Inczéd);
Schandorf (Csém)
Emigrated Winnipeg about 1957.
Stefely Bertie Sargis Schachendorf (Csajta) Emigrated to Muskegon, MI and Chicago, IL.
Stefely Margaret Scott Schachendorf (Csajta) To Illinois.
Stefely Charles Stuparits Schachendorf (Csajta) Mary Stefely settled in Chicago, IL, 1930.
Steger Karin Bruckner Riedlingsdorf (Rödöny) Samuel Steger, born 1892, and family immigrated to USA in 1922 and settled in the Chicago area.
Steger Graham Burt
Steger Barry Keippel Riedlingsdorf (Rödöny)
Steger Delores (Dee) Schuh Schjerven Riedlingsdorf (Rödöny) Settled in the Chicago area.
Steger Dan Steger Kittsee (Köpcsény);
Edelstal (Nemesvölgy)
Settled in St. Louis, MO, in 1906. STEGER, STÖGER, PACHMAYER, PELZMANN, FREY, BREUNERIN, THALLER from Edelstal, Kittsee; MAKRAY, LÉL from Györ.
Stehle Barbara Raabe Halbturn (Féltorony) Anna Maria Stehle Koenig immigrated with her children to St. Paul 1880's.
Stehle Sue Stehle
Halbturn (Féltorony) Immigrated ~1882 to New York City and then Chicago, IL.
Steidl Melissa Earl Gerersdorf (Német-Szent-Grót) Settled in Fingal, ND.
Steier Carlos Eduardo Steier Edlitz (Abdalócz) Johann Steier, born to George Steier in 1901, emigrated to Argentina about 1923. He married Anna Kiss, born to John Kiss and Mary Stubits in Sankt Kathrein. Brother Joseph Steier, born in 1903, married Mary Garger of Rauchwart in 1929 in Deutsch Schützen and they emigrated to Argentina about 1929.
Steiff Connie Schield Königsdorf (Királyfalva) Settled in Allentown, PA in 1912.
Steiger Eric Bauman Poppendorf (Patafalva) Settled in Allentown and Pittsburgh, PA areas.
Steiger Lea Simitz Buzby Poppendorf (Patafalva) Settled mostly in Allentown and Pittsburgh areas of PA.
Steiger Erna Miklos Poppendorf (Patafalva) Settled in Allentown, PA.
Steiger Donna Steiger Sopron (Ödenburg), Hungary To Canada in 1954 via Frankfurt on Main, Germany.
Steindl Claudia Steindl Halbturn (Féltorony) Emigrated to Omaha, NE and St. Paul, MN in latter 1800's to ~1909.
Steindl Josef Bader Breitenbrunn (Fertö-Széleskút)
Steiner Christine Recker Bahto Gaas (Pinka-Kertes) Rose Steiner 1897-1982, emigrated in 1909.
Steiner Sharon A Beischer Tobaj (Tobaj);
Hannersdorf (Sámfalva);
Grosspetersdorf (Nagy-Szent-Mihály)
To Passaic, NJ, New York City, NY and Harrisburg, PA.
Steiner Judy Burkhart Poppendorf (Patafalva) Settled in St. Louis, MO in 1899.
Steiner AnneMarie Corradeno Kulm (Kólom) Settled in Northampton, PA.
Steiner Janice Crawford Tobaj (Tobaj) Settled in New York. JAUTZ, STEINER, from Tobaj. Julius Yautz, born May 1901, immigrated to NY, departing June 1922. On 3 Mar 1923, he married Theresia Steiner, who arrived in New York on 27 Mar 1911.
Steiner Joe Domitrowich Deutsch Ehrensdorf (Német-Hásos);
Strem (Strém);
Steinfurt (Lipóc);
Henndorf (Ercsenye);
Rax, Rax-Bergen (Raks)
Immigrants in Allentown, PA.
Steiner Judith Eggers Podersdorf (Pátfalu) Martin Steiner, b 28Aug1869, married Anna Filo, b 4Oct1868, had daughter Cecelia, b ~1900; they settled in St. Paul, MN, 1905. Father Martin Steiner, b ~1846, widowed, emigrated with daughters Maria & Ernestine in 1899 to St. Paul, MN.
Steiner Ron Ernszt Kukmirn (Kukmér)
Steiner Robert W Fahringer Neustift bei Güssing (Újtelep)
Steiner Martin Friedrich Heiligenkreuz (Rába-Keresztúr);
Sankt Martin (Rába-Szent-Márton);
Jennersdorf (Gyanafalva)
Steiner James Geary Kukmirn (Kukmér) Frank Geary (of Gamischdorf or Ginisdorf) and Rose Steiner settled in Lehigh, PA, in 1911.
Steiner Virginia Giles Kukmirn (Kukmér)
Steiner Larraine Givens Gols (Gálos)
Steiner Michael Kirchmeier Podersdorf (Pátfalu)
Steiner John Alois Klein II Mönchhof (Barátudvar);
Podersdorf (Pátfalu)
Steiner Jim Klein Podersdorf (Pátfalu) Settled in Iowa, Minnesota, Other USA?, Argentina?
Steiner Kevin Klein Podersdorf (Pátfalu) Settled in the USA.
Steiner Wendy Knowles Neustift bei Güssing (Újtelep) Settled in Allentown, PA in 1924.
Steiner Fritz Königshofer Rohrbach (Fraknó-Nádasd);
Marz (Márczfalva);
Loipersbach (Lépesfalva);
Pilgersdorf (Pörgölény)
Steiner Irene Kramer Podersdorf (Pátfalu)
Steiner Frank Kurz Jr
Steiner Gerhard H & Martina Lang Rust (Ruszt)
Steiner Trev Marcks Neustift bei Güssing (Újtelep);
Vasvár (Eisenburg), Hungary
Settled in Allentown, PA around 1906.
Steiner Mark Melzl Güssing (Német-Újvár) To NYC.
Steiner Kathy Middendorf Halbturn (Féltorony) Family members arrived in 1886 and 1889 and settled in St. Paul, MN.
Steiner Mary Montoya Halbturn (Féltorony) Emigrated to Parkston, SD.
Steiner Frank Nikischer Jr Neustift bei Güssing (Újtelep) Settled in Allentown, PA in 1924.
Steiner Frank Nikischer Sr Neustift bei Güssing (Újtelep) Settled in Allentown, PA in 1924.
Steiner Dave Nikischer Neustift bei Güssing (Újtelep) Settled in Allentown, PA in 1924.
Steiner C Pernecker Kittsee (Köpcsény)
Steiner Dana Petersen Halbturn (Féltorony) Mathias and Johanna (Steiner) Schneider settled in Omaha, Douglas Co., NE.
Steiner Thomas Schranz Kobersdorf (Kabold)
Steiner Christine Steiner Neustift bei Güssing (Újtelep) Anto Steiner emigrated to Allentown, PA around 1900 and later settled in St. Louis, MO.
Steiner Jeff Steiner Gols (Gálos) Andreas & Johann Steiner.
Steiner Joli Steiner Podersdorf (Pátfalu) Settled in Minnesota. Johannes (John) Steiner and Victoria immigrated to Minnesota via New York aboard the ship Gellert. Ship manifests as George Heiner and Victoria, with children - Marie, Michael, Ludwig.
Steiner Kellie Steiner Tobaj (Tobaj);
Heiligenbrunn (Szent-Kút);
Kirchfidisch (Egyházasfüzes)
Researching the following surnames- Polzer(Polczer), Steiner, Tapler, Schaffer, Kedl, Binder
Steiner Theodor Steiner Podersdorf (Pátfalu) Settled in St. Paul, MN.
Steiner Richard & Deborah Toth Kirchfidisch (Egyházasfüzes) To Allentown, Coplay, PA.
Steiner Josh Wagner Halbturn (Féltorony) Settled in Eden, SD, 1880s.
Steiner Courtney Joy Whitcraft Podersdorf (Pátfalu) Rudolf (b.1887) and Emelia (Steiner, b.1885) Tischer settled in St. Paul MN.
Steiner Stephanie Thomas Rauchwart (Rábort) Mathias Joseph Steiner (b:12.16.1882 d:12.16.1933). St Paul, Ramsey, Minnesota, USA. Mathias is my Great- Grandfather. His father, Mathias, was 41 and his mother, Susanna, was 40. He married Elizabeth Steiner on July 12, 1911 in New Canada, Minnesota. They had three children during their marriage. He died in St Paul, Minnesota, at the age of 51.
Steiner Lelan Steiner Gols (Gálos) My grandfather was John (Johann) Steiner, born in Gols Austria on 30 May 1881. His parents were Andraes Steiner and Susanna Gleichtheil at house #295. Siblings were: Andraes, Susanna, Maria, and Elizabeth.
Steiner Connie Theisen Gols (Gálos) I know these family members immigrated to Kansas from Gols. Looking for any information on possible cemeteries. Particularity the Steiners.
Steiner Gloria Praedin Deutsch Tschantschendorf (Német-Csencs) Mary Steiner born 27 Aug 1898 to Janos Steiner 47 and Maria Dogmanics 36 (House #39) and immigrated to the US ab.1911. Her brother John and sister Theresa were already in the US.
Steinhardt Matias Bauer Antau (Selegszántó);
Eisenstadt (Kis-Marton)
The family lived in Vienna in the first part of the 20th century; later escaped to Argentina and the United States.
Steinhof Andrea Reiter Mattersburg (Nagy-Marton)
Steinhofer Judy Eggert Pamhagen (Pomogy) Settled in South Bend, IN.
Steinhofer Kelly Fadness Pamhagen (Pomogy) Settled in South Bend, IN and New Munich, MN.
Steinhofer Marcey Fletcher
Pamhagen (Pomogy) Marcy Fletcher (nee Bröth) died in 2009. Her mother and grandfather were from Pamhagen. Frank Broth settled in St. Paul, MN. John Broth settled in Parkston, SD.
Steinhofer Mary Haas Apetlon (Mosonbánfalva) Settled in Nebraska, South Bend, IN.
Steinhofer Jean-Pierre Steinhofer Sopron (Ödenburg), Hungary Franz Steinhofer was born in Sopron in 1825. Son Franz was born there in 1862. Probably in the 1880s, the son went to Serbia then Croatia. In 1910, he went to Egypt. His offspring went to France (Marseille), Great Britain, Spain and probably Australia.
Steinhover Paul M Lehner Tadten (Mosontétény) Settled in South Bend, IN and St. Paul, MN.
Steirer Jarad Steirer Badersdorf (Pöszöny) Joseph Steirer and Mary Stimpfl from Punitz settled in Northampton, PA and married there on Feb 11, 1909.
Stelzer Pamela Gaffner Drumling (Drumoly) Settled in Chicago IL. Grandfather Franz (Frank) Stelzer was born on June 23,1894 in St. Martin, Austria. Grandmother Anna Hofbauer was born on July 12, 1897 in Drumling, Austria. They were married on January 30, 1923 in St. Martin Austria. They emigrated to the United States and arrived October 1, 1923. Frank died 1956 in Chicago IL and Anna died on January 12,1992 in Chicago, IL. I would like to learn as much as I can about their lives in Austria before they came to the US.
Stelzer Kristin Kutella Sankt Martin (Öri-Szent-Márton) Frank Stelzer and wife Anna Hofbauer settled in Chicago, IL.
Stelzer Stephen M Stelzer Sankt Martin (Öri-Szent-Márton) Settled in Chicago, IL.
Stelzer Pamela Such Stelzer Wolfau (Farkasfalva) My ancestors emigrated to Buenos Aires in 1923 and 1927 from Wolfau, Burgeland, Austria. My mother was born there. My great-grandmother die a few years after arrival, 1932, and my grandfather stay in Argentina. Interesting in contact family members from Wolfau from Jozef and Johan Leitner and Maria Stelzer, my grandfather was Aleksander (Sandor) Stelzer. I know a brother and sisters from great grandfather Leitner and some family member from Stelzer emigrated to Chicago and Illinois also to Canada as well.
Stern Margaret Kaiser Felsö-Rönök (Oberradling), Hungary
Stern Martin Perl Bildein (Beled)
Stern Alisa Sharon Eisenstadt (Kis-Marton)
Stern Michael Zicherman Frauenkirchen (Boldogasszony)
Sterz Laszlo & Monika Apathy III
Sopron (Ödenburg), Hungary Eva Horvath b. 7 May 1922, Sopron, d. 30 Dec 1967.
Stettner Barb Groh Settled in Nazareth and Northampton, PA.
Stettner Dianne Hedervare Bocksdorf (Baksafalva) Settled in North Dakota.
Stettner Norman Stetner Bocksdorf (Baksafalva);
Heugraben (Szénásgödör);
Sopron (Ödenburg), Hungary;
Köszeg (Güns), Hungary
Stettner Franz Stettner Rohr (Nád) Franz Stettner, b 5 Feb 1921, married Anna Pfaffelmayer, b 1 Apr 1923 & d 26 Jan 1943. Franz moved to Wien after WW-II. His son settled in Montreal, Canada in 1960.
Stettner John T Stettner Stegersbach (Szentelek);
Bocksdorf (Baksafalva)
Settled in Butler, PA.
Steurer Mary Margaret Crulcich Grosspetersdorf (Nagy-Szent-Mihály) Settled in St. Louis, MO.
Steurer Geri Hartmann Grosspetersdorf (Nagy-Szent-Mihály) Settled in St. Louis, MO.
Steurer Patrick Kovacs Grosspetersdorf (Nagy-Szent-Mihály)
Steurer Lynda Pratscher Badersdorf (Pöszöny) Rose Steurer, 1892-1967, emigrated to Chicago, IL, approx 1910 and married Josef Pratscher, 1890-1951.
Steurer Harold E A Steurer Badersdorf (Pöszöny);
Kirchfidisch (Egyházasfüzes);
Güssing (Német-Újvár);
Hannersdorf (Sámfalva);
Jormannsdorf (Gyimótfalva);
Grosspetersdorf (Nagy-Szent-Mihály);
Mariasdorf (Máriafalva);
Pinkafeld (Pinkafo)
I have an Ahnenpass dating back to 1700 something from the "Schönberg" family and would like to share this information.
Steurer Stephen Steurer Miedlingsdorf (Mérem) Stefan Steurer immigrated to  Chicago, IL, in 1923.
Steyrer (Steurer, Steirer) Pat Jahn Felsö-Csatár (Oberschilding), Hungary;
Hannersdorf (Sámfalva)
Stibkovits Michael Aumüller Kópháza (Kohlnhof), Hungary
Stiegelmar Larraine Givens Gols (Gálos)
Stiegelmar (Stiegelmiere) Judy Funk Utley Gols (Gálos)
Stieglmahr Alice Holt Gols (Gálos) Johann and Elisabeth (Portschy) Demmer came to America in 1874 with sons Paul, 19, Lorenz, 37, Susanne Stieglmahr, wife of Lorenz, and children of Lorenz, Johann, 6, and Theresia, 3. Lived in McCook, NE and then Herndon, KS. Son Matthias was in Kansas in 1880 and later in Jackson, Co., OR.
Stieglmahr Gary L Portsche
Gols (Gálos)
Stifter Paula Bolland Piringsdorf (Répce-Bónya) Catholic
Stifter Michelle Coxhead Lockenhaus (Léka)
Stifter Gerhard Lang Strebersdorf (Répce-Micske) Settled in Chicago, IL, 1910.
Stifter Vicki Lantto Glashütten (Hosszúszeghuta);
Lockenhaus (Léka)
Joseph Stifter settled in Watkins, MN in 1912; wife Maria and 3 children joined him in 1913.
Stifter Sybilla Monaghan Glashütten (Hosszúszeghuta) Theresa Karoline Stifter came to England in 1948 to marry George Stone. Her parents were George and Theresia Stifter.
Stifter Alexander Nevlacsil Pinkafeld (Pinkafo);
Salmannsdorf (Szalsmannsdorf)
Settled in Pinkafeld ~1780.
Stifter Robert E Ohr Lutzmannsburg (Locsmánd);
Strebersdorf (Répce-Micske)
Stifter Norm Pihale
Frauenkirchen (Boldogasszony) Settled in St. Paul, MN.
Stifter Joseph Schermann Deutsch Gerisdorf (Német-Gyirót) Settled in Winsted, MN in the 1860s.
Stifter Alex Schuster Deutsch Gerisdorf (Német-Gyirót)
Stifter Gerard Stifter Deutsch Gerisdorf (Német-Gyirót);
Salmannsdorf (Szalsmannsdorf)
Settled in MN in 1860 to 1900.
Stifter Roman Paul Weber Steinbach (Köpatak);
Kirchschlag, Niederösterreich;
Pilgersdorf (Pörgölény);
Bubendorf (Lantosfalva);
Deutsch Gerisdorf (Német-Gyirót);
Stifter Tom Weichmann Glashütten (Hosszúszeghuta) Settled in Buffalo, NY.
Stifter Alicia Wilson-Croteau Bubendorf (Lantosfalva);
Pilgersdorf (Pörgölény)
Settled in Winsted and Crow Wing County, MN.
Stifter Michael Stifter Deutsch Gerisdorf (Német-Gyirót);
Salmannsdorf (Szalsmannsdorf)
Stimpfl Ann Leitgeb Green Tobaj (Tobaj) Rosalia Stimpfl married Paul Leitgeb.
Stimpfl Rachael M Lane Güssing (Német-Újvár) Settled in and around New York, NY.
Stimpfl Hannelore Stimpfl Ollersdorf (Barátfalva)
Stimpfl (Stimpfel) Jarad Steirer Punitz (Pónicz) Joseph Steirer from Badersdorf and Mary Stimpfl settled in Northampton, PA and married there on Feb 11, 1909.
Stinakovits Andrea Szondy Illmitz (Alsó-Illmicz) Settled in St. Paul, MN. SZONDI/SZONDY, Apetlon; UHL, Rust.
Stinauer John Stinauer Breitenbrunn (Fertö-Széleskút) Franz Stinauer, b. 1899, to Chicago, IL about 1920.
Stipl Elizabeth Gelbmann Tibbetts Andau (Moson-Tarcsa) Settled in St. Paul, MN.
Stipsics Darlene Naparstek Stinatz (Stinácz) John Stocsics (Stoisits, Stosits), son of Mathias Stocsics and Catharina Stipsics, came to the US in 1907 with his wife Agnes Grandits, daughter of Jacob Grandits and Appolina Kirisits, and his brother Gabriel, who changed his names to Gabriel Stock about 1920.
Stipsits Marcia Conrades Stinatz (Stinácz) Barbara Eva Stipsits, b.1898 to Joannes Stipsits (b.1856 to Joannes Stipsits & Maria Kirisits) & Maria Kirisits (b.1866 to Mihal/Miklos Kirisits & Barbara Fabsits), emigrated with cousin Franz Resitarits in 1912-13 to St. Louis, MO, where she married Janos (John) Treppler from Köszeg, Hungary.
Stipsits Markus Dobrovits Stinatz (Stinácz)
Stipsits Andrew Kirisits Stinatz (Stinácz)
Stix Sara Neskovic Oberloisdorf (Felsölászló)
Stix Andrew Belschner Oberloisdorf (Felsölászló)
Stober Keiron Rado Rechnitz (Rohonc);
Markt Neuhodis (Város-Hadász)
Stocsics (Stoisits, Sztocsics, Stoisits, Stosits) Darlene Naparstek Stinatz (Stinácz) John Stocsics (Stoisits, Stosits), son of Mathias Stocsics and Catharina Stipsics, came to the US in 1907 with his wife Agnes Grandits, daughter of Jacob Grandits and Appolina Kirisits, and his brother Gabriel, who changed his names to Gabriel Stock about 1920.
Stocsits Judith Grandits Stinatz (Stinácz) Emigrated to Buffalo, NY, ~1910. Frank Grandits, 93, remembers families  Grandits, Sifkovits, Resitarits, Horvtits, Stocits, Kirisits, & Kulovits in Buffalo who came from Stinatz. Any info on village & its people appreciated. Would like more info on "provatscue?"
Stocsits (Sztocsits) Maureen Maraschiello Maternal grandfather was Joseph Kulovits. Married to Monica STOCISTS Kulovits. They had 2 children: Joseph and a daughter? Joseph was married to Theresa Blaskovits. Maternal grandmother was Theresa Blaskovits Kulovits. Her father was Joseph and her mother was Theresa Resitarits Kulovits. There were several siblings in this family. I would love to know about my family’s heritage going further back and also would like to know more about their siblings.
Stoffer Mark Bischof Rohr (Nád);
Bocksdorf (Baksafalva)
Settled in Allentown, Bethlehem, Easton, and Chester in PA.
Stöger Pat Long Edelstal (Nemesvölgy) Settled: St. Louis, MO turn of the century.
Stoisits William Marakovits Reinersdorf (Zsámánd) To the U.S. in 1930.
Stoisits Amanda Rose Schin Güssing (Német-Újvár)
Stoisits-Hammel Patricia (Stoisits) Stimpfl Güssing (Német-Újvár)
Stolcz (Stolz) Tibor Föthmann
Stolsits Frank Marakovits Szent Péterfa (Prostrum), Hungary Settled in Northampton, PA.
Stossel Mark Silverman Lockenhaus (Léka) Grandmother Johanna (Janka) STOSSEL (STÖSSEL), Lockenhaus, settled in England, Israel / Palestine, Canada and US in 1930s. Also interested in data about family of Ludwig STÖSSEL, actor from Lockenhaus, as he and my grandmother appear to be related.
Stotz Jennifer Murphy Eisenstadt (Kis-Marton) Emerich (Imre) Stotz, born 1872, came to the US in 1907 and settled in Solon Mills, IL. His sister Leopoldina was born ~1868 and later moved to Mistelbach, Austria.
Stotz Béla Turcsányi Zurndorf (Zurány);
Pusztavám (Ondód), Hungary;
Lajoskomárom, Hungary
Stramer Carol Lauren-Schmidt Wallern (Valla)
Stramer Dean Joseph Wagner Wallern (Valla)
Stramer (Strammer) Gerhard H & Martina Lang Mörbisch am See (Ferto-Meggyes);
Agfalva (Agendorf), Hungary
Strantz Kim Gagne Pamhagen (Pomogy) George & Julianna (Strantz) Tschida, with infant son Stephan, settled in South Bend, IN, in 1887.
Strantz Jerome Strantz Pamhagen (Pomogy) Stephan Strantz. Catherine Berge who became Stephan's mother in law.
Stranzl John Bodisch Glasing (Kolozsvár);
Urbersdorf (Orbánfalu)
Alois Bodisch married Hermine Stranzl and settled in NYC in the 1930s. Alois' mother was a Stranzl from Urbersdorf; Hermine's mother was a Deutsch from Glasing.
Stranzl Frank Michael Hadl Jr Urbersdorf (Orbánfalu)
Stranzl William A Hadl Urbersdorf (Orbánfalu) Settled in Nazareth, PA, ~1922.
Stranzl Marianne Klepeis Mangan Güssing (Német-Újvár) Settled in NY.
Stranzl Christine Marie Reynolds Gerersdorf (Német-Szent-Grót) Settled in Coplay and Allentown, PA.
Stranzl Bob Schatz Urbersdorf (Orbánfalu) Some settled in Allentown, PA.
Stranzl Mary Schatz
Stranzl John Edward Stranzl Jr Heiligenbrunn (Szent-Kút) Johann Stranzl (son of Stephen/Istvan Stranzl, b.1858, and Maria Tretter; grandfather possibly Nicolas Stranzl) was born and lived at Heiligenbrunn 21 and married Rosina Hedl (daughter of Johann Hedl and Theresia Keller) from Strem. To the US, 1920s.
Stranzl Frank Wm Stranzl Urbersdorf (Orbánfalu) Alois Stranzl married Mary Stubits; raised 7 boys & 4 girls in Northampton, PA.
Stranzl Thomas Stranzl Güssing (Német-Újvár);
Kukmirn (Kukmér)
Stranzl Donna Marie Seyfried Urbersdorf (Orbánfalu);
Urbersdorf (Orbánfalu)
My mother Marie Seyfried nee Bock was a the daughter of Mary/Marie Stranzl (b US but raised in Glasing) and Michel S Bock (Hoell). My maternal great grandfather Josef Louis Stranzl (1885-1967) in Ehrensdorf, son of Louis Alois? Stranzl and Josephine Monshein. He emigrated at age 17 in 1903 to Northampton PA. He had a brother Alois Stranzl who may or may not have emigrated to the US, and a sister Rosina Titz (Tietz) nee Stranzl who emigrated to the US in 1923. Later Josef Stranzl married Rosina Schmidt and they lived in Coplay PA. They returned to Ehrensdorf in 1910 to leave their 2 yr old first born/daughter Marie (Mary) Stranzl ( 1908- 1971)to be raised by her grandparents Alois Stranzl (b abt 1860?)until she was 14, and was called to return to the US to work (1922). My paternal grandfather Michael S Bock (1903-1987), son of Michel Bock (born 1875?) and Julianna Gillinger (born abbt 1880), and he had 2 sisters and a brother. Michael emigrated to Coplay in 1923, the only one of his family to do so. He married Marie Stranzl (Mary Bock) and remained in the Coplay/Hokendauqua PA area. His siblings who remained in Austria/Hungary were Angeloi ( who I believe with her family was left behind the Iron Curtain post WWII), George (remained in Hoell) and Maria Pouil or Paul nee Bock(2011) of near Mischendorf. Maria (b 1916?)was the youngest and had one daughter Margarethe Kreitner nee Paul,(1938-2018). I am searching for earlier records of births, deaths, marraiges, or other to locate the ancestors of Michael Bock still remaining in the Burgenland or nearby regions. My grandfather returned only once in 1972 and was able to visit his brother and sisters, even Angeloi with permission to enter the Iron Curtain, although I recall him saying she no longer spoke German. I have photos from his trip. I took my family in June 2018 to visit the Burgenland and meet my only know relative, Margarethe Kreitner in Mischendorf- she was 82 years old. Her husband and only son Dietmar Kreitner had died in Dec. 2016 and 2017 respectively and she had only her husband's sister Edeltraut as a living relative. With an interpreter we were able to have a lovely afternoon. Sadly her father xxx Paul had died age 29 in Russia during WWII leaving her mother a young widow, unprotected during the Russian occupation post the war. These memories were too difficult for her, so we did not talk more. She did take us to her cemetery close by where her parents (Mary and xxx Paul), her husband and son were buried but I do not recall the name. I am hoping that you may be able to guide me in my genealogy search for records on both th Stranz and Bock families who remained in the Burgenland.
Strauch Robert Strauch Inzenhof (Borosgödör);
Felsö-Rönök (Oberradling), Hungary
Settled in Allentown & Nazareth between 1906-1921.
Strauch Reinhard Strobl Kleinmürbisch (Felsö-Medves);
Grossmürbisch (Nagy-Medves)
Settled in Pennsylvania (Lehigh Valley: Allentown, Coplay, Stiles, Nazareth, Egypt, Coraopolis), some in New York (Troy, Hoboken).
Streier Terry Gardner Settled in Eden, SD.
Streller Sunny Koller Gattendorf (Lajtakáta, Gáta) Settled in Vienna.
Strenn Rob Strenn Breitenbrunn (Fertö-Széleskút) My great great grandfather Anton Strenn was born in 1847 in Breitenbrunn, and emigrated to the USA (Wisconsin) in 1856 with his mother Martha (Wappl) Strenn. Anton's father was Karl Strenn, born in Deutschkreuz in 1819. Karl and Martha were married in 1843.
Streusler Suzanne Richmond Sopron (Ödenburg), Hungary Settled in London.
Strini Joe Herbst Deutsch Schützen (Német-Lövö)
Strini Cris Roemer Weichselbaum (Badafalva)
Strini Angela Schimenek Krobotek (Horvátfalu) Josef Schimenek, 1896-1956, to Allentown, PA, in 1926. Wife Hedwig Strini, 1894-1992, daughter of Andrew and Maria Strini, emigrated in 1929 with children Heinrich, Margarethe and Josef. Sons Otto, Helmuth August and Rudy were born there.
Strinni Paul Horn Deutsch Schützen (Német-Lövö) Settled in St. Louis, MO about 1910.
Strobel Cyndy Moen Glasing (Kolozsvár) Franz, wife Barbara, and sons Julius and Frank Strobel emigrated in 1887 and settled in St. Louis, MO. Franz was the son of Josef Strobel, resident of Glasing in 1858; his mother's maiden name resembled "Hlaska".
Strobl Martin Friedrich Burgau (Burgó), Styria;
Neudau, Styria
Strobl Eric Gironda Ollersdorf (Barátfalva)
Strobl Alyson Kenny Kukmirn (Kukmér);
Deutsch Kaltenbrunn (Német-Hidegkút)
Karl Strobl born 1885 to Johann Strobl (born Mar 16, 1849 in Kukmirn to Michael Strobl and Elisabeth Pellez, died 1910 in Deutsch Kaltenbrunn) and Maria Lackner (born Oct 6, 1851 in Kukmirn to Johann Lackner/Lakner and Barbara Ernst, died 1927 in Deutsch Kaltenbrunn) and siblings Franz (Married Anna Himmler), Julia (1893, married Emerich Königshofer), and Anna (1883) to US.
Strobl Marjorie E Krell Ollersdorf (Barátfalva) Came to NY and PA, early 1900s.
Strobl Mary Victoria Strobl Mackey Mannersdorf (Kéthely) Julius Strobl, born 1888 to Julius and Louisa (Tiefenthaler) Strobl; immigrated May 1907 to Baltimore, MD, with destination St. Paul, MN. Settled in South Bend, IN. Living in Penn Twp, St. Joseph Co, Indiana in 1920. He married Mary Trimmel at Notre Dame in 1913.
Strobl Mary (Strobl) Morey Neckenmarkt (Sopron-Nyék) Settled in South Bend, IN.
Strobl Peg Panka Strem (Strém) Settled in Pittsburgh, PA, ~1902-3.
Strobl Walanne Padus Steele Kukmirn (Kukmér);
Deutsch Kaltenbrunn (Német-Hidegkút)
Julia Strobl (b 16 May 1891 in Kukmirn, d Sept 10 Sep 1961) emigrated to Allentown, PA, and married Frank Kobalter; later married Emerich Königshofer (b 29 Mar 1892 in Gamischdorf, d 18 Dec 1972). They are buried in Greenwood cemetery. Julia and Emerich had 2 children, Gabriella (married Walter Padus) and Otto (married Eleanore Holler). Two Strobl siblings also immigrated to Allentown: Johann and Karl/Charles. Parents of Julia, Johann and Karl/Charles Strobl were Johann Strobl (born 16 Mar 1849 to Michael Strobl and Elizabeth Gellez) and Maria Lackner (born 6 Oct 6 1851 to Johann Lackner/Lakner and Barbara Ernst) in Kukmirn. Strobl siblings Frank, Josef, Theresa (Jany), Anna (Hafner) and Rudolf remained in Austria. Two sons of Josef Strobl, Josef and Frank, also emigrated to Allentown.
Strobl Edith Maria Strobl Ollersdorf (Barátfalva) Franz, Maria, Anna and Johann Strobl settled in New Rochelle, NY.
Strobl Gary T Strobl Deutsch Kaltenbrunn (Német-Hidegkút) Settled in Allentown, PA. Frank (Franz) Strobl, Grandfather, 1903-1974. Anna (Himler) Strobl, Grandmother, 1902-1982, Married in Allentown, PA 20 Nov. 1923, Gustav Hadl (Orig. Hodl), Grandfather, 1902-1995, Julia (Tapler) Hadl, Grandmother, 1906-1991. Cecelia (Wiesner) Tapler, Great Grandmother, 1884-1992, daughter of the late Joseph and Cecelia (Doppler) Wiesner from Eltendorf.
Strobl Hope E Strobl Deutsch Kaltenbrunn (Német-Hidegkút) Settled in Allentown, PA. Frank (Franz) Strobl, Grandfather, 1903-1974. Anna (Himler) Strobl, Grandmother, 1902-1982, Married in Allentown, PA 20 Nov. 1923, Gustav Hadl (Orig. Hodl), Grandfather, 1902-1995, Julia (Tapler) Hadl, Grandmother, 1906-1991. Cecelia (Wiesner) Tapler, Great Grandmother, 1884-1992, daughter of the late Joseph and Cecelia (Doppler) Wiesner from Eltendorf.
Strobl Joyce Stroble-Stuper Ollersdorf (Barátfalva) To Pennsylvania (married there in 1904 to Luiszer).
Strobl Wayne A Thornton Stegersbach (Szentelek);
Szent Péterfa (Prostrum), Hungary
Frank Strobl married Vilma Czuppon.
Strobl Tamas Vertesi Rechnitz (Rohonc)
Strobl Kay Kurtz Vogel Settled in Allentown, PA.
Strobl Mark Mainridge Ollersdorf (Barátfalva) Markus STROBL (1883-1961) married Maria BISCHOF (1883-1950) likely in Szentelek, Vas, Hungary in about 1902 or 1903. Both were born in Ollersdorf in Burgenland (Baratfalva, Vas, Hungary) and emigrated to St. Louis, MO. Markus STROBL parents are Josef Karoly STROBL (1844-1893) and Maria STROBL (1848-?). Maria BISCHOF parents are Janos BISCHOF (1845-?) and Erscia BISCHOF (1856-?). My connection to Markus and Maria are my mother Shirley STROBL (1931-2009) and grandfather Henry STROBL (1907-1975). Other surnames in my tree that I have researched are FAHSL, POPOFTSITS, and PIESCHL.
Strobl Jan Puente Rudersdorf (Radafalva) Johan Strobl Born 1863, 97 Rudersdorf and his wife Anna Wailand Strobl Born 1869 of 115 Rudersdorf. Their son was Johann Strobl born 11-15-1888 Rudersdorf 115, and his wife Anna Wirth Strobl Dobersdorf Nr 66
Strodl Ralph Nielsen Forchtenau (Fraknó) Settled in Denmark.
Stroehler Gene Streller Moson-Magyaróvár (Wieselburg) Settled in Decatur Co, KS.
Strohman Catherine Kaiser Frauenkirchen (Boldogasszony) Settled in Marshfield, 1906.
Strohrigl Karen Roth Harka (Harkau), Hungary Settled in Pennsylvania and Chicago, IL.
Strohrigl (Strorigl) Joyce Vogrin Harka (Harkau), Hungary Settled in Chicago, IL.
Stroissnig Reinhard Strobl Kleinmürbisch (Felsö-Medves);
Grossmürbisch (Nagy-Medves)
Settled in Pennsylvania (Lehigh Valley: Allentown, Coplay, Stiles, Nazareth, Egypt, Coraopolis), some in New York (Troy, Hoboken).
Stromer Péter Zoltán Janzsó-Berend Drassburg (Darúfalva) Franciscus Gerbovits third marriage was with Catharina Kéri (Kyri) in 1771 in Und (Sopron, Hungary), his second marriage in Frankenau in 1765; first marriage in Und in 1753 (mentions he is from Czeszkut, which might be Sulz (Šeškut). Their son, Mátyás Gerbovits (b.1776) was married in 1797 in Frankenau (Frankó) to Julianna Stromer, daughter of Andreas Stromer and Maria Mersics (Mertics, Mesits), who married in 1776. Julianna Stromer was baptized 1779 (not clear where) and her father Andreas Stromer was born in Draßburg (Darufalva). Mihály Gerbovits born 1824 in Frankenau to Mátyás and Julianna, married in Szakony (Sopron, Hungary) in 1848. Mihály’s granddaughter, Ilona Gerbosits, born in Szakony, married my 2nd-great-grandfather in Kőszeg (Vas, Hungary). Other surnames found within my ancestors were Tosnerm Valentich and Kollarich.
Strommer Viktor & Regina Hladky Oslip (Oszlop)
Strommer Gerhard H & Martina Lang Mörbisch am See (Ferto-Meggyes);
Agfalva (Agendorf), Hungary
Strommer Barbara Raabe Wallern (Valla)
Strommer James Rehberger Apetlon (Mosonbánfalva) Settled St. Paul, MN, 1910.
Strommer Herman M Schuber Jr Balf (Wolfs), Hungary;
Hirm (Félszerfalva)
Settled in Chicago.
Strommer Pam Whitney-Dziuk Wallern (Valla) Settled in Minnesota.
Strümpfl Bob Schatz Urbersdorf (Orbánfalu) Some settled in Allentown, PA.
Strynckek Matthew Tonay Joseph (Josef) Tonay and wife Helen (Ilona) Strynckek / Sztrahinscak / Strynschak / Stremstrack / Strahmycsak settled in Allentown, PA.
Stubenville Victoria Davis Oberschützen (Felsö-Lövo)
Stubenvoll Bill Issel Mariasdorf (Máriafalva) Settled in Chicago, IL, about 1902.
Stubits Kimberley Barry Harmisch (Hovárdos) Stefan, Mary and Paul Stubits, children of Mathias and Franciska (Spitzer) Stubits, emigrated to Northampton, PA in 1900.
Stubits Gregory P Dimovitz Sulz (Sóskútfalu) Settled in Allentown, PA.
Stubits William F Dimovitz Sulz (Sóskútfalu) Settled in Allentown.
Stubits Barrie Geosits Kohfidisch (Gyepufüzes);
Mischendorf (Pinkamiske)
Stubits Mary Keglovits Mathieu Settled in Northampton, PA.
Stubits Sylvia McBrinn Harmisch (Hovárdos) Settled in Northampton, PA.
Stubits Gloria McSweeney Markt Neuhodis (Város-Hadász) Settled in New York.
Stubits Janice (Polaha) Myers Sankt Kathrein (Pósa Szent-Katalin) CSENCSITS, Kroatisch Ehrensdorf. John Mathias Stubits and wife Johanna Csencsits settled in Northampton, PA. Johanna died at age 33.
Stubits Heidi (Graf) Novak Mischendorf (Pinkamiske) Settled in Chicago, IL, in 1907.
Stubits Bernhard Purk Harmisch (Hovárdos) Settled in Northampton, PA; early 1900s.
Stubits Maria Thekla Purk Harmisch (Hovárdos) Stefan Stubits, born 09/12/1898, to Northampton, PA.
Stubits Frank Wm Stranzl Eisenberg ad Pinka (Csejke) Mary Stubits married Alois Stranzl; raised 7 boys & 4 girls in Northampton, PA.
Stubits Bill Stubits
Harmisch (Hovárdos) To Northampton, PA; early 1900s.
Stubits Zachary Stubits Harmisch (Hovárdos) Settled in Lehigh Valley, PA.
Stubits Brad Stubitsch Mischendorf (Pinkamiske) Settled in USA.
Stubits Cindy (Rauer) Smith Harmisch (Hovárdos) Grandmother was Maria Jelosits, daughter of Michaealus Jelosits and Katharina Rauer. She was born in Sankt Kathrein in 1892, as was her mother in 1868. Her father was born in Edlitz. Appears the family moved to Altenmarkt bei Furstenfeld where my grandmother met her husband, Franz Hutterer. They left from this location to emigrate to the US in 1913, and established a home in Northampton, PA. She died in Northampton on 15July1971. I have traced my Jelosits familty back to Georgius Jelosits(1803-?) born in Edliz, and also Anna Milkovits (1811-1842) form Edlitz. Harmish was home village to my 2nd great grandmother, Elizabeth Handler(1836-1889), and her father Joseph (1807-1854) who married Anna Milkovits above. Also from Harmish, Caherine Stubits (1809-1868 and her mother, Katharina Stubits (?-?) I am at a brick wall finding out about the Rauer family and Andreas Rauer and Anna Vich (Maria Palffi) parents of Katharina Rauer.
Stubits Elizabeth Shlom Güssing (Német-Újvár) My mother, Mathilde Weinhofer Stubits, was born in Allentown, PA while her parents were in the U.S. for a few years in the 1920’s. They went back to Austria when she was about 2 years old and she was raised on their farm in Burgenland. After WWII ended she traveled to the U.S. and met our dad, Lewis Stubits, whose family was also from Burgenland. Dad died in 2017 and Mom died 10/3/2024 at age 99.
Stubits (Sztubits, Sztubics, Stubich) Werner Stubits Harmisch (Hovárdos) Settled in Pennsylvania, late 1800s, early 1900s.
Stubitz Kelli J Knopf Höll (Pokolfalu) Paul Stubitz.
Stuchly Vanesa Cohen Pinkafeld (Pinkafo) Researching our paternal great-grandparents. Mathias Altman(n) we believe he was born 6/21/1885 and came to the US in 1906. One of the documents we located had listed Burgenland as his birthplace. He married Johanna Stuchley (various spellings given) who we believe was also from there. We remember stories mentioning Pinkafeld. They lived in Cook County, IL and one of their daughters was my grandmother who lived in Oak Lawn, Illinois.
Stukitz Theresa Spencer Frank Stukitz
Stummer Martin Friedrich Heiligenkreuz (Rába-Keresztúr);
Sankt Martin (Rába-Szent-Márton);
Jennersdorf (Gyanafalva)
Stumpf Viktor & Regina Hladky Zillingtal (Völgyfalu)
Stumpf Don Strauwald Burg (Pinka-Óvár);
Hannersdorf (Sámfalva);
Eisenberg ad Pinka (Csejke)
Settled in Chicago about 1900.
Stumpf Ann (Stumpf) Vitovitch Eisenberg ad Pinka (Csejke) Settled in Coplay, PA.
Stumpfel Beverly Quance Baugham Kemeten (Vas-Komját) Stumpfel / Muehl to Pittsburgh, PA in 1902.
Stumpfel Arthur Kunz
Markt Allhau (Alhó) Joe Stumpfel related to Elmer Seybold.
Stumpfel Sheri Michaels Kemeten (Vas-Komját)
Stumphouser Vicky Weninger Rátót, Veszprem, Hungary Settled in Bethlehem, PA.
Stuparitis Karen Alonzo
Stuparits Charles Stuparits Weiden bei Rechnitz (Bándol) Carl Stuparits settled in Chicago, IL, 1927.
Stuparitz (Stuparits) Lauren Stuparitz Dürnbach (Inczéd) Settled in Pittsburgh, PA.
Sucher Heinz Bryner Neumarkt (Farkasdifalva) Maternal grandparents: Michael Sucher und Theresa König. Also interested in HENDLER, KAHR, KRÖPFL from Oberdrosen (Rába-Ör [Felsö-Strázsa]).
Sucher Kimberly Hallemann Crank Doiber (Döbör) Settled in St. Louis, MO.
Sucher Audrey Leiner DeBlasio
Rax, Rax-Bergen (Raks);
Jennersdorf (Gyanafalva)
Sucher Frank Michael Hallemann Doiber (Döbör) Settled in St. Louis, MO.
Sucher Russell Jacobsmeyer Bonisdorf (Bónisfalva) Rudolph Sucher, b 22 Mar 1895 in Bonisdorf, married Mary Seper, b 11 Apr 1904 in Unterwart, in the US.
Sucher Richard Potetz Oberdrosen (Rába-Or) Settled in New Britain, CT, 1935.
Sucher Andrew Rittner Neumarkt (Farkasdifalva) Karl (Karoly) Kajtar married Aloisia Sucher (mother's maiden name Theresa Zotter). Had a daughter Maria in 1897. All settled in New Britain, CT, in 1904 or later.
Süld Tibor Föthmann
Sulics Diana S
Felsö-Szölnök (Oberzemming), Hungary;
Alsó-Szölnök (Unterzeming), Hungary;
Martinje, Slovenia;
Magasfok, Slovenia
Settled in Pittsburgh/Allegheny, PA; St. Martin ad Raab; Montevideo, Uraguay; Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Sulyok Mike Eckert Mischendorf (Pinkamiske)
Sulyok Janet Evans Mischendorf (Pinkamiske) Settled in Chicago area, 1906.
Sulyok (Schulok) Robert Loerzel Mischendorf (Pinkamiske)
Sulz Reinhard Strobl Kleinmürbisch (Felsö-Medves);
Grossmürbisch (Nagy-Medves)
Settled in Pennsylvania (Lehigh Valley: Allentown, Coplay, Stiles, Nazareth, Egypt, Coraopolis), some in New York (Troy, Hoboken).
Sulzer Bernadette Sulzer Agreen Felsö-Rönök (Oberradling), Hungary;
Alsó-Rönök (Unterradling), Hungary
Settled in McKees Rocks, PA.
Sulzer Lea Simitz Buzby Poppendorf (Patafalva) Settled mostly in Allentown and Pittsburgh areas of PA.
Sulzer Joan Goldfarb Deutsch Minihof (Német-Lak) Settled in Chicago, IL.
Sulzer Edward Pottmeyer Rönök (Radling), Hungary;
Eltendorf (Ókörtvélyes)
George Sulzer (Lutheran).
Summer Colleen Doran Wallern (Valla) Josef and Theresia (Summer) Halbauer settled in Lake Henry, Stearns Co, MN, in 1876.
Summers Ray Bauer Pamhagen (Pomogy)
Supper Lynda Manning Gaas (Pinka-Kertes) Supper and Toth settled in New York, NY in 1923, returned to Gaas.
Supper Sara Neskovic Steinberg-Dörfl, OP
Supper Albert Schuch Stegersbach (Szentelek)
Suss (Seuss) Carolyn Imp Feczko Rax, Rax-Bergen (Raks) Settled in New York, NY 1936. Steve, Stephen, Stefan, Istvan IMP, born 23 Aug 1914. Karolina, Caroline, Lena, Kerolyn Suss, born 6 July 1920.
Suss (Süss) Mark Suss Lackenbach (Lakompak) Settled 1815 in northern Austria.
Svetits Jeff Creech Eisenhüttl (Kis-Vaskút)
Svetits Joseph O'Neil Strem (Strém) Mother settled in New York City, 1931; other relatives in Allentown, PA, ~1930.
Svetits Angela Roche Steinfurt (Lipóc)
Svetits John Patrik Josef Roche Strem (Strém) Settled in PA, 1930s.
Svetits Helga Yautz Steinfurt (Lipóc)
Svetits Matthew Tanzos Rehgraben (Ozgödör) From Rehgraben & Gerersdorf
Svetkovic Eileen Moll Beach Eisenberg ad Pinka (Csejke)
Svetkovich (Swietkovisz) Eileen Moll Beach Settled in Nazareth, PA, ~1900. From a border village.
Swartz (Swartzin) Robert E Ohr Lutzmannsburg (Locsmánd);
Strebersdorf (Répce-Micske)
Swatzl Linda Gorence Mühlgraben (Malomgödör) Carl Walter Ruck born in Liebau, Austria/Hungary on 22 April 1894, emigrated to New Britain, CT USA, August 1913 to stay with Frank Ruck. Carl married Johanna Knaus on 24 November 1917 in New Britain, CT. Johanna was born on 27, September 1889 in Muhlgraben, Austria. Johanna emigrated to the USA in January 1914, sponsored by John Knaus, New Britain/Newington, CT. Carl was the son of Michael Ruck and Julianna Prem. Carl's paternal grandparents are Johann Ruck, Tauka, Austria & Theresia Schwartzl. Johanna is the daughter of Franz Knaus and Fransisca Jud, Johanna's paternal grandparents are Johann Knaus(z) & Julianna Wolf. Her maternal grandparents are Jakob Jud & Elizabeth Weber.
Swedits (Sweditsh) Kathy Ann Minnich Steinfurt (Lipóc)
Sweterlitsch Frank Sweterlitsch Heiligenkreuz (Rába-Keresztúr) Settled in Pittsburgh, PA.
Szaak (Sacks) Pat Gangl Dolan Tadten (Mosontétény);
Wallern (Valla)
Settled in St. Paul, MN, in 1880s.
Szabara Steve Geosits Harmisch (Hovárdos)
Szabo Sue Straw
Szabo Mischele Wilson Unterwart (Alsó-Or) Settled in St. Libory, IL.
Szabo Joseph C Szabo Unterwart (Alsó-Or) Grandparents Joseph Szabo and Theresia (Sagmeister) Szabo migrated from Unterwart in the early 1920s. Joseph was born in Unterwart, the son of Ferenc and Juliana (Horvath) Szabo. Theresia was born in Kitladen, the daughter of Joseph Sagmeister and Theresia Weltler. Some connections to Loipersdorf.
Szabó John P Taborosi Rába-Gyarmat (Rupprecht), Hungary;
Szent Gotthárd (Sankt Gotthard), Hungary
Szabo (Sabo) Valerie (Lebb) Ravenscraft Unterwart (Alsó-Or) Szabo/Seper settled in St. Libory, IL.
Szaiffert Glenn Nicholas Johnson Tauchen (Fehérpatak) Settled in Taufen? about 1890. Trying to locate Austrian relatives that did not emigrate to America.
Szák Fritz Königshofer Pinkafeld (Pinkafo)
Szakaoz Andrea Phillips Kapuvár (Kobrunn), Hungary
Szakastsits Anna Tanczos Kresh Punitz (Pónicz)
Szalafej (Scalfei) Anna Tanczos Kresh Punitz (Pónicz)
Szalay Jay Szalay Hannersdorf (Sámfalva) John M Szalay settled in Chicago, IL, and married Elizabeth Flasch.
Szall Denise Pfalzer Unterbildein (Alsó-Beled) Immigrated to New York in 1903.
Szamer Matthew Tanzos Güssing (Német-Újvár) From Gussing & St Michael
Szammer Ken Baer Güssing (Német-Újvár) Settled in St. Louis, MO.
Szarka Michael Kirchmeier Hegyeshalom (Straß-Sommerein), Hungary
Szauen Alexander Stangl Unterbildein (Alsó-Beled) Settled in St. Louis, MO.
Szautner Johann F Szautner Eisenstadt (Kis-Marton) Johann (son of Johann) Szautner, born 5/18/1826 in Nagyesztergar and married Magdalena Erdei there. Subsequent family in Veszprem (1903) then Eisenstadt (1905).
Szavich Laura Hall Gerersdorf (Német-Szent-Grót)
Szayer Stella Laponuke Walbert Moschendorf (Német-Sároslak) I am able via Ancestry .com to trace my maternal great-grandmother Maria Mirakovits (Mirakovics) to her ancestors Georgius ( Gyorgy ) Szayer 1811-30 Apr1861 who was married to Josefa Tukovits 1813-27May 1845 and my maternal great- grandfather Mikaly Marth 3Apr1856 to his parents Josef Marth and Terezia Rozner , they were from Strem , Gussing. My grandmother Katarina Matys ( Mattis) was born 1Nov1887 in Pinka Keresz Hungary later Eisenberg an der Pinka Austria. Her parents where Karl Matys and Maria Matys. Katarina was orphaned and married at age 14, she married Mikaly Marth. They had a infant girl Stella who died at age 2 in Austria of diptheria, daughter Rosa was born in Austria in 1908 and immigrated in 1914. Katarina and Mikaly married in PA in 1906 , they may have already been married in Gussing prior to that. The families are Roman Catholic I am hoping to learn more about my maternal grandmother's Matys/Mattis family.
Szedenik Linda Pipher Kleinwarasdorf (Borisfalva)
Szedenik Ella Czvitkovich Stivers Kleinwarasdorf (Borisfalva);
Grosswarasdorf (Szabadbáránd);
Nikitsch (Füles);
Kroatisch Geresdorf (Horvát-Gyirót)
Has book titled "800 Jahre Kleinwarasdorf, 1195-1995".
Szedlacsek Evelyn Jovicic Dürnbach (Inczéd) Settled in Chicago, IL and Muskegon, MI.
Szeier Frank Igaly Moschendorf (Német-Sároslak) Katharina Geider, b. 4 April 1900 to Karl Geider and Johanna Szeier.
Szeiler Patrick Kovacs Sankt Michael (Puszta-Szent-Mihály)
Szeiman(n) Leo J Seman Kleinmürbisch (Felsö-Medves)
Szeimann (Szeidemann) Ernest Szeideman Olaszfalu, Hungary Settled in Canada in the 1950s.
Szelch (Szelech) P Takler Rechnitz (Rohonc)
Szemethy Gabriela Szemethy-Wallner
Szemler Bonnie L Curry Kleinmürbisch (Felsö-Medves) Settled in Egypt and Coplay, PA, in 1899.
Szendi Elin Sandy Kroatisch Ehrensdorf (Horvát-Hásos) Settled in New Jersey and Pennsylvania.
Szendi Ann (Stumpf) Vitovitch Kroatisch Ehrensdorf (Horvát-Hásos) Settled in Coplay, PA.
Szerencsits Edward Ifkovits Tobaj (Tobaj)
Szerensits Frank Wm Stranzl Kroatisch Tschantschendorf (Horvát-Csencs) John Szerensits married Caroline Legath; raised 3 boys & 2 girls in Northampton, PA.
Szernsits John P Miksits
Rehgraben (Ozgödör) Settled in Allentown, PA.
Sziener Patrick Kovacs Rohr (Nád)
Szigathy Dallas Leier Wallern (Valla)
Szigethi (Szigeti, Zigerty) Reginald M Ronningen Wallern (Valla) Settled in Stearns Co, MN.
Szigethy Norm Pihale
Wallern (Valla) Mostly settled in St. Paul, Ramsey County and Stearns County, MN.
Szil Fredrik Perlaky Sopron (Ödenburg), Hungary
Szil Johan Perlaky Sopron (Ödenburg), Hungary
Szinovacz Sylvia Grundner Hornstein (Szarvkö) Maria Szinovacz, b. 4 Dec 1968, married Lorenz König, b. 8 Aug 1863.
Szivessy Trish Watson Eisenstadt (Kis-Marton) Settled in Canada.
Szmodis Judith Fradeneck Shields Otovci (Ottohaza), Slovenia Janos Szmodis, b.1882, and Anna Zsilavecs, b.1881, settled in Bethlehem, PA.
Szmolyan Magda Zakanyi
Weiden bei Rechnitz (Bándol);
Rauhriegl-Allersgraben (Füsthegy-Sirokány);
Hodis (Hodász)
Szoka Stephen Kovacs Iváncz, Vas, Hungary Settled in Allentown, PA.
Szommer Erick Griffin Moschendorf (Német-Sároslak)
Szommer Ronald A Madle Königsdorf (Királyfalva) Emigrated to Allentown, PA area, early 1900s.
Szommer Judith Pansarosa Szent Gotthárd (Sankt Gotthard), Hungary;
Wallendorf (Lapincs-Olaszi)
Ferencz Szommer, wife Maria Kloiber and children Ida, Terez, Ernesztin, Maria and Ferencz came to Canton, OH, in 1903.
Szondi (Szondy) Theresa Szondy Heroff Apetlon (Mosonbánfalva);
Sopron (Ödenburg), Hungary
Settled in St. Paul, MN ~1924.
Sztubits Steve Geosits Harmisch (Hovárdos)
Sztubits John Lavendoski
Sztuparits Evelyn Jovicic Dürnbach (Inczéd) Settled in Chicago, IL and Muskegon, MI.
Szucsich Elizabeth Archer Grosswarasdorf (Szabadbáránd) Gretel Szucsich settled in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in 1938 and married Adalberto Buchta from Burgenland. Hans Szucsich settled in Neuquen, Argentina, in 1920.
Szukics (Sukich, Sukitsch, Sukitch, Sukic) Diana S
Sankt Martin (Rába-Szent-Márton);
Martinje, Slovenia;
Magasfok, Slovenia
Settled in Pittsburgh/Allegheny, PA; St. Martin ad Raab; Montevideo, Uraguay; Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Szukics (Sukits) Bill Bossong Sankt Martin (Rába-Szent-Márton) Settled in Spring Hill area of Pittsburgh, PA. Other interested surnames: Sulics, Bajzek, Csuk, Wolf, Ropposch/Roposch.
Szukics (Sukitsch, Sukic) Michael Sukitch Szent Gotthárd (Sankt Gotthard), Hungary;
Sankt Martin (Rába-Szent-Márton);
Jennersdorf (Gyanafalva)
Settled in Pittsburgh, PA.
Szukits Joyce Palm Felsolendva (Ober Limbach), Hungary Marie Czotter, daughter of Ferenc Czotter and Anna Mehlmauer of Neumarkt an der Raab, married Karoly Kiszilak, son of Janos Kiszilak and Anna Szukits of Felsolendva. Their daughter Jozefa Kiszilak (aka, Josephine Kislock) was born in Felsolendva, emigrated to America in 1921, married Albert Lauch, and settled in Beaver Falls, PA.
Szulderics (Solderich) Kathleen (Ehrets) Crimmins Inzenhof (Borosgödör) Researching grandparents Joseph Keppel and Mary Szulderics who emigrated from Inzenhof, Gussing, Burgenland in 1896, settled in North Coplay, PA.
Szulderics (Solderits, Suldrits, Szolderics, Solderitsch) Rosemary C Davies Inzenhof (Borosgödör) Franz Solderich settled in Coplay, PA, in 1893, 1907 and 1909. Wife Maria and children arrived April, 1909.
Szup Ernest Szeideman Settled in Nagydem, Hungary.
Szüts Rainer Ottmayer Holling (Fertöboz);
Balf (Wolfs), Hungary
To US, Germany, Austria
Szvetics (Svetics) Anne Thomas Giblin Steinfurt (Lipóc) Settled in Coplay, PA.

Number of Surnames: 422